FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

News Naidheachdan

B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Leasachadh taigheadais ùr ga fhosgladh anns na Hearadh

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Màiri Rodgers – Preseantair] Dh'fhosgail Ministear an Taigheadais, Caoimhin Stiùbhart, leasachadh de thaighean ùra aig prìsean reusanta anns na Hearadh an-diugh. Chaidh na taighean a thogail le Taighean Innse Gall, sin HHP, air talamh a fhuair iad bho Urras Taobh Siar na Hearadh. Tha sia ann uile gu lèir agus daoine mar-thà a' gluasad a-steach annta. Tha an aithris-sa aig Ruaraidh Rothach.

[Ruaraidh Rothach. – Neach-aithris] Tha daoine a’ còmhnaidh anns an sia taighean ùra am Pàirce Niseaboist mar-thà agus tha luchd-còmhnaidh agus leasachadh le chèile gu math riaraichte le na dachaighean ùra.

[Iain MacÌomhair] Tha sinn toilichte sin fhaicinn agus cho math ’s a tha e coimhead agus buileach toilichte faicinn a’ mhinistear a’ tighinn an seo an-diugh airson am fosgladh. ’S tha e math faicinn teaghlaichean ’s clann cuideachd a’ tighinn dhan dùthaich ’s dol a-steach dha na taighean agus tha iad a’ còrdadh riutha.

[Ruaraidh Rothach. – Neach-aithris] Am measg nan daoine a fhuair taigh tha Sandra ‘s an teaghlach aice. Tha Toby beag trì mìosan a dh’aois. Bidh a’ chiad Nollaig aige san dachaigh ùr.

[Sandra Fhriseal] ’S e àm uabhasach trang a bhios ann an-dràsta, sin le Toby an leanabh ùr agam, chan eil e ach trì mìosan a dh’aois. Àm uabhasach exciting a th’ ann leis an Nollaig ’s a h-uile càil anns an taigh ùr. Tha sinn uabhasach toilichte. Tha e ciallachadh tòrr dhòmhsa a bhith a’ fuireach ann an seo còmhla ris an teaghlach agam. Thogadh mise ann an Seileabost, dìreach dà mhìle sìos an rathad agus tha dà bhalach bheag agamsa a-nis agus tha mi ag iarraidh gun tèid an togail anns an àite seo.

[Ruaraidh Rothach. – Neach-aithris] A bharrachd air a bhith ri fhaotainn aig màl reusanta cha bu chòir na taighean seo a bhith ro dhaor an cumail blàth. A bharrachd ’s e air source teasachaidh a thathas a’ cleachdadh agus tha an dàrna leth dhen dealan a’ tighinn bhon chrann-gaoithe seo cuideachd.

[Iain MacÌomhair] Tha mi creidsinn g’ eil na taighean seo, g’ eil iad cho blàth ’s cho seasgair ri taighean sam bith a tha anns an eilean. ’S mar a tha thu ag ràdh tha an dealan teasachaidh a’ toirt teas bhon èadhar ’s tha dealan a’ tighinn bho na rothan gaoithe ’s tha sinn a’ creidsinn gum bi na taighean seo cho saor an ruith ri càil a gheibh thu anns na h-eileanan no air fad san Rìoghachd tha mi creidsinn.

[Ruaraidh Rothach. – Neach-aithris] ‘S e am ministear airson taigheadais Caoimhin Stiùbhart a dh’fhosgail na taighean gu h-oifigeil na bu thràithe an-diugh. Tha esan ag aithneachadh cho cudromach ‘s a tha leasachadh mar seo dhan sgìre.

[Caoimhin Stiùbhart BPA] It’s absolutely vital that we have developments like this across Scotland’s rural and island communities. And that’s why the government’s ambition to deliver 50,000 affordable houses across Scotland, 35,000 of those for social rent is as important here in Harris as it is in Glasgow or in Aberdeen.

