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Dictionary Gàidhlig


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English Gaelic
adj adjective buadhair bua
adv adverb co-ghnìomhair cg
comp comparitive coimeasach coi
conj conjunction naisgear nasg
dem adj demonstrative adjective buadhair comharraidh bua comh
EdSco from an Education Scotland database FoghlamAlba bho stòr-dàta le Foghlam Alba
exclam exclamation clisgear clsg
fem feminine noun ainmear boireannta boir
gen genitive ginideach gin
interro interrogative ceisteach cst
masc masculine noun ainmear fireannta fir
n noun ainmear a
num number/numeral àireamh àir
part particle mion-fhacal mfh
phr phrase abairt abrt
pl plural iolra iol
pref prefix ro-leasachan r-l
prep preposition roimhear roi
prep + gen preposition plus genitive roimhear le ginideach roi le gin
poss pron possessive pronoun riochdair seilbheach rio seil
pron pronoun riochdair rio
surnm surname sloinneadh sloinn
unch unchanging neo-atharrachail na
vb verb gnìomhair gn
vn verbal noun ainmear gnìomhaireach ag

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