FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

The Weather

An t-Sìde

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Subtitles: Gaelic Fo-thiotalan: Gàidhlig Subtitles: English Fo-thiotalan: Beurla Subtitles: none Às aonais fo-thiotalan Download text (Gaelic and English) Faigh an teacsa (Gàidhlig agus Beurla)

An t-Sìde

Gaelic Gàidhlig

An t-Sìde

Presenters: Gilleasbuig MacFhearghais (Gilleasbuig Ferguson), Eilidh NicFhraing (Eilidh Rankin)

[SÌLE] Am faca tu no an cuala tu an aimsir airson na seachdain sa tighinn?

[RAIBEART] Chunnaic mi aimsir na seachdain a-raoir air an telebhisean.

[SÌLE] Siuthad ma-thà, dè tha gu bhith againn?

[RAIBEART] Uill, a-màireach, tha a' ghaoth gu bhith bhon iar-dheas le meallan tron latha. Tha a' ghaoth a' dol a dh'èirigh feasgar agus tha i gu bhith na gèile bho dheas ro dheireadh an latha.

[SÌLE] Abair toiseach tòiseachaidh airson seachdain!

[RAIBEART] Tha fios 'am agus chan ann nas fheàrr a tha i gu bhith Dimàirt a rèir coltais.

[SÌLE] Seadh? Dè tha romhainn Dimàirt, ma-thà?

[RAIBEART] Tha i fuireach garbh sa mhadainn le uisge trom anns an taobh an iar a-mhàin. Tha e coltach gu bheil cùisean a' dol a shìoladh às tron fheasgar agus gu bheil còir dùil a bhith ri sìde nas tiorma Oidhche Mhàirt.

[SÌLE] O, nach math sin!

ROBERT: Aidh, ach 's ann an uair sin a tha i a' dol a thionndadh gu tuath agus tha iad a' ràdh gu bheil meallan sneachda gu bhith ann air talamh àrd feasgar Diciadain.

[SÌLE] Cha chuir sin dragh oirnne, ge-tà?

[RAIBEART] Cha chuir, ach tha rabhaidhean ann airson reòthadh tron oidhche. Gheibh sinne sin le cinnt.

[SÌLE] Sinn a gheibh. Feumaidh nach eil an geamhradh fad às, ma-thà.

[RAIBEART] Uill, chan eil fhios 'am mu dheidhinn sin. Bha iad a' ràdh gun robh dùil ri latha math grianach no dhà faisg air deireadh na seachdain ged a bhios a' ghaoth a' fuireach san tuath.

[SÌLE] Bheil gaoth mhòr gu bhith ann, saoil?

[RAIBEART] Uill, cha robh iad a' sealltainn ach mu chòig mìle deug san uair. Chan eil sin cho dona.

[SÌLE] Uill, ma dh'fhuiricheas i tioram agus ma tha a' ghrian gu bhith a-muigh, tha e ciallachadh gum faigh mise nigheadaireachd a-mach agus air a tiormachadh. Sin aon rud a dh'fhaodas mi coimhead air adhart ris.

[RAIBEART] Uill, tha mi fhìn an dùil beagan peantaidh a dhèanamh cuideachd.

[SÌLE] An tug iad iomradh air deireadh na seachdain? Tha sinn cho feumach air deireadh seachdain le sìde mhath.

[RAIBEART] Uill, tha an t-eagal orm, aig an ìre seo, gu bheil iad a' rabhadh fìor dhroch shìde. Tha dùil aca gum buail earball stoirm mhòr a tha an-dràsta a-muigh sa Chuan Siar sinn mu Dhisathairne.

[SÌLE] Obh, obh! Nach eil sin dìreach uabhasach! Chan eil dad air a bhith ann bho chionn ghoirid ach gaoth is uisge is fuachd. Tha e doirbh a chreidsinn nach eil againn ach toiseach na Sultain. Cò aige tha fios dè thig fhathast tro mhìosan a' gheamhraidh?

[RAIBEART] Tha fios 'am. 'S e bhiodh math nam faigheadh sinn dìreach beagan làithean samhraidh mun àm sa, mar a th' aca ann an Sasainn.

[SÌLE] Aidh, fiù 's aon deireadh seachdain ciùin, blàth, às aonais na meanbh-chuileig!

The Weather

English Beurla

The Weather

Presenters: Gilleasbuig MacFhearghais (Gilleasbuig Ferguson), Eilidh NicFhraing (Eilidh Rankin)

[JULIA] Have you seen or heard the weather for the coming week?