[Ruaraidh Rothach – Neach-aithris] Leis a’ mhaoineachadh a tha buidheann taigheadais Innse Gall a’ faighinn, ‘s urrainn dhaibh 35 taighean a thogail sa bhliadhna. A bheil seo gu leòr?

[An Comh Tormod MacLeòid] Dh’fheumadh sinne tòrr a bharrachd taighean, suas gu 50 dachaigh anns a’ bhliadhna thogail airson feuchainn ri dèiligeadh ri na trioblaidean a th’ againn le daoine feitheamh son dachaighean fhaighinn. Ach an dèidh sin tha sinn taingeil dhan Riaghaltas, taingeil dhan mhinistear, dhan èisteachd a thug a dhuinn an-diugh agus an t-ionmhas a tha iad an dèidh bhith toirt dhuinn thairis air na sia seachdainean mu dheireadh agus na gealltanasan a tha iad a’ toirt dhuinn. Nan tigeadh sinn thuige dh’iarraidh ionmhas airson ‘s dòcha dachaighean airson seann daoine, dachaighean le ceithir agus ‘s dòcha còig rumannan-cadail, gum bi iad deònach bruidhinn rinn.

[Ruaraidh Rothach – Neach-aithris] Ruaraidh Rothach, BBC An Là, Pàirce Niseaboist.



New housing development opened in Harris

English Beurla

[Màiri Rodgers – Presenter] Housing Minister, Kevin Stewart, opened a new affordable housing development in Harris today. The houses were built by Hebridean Housing Partnership, that’s HHP, on land they received from the West Harris Trust. There are six in total and people have already moved into the houses. Roddy Munro has this report.

[Roddy Munro – Reporter] There are people already living in the six new houses in Pairc Niseaboist and the tenants and developers are both satisfied with the new homes.

[Iain MacIver] We’re happy to see that and how good it looks and even happier to see the minister present today for the opening. It’s good to see families and children who have moved to the country moving into these houses and enjoying them.

[Roddy Munro – Reporter] Among those who received a house is Sandra and her family. Little Toby is three months old now. He will have his first Christmas in the new house.

[Sandra Fraser] It’s going to be such a busy time with Toby, my new baby, who is only three months old. It’s a really exciting time with Christmas and everything in the new house. We’re really happy. It means a lot to me to be living here with my family. I was raised in Seilebost, just two miles down the road and I want my two little boys to be raised here.

[Roddy Munro – Reporter] In addition to affordable rent prices, the houses shouldn’t be expensive to keep warm. Also, they are using air source heating and half the electricity is supplied from this turbine.

[Iain MacIver] I believe that these houses are as warm and as comfortable as any other house on the island. And as you were saying the heating is sourced from the air and the electricity comes from the turbines and we believe that these houses will be more affordable to run than any other houses on the islands or across the country.

[Roddy Munro – Reporter] The Housing Minister, Kevin Stewart, officially opened the houses earlier today. He recognises how important a development like this is for the area.

[Kevin Stewart MP] It’s absolutely vital that we have developments like this across Scotland’s rural and island communities. And that’s why the government’s ambition to deliver 50,000 affordable houses across Scotland, 35,000 of those for social rent is as important here in Harris as it is in Glasgow or in Aberdeen.

[Roddy Munro – Reporter] With the funding the Hebridean Housing Partnership receive, they can build 35 houses a year. Is this enough?

[Cllr Norman MacLeod] We would need more houses than that, up to 50 houses a year to be able to try and deal with the housing problems we’ve been experiencing. But in saying that, we’re thankful to the Government, to the minister for listening to us today, for the funding they have given us in the last six weeks and the promises they have made to us. We hope that if we were to approach them for funding for housing for the elderly, houses with perhaps four or five bedrooms, that they would be willing to discuss it with us.

[Roddy Munro – Reporter] Roddy Munro, BBC An Là, Pàirc Niseaboist.



