FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig



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Bhidiothan a chuidicheas thu le gnàthasan-cainnte, gràmar is briathrachas. Gaelic videos to help you develop your idioms, grammar and vocabulary.

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Subtitles: Gaelic Fo-thiotalan: Gàidhlig Subtitles: English Fo-thiotalan: Beurla Subtitles: none Às aonais fo-thiotalan Download text (Gaelic and English) Faigh an teacsa (Gàidhlig agus Beurla)


Gaelic Gàidhlig


Presenters: Gilleasbuig MacFhearghais (Gilleasbuig Ferguson), Eilidh NicFhraing (Eilidh Rankin)

[CALUM] Uill, Donna, latha eile san oifis. Nach eil e math a bhith ag obair!

[DONNA] Seadh, seadh ... Tha thu ri fealla-dhà a-rithist. Ach cha bhi thu a' gàireachdainn nuair a dh'innseas mi dhut dè th' againn ri dhèanamh andiugh.

[CALUM] Oh? Obair ùr? Siuthad, innis dhomh! Innis dhomh!

[DONNA] Leis cho trang agus a tha sinn air a bhith, agus leis cho math agus a bha an obair a rinn sinn, tha iad a' toirt oirnn blog a dhèanamh an-dràsta airson a h-uile dad a chlàradh air an eadar-lìon! Càite bheil seo dol a stad, a Chaluim? Agus na bi ag innse dhomh gu bheil "deagh bheachd" eile agad.

[CALUM] Blog? Oh, math dha-rìribh, Donna! Tha seo a' fàs nas fheàrr is nas fheàrr! Na h-uimhir de rudan as urrainn dhut dèanamh air blog ... A bheil fhios agad, Donna?

[DONNA] Chan eil, ach tha eagal orm gu bheil thu a' dol a dh'innse dhomh, nach eil?

[CALUM] 'S mi a tha, Donna. Ann an dòigh, 's e seòrsa de leabhar-latha a th' ann, far an sgrìobh thu na tha thu air a bhith ris, no na smuaintean a th' agad. Tha sin sìmplidh gu leòr.

[DONNA] Seadh, 's e sin a tha iad ag iarraidh bhuainn. 'S math gu bheil e sìmplidh!

[CALUM] Ach 's urrainn dhuinn tòrr a bharrachd air dìreach sgrìobhadh a dhèanamh! Nise, dè a sgrìobhas mi? Ah, tha e agam. "Na rudan mìorbhaileach a rinn sinn air an t-seachdain seo." Glè mhath. Thèid againn air dealbhan a chur ann cuideachd: an logo sgoinneil brèagha a rinn sinn, mar eisimpleir. Siud e. Nach eil sin a' coimhead math?

[DONNA] Uill, chan eil e dona. Canaidh mi sin.

[CALUM] Chan e sin a-mhàin, ged-thà. Càite a bheil am podcast a rinn sinn, an còmhradh inntinneach a bha eadar an dithis againn? Oh, seo e! Nise, nì mi seo ... agus sin e air a' bhlog cuideachd! Sgrìobhadh, dealbh agus còmhradh - uile san aon àite air a' bhlog. Dè do bheachd air sin?

[DONNA] Tha sin inntinneach, gun teagamh sam bith.

[CALUM] Donna! An cuala mi ceart thu? An tuirt thu gu bheil sin inntinneach!?

[DONNA] Thuirt. A-nise, innis dhomh, a bheil tòrr bhlogaichean mar seo air an eadar-lìon mar-thà?

[CALUM] Tha. Tha gu leòr ann, agus tha na h-àireamhan a' fàs gach latha.

[DONNA] Tha sin a' ciallachadh gun urrainn dhomh a bhith nam shuidhe san oifis an seo gach latha, fad an latha, a' coimhead air a' choimpiutair nam aonar dìreach a' leughadh sgeulachdan, ag èisteachd ri còmhraidhean, a' coimhead air dealbhan agus bhidiothan Gàidhlig gun a bhith a' bruidhinn ri duine sam bith idir?

[CALUM] Uill, uh ... tha. Tha fhios gu bheil sin ceart.

[DONNA] Ah, uill, math dha-rìribh, mar a thuirt thu, a Chaluim! Nise, mach à seo, agus thoir do chasan leat! Tha rudan agam ri dhèanamh!


