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Everyday Conversation 2

Cabadaich Làitheil 2

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Bhidiothan a chuidicheas thu le gnàthasan-cainnte, gràmar is briathrachas. Gaelic videos to help you develop your idioms, grammar and vocabulary.

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Subtitles: Gaelic Fo-thiotalan: Gàidhlig Subtitles: English Fo-thiotalan: Beurla Subtitles: none Às aonais fo-thiotalan Download text (Gaelic and English) Faigh an teacsa (Gàidhlig agus Beurla)

Cabadaich Làitheil 2

Gaelic Gàidhlig

Cabadaich Làitheil 2

Presenter: Angela NicAoidh (Angela Mackay)

[ANGELA] Fàilte. Bheir sinn sùil air Gnìomhairean Neo-riaghailteach agus mar a bhios iad ag obair son rudan nach do thachair fhathast, rudan a bhios a' tachairt san àm ri teachd: an Tràth Teachdail.

Anns a' Ghàidhlig, chan eil ach deich gnìomhairean neo-riaghailteach, agus anns an Tràth Theachdail, chan eil ach sia dhiubh neo-riaghailteach. Ged-thà, 's iad an fheadhainn as trice a thèid a chleachdadh. Uair sam bith a bhios tu a' bruidhinn mu rud a nì thu, rud a chì tu, àite dhan tèid thu no rud a gheibh thu, bidh thu a' cleachdadh nan gnìomhairean neo-riaghailteach seo. Leis gu bheil iad cho cumanta sa chànan, tha iad cuideachd gu math cumanta ann an abairtean agus gnàthasan-cainnte na Gàidhlig. Bheir sinn sùil air cuid de na habairtean agus gnàthasan-cainnte seo gus rathad a-steach fhaighinn chun nan gnìomhairean neo-riaghailteach.

Am faic thu fhèin clann mun cuairt ort nad bheatha làitheil a bhios ag ràdh no a' dèanamh rudan nach eil cho math, a dh'fhaodadh a bhith air tighinn bho na pàrantan? Uill, ma chì no ma chluinneas, dh'fhaodadh tu rud mar seo a ràdh:

An rud a chì na big, 's e a nì na big; an rud a chluinneas iad, 's e a chanas iad.

Is dòcha gum bi cuideigin air droch naidheachd a thoirt dhut - naidheachd nach robh thu air cluinntinn roimhe. Uaireannan eile, thèid na planaichean againn ceàrr, nach tèid? Is dòcha nach fhaic sinn rathad air adhart is nach bi fios againn dè nì sinn. Aig amannan mar sin is dòcha gum bi an abairt seo feumail:

Nuair a gheibh sinn biadh, gheibh sinn poit.

Ma tha thu ag iarraidh bruidhinn ri cuideigin, tha dòigh shnog againn air sin a ràdh:

"Am faigh mi facal air Màiri?"

'S e an fhreagairt an dàrna cuid gheibh no chan fhaigh.

Mas urrainn dhut rudeigin a dhèanamh, tha dòigh eile againn air sin a ràdh:

"Thèid agam air an rud a dhèanamh."

An tèid agad fhèin air snàmh? Thèid no cha tèid.

Can gu bheil caraid agad a' coimhead glè shnog agus geansaidh ùr air no oirre. Dh'fhaodadh tu a ràdh:

"Is math a thig an geansaidh sin dhut!"

Mura h-eil thu cinnteach a bheil do gheansaidh fhèin a' coimhead buileach cho spaideil ort, bhiodh tu, is dòcha, ag ràdh:

"An tig an geansaidh seo dhomh?"

Thig no cha tig.

Ma tha caraid agad ann an droch shuidheachadh, ach tha thu fhèin den bheachd gur esan no ise as coireach, can seo riutha:

'S e do làmhan fhèin a bheir fuasgladh dhut!

Is dòcha nach bi iad ro thoilichte. Is dòcha gun toir iad droch shùil ort, ach bidh thusa air cobhair a thoirt dhaibh gun fhiosta dhaibh.

Uill tha an cliop seo air tighinn gu crìch.