Leasachadh taigheadais ùr ga fhosgladh anns na Hearadh

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Màiri Rodgers – Preseantair] Dh'fhosgail Ministear an Taigheadais, Caoimhin Stiùbhart, leasachadh de thaighean ùra aig prìsean reusanta anns na Hearadh an-diugh. Chaidh na taighean a thogail le Taighean Innse Gall, sin HHP, air talamh a fhuair iad bho Urras Taobh Siar na Hearadh. Tha sia ann uile gu lèir agus daoine mar-thà a' gluasad a-steach annta. Tha an aithris-sa aig Ruaraidh Rothach.

[Ruaraidh Rothach. – Neach-aithris] Tha daoine a’ còmhnaidh anns an sia taighean ùra am Pàirce Niseaboist mar-thà agus tha luchd-còmhnaidh agus leasachadh le chèile gu math riaraichte le na dachaighean ùra.

[Iain MacÌomhair] Tha sinn toilichte sin fhaicinn agus cho math ’s a tha e coimhead agus buileach toilichte faicinn a’ mhinistear a’ tighinn an seo an-diugh airson am fosgladh. ’S tha e math faicinn teaghlaichean ’s clann cuideachd a’ tighinn dhan dùthaich ’s dol a-steach dha na taighean agus tha iad a’ còrdadh riutha.

[Ruaraidh Rothach. – Neach-aithris] Am measg nan daoine a fhuair taigh tha Sandra ‘s an teaghlach aice. Tha Toby beag trì mìosan a dh’aois. Bidh a’ chiad Nollaig aige san dachaigh ùr.

[Sandra Fhriseal] ’S e àm uabhasach trang a bhios ann an-dràsta, sin le Toby an leanabh ùr agam, chan eil e ach trì mìosan a dh’aois. Àm uabhasach exciting a th’ ann leis an Nollaig ’s a h-uile càil anns an taigh ùr. Tha sinn uabhasach toilichte. Tha e ciallachadh tòrr dhòmhsa a bhith a’ fuireach ann an seo còmhla ris an teaghlach agam. Thogadh mise ann an Seileabost, dìreach dà mhìle sìos an rathad agus tha dà bhalach bheag agamsa a-nis agus tha mi ag iarraidh gun tèid an togail anns an àite seo.

[Ruaraidh Rothach. – Neach-aithris] A bharrachd air a bhith ri fhaotainn aig màl reusanta cha bu chòir na taighean seo a bhith ro dhaor an cumail blàth. A bharrachd ’s e air source teasachaidh a thathas a’ cleachdadh agus tha an dàrna leth dhen dealan a’ tighinn bhon chrann-gaoithe seo cuideachd.

[Iain MacÌomhair] Tha mi creidsinn g’ eil na taighean seo, g’ eil iad cho blàth ’s cho seasgair ri taighean sam bith a tha anns an eilean. ’S mar a tha thu ag ràdh tha an dealan teasachaidh a’ toirt teas bhon èadhar ’s tha dealan a’ tighinn bho na rothan gaoithe ’s tha sinn a’ creidsinn gum bi na taighean seo cho saor an ruith ri càil a gheibh thu anns na h-eileanan no air fad san Rìoghachd tha mi creidsinn.

[Ruaraidh Rothach. – Neach-aithris] ‘S e am ministear airson taigheadais Caoimhin Stiùbhart a dh’fhosgail na taighean gu h-oifigeil na bu thràithe an-diugh. Tha esan ag aithneachadh cho cudromach ‘s a tha leasachadh mar seo dhan sgìre.

[Caoimhin Stiùbhart BPA] It’s absolutely vital that we have developments like this across Scotland’s rural and island communities. And that’s why the government’s ambition to deliver 50,000 affordable houses across Scotland, 35,000 of those for social rent is as important here in Harris as it is in Glasgow or in Aberdeen.

[Ruaraidh Rothach – Neach-aithris] Leis a’ mhaoineachadh a tha buidheann taigheadais Innse Gall a’ faighinn, ‘s urrainn dhaibh 35 taighean a thogail sa bhliadhna. A bheil seo gu leòr?