English Beurla


Presenters: Gilleasbuig MacFhearghais (Gilleasbuig Ferguson), Eilidh NicFhraing (Eilidh Rankin)

[CALUM] Well, Donna, another day in the office. Isn't it great to be working?

[DONNA] Right, right ... You're kidding again. But you won't be smiling when I tell you what we have to do today.

[CALUM] Oh? A new job? Come on, tell me! Tell me!

[DONNA] Because we've been so busy, and because of how good the work we've done has been, they're now wanting us to create a blog to record everything on the internet! Where is this going to end, Calum? And don't tell me that you've got another "great idea".

[CALUM] A blog? Oh, that's fantastic, Donna! This just gets better and better! The number of things you can do on a blog ... Do you know, Donna?

[DONNA] I don't, but I'm afraid you're going to tell me, aren't you?

[CALUM] I am indeed, Donna. In a way, it's a kind of a diary, where you write about what you've been up to, or your thoughts. That's fairly simple.

[DONNA] Right, that's what they want from us. Just as well it's simple!

[CALUM] But we can do a lot more than just writing! Now, what will I write? Oh, I've got it. "The wonderful things we did this week." Great. We can add pictures to it too: the fantastic, beautiful logo we created for example. There it is. Doesn't that look good?

[DONNA] Well, it's not bad. I'll say that.

[CALUM] However, that's not all. Where's the podcast we did, the interesting conversation between the two of us? Oh, here it is! Now, I'll do this ... and that's it on the blog, as well! Writing, a picture and conversation - all in the same place on the blog. What do you think of that?

[DONNA] That's interesting, without a doubt.

[CALUM] Donna! Did I hear you correctly? Did you say that's interesting?

[DONNA] Yes, I did. Now, tell me, are there lots of blogs like this on the internet already?

[CALUM] Yes. There are plenty of them, and the numbers are growing every day.

[DONNA] That means I can sit here in the office every day all day, looking at the computer by myself just reading stories listening to conversations, looking at pictures and Gaelic videos without speaking to anyone at all?

[CALUM] Well, er ... yes. Yes, that's right.

[DONNA] Oh, well, fantastic, as you said, Calum! Now, out of here, and clear off! I've got things to do!


Gaelic Gàidhlig


Presenters: Gilleasbuig MacFhearghais (Gilleasbuig Ferguson), Eilidh NicFhraing (Eilidh Rankin)

[CALUM] Uill, Donna, latha eile san oifis. Nach eil e math a bhith ag obair!

[DONNA] Seadh, seadh ... Tha thu ri fealla-dhà a-rithist. Ach cha bhi thu a' gàireachdainn nuair a dh'innseas mi dhut dè th' againn ri dhèanamh andiugh.

[CALUM] Oh? Obair ùr? Siuthad, innis dhomh! Innis dhomh!

[DONNA] Leis cho trang agus a tha sinn air a bhith, agus leis cho math agus a bha an obair a rinn sinn, tha iad a' toirt oirnn blog a dhèanamh an-dràsta airson a h-uile dad a chlàradh air an eadar-lìon! Càite bheil seo dol a stad, a Chaluim? Agus na bi ag innse dhomh gu bheil "deagh bheachd" eile agad.

[CALUM] Blog? Oh, math dha-rìribh, Donna! Tha seo a' fàs nas fheàrr is nas fheàrr! Na h-uimhir de rudan as urrainn dhut dèanamh air blog ... A bheil fhios agad, Donna?

[DONNA] Chan eil, ach tha eagal orm gu bheil thu a' dol a dh'innse dhomh, nach eil?

[CALUM] 'S mi a tha, Donna. Ann an dòigh, 's e seòrsa de leabhar-latha a th' ann, far an sgrìobh thu na tha thu air a bhith ris, no na smuaintean a th' agad. Tha sin sìmplidh gu leòr.

[DONNA] Seadh, 's e sin a tha iad ag iarraidh bhuainn. 'S math gu bheil e sìmplidh!

[CALUM] Ach 's urrainn dhuinn tòrr a bharrachd air dìreach sgrìobhadh a dhèanamh! Nise, dè a sgrìobhas mi? Ah, tha e agam. "Na rudan mìorbhaileach a rinn sinn air an t-seachdain seo." Glè mhath. Thèid againn air dealbhan a chur ann cuideachd: an logo sgoinneil brèagha a rinn sinn, mar eisimpleir. Siud e. Nach eil sin a' coimhead math?

