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The Wedding Day

Latha na Bainnse

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Subtitles: Gaelic Fo-thiotalan: Gàidhlig Subtitles: English Fo-thiotalan: Beurla Subtitles: none Às aonais fo-thiotalan Download text (Gaelic and English) Faigh an teacsa (Gàidhlig agus Beurla)

Latha na Bainnse

Gaelic Gàidhlig

Latha na Bainnse

Presenter: Gilleasbuig MacFhearghais (Gilleasbuig Ferguson)

[GILLEASBUIG] Bha latha mòr aig an teaghlach agam as t-samhradh. B' ann an uair sin a bha Anna, mo cho-ogha, a' dol a phòsadh. Bha an t-seirbheis gus a bhith air a cumail ann an Eaglais Chliamhain, ann na Ròghadhail, na Hearadh. Àrainneachd bainnse shnasail, romansach.

Mar a thuigear, bha cùram air Anna gum biodh a h-uile sìon dìreach ceart air an latha. Chunnaic a h-athair seo 's thuirt e, "Na bi fo uallach sam bith, a thasgaidh. "Cha mharbhar idir thu mura bi a h-uile sìon coileanta. "Tha gràdh againn uile ort agus bidh an latha dìreach sgoinneil."

Aig trì uairean feasgar - nuair a bu chòir dhìse nochdadh san eaglais -bha Daibhidh, am fear a bha i a' dol a phòsadh, cuideachd fo uallach. "Nach fhàgar mise a' coimhead caran gòrach," arsa esan, "ma bhios mi a' feitheamh an seo agus nach nochd i? "Fhreagair am fleasgach-bainnse, "Ist! Chan fhàgar thu aon phiuc nas gòraiche a' coimhead na 's àbhaist!"Abair fear-taice!

Ach bha a h-uile sìon dòigheil san eaglais, agus bha a' ghrian a' sgoltadh nan creag às dèidh na seirbheis - aig àm togail nan dealbh.

A-nis chaidh cuirm na bainnse a chumail ann am pàillean mòr air machair Losgaintir. Bha cuid de dhaoine nach robh idir a' dol a dhràibheadh às dèidh na cuirme, is bha iad ag iarraidh fiosrachadh fhaighinn bho fhear a' bhus cuin a bhiodh am bus ann nuair a bhiodh a' chuirm deiseil. Fhreagair an dràibhear, "Togar sibh uile ri taobh a' phàillein aig meadhan-oidhche."

Aig àm bìdh, bha ceist air cuid:am bu chòir dhaibh am biadh acasan ithe mus biodh greim mu choinneimh a h-uile duine eile? Thuirt neach-frithealaidh, "'S àbhaist gun ithear am biadh cho luath 's a chuirear air a' bhòrd e, "fhad 's a tha e fhathast teth." Bha am biadh sònraichte blasta. 'S bha a h-uile duine ann an deagh shunnd a' dannsa gun sgur -gus an tàinig deireadh na h-oidhche, ro luath.

Cha chanar guth ma deidhinn a-nis ach gun do chòrd a' bhanais glan rinn uile gu h-àraid ri Anna is Daibhidh!

Sùil air ais

Mar a thuigear
Cha mharbhar idir thu
Nach fhàgar mise a' coimhead caran gòrach
Chan fhàgar thu aon phiuc nas gòraiche
Togar sibh uile
'S àbhaist gun ithear am biadh
cho luath 's a chuirear air a' bhòrd e
Cha chanar guth ma deidhinn a-nis

The Wedding Day

English Beurla

The Wedding Day

Presenter: Gilleasbuig MacFhearghais (Gilleasbuig Ferguson)

[GILLEASBUIG] My family had a big day in the summer. That was when Anna, my cousin, was going to get married. The service was to be held in St Clement's Church, in Rodel, on Harris. A beautiful, romantic wedding venue.

Understandably, Anna wanted everything to be absolutely perfect on the day. Her father saw this and said, "Don't you worry, my treasure, "You won't be killed if everything isn't perfect. "We all love you and the day will be absolutely fantastic."

At three o'clock in the afternoon - when she should have arrived in church David, the man she was going to marry, was also feeling concerned. "Won't I be left looking a bit silly, " he said, "if I'm waiting here and she doesn't appear? " His best man replied, "Quiet! You won't look one bit more silly than usual!" What a supporter!

But everything went smoothly in the church, and the sun was cracking the rocks after the service - in time for the photographs.

Now, the wedding reception was held in a large marquee on the machair at Luskentyre. There were some people who weren't going to be driving after the reception, and they wanted information from the bus driver on when the bus would be leaving after the reception was over. The driver replied, "You will all be collected beside the marquee at midnight."

At dinner time, some people had a question: should they start to eat their food before everyone else had been served? The waiter said, "The food is usually eaten as soon as it's on the table, "while it's still hot." The food was exceedingly tasty. And everyone was in a good mood dancing constantly - until the end of the evening came, too soon.

Nothing is said about it now except that we all enjoyed the wedding - especially Anna and David!

