FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Fèill Àiteachais Cheann a Deas na Hearadh

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Màiri Rodgers – Preseantair] Nis, a dh' aindeoin sìde rudeigin bagarrach, nochd na ceudan an-diugh aig Fèill Àiteachais Chinn a Deas na Hearadh. 'S e deagh chothrom a tha seo do shean agus òg sa choimhearsnachd tighinn còmhla, agus cothrom do chroitearan an stoc aca a thaisbeanadh agus 's dòcha duais fhaighinn. Ach theab nach do thachair fèill na bliadhna seo idir. Tha an aithris seo aig Eilidh NicLeòid.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Tha Fèill Cheann a Deas Na Hearadh air a bhith a’ dol airson còrr math is 50 bliadhna ach theab nach do thachair i am-bliadhna, leis gu robh ceist ann am biodh togalach ri taobh na pàirce ann. Bha a’ chomhairle airson a leagail ach tha a’ choimhearsnachd a-nis am beachd a cheannach dhaibh pèin. An-diugh thàinig sia mìosan de dh’ obair ullachaidh gu ceann. Tha na seann thractaran a’ tighinn bho cho fada air falbh ri Obar Dheathain agus tha iad air a dhol nam pàirt chudromach dhen tachartas.

[Tormod MacAoidh] 10 bliadhna air ais thàinig ceithir tractaran dhan bhaile againn, air madainn Diluain, balaich à Obar Dheathain. Thug mise cupa dhaibh. ‘S e thuirt mi riutha, “’S e call nach tàinig sibh an t-seachdain sa tighinn airson an show againn.” Agus, “oh uill gabhaidh mi an address agad,” thuirt e rium. Uill, naoi mìosan às dèidh sin dh’ fhòn e thugam ‘s thuirt e, “cuin a tha an show agaibh? Tha sianar againn a’ tighinn le tractaran.”

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Ach a bharrachd air spòrs tha cothrom do chroitearan an cuid stuic a thaisbeanadh. Tha an a dh’ fhosgail an fhèill na cìobair a Cumbria agus tha àl bho dhà reithe a thug i fhèin bhon sgìre ri fhaicinn fhathast.

[Alison O’ Neill] When I drive round I can spot the markings but the stock is fantastic for the low grass, for how tough the living is. Brilliant stock, fantastic fat lambs coming off the islands. I mean, you know, sometimes they’re better than mine and I’ve got them knee deep in grass so great, great crofters. You know, it’s a hard living to be made here but they do it well.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] ‘S e bana-chìobair eile a bha taghadh nam beathaichean as fheàrr am-bliadhna Joyce Chaimbeul à Cataibh a bhuannaich an tuathanas chaorach a b’ fheàrr an-uiridh. Agus tha moladh mòr aicese cuideachd airson stoc an eilein.

[Richard MacIllInnein] Talamh cruaidh, cruaidh a tha seo an taca mar a tha ise cleachdte ris agus tha i smaoineachadh gu bheil an stoc uabhasach fhèin math a rèir na talmhainn a th’ againn. Tha i a’ gabhail iongnadh mòr cho math ‘s a tha an stoc air sgàth, tha an talamh againn cho cruaidh.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Agus cho làidir ‘s a tha a’ cho-fharpais seo, na co-fharpaisean uile?

[Richard MacIllInnein] Tha mise smaoineachadh, a’ cho-fharpais a tha seo an-diugh, tha mi smaoineachadh gur e a’ cho-fharpais as làidir a chunnaic mi fhathast ann an Ceann a Deas Na Hearadh. Tha tòrr stuic ann agus tha tòrr stuic mhath ann. Tha stoc a’ tighinn air adhart a h-uile bliadhna tha mise a’ smaoineachadh anns na Hearadh.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] ‘S e latha fada a th’ann do gu leòr ach bidh na duaisean a-nis air an toirt seachad agus dannsa ann an talla na coimhearsnachd a’ toirt fèill na bliadhna seo gu ceann. Eilidh NicLeòid, BBC An Là, An t-Òb.



