FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

News Naidheachdan

B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Ar Fàilte Innse Gall

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan] Chaidh goireas trèanaidh ùr do ghnìomhachas na turasachd anns na h-Eileanan fhoillseachadh an-diugh. Tha iomairt "Our Hebridean Welcome" airson cuideachadh a thoirt do luchd-obrach gus barrachd eòlas fhaighinn sgìre. Bheir e cuideachd taic dhaibh mun dòigh as fheàrr air seirbheis a thoirt seachad airson barrachd luchd-turais a thàladh dhan àite. ‘S iad buidheann turasachd Innse Gall a chuir a’ cho-labhairt air dòigh. Le barrachd, seo Shona NicDhòmhnaill.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Gach bliadhna tha còrr is 200,000 neach-turais a’ tadhal air na h-Eileanan an Iar. ‘S dh’fhiach roinn na turasachd £53,000 gach bliadhna. Ach, thathar ag amas air sin a thogail gu mòr thairis air na còig bliadhna ri thighinn. Airson taic a chur ris an ro-innleachd sin, chaidh an goireas trèanadh ùr, ‘Ar Fàilte Innse Gall,’ fhoillseachadh ann am Beinn na Faoghla an-diugh.

[Iain Forham] An online module, takes about an hour and a half/two hours. It’s a relatively straight forward system to learn how to use. There’s great content, people learn all about the Outer Hebrides as a destination and get a good reminder about all those good service things that people expect when they come here from other places and what makes a good service destination.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Tha e stèidhichte air a’ phrògram ‘Tha Glaschu a’ cur fàilte.’ Chaidh sin a chleachdadh nuair a bhathar ag ullachadh airson Geamaichean a’ Cho-fhlaitheis an-uiridh agus tha a-nis is 10,000 duine air an cùrsa dhèanamh.

[Seumas Rusk] As ‘Hebridean Welcomes’ grows and enthusiasm for the programme grows, the whole feeling and everything changes and it’s not just the online. It’s about the conversations that take place after the fact and you can see a complete and utter change in your staff and the people on the ground understanding the bigger picture.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Ach tha mòr eadar na h-eileanan agus baile mòr. Mar sin, saoil an obraich goireas mar seo ann an sgìre iomallach.

[Ailean MacChoinnich] ‘S urrainn dhuinne sin a dhèanamh cuideachd, foillseachadh do dhaoine na diofaran eadar na h-eileanan againn, na rudan as fhèarr a dhol a dh’ fhaicinn, a bhith cuideachadh dhaoine gu bhith a’ siubhal tro na h-eileanan agus fios aca gu bheil a leithid seo agus a leithid siud ann ri fhaotainn agus cuideachd a’ toirt dhaibh beagan de dh’eòlas air cionnas as còir dhaibh a bhith dèiligeadh ri na daoine a tha tighinn chun nan toglaichean aca.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] ‘S e samhradh fuar a bh’ anns na h-eileanan am-bliadhna agus chuir sin bacadh air cuid de luchd-turais tighinn, gu h-àraidh daoine a bhios a’ campachadh. Chan eil smachd aig duine air an aimsir ach tha air an t-seirbheis a thathar a’ tairgsinn agus ‘s ann ri sin a tha an co-labhairt seo, a tha a-nis anns an t-siathamh bliadhna, ag amas.

[Ann NicIllFhaoilain] Tha e toirt dhomh rudan airson smaoineachadh mu dheidhinn. ‘s urrainn dhuinn a dhèanamh an ath-bhliadhna airson barrachd luchd-turais a thàladh a-staigh chun na làraich againn. ‘S dòcha thaobh cyclists, sin rud a bha iad a’ bruidhinn mu dheidhinn an-diugh, gnothaichean a ghabhas dèanamh airson barrachd daoine a thoirt a-staigh dha na h-eileanan agus gu fuirich iad nas fhaide sna h-eileanan.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Bidh an aon cho-labhairt ga cumail aig An Lanntair ann an Steòrnabhagh a-màireach bho 10 uairean sa mhadainn. Shona NicDhòmhnaill, BBC An ann an Uibhist.