Look back

Understandably (lit. as will be understood)
You won't be killed
Won't I be left looking a bit silly
You won't be left one bit more silly
You will all be collected
The food is usually eaten
as soon as it is put on the table
Nothing is said about it now

Latha na Bainnse

Gaelic Gàidhlig

Latha na Bainnse

Presenter: Gilleasbuig MacFhearghais (Gilleasbuig Ferguson)

[GILLEASBUIG] Bha latha mòr aig an teaghlach agam as t-samhradh. B' ann an uair sin a bha Anna, mo cho-ogha, a' dol a phòsadh. Bha an t-seirbheis gus a bhith air a cumail ann an Eaglais Chliamhain, ann na Ròghadhail, na Hearadh. Àrainneachd bainnse shnasail, romansach.

Mar a thuigear, bha cùram air Anna gum biodh a h-uile sìon dìreach ceart air an latha. Chunnaic a h-athair seo 's thuirt e, "Na bi fo uallach sam bith, a thasgaidh. "Cha mharbhar idir thu mura bi a h-uile sìon coileanta. "Tha gràdh againn uile ort agus bidh an latha dìreach sgoinneil."

Aig trì uairean feasgar - nuair a bu chòir dhìse nochdadh san eaglais -bha Daibhidh, am fear a bha i a' dol a phòsadh, cuideachd fo uallach. "Nach fhàgar mise a' coimhead caran gòrach," arsa esan, "ma bhios mi a' feitheamh an seo agus nach nochd i? "Fhreagair am fleasgach-bainnse, "Ist! Chan fhàgar thu aon phiuc nas gòraiche a' coimhead na 's àbhaist!"Abair fear-taice!

Ach bha a h-uile sìon dòigheil san eaglais, agus bha a' ghrian a' sgoltadh nan creag às dèidh na seirbheis - aig àm togail nan dealbh.

A-nis chaidh cuirm na bainnse a chumail ann am pàillean mòr air machair Losgaintir. Bha cuid de dhaoine nach robh idir a' dol a dhràibheadh às dèidh na cuirme, is bha iad ag iarraidh fiosrachadh fhaighinn bho fhear a' bhus cuin a bhiodh am bus ann nuair a bhiodh a' chuirm deiseil. Fhreagair an dràibhear, "Togar sibh uile ri taobh a' phàillein aig meadhan-oidhche."

Aig àm bìdh, bha ceist air cuid:am bu chòir dhaibh am biadh acasan ithe mus biodh greim mu choinneimh a h-uile duine eile? Thuirt neach-frithealaidh, "'S àbhaist gun ithear am biadh cho luath 's a chuirear air a' bhòrd e, "fhad 's a tha e fhathast teth." Bha am biadh sònraichte blasta. 'S bha a h-uile duine ann an deagh shunnd a' dannsa gun sgur -gus an tàinig deireadh na h-oidhche, ro luath.

Cha chanar guth ma deidhinn a-nis ach gun do chòrd a' bhanais glan rinn uile gu h-àraid ri Anna is Daibhidh!

Sùil air ais

Mar a thuigear
Cha mharbhar idir thu
Nach fhàgar mise a' coimhead caran gòrach
Chan fhàgar thu aon phiuc nas gòraiche
Togar sibh uile
'S àbhaist gun ithear am biadh
cho luath 's a chuirear air a' bhòrd e
Cha chanar guth ma deidhinn a-nis

The Wedding Day

English Beurla

The Wedding Day

Presenter: Gilleasbuig MacFhearghais (Gilleasbuig Ferguson)

[GILLEASBUIG] My family had a big day in the summer. That was when Anna, my cousin, was going to get married. The service was to be held in St Clement's Church, in Rodel, on Harris. A beautiful, romantic wedding venue.

Understandably, Anna wanted everything to be absolutely perfect on the day. Her father saw this and said, "Don't you worry, my treasure, "You won't be killed if everything isn't perfect. "We all love you and the day will be absolutely fantastic."

At three o'clock in the afternoon - when she should have arrived in church David, the man she was going to marry, was also feeling concerned. "Won't I be left looking a bit silly, " he said, "if I'm waiting here and she doesn't appear? " His best man replied, "Quiet! You won't look one bit more silly than usual!" What a supporter!

But everything went smoothly in the church, and the sun was cracking the rocks after the service - in time for the photographs.

Now, the wedding reception was held in a large marquee on the machair at Luskentyre. There were some people who weren't going to be driving after the reception, and they wanted information from the bus driver on when the bus would be leaving after the reception was over. The driver replied, "You will all be collected beside the marquee at midnight."

At dinner time, some people had a question: should they start to eat their food before everyone else had been served? The waiter said, "The food is usually eaten as soon as it's on the table, "while it's still hot." The food was exceedingly tasty. And everyone was in a good mood dancing constantly - until the end of the evening came, too soon.

Nothing is said about it now except that we all enjoyed the wedding - especially Anna and David!

Look back

Understandably (lit. as will be understood)
You won't be killed
Won't I be left looking a bit silly
You won't be left one bit more silly
You will all be collected
The food is usually eaten
as soon as it is put on the table
Nothing is said about it now

look@LearnGaelic is a series of videos aimed at learners of Scottish Gaelic. It features a variety of styles, including interviews with experts and Gaelic learners, monologues and conversations. Use the links above to select subtitles in English or Gaelic - or to turn them off altogether. 'S e sreath de bhidiothan gu sònraichte do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig a th' ann an look@LearnGaelic. Bidh measgachadh de mhonologan ann, agallamhan le eòlaichean is luchd-ionnsachaidh, agus còmhraidhean. Gheibhear fo-thiotalan anns a' Ghàidhlig agus ann am Beurla.