[DONNA] Uill, chan eil e dona. Canaidh mi sin.

[CALUM] Chan e sin a-mhàin, ged-thà. Càite a bheil am podcast a rinn sinn, an còmhradh inntinneach a bha eadar an dithis againn? Oh, seo e! Nise, nì mi seo ... agus sin e air a' bhlog cuideachd! Sgrìobhadh, dealbh agus còmhradh - uile san aon àite air a' bhlog. Dè do bheachd air sin?

[DONNA] Tha sin inntinneach, gun teagamh sam bith.

[CALUM] Donna! An cuala mi ceart thu? An tuirt thu gu bheil sin inntinneach!?

[DONNA] Thuirt. A-nise, innis dhomh, a bheil tòrr bhlogaichean mar seo air an eadar-lìon mar-thà?

[CALUM] Tha. Tha gu leòr ann, agus tha na h-àireamhan a' fàs gach latha.

[DONNA] Tha sin a' ciallachadh gun urrainn dhomh a bhith nam shuidhe san oifis an seo gach latha, fad an latha, a' coimhead air a' choimpiutair nam aonar dìreach a' leughadh sgeulachdan, ag èisteachd ri còmhraidhean, a' coimhead air dealbhan agus bhidiothan Gàidhlig gun a bhith a' bruidhinn ri duine sam bith idir?

[CALUM] Uill, uh ... tha. Tha fhios gu bheil sin ceart.

[DONNA] Ah, uill, math dha-rìribh, mar a thuirt thu, a Chaluim! Nise, mach à seo, agus thoir do chasan leat! Tha rudan agam ri dhèanamh!


English Beurla


Presenters: Gilleasbuig MacFhearghais (Gilleasbuig Ferguson), Eilidh NicFhraing (Eilidh Rankin)

[CALUM] Well, Donna, another day in the office. Isn't it great to be working?

[DONNA] Right, right ... You're kidding again. But you won't be smiling when I tell you what we have to do today.

[CALUM] Oh? A new job? Come on, tell me! Tell me!

[DONNA] Because we've been so busy, and because of how good the work we've done has been, they're now wanting us to create a blog to record everything on the internet! Where is this going to end, Calum? And don't tell me that you've got another "great idea".

[CALUM] A blog? Oh, that's fantastic, Donna! This just gets better and better! The number of things you can do on a blog ... Do you know, Donna?

[DONNA] I don't, but I'm afraid you're going to tell me, aren't you?

[CALUM] I am indeed, Donna. In a way, it's a kind of a diary, where you write about what you've been up to, or your thoughts. That's fairly simple.

[DONNA] Right, that's what they want from us. Just as well it's simple!

[CALUM] But we can do a lot more than just writing! Now, what will I write? Oh, I've got it. "The wonderful things we did this week." Great. We can add pictures to it too: the fantastic, beautiful logo we created for example. There it is. Doesn't that look good?

[DONNA] Well, it's not bad. I'll say that.

[CALUM] However, that's not all. Where's the podcast we did, the interesting conversation between the two of us? Oh, here it is! Now, I'll do this ... and that's it on the blog, as well! Writing, a picture and conversation - all in the same place on the blog. What do you think of that?

[DONNA] That's interesting, without a doubt.

[CALUM] Donna! Did I hear you correctly? Did you say that's interesting?

[DONNA] Yes, I did. Now, tell me, are there lots of blogs like this on the internet already?

[CALUM] Yes. There are plenty of them, and the numbers are growing every day.

[DONNA] That means I can sit here in the office every day all day, looking at the computer by myself just reading stories listening to conversations, looking at pictures and Gaelic videos without speaking to anyone at all?

[CALUM] Well, er ... yes. Yes, that's right.

[DONNA] Oh, well, fantastic, as you said, Calum! Now, out of here, and clear off! I've got things to do!

look@LearnGaelic is a series of videos aimed at learners of Scottish Gaelic. It features a variety of styles, including interviews with experts and Gaelic learners, monologues and conversations. Use the links above to select subtitles in English or Gaelic - or to turn them off altogether. 'S e sreath de bhidiothan gu sònraichte do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig a th' ann an look@LearnGaelic. Bidh measgachadh de mhonologan ann, agallamhan le eòlaichean is luchd-ionnsachaidh, agus còmhraidhean. Gheibhear fo-thiotalan anns a' Ghàidhlig agus ann am Beurla.