FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Bàta bho na Stàitean a’ tighinn air tìr an Uibhist a Deas

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Angela NicIlleathain – Preseantair] Uill ma chuir am botal à Innis Tìle iongnadh air muinntir Thiriodh, fhuair muinntir Uibhist a Deas tiodhlaic tòrr nas motha bhon mhuir. Thàinig slige bàta air tìr ann an sin agus cha tug e ro fhada do mhuinntir na sgìre faighinn a-mach às a thàinig an catamaran agus a dh'fhàg i bun os cionn air tràigh Chille Pheadar. Chaidh Shona NicDhòmhnaill a' rannsachadh dhuinne.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] An dèidh do reothairt tràigh Chille Pheadair a' chòmhdachadh le stamh, ’s e croitear a’ tighinn ga chruinneachadh airson obair an earraich as coltaiche fhaicinn. Ach an-diugh, am measg an fheamainn, tha catamaran ann. Tha i 42 troimhe a dh’fhaid, bun os cionn agus air a còmhdach le feusganan.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] ‘S iomadach rud annasach a th' air tighinn air tìr air taobh an iar Uibhist. Ach an-diugh ge-tà, le teicneòlas tha e cho furasta tuilleadh fiosrachadh fhaighinn air agus an sgeulachd a th’air a chùlaibh.

[Ruairidh MacLeòid] Chaidh mi ruith a-null ga coimhead faicinn an coltas agus mheudachd a bh’ innte ’s leithid sin. ’S bha agam an uair sin a dhol air, mar a chanadh iad, google, faigheamaid a-mach seòrsa bàta bh’ann. Bha an t-ainm aice sgrìobhte air a’ chliathaich aice Alpha 42 a bha fo a reinge - an type bàta a bh’ann. Is, rinn mi a-mach an uair sin às a thàinig i. Bha i an dèidh tighinn a null às na Stàitean.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Dh’fhàg am ‘Be Good Too’ stàit New York air an 8mh den Fhaoilleach 2014 le ceathrar air bòrd. Bha iad a’ dèanamh air Eileanan na Maighdinn aig na Stàitean Aonaichte. Ach thòisich trioblaidean a’ nochdadh trì latha an dèidh sin agus mu dheireadh thall, air a’ cheathramh latha den Fhaoilleach, b’ fheudar dha na maor-chladaich cobhair a dhèanamh air a' chriutha. Tha am bàta air a bhith aig muir bhon uair sin gus an tàinig i air tìr an-dè. Shona NicDhòmhnaill, BBC An Là, ann an Uibhist a Deas.



US Catamaran washes up on South Uist

English Beurla

[Angela MacLean – Presenter] Well if the bottle from Iceland took the people of Tiree by surprise, the people of South Uist received a much larger gift from the sea. The hulk of a boat came onshore and it didn’t take long for the local people to find out where the catamaran came from and what left it upside down on Kilphedar beach. Shona MacDonald went to find out more.

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] After the spring tide has covered Kilpheder beach with seaweed, the most likely thing you see is a crofter gathering it for spring work. But today, amidst the seaweed, there is a catamaran. It’s 42 feet long, upside down and covered in mussels.

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] Many an interesting thing has been washed onshore on the west side of Uist. But today though, with the technology available it’s so easy to obtain more information on the background of it.

[Roddy MacLeod] I went running over to see what she was like and what size she was. I then had to go on google as they call it, to find out what sort of boat she was. Her name was written on her side – Alpha 42 was written under the rib – the type of boat she was. So, I was able to find out then where she came from. She had come over from the States.

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] The ‘Be Good Too’ left the State of New York on the 8th of January 2014 with four people on board. They were bound for the US Virgin Islands. But problems started to occur three days later and eventually, on the 4th February, the coastguard had to rescue the crew. The boat has been at sea since then until she was washed ashore yesterday. Shona MacDonald, BBC An Là in South Uist.  



