A Wedding Banais
A wedding brings joy to lots of people. Here’s some vocabulary for discussing different elements of the wedding day.Tha banais a’ toirt toileachas do mhòran dhaoine. Seo agad beagan briathrachais airson bruidhinn mu dhiofar phàirtean de latha na bainnse.
Tha Fichead Facal ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh facal sam bith san colbh Gàidhlig agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh gnè an fhacail ann.Twenty Words is integrated with the dictionary. Choose any word in the Gaelic column and the dictionary will open and you will see the gender of the Gaelic word.
English | Gàidhlig | |
wedding | banais | <)) |
wedding day (“The Big Day”) | Latha na Bainnse | <)) |
at a wedding | air banais | <)) |
marriage | pòsadh | <)) |
married | pòsta | <)) |
The people Na daoine
English | Gàidhlig | |
bride | bean na bainnse | <)) |
groom | fear na bainnse | <)) |
bridesmaid | maighdeann-phòsaidh | <)) |
best man | fleasgach | <)) |
husband | duine | <)) |
husband | fear | <)) |
wife | bean | <)) |
Traditional symbols Samhlaidhean traidiseanta
English | Gàidhlig | |
marriage vows | bòidean pòsaidh | <)) |
wedding ring | fàinne-pòsaidh | <)) |
wedding dress, wedding suit | trusgan bainnse | <)) |
(bridal) veil | brèid-bainnse | <)) |
flowers | flùraichean | <)) |
The reception A’ chùirm
English | Gàidhlig | |
wedding reception | cùirm-bhainnse | <)) |
guests | aoighean | <)) |
speech | òraid | <)) |
drinking toast | deoch-slàinte | <)) |
cake | cèic | <)) |
party, shindig | hòro-gheallaidh | <)) |
After the big day Às dèidh an latha mhòir
English | Gàidhlig | |
honeymoon | mìos nam pòg | <)) |
newlyweds | càraid air ùr-phòsadh | <)) |
Learn some words and phrases for talking about love. Ionnsaich beagan fhaclan is abairtean airson bruidhinn mu ghaol.