[ROBERT] I saw the week's weather last night on the television.

[JULIA] Go on, then, what are we going to have?

[ROBERT] Well, tomorrow, the wind will be from the southeast with showers throughout the day. The wind will strengthen in the afternoon and it will become a southerly gale before the end of the day.

[JULIA] What a start to the week!

[ROBERT] I know, and apparently Tuesday isn't going to be much better.

[JULIA] Really? What can we expect on Tuesday, then?

[ROBERT] It will remain rough in the morning with heavy rain confined to the west. Apparently conditions will ease throughout the afternoon and we should expect drier weather on Tuesday night.

[JULIA] Oh, isn't that great!

[ROBERT] Aye, but that's when it's going to move round to the north and they say there will be snow showers on high ground on Wednesday afternoon.

[JULIA] That won't affect us, though?

[ROBERT] No, it won't, but there are warnings for frost through the night. We'll definitely get that.

[JULIA] We will indeed. Winter can't be far off, then.

[ROBERT] Well, I don't know about that. They were saying they expected a couple of sunny days towards the end of the week although the wind will remain from the north.

[JULIA] Do you think it will be a strong wind?

[ROBERT] Well, they were only displaying around fifteen miles an hour. That's not so bad.

[JULIA] Well, if it stays dry and if the sun is going to be shining, that means I can get a load of washing hung out and dried. That's one thing I can look forward to.

[ROBERT] Well, I plan to do a little painting too.

[JULIA] Did they give a forecast for the weekend? We could really do with a nice weekend.

[ROBERT] Well, I'm afraid that, at this stage, they are warning of bad weather. They expect the tail of a storm that's out in the Atlantic ocean at present to hit us around Saturday.

[JULIA] Oh, dear! Isn't that terrible! We've had nothing recently, but wind, rain and cold! It's hard to believe that it's only the beginning of September. Who knows what's yet to come throughout the winter months?

[ROBERT] I know. It would be great if we could have just a few summery days around this time, as they're having in England.

[JULIA] Aye, even just one calm, warm weekend, with no midges!

An t-Sìde

Gaelic Gàidhlig

An t-Sìde

Presenters: Gilleasbuig MacFhearghais (Gilleasbuig Ferguson), Eilidh NicFhraing (Eilidh Rankin)

[SÌLE] Am faca tu no an cuala tu an aimsir airson na seachdain sa tighinn?

[RAIBEART] Chunnaic mi aimsir na seachdain a-raoir air an telebhisean.

[SÌLE] Siuthad ma-thà, dè tha gu bhith againn?

[RAIBEART] Uill, a-màireach, tha a' ghaoth gu bhith bhon iar-dheas le meallan tron latha. Tha a' ghaoth a' dol a dh'èirigh feasgar agus tha i gu bhith na gèile bho dheas ro dheireadh an latha.

[SÌLE] Abair toiseach tòiseachaidh airson seachdain!

[RAIBEART] Tha fios 'am agus chan ann nas fheàrr a tha i gu bhith Dimàirt a rèir coltais.

[SÌLE] Seadh? Dè tha romhainn Dimàirt, ma-thà?

[RAIBEART] Tha i fuireach garbh sa mhadainn le uisge trom anns an taobh an iar a-mhàin. Tha e coltach gu bheil cùisean a' dol a shìoladh às tron fheasgar agus gu bheil còir dùil a bhith ri sìde nas tiorma Oidhche Mhàirt.

[SÌLE] O, nach math sin!

ROBERT: Aidh, ach 's ann an uair sin a tha i a' dol a thionndadh gu tuath agus tha iad a' ràdh gu bheil meallan sneachda gu bhith ann air talamh àrd feasgar Diciadain.

[SÌLE] Cha chuir sin dragh oirnne, ge-tà?

[RAIBEART] Cha chuir, ach tha rabhaidhean ann airson reòthadh tron oidhche. Gheibh sinne sin le cinnt.

[SÌLE] Sinn a gheibh. Feumaidh nach eil an geamhradh fad às, ma-thà.

[RAIBEART] Uill, chan eil fhios 'am mu dheidhinn sin. Bha iad a' ràdh gun robh dùil ri latha math grianach no dhà faisg air deireadh na seachdain ged a bhios a' ghaoth a' fuireach san tuath.

[SÌLE] Bheil gaoth mhòr gu bhith ann, saoil?

