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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Bìrlinn ga taisbeanadh an Uibhist

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Angela Nic’Illeathain - Preseantair] Tha ath-chruthachadh de sheann bhìrlinn a thogar le a bhith a' cleachdadh fiosrachadh bho chlachan uaighe air taobh siar na h-Alba a-nis ri fhaicinn aig taigh-tasgaidh ann an Uibhist a Deas. Chaidh an "Aileach", mar a thathas a' gabhail orra, a thoirt gu Taigh-tasgaidh Chill Donnain aig deireadh na seachdain. Tha dòchas ann gum bi i na tarraing mhòr dha luchd-turais thar mhìosan an t-Samhraidh. Seo tuilleadh aig Shona NicDhòmhnaill.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Thàinig an “Aileach” a dh’Uibhist anns a’ bhliadhna 2013. Chaidh a togail le Urras Birlinn Tighearna nan Eilean, cho coltach ‘s a ghabhadh ris a’ Bhirlinn a bha seòladh nan uisgeachan air taobh an Iar Alba fad co-dhiù 500 bliadhna bhon treas linn deug.

[Anndra Dòmhnallach] The galley was built as it would have been three or four hundred years ago and the “Aileach” has done four or five big voyages. She sailed from Westport in Ireland up to Stornoway, we’ve also taken her up to the Faroe Islands to prove that there were trading routes between the Faroe Island and Scotland and the west coast of Scotland. She’s been in many different circumstances, taken a lot of school children out to let them live a little bit of the maritime heritage and row and sail.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Chaidh an “Aileach” a dhealbhachadh le ìomhaighean bho clachan uaighe bho na meadhan aoisean anns na h-eileanan agus air taobh an iar Alba. Thàinig am fiosrachadh a b’ fheàrr far chloich aig Eaglais Roghadail. A-nis bidh a’ Bhirlinn ri faicinn fad an t-samhraidh seo ann an gàrradh Taigh-tasgaidh Chill Donnain.

[Raghnall MacFhionghain] Bidh i ann fad an t-seusain agus nuair a bhios an seusan seachad chan eil duine againn aig a’ mhuseum aig a bheil sgil a choimheadadh as a dèidh ach tha seada aca deiseil airson a cur ann feadh a’ gheamhraidh agus ma tha obair ri dhèanamh oirre os gum bi i fiot airson an ath-bhliadhn agus tha mi an dòchas gum faigh sinn an ath-bhliadhn a-rithist i gum bi àite nas fhèarr, stand dòigheil againn dhith ach an-dràst tha i dìreach ann an àiteachan anns an iomall an rud ach gheibh sinn àite dhith far am bi i agus tha min dòchas gum bi i againn airson iomadach bliadhna fhathast.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Bidh fiosrachadh mun “Aileach” fhèin, eachdraidh na Birlinn agus cho cudromach ‘s a bha iad dha na h-eileanan seo aig aon àm ri fhaighinn anns an taigh tasgaidh. Thathar an dòchas gun tarraing an “Aileach” grunn a-staigh an seo agus gun cuir sin taic ri na goireasan a tha seo mar tha.

[Raghnall MacFhionghain] Fhios agad nuair bhios daoine dol seachad cho luath ‘s a chì iad i feumaidh iad stad ‘s tha an rathad cumhang mar a bhios fhios shìos ann an siud so ma dh’fheumas iad slaodadh a-staigh dhan taigh-tasgaidh airson fhaicinn so tha min dòchas gun obraich e mu chuairt oirnn air fad, bidh e math. ‘S e bàta snog a th’ innte agus tha sinn gu math taingeil gun d’ fhuair sinn i agus gun d’ fhuair sinn an cothrom a cur aig a a’ mhuseum againn agus mar a bha mi ag ràdh nuair a chì daoine i taobh an rathaid ann an siud stadaidh iad agus thig iad a-staigh agus obraichidh e a-mach dhan chafaidh ‘s dhan bhùth eile th’ann ‘s bidh e math. ‘S e win-win situation a th’ann mar a chanas tu.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Shona NicDhòmhnaill, BBC An Là, Uibhist a Deas.



A galley is launched in Uist

English Beurla

[Angela MacLean – Presenter] A replica of an old galley which was built using information from gravestones in the west of Scotland can now be seen at a museum in South Uist. The “Aileach” as it is called, was taken to Kildonan Museum at the end of the week. It is hoped it will be a big tourist attraction over the summer months. Here’s Shona MacDonald with more.

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] The “Aileach” came to Uist in 2013. It was built by The Lord of the Isle’s Galley Trust to be as accurate a replica as possible of the galleys which sailed the seas of the west of Scotland for at least 500 years from the 13th century.

[Andrew MacDonald] The galley was built as it would have been three or four hundred years ago and the “Aileach” has done four or five big voyages. She sailed from Westport in Ireland up to Stornoway, we’ve also taken her up to the Faroe Islands to prove that there were trading routes between the Faroe Island and Scotland and the west coast of Scotland. She’s been in many different circumstances, taken a lot of school children out to let them live a little bit of the maritime heritage and row and sail.

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] The “Aileach” was designed from images on gravestones from the Middle Ages in the islands and on the west of Scotland. The best information came from a stone at Rodel Church. The galley can now be seen all summer in garden of Kildonan Museum.

[Ronald MacKinnon] She’ll be there for the season and when the season is over, there’s nobody at the museum with the skills to look after her, but they have a shed ready to put her in over the winter if work needs done so she’ll be ready for next year and I hope we get her again the year after next and that we will have a better place, a proper stand for her. At the moment she’s on the periphery but we’ll find a place for her and we hope she’ll be here for many years yet.

