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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Trèana-smùid nan Seumasach air tòiseachadh a-rithist

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Iain MacIlleathain – Preseantair] Tha trèana-smùid nan Seumasach eadar An Gearastan agus Malaig air tòiseachadh a-rithist. Dh'èirich ceist mun t-seirbheis nuair a chaidh an cead aca a tharraing an-uiridh agus a-rithist aig toiseach na bliadhna, agus dragh air na h-ùghdarrasan mu ìrean sàbhailteachd. Ach, mar a tha Andreas Wolff a-nis ag aithris, tha fàilte mhòr ga chur air an trèana le muinntir Mhalaig.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Trèana-smùid nan Seumasach a’ dèanamh air Malaig. Thòisich an trèana bho ainm eile ann an 1984. Ach dh’ fhàs i gu math cliùiteach às dèidh dha nochdadh ann am filmichean Harry Potter.

[Seumas Shuttleworth] We’ve had Olton Hall, which is our locomotive that all, that we used in all the films. But that’s currently out of service, it’s actually down at the Harry Potter exhibition down in Leavesden at the studios. But it has been to Fort William and it did haul the Jacobite a couple of times but we didn’t realise publicise it, it was just it happened to be there so we thought we’d give it a whirl to Mallaig.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] ‘S ann an seo aig Gleann Fhionnainn a chunnacas an Hogwarts Express anns na filmichean sin. Bidh trèana-smùid nan Seumasach a’ toirt mu 700 de luchd-turais a Mhalaig a h-uile latha. Gu dearbha fhèin an-diugh bha i loma-làn agus ‘s beag an t-iongnadh dh’ fhaodhte leis gun deach ainmeachadh mar fhear de na tursan treàna as fheàrr air an t-saoghal.

[Mìcheal Currie] Tha e uabhasach cudromach do Mhalaig a thaobh àitichean-bidhe ‘s na bùithtean ‘s a h-uile àite eile. Even bàtaichean toirt feadhainn a-mach airson uair an uaireadair eadar an trèan a’ tighinn a-staigh agus an trèan a’ dol a-mach a-rithist. Tha i a’ dèanamh diofar mòr don àite seo meadhan an t-samhraidh.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Tha na h-uimhir a-nis ag iarraidh falbh air an turas seo ‘s gu bheil thrèana-smùid a’ frithealadh na slighe seo gach latha.

[Ailig Dòmhnallach] Thòisich mise uill, dol a-mach ann an 1957 agus ‘s e steam a bh’ annta uile airson sia bliadhna. Agus thàinig na diesels a-staigh an uair sin agus, oh bha steam, thàinig e air ais ann an 1984 agus bha mi ag obair airson treis air an steam againn.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Bha dragh air ùghdarras nan trèanaichean mu shàbhailteachd air trèana eile a tha a’ chompanaidh a’ ruith. Chaidh cead-obrach a thoirt air falbh bhuapa an-uiridh agus a-rithist aig toiseach na bliadhna seo.

[Seumas Shuttleworth] Yes we’ve had some pretty serious discussions with the Office of Road and Rail and they are content with the improvements that we’ve made. Not that it’s really affected the Jacobite, but in terms of the nationwide operation and they are comfortable that we’ve got a plan that satisfies their needs.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Le sin tha seusan trang eile romhpa agus iad an dùil ri 70,000 neach -turais a thoirt a Mhalaig am-bliadhna. Andreas Wolff, BBC An air trèana-smùid nan Seumasach.



Jacobite steam train starts up again

English Beurla

[Iain MacLean – Presenter] The Jacobite steam train between Fort William and Mallaig has started up again. Questions were raised about the service when their licence was revoked last year and again at the beginning of the year over safety concerns by the authorities. But, as Andreas Wolff now reports, the train has been warmly welcomed by the people of Mallaig.

[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] The Jacobite steam train heading to Mallaig. The train began under a different name in 1984. But it became quite famous after appearing in the Harry Potter films.

[Seumas Shuttleworth] We’ve had Olton Hall, which is our locomotive that all, that we used in all the films. But that’s currently out of service, it’s actually down at the Harry Potter exhibition down in Leavesden at the studios. But it has been to Fort William and it did haul the Jacobite a couple of times but we didn’t realise publicise it, it was just it happened to be there so we thought we’d give it a whirl to Mallaig.

[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] It’s here at Glenfinnan Hogwarts Express was seen in those films. The Jacobite steam train takes around 700 tourists to Mallaig each day. Certainly today it was packed and no wonder with it having been names one of the best railway journeys in the world.

[Michael Currie] It’s very important to restaurants, shops and other businesses in Mallaig. Even for the boats who take them out, an hour at a time, between the time the train arrives and departs again. It makes a big difference to this area in the peak of summer.

[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] So many people now want to travel this journey that there are two steam trains which service this route each day.

[Alec MacDonald] Well I started in 1957 and they were all steam then, for 6 years. The diesels came in then and the steam came back in 1984 and I worked back on it for a while.

[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] Tha rail authority had safety concerns over another train the company runs. Their licence was revoked last year and again, at the beginning of this year.

[Seumas Shuttleworth] Yes we’ve had some pretty serious discussions with the Office of Road and Rail and they are content with the improvements that we’ve made. Not that it’s really affected the Jacobite, but in terms of the nationwide operation and they are comfortable that we’ve got a plan that satisfies their needs.

[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] Another busy season therefore awaits when as they expect to take 70,000 tourists to Mallaig this year. Andreas Wolff, BBC An Là, on the Jacobite steam train.