Cha tèid an sionnach nas fhaide na bheir a chasan e.

Mar sin leibh an-dràsta.

Everyday Conversation 2

English Beurla

Everyday Conversation 2

Presenter: Angela NicAoidh (Angela Mackay)

[ANGELA] Welcome. We'll take a look at Irregular Verbs and how they work in situations that haven't yet happened, things that will happen in the future: the Future Tense.

In Gaelic, there are only ten irregular verbs, and in the future tense, only six of those are irregular. However, they are the ones that are used most frequently. Whenever you are talking about something you will do, something you will see, a place you will go to or something which you will receive, you will use these irregular verbs. Because they are used so commonly in the language, they are also common in Gaelic sayings and proverbs. We'll take a look at some of these sayings and proverbs to give you a better understanding of these irregular verbs.

Do you see children around you in your everyday life who say or do things that aren't very nice, that could have come from their parents? Well, if you do see or hear things like that, you could say something like this:

What the little ones see, the little ones will do; what they hear is what they will say.

Perhaps someone has given you some bad news - news that you hadn't heard before. At other times, our plans go wrong, don't they? Perhaps we can't see a way forward and that we don't know what to do. At such times, perhaps this saying might be useful:

When we get food, we'll get a pot.

If you want to speak to someone, we have a nice way of saying that:

"Could I have a word with Mairi?"

The answer is either you can have or you can't have.

If you can do something, we have another way of saying that:

"I can do that."

Can you swim? I can or I cannot.

Say you have a friend who is looking very nice in his or her new jumper. You could say:

"That jumper suits you (becomes you) very well!"

If you aren't sure whether your own jumper looks quite as good on you, you might say:

"Will this jumper suit me?"

It will suit or it won't suit.

If you have a friend who is in a bad situation, but you believe that it is his or her own fault, say this to them:

The solution to your problems lies in your own hands!

They may not be too happy. They may give you the evil eye, but you will have helped them without them realising it.

Well, this clip has come to an end.

The fox will go no further than his legs will carry him.

Goodbye for now.

Cabadaich Làitheil 2

Gaelic Gàidhlig

Cabadaich Làitheil 2

Presenter: Angela NicAoidh (Angela Mackay)

[ANGELA] Fàilte. Bheir sinn sùil air Gnìomhairean Neo-riaghailteach agus mar a bhios iad ag obair son rudan nach do thachair fhathast, rudan a bhios a' tachairt san àm ri teachd: an Tràth Teachdail.

Anns a' Ghàidhlig, chan eil ach deich gnìomhairean neo-riaghailteach, agus anns an Tràth Theachdail, chan eil ach sia dhiubh neo-riaghailteach. Ged-thà, 's iad an fheadhainn as trice a thèid a chleachdadh. Uair sam bith a bhios tu a' bruidhinn mu rud a nì thu, rud a chì tu, àite dhan tèid thu no rud a gheibh thu, bidh thu a' cleachdadh nan gnìomhairean neo-riaghailteach seo. Leis gu bheil iad cho cumanta sa chànan, tha iad cuideachd gu math cumanta ann an abairtean agus gnàthasan-cainnte na Gàidhlig. Bheir sinn sùil air cuid de na habairtean agus gnàthasan-cainnte seo gus rathad a-steach fhaighinn chun nan gnìomhairean neo-riaghailteach.

Am faic thu fhèin clann mun cuairt ort nad bheatha làitheil a bhios ag ràdh no a' dèanamh rudan nach eil cho math, a dh'fhaodadh a bhith air tighinn bho na pàrantan? Uill, ma chì no ma chluinneas, dh'fhaodadh tu rud mar seo a ràdh:

An rud a chì na big, 's e a nì na big; an rud a chluinneas iad, 's e a chanas iad.

Is dòcha gum bi cuideigin air droch naidheachd a thoirt dhut - naidheachd nach robh thu air cluinntinn roimhe. Uaireannan eile, thèid na planaichean againn ceàrr, nach tèid? Is dòcha nach fhaic sinn rathad air adhart is nach bi fios againn dè nì sinn. Aig amannan mar sin is dòcha gum bi an abairt seo feumail:

Nuair a gheibh sinn biadh, gheibh sinn poit.

