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Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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10 bliadhna de Chamanachd Leòdhais

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Doneil MacLeòid – Preseantair] ’S e latha cudromach a bh’ ann an-diugh do club camanachd Leòdhais. Tha 10 bliadhna ann chun an latha a chaidh an club a stèidheachadh às ùr, an ceann-là a’ toirt dhan sgioba coimhead air ais agus air adhart agus tha iad a’ gluasad dhan t-seachdamh seusan aca anns na lìogan nàiseanta. Tha an aithris seo aig Dòmhnall MacLaomainn.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] “Tuitidh sneachd air an Sahara mus bi iomain ann an Leòdhas.” Seann bhriathran a bha fhathast fìor ’s dòcha 10 bliadhna air ais. Ach, tro obair chruaidh agus iomadh buille ghoirt, thàinig e gu bith air an latha-sa deich bliadhna air ais, gun deach club iomain a stèidheachadh às ùr ann an Leòdhas.

[Donnchadh Mac an t-Saoir] And all we were really doing then was just showing them how to play shinty on an astro turf, which wasn’t ideal, and we were also showing guys who had never actually played a competitive game. So it was difficult, but good to see the enthusiasm even back then. But yeah it was difficult, difficult times you know. We knew that we needed competitive shinty, you know, to bring these guys on so yeah, those were the main challenges then.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Thòisich an sgioba ann an 2007 a’ gabhail pàirt sna cupannan air tìr-mòr. Ach, cha robh sin toirt dhaibh ach ’s dòcha ghèam sa bhliadhna. Ma tha an sgioba gu bhith maireannach tha feum air ceum na motha.

[Pòl Duke] Nuair a chaidh sinn a-steach dhan lìog, gum biodh na sgiobannan a bha sinn a’ cluich nas fhaisge oirnn fhèin agus far a robh an gèam againn fhèin a’ dol agus cuideachd bha sgioba againn an Leòdhas agus cha robh na cothroman againn cluich aig an taigh so bha fhios againn gu robh feum againn a bhith siubhal beagan agus cluich nan geamannan air tìr-mhòr.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Tha iad a-nis air 6 bliadhna chur seachad sna lìogan nàiseanta is adhartas mòr ga dhèanamh an uair sin, leithid Cabar-Fèidh, Cill Mhàilidh, Loch Carrainn is Loch Abar air call nan aghaidh. chreideadh sin 10 bliadhna air ais?

[Pòl Duke] No, cha b’ urrainn dhomh smaoineachadh aig an àm mu dheidhinn far a bheil sinn an-dràsta agus far a bheil dùil againn a dhol. A thaobh na h-òigridh a tha tighinn a-steach dhan ghèam, an trèanadh a tha sinn a’ dèanamh le clann anns a’ bhun-sgoil, anns an àrd-sgoil agus a thaobh nan cluicheadairean a tha tighinn dhan sgioba againn fhèin. Tha sinn air ceum mòr a dhèanamh.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Agus mu dheidhinn nan 10 bliadhna a tha ri thighinn?

[Donnchadh Mac an t-Saoir] We’ve got a young squad, really young squad. If we can keep the squad of players together over the next 10 years you know, we’ll certainly, you know shintys a great game because it’s, you know, there’s no professional, you know, it’s an amateur game so money doesn’t come into it. You know, if you can build a pool of players then anything is possible with shinty. So looking forward to the next 10 years.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Dòmhnall MacLaomainn, BBC An Là, Leòdhas.



10 years of Lewis Camanachd

English Beurla

[Doneil MacLeod – Presenter] Today was an important day for Lewis Camanachd. It’s 10 years to the day since the club was reconstituted, this anniversary giving them a chance to look back and indeed ahead as they move into their seventh season in the national leagues. Donald Lamont has this report.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] “Snow will fall on the Sahara before there’s shinty in Lewis.” An old saying which was perhaps still true 10 years ago. But, through hard work and many hard knocks, it came to be on this day 10 years ago that a shinty club was established once again in Lewis.

[Duncan MacIntyre] And all we were really doing then was just showing them how to play shinty on an astro turf, which wasn’t ideal, and we were also showing guys who had never actually played a competitive game. So it was difficult, but good to see the enthusiasm even back then. But yeah it was difficult, difficult times you know. We knew that we needed competitive shinty, you know, to bring these guys on so yeah, those were the main challenges then.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] In 2007, the team began to take part in cup competitions on the mainland. But that was only giving them perhaps two games a year. If the team was to be successful a bigger step was needed.

[Paul Duke] When we joined the league, that the teams we’d be playing would be closer to us and where our game was going. Also, our team was in Lewis and we didn’t have the opportunity to play at home, so we knew we had to travel a bit and play our games on the mainland.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] They’ve now spent 6 years in the national leagues and have made great progress in that time with teams such as Caberfeidh, Kilmallie, Loch Carron and Lochaber all losing to them. Who would have believed that 10 years ago?

[Paul Duke] No, I couldn’t have imagined at the time being where we are now and where we hope to go. In terms of the young people coming into the game, the training we’re doing with children in primary school and in secondary school, and in terms of the players that have come into our own team. We’ve made great progress.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] And what about the next 10 years?

[Duncan MacIntyre] We’ve got a young squad, a really young squad. If we can keep this squad of players together over the next 10 years you know, we’ll certainly, you know shinty’s a great game because it’s, you know, there’s no professional, you know, it’s an amateur game so money doesn’t come into it. You know, if you can build a pool of players then anything is possible with shinty. So looking forward to the next 10 years.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] Donald Lamont, BBC An Là, Lewis.



