Vocabulary: The Autumn Briathrachas: Am Foghar
Learn Gaelic words and phrases about autumn. The weather turns colder and wetter, and the darkness closes in on us earlier in the day but the autumn also brings many delights.Ionnsaich briathrachas Gàidhlig mu Fhoghar. Bidh an aimsir a’ tionndadh nas fhuaire ’s nas fliche, agus bidh an dorchadas a’ teannadh oirnn nas tràithe san latha ach ’s iomadh tlachd a thig an cois an fhoghair.
Tha Fichead Facal ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh facal sam bith san colbh Gàidhlig agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh gnè an fhacail ann.Twenty Words is integrated with the dictionary. Choose any word in the Gaelic column and the dictionary will open and you will see the gender of the Gaelic word.
English | Gàidhlig | |
autumn | foghar | <)) |
the autumn | am foghar | <)) |
in the autumn | as t-fhoghar | <)) |
The autumn is a remarkable season for the trees ’S e ràith shònraichte a th’ anns an fhoghar airson nan craobhan
English | Gàidhlig | |
tree | craobh | <)) |
deciduous tree | craobh sheargach | <)) |
horse-chestnut, conker | geanm-chnò | <)) |
oak tree | craobh-dharaich | <)) |
pine tree | craobh-ghiuthais | <)) |
The leaves change colour Bidh dath nan duilleagan ag atharrachadh
English | Gàidhlig | |
leaf | duilleag | <)) |
gold-coloured, auburn | òr-bhuidhe | <)) |
(brown) red, rust-coloured, ginger | ruadh | <)) |
One of the autumnal months (An Dàmhair, October) is named after an animal (damh, stag) ’S ann air beathach (damh) a tha fear de mhìosan an fhoghair (An Dàmhair) air ainmeachadh
English | Gàidhlig | |
deer | fiadh | <)) |
stag | damh | <)) |
And some creatures prepare for the winter Agus bidh cuid a bheathaichean a’ deisealachadh airson a’ gheamhraidh
English | Gàidhlig | |
hedgehog | gràineag | <)) |
squirrel | feòrag | <)) |
hibernation | cadal-geamhraidh | <)) |
It is a busy time for farmers ’S e àm trang a th’ ann dha tuathanaichean
English | Gàidhlig | |
harvest | buain | <)) |
scarecrow | bodach-ròcais | <)) |
People look forward to big seasonal events Bidh daoine a’ dèanamh fiughair ri tachartasan mòra na ràithe
English | Gàidhlig | |
Oidhche Shamhna | Hallowe'en | <)) |
bonfire | cruach-theine | <)) |
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