Bàta bho na Stàitean a’ tighinn air tìr an Uibhist a Deas

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Angela NicIlleathain – Preseantair] Uill ma chuir am botal à Innis Tìle iongnadh air muinntir Thiriodh, fhuair muinntir Uibhist a Deas tiodhlaic tòrr nas motha bhon mhuir. Thàinig slige bàta air tìr ann an sin agus cha tug e ro fhada do mhuinntir na sgìre faighinn a-mach às a thàinig an catamaran agus a dh'fhàg i bun os cionn air tràigh Chille Pheadar. Chaidh Shona NicDhòmhnaill a' rannsachadh dhuinne.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] An dèidh do reothairt tràigh Chille Pheadair a' chòmhdachadh le stamh, ’s e croitear a’ tighinn ga chruinneachadh airson obair an earraich as coltaiche fhaicinn. Ach an-diugh, am measg an fheamainn, tha catamaran ann. Tha i 42 troimhe a dh’fhaid, bun os cionn agus air a còmhdach le feusganan.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] ‘S iomadach rud annasach a th' air tighinn air tìr air taobh an iar Uibhist. Ach an-diugh ge-tà, le teicneòlas tha e cho furasta tuilleadh fiosrachadh fhaighinn air agus an sgeulachd a th’air a chùlaibh.

[Ruairidh MacLeòid] Chaidh mi ruith a-null ga coimhead faicinn an coltas agus mheudachd a bh’ innte ’s leithid sin. ’S bha agam an uair sin a dhol air, mar a chanadh iad, google, faigheamaid a-mach seòrsa bàta bh’ann. Bha an t-ainm aice sgrìobhte air a’ chliathaich aice Alpha 42 a bha fo a reinge - an type bàta a bh’ann. Is, rinn mi a-mach an uair sin às a thàinig i. Bha i an dèidh tighinn a null às na Stàitean.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Dh’fhàg am ‘Be Good Too’ stàit New York air an 8mh den Fhaoilleach 2014 le ceathrar air bòrd. Bha iad a’ dèanamh air Eileanan na Maighdinn aig na Stàitean Aonaichte. Ach thòisich trioblaidean a’ nochdadh trì latha an dèidh sin agus mu dheireadh thall, air a’ cheathramh latha den Fhaoilleach, b’ fheudar dha na maor-chladaich cobhair a dhèanamh air a' chriutha. Tha am bàta air a bhith aig muir bhon uair sin gus an tàinig i air tìr an-dè. Shona NicDhòmhnaill, BBC An Là, ann an Uibhist a Deas.



US Catamaran washes up on South Uist

English Beurla

[Angela MacLean – Presenter] Well if the bottle from Iceland took the people of Tiree by surprise, the people of South Uist received a much larger gift from the sea. The hulk of a boat came onshore and it didn’t take long for the local people to find out where the catamaran came from and what left it upside down on Kilphedar beach. Shona MacDonald went to find out more.

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] After the spring tide has covered Kilpheder beach with seaweed, the most likely thing you see is a crofter gathering it for spring work. But today, amidst the seaweed, there is a catamaran. It’s 42 feet long, upside down and covered in mussels.

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] Many an interesting thing has been washed onshore on the west side of Uist. But today though, with the technology available it’s so easy to obtain more information on the background of it.

[Roddy MacLeod] I went running over to see what she was like and what size she was. I then had to go on google as they call it, to find out what sort of boat she was. Her name was written on her side – Alpha 42 was written under the rib – the type of boat she was. So, I was able to find out then where she came from. She had come over from the States.

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] The ‘Be Good Too’ left the State of New York on the 8th of January 2014 with four people on board. They were bound for the US Virgin Islands. But problems started to occur three days later and eventually, on the 4th February, the coastguard had to rescue the crew. The boat has been at sea since then until she was washed ashore yesterday. Shona MacDonald, BBC An Là in South Uist.  



Innis Tìle




Cille Pheadar



spring tide


medical care

Eileanan na Maighdinn

Virgin Islands