South Harris Agricultural Show

English Beurla

[Màiri Rodgers – Presenter] Now, despite somewhat threatening weather, hundreds appeared today at the South Harris Agricultural Show. This is a good opportunity for young and old in the community to get together, and a chance for crofters to showcase their stock and perhaps get a prize. But this year’s show almost never happened. Eilidh MacLeod has this report.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] The South Harris Agricultural Show has been running for the best part of 50 years now but it almost never happened this year, as there was uncertainty as to whether the building beside the park would be there. The council wanted to knock it down but the community now are looking to buy it themselves. Today six months of preparation work came to a head. The old tractors are coming from as far away Aberdeen and they are going to be an important part of the event.

[Norman MacKay] Ten years ago four tractors came to our village, on a Monday morning, boys from Aberdeen. I gave them a cup of tea. And I said to them, “It’s a shame you didn’t come the following week for our show.” And, “Oh well I’ll take your address,” he said to me. Well, nine months later he phoned me and asked, “When is your show? There’s six of us coming with our tractors.”

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] But as well as having fun there’s an opportunity for crofters to showcase their stock. The lady who opened the show is a shepherdess in Cumbria and the young from two rams which she took to the area can still be seen.

[Alison O’ Neill] When I drive round I can spot the markings but the stock is fantastic for the low grass, for how tough the living is. Brilliant stock, fantastic fat lambs coming off the islands. I mean, you know, sometimes they’re better than mine and I’ve got them knee deep in grass so great, great crofters. You know, it’s a hard living to be made here but they do it well.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] It was another shepherdess choosing the best animals this year – Joyce Campbell from Sutherland – who won the best sheep farm last year. And she also has much praise for the island’s stock.

[Richard MacLennan] This is hard, hard ground compared to what she is used to and she thinks the stock is very good considering the condition of our ground. She’s surprised how good our stock is considering our ground is so hard.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] And how strong is this competition, all the competitions?

[Richard MacLennan] I think, this competition today, I think it’s the strongest competition I’ve seen yet in South Harris. There’s a lot of stock and a lot of good stock. The stock gets better each year in Harris in my opinion.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] It’s a long day for many but the prizes will now be awarded and a dance in the community hall will bring this year’s show to a close. Eilidh MacLeod, BBC An Là, Leverburgh.



Fèill Àiteachais Cheann a Deas na Hearadh

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Màiri Rodgers – Preseantair] Nis, a dh' aindeoin sìde rudeigin bagarrach, nochd na ceudan an-diugh aig Fèill Àiteachais Chinn a Deas na Hearadh. 'S e deagh chothrom a tha seo do shean agus òg sa choimhearsnachd tighinn còmhla, agus cothrom do chroitearan an stoc aca a thaisbeanadh agus 's dòcha duais fhaighinn. Ach theab nach do thachair fèill na bliadhna seo idir. Tha an aithris seo aig Eilidh NicLeòid.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Tha Fèill Cheann a Deas Na Hearadh air a bhith a’ dol airson còrr math is 50 bliadhna ach theab nach do thachair i am-bliadhna, leis gu robh ceist ann am biodh togalach ri taobh na pàirce ann. Bha a’ chomhairle airson a leagail ach tha a’ choimhearsnachd a-nis am beachd a cheannach dhaibh pèin. An-diugh thàinig sia mìosan de dh’ obair ullachaidh gu ceann. Tha na seann thractaran a’ tighinn bho cho fada air falbh ri Obar Dheathain agus tha iad air a dhol nam pàirt chudromach dhen tachartas.

[Tormod MacAoidh] 10 bliadhna air ais thàinig ceithir tractaran dhan bhaile againn, air madainn Diluain, balaich à Obar Dheathain. Thug mise cupa dhaibh. ‘S e thuirt mi riutha, “’S e call nach tàinig sibh an t-seachdain sa tighinn airson an show againn.” Agus, “oh uill gabhaidh mi an address agad,” thuirt e rium. Uill, naoi mìosan às dèidh sin dh’ fhòn e thugam ‘s thuirt e, “cuin a tha an show agaibh? Tha sianar againn a’ tighinn le tractaran.”

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Ach a bharrachd air spòrs tha cothrom do chroitearan an cuid stuic a thaisbeanadh. Tha an a dh’ fhosgail an fhèill na cìobair a Cumbria agus tha àl bho dhà reithe a thug i fhèin bhon sgìre ri fhaicinn fhathast.

