FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Na Red Arrows an Steòrnabhagh

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Innes Rothach – Preseantair] Bha sealladh neo-àbhaisteach ri fhaicinn anns na speuran os cionn Steòrnabhaigh an-diugh agus sgioba taisbeanaidh an RAF – na Red Arrows – a’ tadhal air a’ bhaile. Bha iad air fiathachadh fhaighinn bho Ùghdarras Caladh Steòrnabhaigh agus a’ bhuidheann sin a’ comharrachadh gu bheil 150 bliadhna ann bho a chaidh an stèidheachadh. Tha an aithris seo aig Eilidh NicLeòid.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Tha sgioba nan Red Arrows air a bhith taisbeanadh sgilean phaidhleatan feachdan adhair bho chionn còrr is 50 bliadhna. Anns an ùine sin thadhail iad ann an 56 dùthaich. Feasgar an-diugh thill iad a Leòdhas, a’ comharrachadh 150 bliadhna de dh’ eachdraidh Ùghdarras Caladh Steòrnabhaigh.

[Murchadh Moireach] Feumaidh sinn cuimhneachadh cuideachd gu robh itealain a’ falbh às a’ chaladh uaireigin. Bha iad a’ tighinn a-steach agus a’ falbh às a’ chaladh agus tha sinne air leth toilichte gun urrainn dhaibhsan a thighinn.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Tha naoi itealain Hawk T1 a’ sgèith am-bliadhna, a’ sealltainn suaicheantas ùr, a’ daighneachadh obair na sgioba mar thosgaire do Bhreatainn agus an gnìomhachais.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] An seo aig port-adhar Steòrnabhaigh, chaidh na sgrùdaidhean mu dheireadh a dhèanamh air na h-itealain. Tha iad a-nis deiseil airson a dhol os cionn Steòrnabhaigh airson beagan cleasachd anns an adhar. Ach tha an obair ullachaidh airson faighinn chun na h-ìre seo a’ toirt mìosan.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Tha taisbeanadh ùr aca a h-uile bliadhna agus tha an obair ullachaidh a’ toirt sia mìosan.

[Flt Lieut Joe Hourston] The idea, ironically, is to make it look a little bit dangerous and eye-opening in the show but it’s actually done in a very safe manner and it’s very, very well-rehearsed and that’s why we spend 6 months of the year training to put the show on before you see it.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Bha sluagh mòr ann an Steòrnabhagh air am beò-ghlacadh le torradh an cuid saothrach.

[Fireannach 1] I do enjoy flying but not at that height.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] You can’t see yourself reaching these heights?

[Fireannach 1] No, and I don’t really have the best head for heights so not really.

[Fireannach 2] Sgoinneil. Sgoinneil airson an àite agus cuideachd sgoinneil airson Steòrnabhagh, na Red Arrows fhaicinn a-rithist.

[Fireannach 3] It was excellent yeah, it was really good.

[Boireannach 1] It’s amazing what they can do, just, the pilots are fantastic.

[Fireannach 3] Hundreds of miles an hour, feet apart, it’s incredible yeah. Really good.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Eilidh NicLeòid, BBC An Là, Steòrnabhagh.



Red Arrows in Stornoway

English Beurla

[Innes Munro – Presenter] There was an unusual sight in the sky above Stornoway today with the RAF aerobatic display team – the Red Arrows – visiting the town. They were invited by the Stornoway Port Authority who were celebrating their 150th anniversary. Eilidh Macleod has this report.

[Eilidh Macleod – Reporter] The Red Arrows have been displaying the skill of their Air Force pilots for more than 50 years. In that time they have visited 56 countries. This afternoon they returned to Lewis to mark 150 years of the Stornoway Port Authority.

[Murdo Morrison] We also must remember that planes were departing from this port at one time. They were flying in and out of the pier and we are very happy that the Red Arrows could visit.

[Eilidh Macleod – Reporter] There are nine Hawk T1 planes flying this year, displaying a new livery, reinforcing the team’s role as an ambassador for the United Kingdom and the Royal Air Force.

[Eilidh Macleod – Reporter] Here at Stornoway airport, the last checks were made to the planes. They are now ready to fly above Stornoway for some fun in the air. But getting to this stage involves months of preparation.

[Eilidh Macleod – Reporter] They have a new display each year and the preparation for this takes 6 months.

[Flt Lieut Joe Hourston] The idea, ironically, is to make it look a little bit dangerous and eye-opening in the show but it’s actually done in a very safe manner and it’s very, very well-rehearsed and that’s why we spend 6 months of the year training to put the show on before you see it.

[Eilidh Macleod – Reporter] The big crowd in Stornoway were fascinated with the fruits of their labour.

[Gentleman 1] I do enjoy flying but not at that height.

[Eilidh MacLeod –Reporter] You can’t see yourself reaching these heights?

[Gentleman 1] No, and I don’t really have the best head for heights so not really.

[Gentleman 2] Terrific. Great for the place and great too for Stornoway to see the Red Arrows again,

[Gentleman 3] It was excellent yeah, it was really good.

[Lady 1] It’s amazing what they can do, just, the pilots are fantastic.

[Gentleman 3] Hundreds of miles an hour, feet apart, it’s incredible yeah. Really good.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] Eilidh MacLeod, BBC An Là, Stornoway.