Ma tha thu ag iarraidh bruidhinn ri cuideigin, tha dòigh shnog againn air sin a ràdh:

"Am faigh mi facal air Màiri?"

'S e an fhreagairt an dàrna cuid gheibh no chan fhaigh.

Mas urrainn dhut rudeigin a dhèanamh, tha dòigh eile againn air sin a ràdh:

"Thèid agam air an rud a dhèanamh."

An tèid agad fhèin air snàmh? Thèid no cha tèid.

Can gu bheil caraid agad a' coimhead glè shnog agus geansaidh ùr air no oirre. Dh'fhaodadh tu a ràdh:

"Is math a thig an geansaidh sin dhut!"

Mura h-eil thu cinnteach a bheil do gheansaidh fhèin a' coimhead buileach cho spaideil ort, bhiodh tu, is dòcha, ag ràdh:

"An tig an geansaidh seo dhomh?"

Thig no cha tig.

Ma tha caraid agad ann an droch shuidheachadh, ach tha thu fhèin den bheachd gur esan no ise as coireach, can seo riutha:

'S e do làmhan fhèin a bheir fuasgladh dhut!

Is dòcha nach bi iad ro thoilichte. Is dòcha gun toir iad droch shùil ort, ach bidh thusa air cobhair a thoirt dhaibh gun fhiosta dhaibh.

Uill tha an cliop seo air tighinn gu crìch.

Cha tèid an sionnach nas fhaide na bheir a chasan e.

Mar sin leibh an-dràsta.

Everyday Conversation 2

English Beurla

Everyday Conversation 2

Presenter: Angela NicAoidh (Angela Mackay)

[ANGELA] Welcome. We'll take a look at Irregular Verbs and how they work in situations that haven't yet happened, things that will happen in the future: the Future Tense.

In Gaelic, there are only ten irregular verbs, and in the future tense, only six of those are irregular. However, they are the ones that are used most frequently. Whenever you are talking about something you will do, something you will see, a place you will go to or something which you will receive, you will use these irregular verbs. Because they are used so commonly in the language, they are also common in Gaelic sayings and proverbs. We'll take a look at some of these sayings and proverbs to give you a better understanding of these irregular verbs.

Do you see children around you in your everyday life who say or do things that aren't very nice, that could have come from their parents? Well, if you do see or hear things like that, you could say something like this:

What the little ones see, the little ones will do; what they hear is what they will say.

Perhaps someone has given you some bad news - news that you hadn't heard before. At other times, our plans go wrong, don't they? Perhaps we can't see a way forward and that we don't know what to do. At such times, perhaps this saying might be useful:

When we get food, we'll get a pot.

If you want to speak to someone, we have a nice way of saying that:

"Could I have a word with Mairi?"

The answer is either you can have or you can't have.

If you can do something, we have another way of saying that:

"I can do that."

Can you swim? I can or I cannot.

Say you have a friend who is looking very nice in his or her new jumper. You could say:

"That jumper suits you (becomes you) very well!"

If you aren't sure whether your own jumper looks quite as good on you, you might say:

"Will this jumper suit me?"

It will suit or it won't suit.

If you have a friend who is in a bad situation, but you believe that it is his or her own fault, say this to them:

The solution to your problems lies in your own hands!

They may not be too happy. They may give you the evil eye, but you will have helped them without them realising it.

Well, this clip has come to an end.

The fox will go no further than his legs will carry him.

Goodbye for now.

look@LearnGaelic is a series of videos aimed at learners of Scottish Gaelic. It features a variety of styles, including interviews with experts and Gaelic learners, monologues and conversations. Use the links above to select subtitles in English or Gaelic - or to turn them off altogether. 'S e sreath de bhidiothan gu sònraichte do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig a th' ann an look@LearnGaelic. Bidh measgachadh de mhonologan ann, agallamhan le eòlaichean is luchd-ionnsachaidh, agus còmhraidhean. Gheibhear fo-thiotalan anns a' Ghàidhlig agus ann am Beurla.