10 bliadhna de Chamanachd Leòdhais

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Doneil MacLeòid – Preseantair] ’S e latha cudromach a bh’ ann an-diugh do club camanachd Leòdhais. Tha 10 bliadhna ann chun an latha a chaidh an club a stèidheachadh às ùr, an ceann-là a’ toirt dhan sgioba coimhead air ais agus air adhart agus tha iad a’ gluasad dhan t-seachdamh seusan aca anns na lìogan nàiseanta. Tha an aithris seo aig Dòmhnall MacLaomainn.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] “Tuitidh sneachd air an Sahara mus bi iomain ann an Leòdhas.” Seann bhriathran a bha fhathast fìor ’s dòcha 10 bliadhna air ais. Ach, tro obair chruaidh agus iomadh buille ghoirt, thàinig e gu bith air an latha-sa deich bliadhna air ais, gun deach club iomain a stèidheachadh às ùr ann an Leòdhas.

[Donnchadh Mac an t-Saoir] And all we were really doing then was just showing them how to play shinty on an astro turf, which wasn’t ideal, and we were also showing guys who had never actually played a competitive game. So it was difficult, but good to see the enthusiasm even back then. But yeah it was difficult, difficult times you know. We knew that we needed competitive shinty, you know, to bring these guys on so yeah, those were the main challenges then.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Thòisich an sgioba ann an 2007 a’ gabhail pàirt sna cupannan air tìr-mòr. Ach, cha robh sin toirt dhaibh ach ’s dòcha ghèam sa bhliadhna. Ma tha an sgioba gu bhith maireannach tha feum air ceum na motha.

[Pòl Duke] Nuair a chaidh sinn a-steach dhan lìog, gum biodh na sgiobannan a bha sinn a’ cluich nas fhaisge oirnn fhèin agus far a robh an gèam againn fhèin a’ dol agus cuideachd bha sgioba againn an Leòdhas agus cha robh na cothroman againn cluich aig an taigh so bha fhios againn gu robh feum againn a bhith siubhal beagan agus cluich nan geamannan air tìr-mhòr.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Tha iad a-nis air 6 bliadhna chur seachad sna lìogan nàiseanta is adhartas mòr ga dhèanamh an uair sin, leithid Cabar-Fèidh, Cill Mhàilidh, Loch Carrainn is Loch Abar air call nan aghaidh. chreideadh sin 10 bliadhna air ais?

[Pòl Duke] No, cha b’ urrainn dhomh smaoineachadh aig an àm mu dheidhinn far a bheil sinn an-dràsta agus far a bheil dùil againn a dhol. A thaobh na h-òigridh a tha tighinn a-steach dhan ghèam, an trèanadh a tha sinn a’ dèanamh le clann anns a’ bhun-sgoil, anns an àrd-sgoil agus a thaobh nan cluicheadairean a tha tighinn dhan sgioba againn fhèin. Tha sinn air ceum mòr a dhèanamh.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Agus mu dheidhinn nan 10 bliadhna a tha ri thighinn?

[Donnchadh Mac an t-Saoir] We’ve got a young squad, really young squad. If we can keep the squad of players together over the next 10 years you know, we’ll certainly, you know shintys a great game because it’s, you know, there’s no professional, you know, it’s an amateur game so money doesn’t come into it. You know, if you can build a pool of players then anything is possible with shinty. So looking forward to the next 10 years.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Dòmhnall MacLaomainn, BBC An Là, Leòdhas.



10 years of Lewis Camanachd

English Beurla

[Doneil MacLeod – Presenter] Today was an important day for Lewis Camanachd. It’s 10 years to the day since the club was reconstituted, this anniversary giving them a chance to look back and indeed ahead as they move into their seventh season in the national leagues. Donald Lamont has this report.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] “Snow will fall on the Sahara before there’s shinty in Lewis.” An old saying which was perhaps still true 10 years ago. But, through hard work and many hard knocks, it came to be on this day 10 years ago that a shinty club was established once again in Lewis.

[Duncan MacIntyre] And all we were really doing then was just showing them how to play shinty on an astro turf, which wasn’t ideal, and we were also showing guys who had never actually played a competitive game. So it was difficult, but good to see the enthusiasm even back then. But yeah it was difficult, difficult times you know. We knew that we needed competitive shinty, you know, to bring these guys on so yeah, those were the main challenges then.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] In 2007, the team began to take part in cup competitions on the mainland. But that was only giving them perhaps two games a year. If the team was to be successful a bigger step was needed.

[Paul Duke] When we joined the league, that the teams we’d be playing would be closer to us and where our game was going. Also, our team was in Lewis and we didn’t have the opportunity to play at home, so we knew we had to travel a bit and play our games on the mainland.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] They’ve now spent 6 years in the national leagues and have made great progress in that time with teams such as Caberfeidh, Kilmallie, Loch Carron and Lochaber all losing to them. Who would have believed that 10 years ago?

[Paul Duke] No, I couldn’t have imagined at the time being where we are now and where we hope to go. In terms of the young people coming into the game, the training we’re doing with children in primary school and in secondary school, and in terms of the players that have come into our own team. We’ve made great progress.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] And what about the next 10 years?

[Duncan MacIntyre] We’ve got a young squad, a really young squad. If we can keep this squad of players together over the next 10 years you know, we’ll certainly, you know shinty’s a great game because it’s, you know, there’s no professional, you know, it’s an amateur game so money doesn’t come into it. You know, if you can build a pool of players then anything is possible with shinty. So looking forward to the next 10 years.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] Donald Lamont, BBC An Là, Lewis.



Camanachd Leòdhais

Lewis Camanachd

lìog nàiseanta

national league









Cill Mhàillidh


Loch Carrann

Loch Carron

Loch Abar