"Our Hebridean Welcome"

English Beurla

[Donald Morrison – Presenter] A new training facility for the tourism industry in the islands was launched today. The “Our Hebridean Welcome” initiative helps staff learn more about the area. It will also help them achieve the best way to deliver a service to attract more tourists to the area. Outer Hebrides Tourism organised the conference. With more, here’s Shona MacDonald.

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] Each year more than 200,000 tourists visit the Western Isles. The tourism industry is worth £53,000 each year. But, the aim is to greatly increase this over the next five years. To support the strategy, a new training facility, ‘Our Hebridean Welcome’ was launched in Benbecula today.

[Iain Forham] An online module, takes about an hour and a half/two hours. It’s a relatively straightforward system to learn how to use. There’s great content, people learn all about the Outer Hebrides as a destination and get a good reminder about all those good service things that people expect when they come here from other places and what makes a good service destination.

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] It is based on the ‘Glasgow Welcomes’ programme. That was used in preparation for the Commonwealth Games last year and now more than 10,000 people have taken the course.

[Seumas Rusk] As ‘Hebridean Welcomes’ grows and enthusiasm for the programme grows, the whole feeling and everything changes and it’s not just the online. It’s about the conversations that take place after the fact and you can see a complete and utter change in your staff and the people on the ground understanding the bigger picture.

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] But there’s a big difference between the islands and a city. Therefore, will this facility work in a remote area?

[Allan MacKenzie] We can do that too, show people the differences between our islands, what the best attractions are, help people to travel through the islands and let them know that there’s this and that available and also give them a bit of information on how they should deal with people who come into their establishments.

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] It was a cold summer in the islands this year and that prevented some tourists from coming, especially campers. Nobody has control over the weather but they do over the service they provide and that’s the aim of this conference, which is now in its sixth year.

[Ann MacLellan] It’s given me things to think about. What we could do next year to attract more tourists to our sites, perhaps regarding cyclists. That’s one of the things that was spoken about today, what could be done to attract more of them to the islands and for longer periods of time.

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] The same conference will be held at An Lanntair in Stornoway tomorrow from 10am. Shona MacDonald, BBC An Là in Uist.



Ar Fàilte Innse Gall

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan] Chaidh goireas trèanaidh ùr do ghnìomhachas na turasachd anns na h-Eileanan fhoillseachadh an-diugh. Tha iomairt "Our Hebridean Welcome" airson cuideachadh a thoirt do luchd-obrach gus barrachd eòlas fhaighinn sgìre. Bheir e cuideachd taic dhaibh mun dòigh as fheàrr air seirbheis a thoirt seachad airson barrachd luchd-turais a thàladh dhan àite. ‘S iad buidheann turasachd Innse Gall a chuir a’ cho-labhairt air dòigh. Le barrachd, seo Shona NicDhòmhnaill.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Gach bliadhna tha còrr is 200,000 neach-turais a’ tadhal air na h-Eileanan an Iar. ‘S dh’fhiach roinn na turasachd £53,000 gach bliadhna. Ach, thathar ag amas air sin a thogail gu mòr thairis air na còig bliadhna ri thighinn. Airson taic a chur ris an ro-innleachd sin, chaidh an goireas trèanadh ùr, ‘Ar Fàilte Innse Gall,’ fhoillseachadh ann am Beinn na Faoghla an-diugh.

[Iain Forham] An online module, takes about an hour and a half/two hours. It’s a relatively straight forward system to learn how to use. There’s great content, people learn all about the Outer Hebrides as a destination and get a good reminder about all those good service things that people expect when they come here from other places and what makes a good service destination.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Tha e stèidhichte air a’ phrògram ‘Tha Glaschu a’ cur fàilte.’ Chaidh sin a chleachdadh nuair a bhathar ag ullachadh airson Geamaichean a’ Cho-fhlaitheis an-uiridh agus tha a-nis is 10,000 duine air an cùrsa dhèanamh.

[Seumas Rusk] As ‘Hebridean Welcomes’ grows and enthusiasm for the programme grows, the whole feeling and everything changes and it’s not just the online. It’s about the conversations that take place after the fact and you can see a complete and utter change in your staff and the people on the ground understanding the bigger picture.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Ach tha mòr eadar na h-eileanan agus baile mòr. Mar sin, saoil an obraich goireas mar seo ann an sgìre iomallach.