[An Comh Tormod MacLeòid] Dh’fheumadh sinne tòrr a bharrachd taighean, suas gu 50 dachaigh anns a’ bhliadhna thogail airson feuchainn ri dèiligeadh ri na trioblaidean a th’ againn le daoine feitheamh son dachaighean fhaighinn. Ach an dèidh sin tha sinn taingeil dhan Riaghaltas, taingeil dhan mhinistear, dhan èisteachd a thug a dhuinn an-diugh agus an t-ionmhas a tha iad an dèidh bhith toirt dhuinn thairis air na sia seachdainean mu dheireadh agus na gealltanasan a tha iad a’ toirt dhuinn. Nan tigeadh sinn thuige dh’iarraidh ionmhas airson ‘s dòcha dachaighean airson seann daoine, dachaighean le ceithir agus ‘s dòcha còig rumannan-cadail, gum bi iad deònach bruidhinn rinn.

[Ruaraidh Rothach – Neach-aithris] Ruaraidh Rothach, BBC An Là, Pàirce Niseaboist.



New housing development opened in Harris

English Beurla

[Màiri Rodgers – Presenter] Housing Minister, Kevin Stewart, opened a new affordable housing development in Harris today. The houses were built by Hebridean Housing Partnership, that’s HHP, on land they received from the West Harris Trust. There are six in total and people have already moved into the houses. Roddy Munro has this report.

[Roddy Munro – Reporter] There are people already living in the six new houses in Pairc Niseaboist and the tenants and developers are both satisfied with the new homes.

[Iain MacIver] We’re happy to see that and how good it looks and even happier to see the minister present today for the opening. It’s good to see families and children who have moved to the country moving into these houses and enjoying them.

[Roddy Munro – Reporter] Among those who received a house is Sandra and her family. Little Toby is three months old now. He will have his first Christmas in the new house.

[Sandra Fraser] It’s going to be such a busy time with Toby, my new baby, who is only three months old. It’s a really exciting time with Christmas and everything in the new house. We’re really happy. It means a lot to me to be living here with my family. I was raised in Seilebost, just two miles down the road and I want my two little boys to be raised here.

[Roddy Munro – Reporter] In addition to affordable rent prices, the houses shouldn’t be expensive to keep warm. Also, they are using air source heating and half the electricity is supplied from this turbine.

[Iain MacIver] I believe that these houses are as warm and as comfortable as any other house on the island. And as you were saying the heating is sourced from the air and the electricity comes from the turbines and we believe that these houses will be more affordable to run than any other houses on the islands or across the country.

[Roddy Munro – Reporter] The Housing Minister, Kevin Stewart, officially opened the houses earlier today. He recognises how important a development like this is for the area.

[Kevin Stewart MP] It’s absolutely vital that we have developments like this across Scotland’s rural and island communities. And that’s why the government’s ambition to deliver 50,000 affordable houses across Scotland, 35,000 of those for social rent is as important here in Harris as it is in Glasgow or in Aberdeen.

[Roddy Munro – Reporter] With the funding the Hebridean Housing Partnership receive, they can build 35 houses a year. Is this enough?

[Cllr Norman MacLeod] We would need more houses than that, up to 50 houses a year to be able to try and deal with the housing problems we’ve been experiencing. But in saying that, we’re thankful to the Government, to the minister for listening to us today, for the funding they have given us in the last six weeks and the promises they have made to us. We hope that if we were to approach them for funding for housing for the elderly, houses with perhaps four or five bedrooms, that they would be willing to discuss it with us.

[Roddy Munro – Reporter] Roddy Munro, BBC An Là, Pàirc Niseaboist.



Ministear an Taigheadais

Housing Minister

Taighean Innse Gall

Hebridean Housing Partnership

Urras Taobh Siar na Hearadh

West Harris Trust










snug, comfortable