[RAIBEART] Uill, cha robh iad a' sealltainn ach mu chòig mìle deug san uair. Chan eil sin cho dona.

[SÌLE] Uill, ma dh'fhuiricheas i tioram agus ma tha a' ghrian gu bhith a-muigh, tha e ciallachadh gum faigh mise nigheadaireachd a-mach agus air a tiormachadh. Sin aon rud a dh'fhaodas mi coimhead air adhart ris.

[RAIBEART] Uill, tha mi fhìn an dùil beagan peantaidh a dhèanamh cuideachd.

[SÌLE] An tug iad iomradh air deireadh na seachdain? Tha sinn cho feumach air deireadh seachdain le sìde mhath.

[RAIBEART] Uill, tha an t-eagal orm, aig an ìre seo, gu bheil iad a' rabhadh fìor dhroch shìde. Tha dùil aca gum buail earball stoirm mhòr a tha an-dràsta a-muigh sa Chuan Siar sinn mu Dhisathairne.

[SÌLE] Obh, obh! Nach eil sin dìreach uabhasach! Chan eil dad air a bhith ann bho chionn ghoirid ach gaoth is uisge is fuachd. Tha e doirbh a chreidsinn nach eil againn ach toiseach na Sultain. Cò aige tha fios dè thig fhathast tro mhìosan a' gheamhraidh?

[RAIBEART] Tha fios 'am. 'S e bhiodh math nam faigheadh sinn dìreach beagan làithean samhraidh mun àm sa, mar a th' aca ann an Sasainn.

[SÌLE] Aidh, fiù 's aon deireadh seachdain ciùin, blàth, às aonais na meanbh-chuileig!

The Weather

English Beurla

The Weather

Presenters: Gilleasbuig MacFhearghais (Gilleasbuig Ferguson), Eilidh NicFhraing (Eilidh Rankin)

[JULIA] Have you seen or heard the weather for the coming week?

[ROBERT] I saw the week's weather last night on the television.

[JULIA] Go on, then, what are we going to have?

[ROBERT] Well, tomorrow, the wind will be from the southeast with showers throughout the day. The wind will strengthen in the afternoon and it will become a southerly gale before the end of the day.

[JULIA] What a start to the week!

[ROBERT] I know, and apparently Tuesday isn't going to be much better.

[JULIA] Really? What can we expect on Tuesday, then?

[ROBERT] It will remain rough in the morning with heavy rain confined to the west. Apparently conditions will ease throughout the afternoon and we should expect drier weather on Tuesday night.

[JULIA] Oh, isn't that great!

[ROBERT] Aye, but that's when it's going to move round to the north and they say there will be snow showers on high ground on Wednesday afternoon.

[JULIA] That won't affect us, though?

[ROBERT] No, it won't, but there are warnings for frost through the night. We'll definitely get that.

[JULIA] We will indeed. Winter can't be far off, then.

[ROBERT] Well, I don't know about that. They were saying they expected a couple of sunny days towards the end of the week although the wind will remain from the north.

[JULIA] Do you think it will be a strong wind?

[ROBERT] Well, they were only displaying around fifteen miles an hour. That's not so bad.

[JULIA] Well, if it stays dry and if the sun is going to be shining, that means I can get a load of washing hung out and dried. That's one thing I can look forward to.

[ROBERT] Well, I plan to do a little painting too.

[JULIA] Did they give a forecast for the weekend? We could really do with a nice weekend.

[ROBERT] Well, I'm afraid that, at this stage, they are warning of bad weather. They expect the tail of a storm that's out in the Atlantic ocean at present to hit us around Saturday.

[JULIA] Oh, dear! Isn't that terrible! We've had nothing recently, but wind, rain and cold! It's hard to believe that it's only the beginning of September. Who knows what's yet to come throughout the winter months?

[ROBERT] I know. It would be great if we could have just a few summery days around this time, as they're having in England.

[JULIA] Aye, even just one calm, warm weekend, with no midges!

look@LearnGaelic is a series of videos aimed at learners of Scottish Gaelic. It features a variety of styles, including interviews with experts and Gaelic learners, monologues and conversations. Use the links above to select subtitles in English or Gaelic - or to turn them off altogether. 'S e sreath de bhidiothan gu sònraichte do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig a th' ann an look@LearnGaelic. Bidh measgachadh de mhonologan ann, agallamhan le eòlaichean is luchd-ionnsachaidh, agus còmhraidhean. Gheibhear fo-thiotalan anns a' Ghàidhlig agus ann am Beurla.