Na Red Arrows an Steòrnabhagh

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Innes Rothach – Preseantair] Bha sealladh neo-àbhaisteach ri fhaicinn anns na speuran os cionn Steòrnabhaigh an-diugh agus sgioba taisbeanaidh an RAF – na Red Arrows – a’ tadhal air a’ bhaile. Bha iad air fiathachadh fhaighinn bho Ùghdarras Caladh Steòrnabhaigh agus a’ bhuidheann sin a’ comharrachadh gu bheil 150 bliadhna ann bho a chaidh an stèidheachadh. Tha an aithris seo aig Eilidh NicLeòid.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Tha sgioba nan Red Arrows air a bhith taisbeanadh sgilean phaidhleatan feachdan adhair bho chionn còrr is 50 bliadhna. Anns an ùine sin thadhail iad ann an 56 dùthaich. Feasgar an-diugh thill iad a Leòdhas, a’ comharrachadh 150 bliadhna de dh’ eachdraidh Ùghdarras Caladh Steòrnabhaigh.

[Murchadh Moireach] Feumaidh sinn cuimhneachadh cuideachd gu robh itealain a’ falbh às a’ chaladh uaireigin. Bha iad a’ tighinn a-steach agus a’ falbh às a’ chaladh agus tha sinne air leth toilichte gun urrainn dhaibhsan a thighinn.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Tha naoi itealain Hawk T1 a’ sgèith am-bliadhna, a’ sealltainn suaicheantas ùr, a’ daighneachadh obair na sgioba mar thosgaire do Bhreatainn agus an gnìomhachais.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] An seo aig port-adhar Steòrnabhaigh, chaidh na sgrùdaidhean mu dheireadh a dhèanamh air na h-itealain. Tha iad a-nis deiseil airson a dhol os cionn Steòrnabhaigh airson beagan cleasachd anns an adhar. Ach tha an obair ullachaidh airson faighinn chun na h-ìre seo a’ toirt mìosan.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Tha taisbeanadh ùr aca a h-uile bliadhna agus tha an obair ullachaidh a’ toirt sia mìosan.

[Flt Lieut Joe Hourston] The idea, ironically, is to make it look a little bit dangerous and eye-opening in the show but it’s actually done in a very safe manner and it’s very, very well-rehearsed and that’s why we spend 6 months of the year training to put the show on before you see it.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Bha sluagh mòr ann an Steòrnabhagh air am beò-ghlacadh le torradh an cuid saothrach.

[Fireannach 1] I do enjoy flying but not at that height.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] You can’t see yourself reaching these heights?

[Fireannach 1] No, and I don’t really have the best head for heights so not really.

[Fireannach 2] Sgoinneil. Sgoinneil airson an àite agus cuideachd sgoinneil airson Steòrnabhagh, na Red Arrows fhaicinn a-rithist.

[Fireannach 3] It was excellent yeah, it was really good.

[Boireannach 1] It’s amazing what they can do, just, the pilots are fantastic.

[Fireannach 3] Hundreds of miles an hour, feet apart, it’s incredible yeah. Really good.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Eilidh NicLeòid, BBC An Là, Steòrnabhagh.



Red Arrows in Stornoway

English Beurla

[Innes Munro – Presenter] There was an unusual sight in the sky above Stornoway today with the RAF aerobatic display team – the Red Arrows – visiting the town. They were invited by the Stornoway Port Authority who were celebrating their 150th anniversary. Eilidh Macleod has this report.

[Eilidh Macleod – Reporter] The Red Arrows have been displaying the skill of their Air Force pilots for more than 50 years. In that time they have visited 56 countries. This afternoon they returned to Lewis to mark 150 years of the Stornoway Port Authority.

[Murdo Morrison] We also must remember that planes were departing from this port at one time. They were flying in and out of the pier and we are very happy that the Red Arrows could visit.

[Eilidh Macleod – Reporter] There are nine Hawk T1 planes flying this year, displaying a new livery, reinforcing the team’s role as an ambassador for the United Kingdom and the Royal Air Force.

[Eilidh Macleod – Reporter] Here at Stornoway airport, the last checks were made to the planes. They are now ready to fly above Stornoway for some fun in the air. But getting to this stage involves months of preparation.

[Eilidh Macleod – Reporter] They have a new display each year and the preparation for this takes 6 months.

[Flt Lieut Joe Hourston] The idea, ironically, is to make it look a little bit dangerous and eye-opening in the show but it’s actually done in a very safe manner and it’s very, very well-rehearsed and that’s why we spend 6 months of the year training to put the show on before you see it.

[Eilidh Macleod – Reporter] The big crowd in Stornoway were fascinated with the fruits of their labour.

[Gentleman 1] I do enjoy flying but not at that height.

[Eilidh MacLeod –Reporter] You can’t see yourself reaching these heights?

[Gentleman 1] No, and I don’t really have the best head for heights so not really.

[Gentleman 2] Terrific. Great for the place and great too for Stornoway to see the Red Arrows again,

[Gentleman 3] It was excellent yeah, it was really good.

[Lady 1] It’s amazing what they can do, just, the pilots are fantastic.

[Gentleman 3] Hundreds of miles an hour, feet apart, it’s incredible yeah. Really good.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] Eilidh MacLeod, BBC An Là, Stornoway.





sgioba taisbeanaidh

display team



cuireadh is also used

Ùghdarras Caladh Steòrnabhaigh

Stornoway Port Authority

Feachd an Adhair

Air Force