[Alison O’ Neill] When I drive round I can spot the markings but the stock is fantastic for the low grass, for how tough the living is. Brilliant stock, fantastic fat lambs coming off the islands. I mean, you know, sometimes they’re better than mine and I’ve got them knee deep in grass so great, great crofters. You know, it’s a hard living to be made here but they do it well.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] ‘S e bana-chìobair eile a bha taghadh nam beathaichean as fheàrr am-bliadhna Joyce Chaimbeul à Cataibh a bhuannaich an tuathanas chaorach a b’ fheàrr an-uiridh. Agus tha moladh mòr aicese cuideachd airson stoc an eilein.

[Richard MacIllInnein] Talamh cruaidh, cruaidh a tha seo an taca mar a tha ise cleachdte ris agus tha i smaoineachadh gu bheil an stoc uabhasach fhèin math a rèir na talmhainn a th’ againn. Tha i a’ gabhail iongnadh mòr cho math ‘s a tha an stoc air sgàth, tha an talamh againn cho cruaidh.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Agus cho làidir ‘s a tha a’ cho-fharpais seo, na co-fharpaisean uile?

[Richard MacIllInnein] Tha mise smaoineachadh, a’ cho-fharpais a tha seo an-diugh, tha mi smaoineachadh gur e a’ cho-fharpais as làidir a chunnaic mi fhathast ann an Ceann a Deas Na Hearadh. Tha tòrr stuic ann agus tha tòrr stuic mhath ann. Tha stoc a’ tighinn air adhart a h-uile bliadhna tha mise a’ smaoineachadh anns na Hearadh.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] ‘S e latha fada a th’ann do gu leòr ach bidh na duaisean a-nis air an toirt seachad agus dannsa ann an talla na coimhearsnachd a’ toirt fèill na bliadhna seo gu ceann. Eilidh NicLeòid, BBC An Là, An t-Òb.



South Harris Agricultural Show

English Beurla

[Màiri Rodgers – Presenter] Now, despite somewhat threatening weather, hundreds appeared today at the South Harris Agricultural Show. This is a good opportunity for young and old in the community to get together, and a chance for crofters to showcase their stock and perhaps get a prize. But this year’s show almost never happened. Eilidh MacLeod has this report.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] The South Harris Agricultural Show has been running for the best part of 50 years now but it almost never happened this year, as there was uncertainty as to whether the building beside the park would be there. The council wanted to knock it down but the community now are looking to buy it themselves. Today six months of preparation work came to a head. The old tractors are coming from as far away Aberdeen and they are going to be an important part of the event.

[Norman MacKay] Ten years ago four tractors came to our village, on a Monday morning, boys from Aberdeen. I gave them a cup of tea. And I said to them, “It’s a shame you didn’t come the following week for our show.” And, “Oh well I’ll take your address,” he said to me. Well, nine months later he phoned me and asked, “When is your show? There’s six of us coming with our tractors.”

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] But as well as having fun there’s an opportunity for crofters to showcase their stock. The lady who opened the show is a shepherdess in Cumbria and the young from two rams which she took to the area can still be seen.

[Alison O’ Neill] When I drive round I can spot the markings but the stock is fantastic for the low grass, for how tough the living is. Brilliant stock, fantastic fat lambs coming off the islands. I mean, you know, sometimes they’re better than mine and I’ve got them knee deep in grass so great, great crofters. You know, it’s a hard living to be made here but they do it well.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] It was another shepherdess choosing the best animals this year – Joyce Campbell from Sutherland – who won the best sheep farm last year. And she also has much praise for the island’s stock.

[Richard MacLennan] This is hard, hard ground compared to what she is used to and she thinks the stock is very good considering the condition of our ground. She’s surprised how good our stock is considering our ground is so hard.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] And how strong is this competition, all the competitions?

[Richard MacLennan] I think, this competition today, I think it’s the strongest competition I’ve seen yet in South Harris. There’s a lot of stock and a lot of good stock. The stock gets better each year in Harris in my opinion.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] It’s a long day for many but the prizes will now be awarded and a dance in the community hall will bring this year’s show to a close. Eilidh MacLeod, BBC An Là, Leverburgh.





Fèill Àiteachais Cheann a Deas na Hearadh

South Harris Agricultural Show

Obar Dheathain








An t-Òb
