FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Useful phrases for learners Abairtean feumail do luchd-ionnsachaidh

Absolute Beginners (A1) - Useful Words (20 words)

Here’s a list of short phrases that could be useful on your language learning journey. Perhaps they’ll be handy in your Gaelic class or when trying out your new skills with other Gaelic speakers.Seo liosta de dh’abairtean goirid a dh’fhaodadh a bhith feumail air do shlighe ionnsachaidh. ’S dòcha gun cuir thu feum orra sa chlas Ghàidhlig agad no nuair a bhios tu a’ cleachdadh do sgilean ùra còmhla ri luchd-labhairt eile.

Tha Fichead Facal ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh facal sam bith san colbh Gàidhlig agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh gnè an fhacail ann.Twenty Words is integrated with the dictionary. Choose any word in the Gaelic column and the dictionary will open and you will see the gender of the Gaelic word.

Phrases Abairtean  
Do you speak Gaelic? A bheil Gàidhlig agad? <))
I’ve a little Gaelic Tha beagan Gàidhlig agam <))
I’m learning Gaelic Tha mi ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig <))
Speak to me in Gaelic Bruidhinn rium sa Ghàidhlig <))
I understand Tha mi a’ tuigsinn <))
I don’t understand Chan eil mi a’ tuigsinn <))
I understand you now Tha mi gad thuigsinn a-nis <))
I don’t know Chan eil fios a'm <))
Say that again Can sin a-rithist <))
Say that more slowly Can sin gu slaodach <))
Can you write that? An sgrìobh thu sin? <))
Can you help me? An cuidich thu mi? <))
How do I say... ? Ciamar a chanas mi... ? <))
What does... mean? Dè tha... a’ ciallachadh? <))
Is this correct? A bheil seo ceart? <))
I’m confused Tha mi troimhe-chèile <))
This is easy Tha seo furasta <))
This is difficult Tha seo doirbh <))
Pardon? B’ àill leat? <))
Pardon? (plural) B’ àill leibh? <))
Excuse me, pardon Gabh mo leisgeul <))
Aye Seadh <))

Barrachd fiosrachaidh air a’ chuspair seo Further resources on this subject

Speaking our Language Speaking our Language
Check out Episode 13 of Speaking our Language. It is about coping with language difficulties. Learn how to apologise and give explanations. Thoir sùil air Prògram 13 de Speaking our Language. Tha am prògram seo a’ dèiligeadh ri duilgheadasan cànain. Ionnsaich mu leisgeulan is mìneachaidhean.
Little by little Beag air Bheag
Learn more phrases and orders with Unit 5 of Little by Little which is based on useful conversation around the house. Ionnsaich barrachd abairtean agus òrdughan le Aonad 5 de Bheag air Bheag a tha stèidhichte air còmhraidhean feumail timcheall an taighe.