Trèana-smùid nan Seumasach air tòiseachadh a-rithist

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Iain MacIlleathain – Preseantair] Tha trèana-smùid nan Seumasach eadar An Gearastan agus Malaig air tòiseachadh a-rithist. Dh'èirich ceist mun t-seirbheis nuair a chaidh an cead aca a tharraing an-uiridh agus a-rithist aig toiseach na bliadhna, agus dragh air na h-ùghdarrasan mu ìrean sàbhailteachd. Ach, mar a tha Andreas Wolff a-nis ag aithris, tha fàilte mhòr ga chur air an trèana le muinntir Mhalaig.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Trèana-smùid nan Seumasach a’ dèanamh air Malaig. Thòisich an trèana bho ainm eile ann an 1984. Ach dh’ fhàs i gu math cliùiteach às dèidh dha nochdadh ann am filmichean Harry Potter.

[Seumas Shuttleworth] We’ve had Olton Hall, which is our locomotive that all, that we used in all the films. But that’s currently out of service, it’s actually down at the Harry Potter exhibition down in Leavesden at the studios. But it has been to Fort William and it did haul the Jacobite a couple of times but we didn’t realise publicise it, it was just it happened to be there so we thought we’d give it a whirl to Mallaig.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] ‘S ann an seo aig Gleann Fhionnainn a chunnacas an Hogwarts Express anns na filmichean sin. Bidh trèana-smùid nan Seumasach a’ toirt mu 700 de luchd-turais a Mhalaig a h-uile latha. Gu dearbha fhèin an-diugh bha i loma-làn agus ‘s beag an t-iongnadh dh’ fhaodhte leis gun deach ainmeachadh mar fhear de na tursan treàna as fheàrr air an t-saoghal.

[Mìcheal Currie] Tha e uabhasach cudromach do Mhalaig a thaobh àitichean-bidhe ‘s na bùithtean ‘s a h-uile àite eile. Even bàtaichean toirt feadhainn a-mach airson uair an uaireadair eadar an trèan a’ tighinn a-staigh agus an trèan a’ dol a-mach a-rithist. Tha i a’ dèanamh diofar mòr don àite seo meadhan an t-samhraidh.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Tha na h-uimhir a-nis ag iarraidh falbh air an turas seo ‘s gu bheil thrèana-smùid a’ frithealadh na slighe seo gach latha.

[Ailig Dòmhnallach] Thòisich mise uill, dol a-mach ann an 1957 agus ‘s e steam a bh’ annta uile airson sia bliadhna. Agus thàinig na diesels a-staigh an uair sin agus, oh bha steam, thàinig e air ais ann an 1984 agus bha mi ag obair airson treis air an steam againn.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Bha dragh air ùghdarras nan trèanaichean mu shàbhailteachd air trèana eile a tha a’ chompanaidh a’ ruith. Chaidh cead-obrach a thoirt air falbh bhuapa an-uiridh agus a-rithist aig toiseach na bliadhna seo.

[Seumas Shuttleworth] Yes we’ve had some pretty serious discussions with the Office of Road and Rail and they are content with the improvements that we’ve made. Not that it’s really affected the Jacobite, but in terms of the nationwide operation and they are comfortable that we’ve got a plan that satisfies their needs.

[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Le sin tha seusan trang eile romhpa agus iad an dùil ri 70,000 neach -turais a thoirt a Mhalaig am-bliadhna. Andreas Wolff, BBC An air trèana-smùid nan Seumasach.



Jacobite steam train starts up again

English Beurla

[Iain MacLean – Presenter] The Jacobite steam train between Fort William and Mallaig has started up again. Questions were raised about the service when their licence was revoked last year and again at the beginning of the year over safety concerns by the authorities. But, as Andreas Wolff now reports, the train has been warmly welcomed by the people of Mallaig.

[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] The Jacobite steam train heading to Mallaig. The train began under a different name in 1984. But it became quite famous after appearing in the Harry Potter films.

[Seumas Shuttleworth] We’ve had Olton Hall, which is our locomotive that all, that we used in all the films. But that’s currently out of service, it’s actually down at the Harry Potter exhibition down in Leavesden at the studios. But it has been to Fort William and it did haul the Jacobite a couple of times but we didn’t realise publicise it, it was just it happened to be there so we thought we’d give it a whirl to Mallaig.

[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] It’s here at Glenfinnan Hogwarts Express was seen in those films. The Jacobite steam train takes around 700 tourists to Mallaig each day. Certainly today it was packed and no wonder with it having been names one of the best railway journeys in the world.

[Michael Currie] It’s very important to restaurants, shops and other businesses in Mallaig. Even for the boats who take them out, an hour at a time, between the time the train arrives and departs again. It makes a big difference to this area in the peak of summer.

[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] So many people now want to travel this journey that there are two steam trains which service this route each day.

[Alec MacDonald] Well I started in 1957 and they were all steam then, for 6 years. The diesels came in then and the steam came back in 1984 and I worked back on it for a while.

[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] Tha rail authority had safety concerns over another train the company runs. Their licence was revoked last year and again, at the beginning of this year.

[Seumas Shuttleworth] Yes we’ve had some pretty serious discussions with the Office of Road and Rail and they are content with the improvements that we’ve made. Not that it’s really affected the Jacobite, but in terms of the nationwide operation and they are comfortable that we’ve got a plan that satisfies their needs.

[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] Another busy season therefore awaits when as they expect to take 70,000 tourists to Mallaig this year. Andreas Wolff, BBC An Là, on the Jacobite steam train.




steam train



An Gearastan

Fort William







Gleann Fhionnainn