[Ailean MacChoinnich] ‘S urrainn dhuinne sin a dhèanamh cuideachd, foillseachadh do dhaoine na diofaran eadar na h-eileanan againn, na rudan as fhèarr a dhol a dh’ fhaicinn, a bhith cuideachadh dhaoine gu bhith a’ siubhal tro na h-eileanan agus fios aca gu bheil a leithid seo agus a leithid siud ann ri fhaotainn agus cuideachd a’ toirt dhaibh beagan de dh’eòlas air cionnas as còir dhaibh a bhith dèiligeadh ri na daoine a tha tighinn chun nan toglaichean aca.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] ‘S e samhradh fuar a bh’ anns na h-eileanan am-bliadhna agus chuir sin bacadh air cuid de luchd-turais tighinn, gu h-àraidh daoine a bhios a’ campachadh. Chan eil smachd aig duine air an aimsir ach tha air an t-seirbheis a thathar a’ tairgsinn agus ‘s ann ri sin a tha an co-labhairt seo, a tha a-nis anns an t-siathamh bliadhna, ag amas.

[Ann NicIllFhaoilain] Tha e toirt dhomh rudan airson smaoineachadh mu dheidhinn. ‘s urrainn dhuinn a dhèanamh an ath-bhliadhna airson barrachd luchd-turais a thàladh a-staigh chun na làraich againn. ‘S dòcha thaobh cyclists, sin rud a bha iad a’ bruidhinn mu dheidhinn an-diugh, gnothaichean a ghabhas dèanamh airson barrachd daoine a thoirt a-staigh dha na h-eileanan agus gu fuirich iad nas fhaide sna h-eileanan.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Bidh an aon cho-labhairt ga cumail aig An Lanntair ann an Steòrnabhagh a-màireach bho 10 uairean sa mhadainn. Shona NicDhòmhnaill, BBC An ann an Uibhist.



"Our Hebridean Welcome"

English Beurla

[Donald Morrison – Presenter] A new training facility for the tourism industry in the islands was launched today. The “Our Hebridean Welcome” initiative helps staff learn more about the area. It will also help them achieve the best way to deliver a service to attract more tourists to the area. Outer Hebrides Tourism organised the conference. With more, here’s Shona MacDonald.

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] Each year more than 200,000 tourists visit the Western Isles. The tourism industry is worth £53,000 each year. But, the aim is to greatly increase this over the next five years. To support the strategy, a new training facility, ‘Our Hebridean Welcome’ was launched in Benbecula today.

[Iain Forham] An online module, takes about an hour and a half/two hours. It’s a relatively straightforward system to learn how to use. There’s great content, people learn all about the Outer Hebrides as a destination and get a good reminder about all those good service things that people expect when they come here from other places and what makes a good service destination.

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] It is based on the ‘Glasgow Welcomes’ programme. That was used in preparation for the Commonwealth Games last year and now more than 10,000 people have taken the course.

[Seumas Rusk] As ‘Hebridean Welcomes’ grows and enthusiasm for the programme grows, the whole feeling and everything changes and it’s not just the online. It’s about the conversations that take place after the fact and you can see a complete and utter change in your staff and the people on the ground understanding the bigger picture.

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] But there’s a big difference between the islands and a city. Therefore, will this facility work in a remote area?

[Allan MacKenzie] We can do that too, show people the differences between our islands, what the best attractions are, help people to travel through the islands and let them know that there’s this and that available and also give them a bit of information on how they should deal with people who come into their establishments.

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] It was a cold summer in the islands this year and that prevented some tourists from coming, especially campers. Nobody has control over the weather but they do over the service they provide and that’s the aim of this conference, which is now in its sixth year.

[Ann MacLellan] It’s given me things to think about. What we could do next year to attract more tourists to our sites, perhaps regarding cyclists. That’s one of the things that was spoken about today, what could be done to attract more of them to the islands and for longer periods of time.

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] The same conference will be held at An Lanntair in Stornoway tomorrow from 10am. Shona MacDonald, BBC An Là in Uist.



goireas trèanaidh

training facility



gnìomhachas na turasachd

tourism industry

Innse Gall

the Hebrides



Beinn na Faoghla