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] Information about the “Aileach”, the history of the galley and their importance to the islands in the past, can be found in the museum. It is hoped the “Aileach” will attract many people into the museum and that this will be beneficial to the facilities already available.

[Ronald MacKinnon] When people go past, as soon as they see her, they need to stop. The road is narrow down there as you know so they have to pull in to the museum to see so I hope it’ll work well for us all round. She’s a nice boat and we’re very thankful that we got her and were given the opportunity to place her at our museum. As I was saying when people see her at the side of the road they’ll stop and come in which will work out well for the café and the other shop. It’s a win-win situation. [Shona MacDonald – Reporter] Shona MacDonald, BBC An Là, South Uist.



Bìrlinn ga taisbeanadh an Uibhist

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Angela Nic’Illeathain - Preseantair] Tha ath-chruthachadh de sheann bhìrlinn a thogar le a bhith a' cleachdadh fiosrachadh bho chlachan uaighe air taobh siar na h-Alba a-nis ri fhaicinn aig taigh-tasgaidh ann an Uibhist a Deas. Chaidh an "Aileach", mar a thathas a' gabhail orra, a thoirt gu Taigh-tasgaidh Chill Donnain aig deireadh na seachdain. Tha dòchas ann gum bi i na tarraing mhòr dha luchd-turais thar mhìosan an t-Samhraidh. Seo tuilleadh aig Shona NicDhòmhnaill.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Thàinig an “Aileach” a dh’Uibhist anns a’ bhliadhna 2013. Chaidh a togail le Urras Birlinn Tighearna nan Eilean, cho coltach ‘s a ghabhadh ris a’ Bhirlinn a bha seòladh nan uisgeachan air taobh an Iar Alba fad co-dhiù 500 bliadhna bhon treas linn deug.

[Anndra Dòmhnallach] The galley was built as it would have been three or four hundred years ago and the “Aileach” has done four or five big voyages. She sailed from Westport in Ireland up to Stornoway, we’ve also taken her up to the Faroe Islands to prove that there were trading routes between the Faroe Island and Scotland and the west coast of Scotland. She’s been in many different circumstances, taken a lot of school children out to let them live a little bit of the maritime heritage and row and sail.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Chaidh an “Aileach” a dhealbhachadh le ìomhaighean bho clachan uaighe bho na meadhan aoisean anns na h-eileanan agus air taobh an iar Alba. Thàinig am fiosrachadh a b’ fheàrr far chloich aig Eaglais Roghadail. A-nis bidh a’ Bhirlinn ri faicinn fad an t-samhraidh seo ann an gàrradh Taigh-tasgaidh Chill Donnain.

[Raghnall MacFhionghain] Bidh i ann fad an t-seusain agus nuair a bhios an seusan seachad chan eil duine againn aig a’ mhuseum aig a bheil sgil a choimheadadh as a dèidh ach tha seada aca deiseil airson a cur ann feadh a’ gheamhraidh agus ma tha obair ri dhèanamh oirre os gum bi i fiot airson an ath-bhliadhn agus tha mi an dòchas gum faigh sinn an ath-bhliadhn a-rithist i gum bi àite nas fhèarr, stand dòigheil againn dhith ach an-dràst tha i dìreach ann an àiteachan anns an iomall an rud ach gheibh sinn àite dhith far am bi i agus tha min dòchas gum bi i againn airson iomadach bliadhna fhathast.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Bidh fiosrachadh mun “Aileach” fhèin, eachdraidh na Birlinn agus cho cudromach ‘s a bha iad dha na h-eileanan seo aig aon àm ri fhaighinn anns an taigh tasgaidh. Thathar an dòchas gun tarraing an “Aileach” grunn a-staigh an seo agus gun cuir sin taic ri na goireasan a tha seo mar tha.

[Raghnall MacFhionghain] Fhios agad nuair bhios daoine dol seachad cho luath ‘s a chì iad i feumaidh iad stad ‘s tha an rathad cumhang mar a bhios fhios shìos ann an siud so ma dh’fheumas iad slaodadh a-staigh dhan taigh-tasgaidh airson fhaicinn so tha min dòchas gun obraich e mu chuairt oirnn air fad, bidh e math. ‘S e bàta snog a th’ innte agus tha sinn gu math taingeil gun d’ fhuair sinn i agus gun d’ fhuair sinn an cothrom a cur aig a a’ mhuseum againn agus mar a bha mi ag ràdh nuair a chì daoine i taobh an rathaid ann an siud stadaidh iad agus thig iad a-staigh agus obraichidh e a-mach dhan chafaidh ‘s dhan bhùth eile th’ann ‘s bidh e math. ‘S e win-win situation a th’ann mar a chanas tu.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Shona NicDhòmhnaill, BBC An Là, Uibhist a Deas.



A galley is launched in Uist

English Beurla

[Angela MacLean – Presenter] A replica of an old galley which was built using information from gravestones in the west of Scotland can now be seen at a museum in South Uist. The “Aileach” as it is called, was taken to Kildonan Museum at the end of the week. It is hoped it will be a big tourist attraction over the summer months. Here’s Shona MacDonald with more.

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] The “Aileach” came to Uist in 2013. It was built by The Lord of the Isle’s Galley Trust to be as accurate a replica as possible of the galleys which sailed the seas of the west of Scotland for at least 500 years from the 13th century.

[Andrew MacDonald] The galley was built as it would have been three or four hundred years ago and the “Aileach” has done four or five big voyages. She sailed from Westport in Ireland up to Stornoway, we’ve also taken her up to the Faroe Islands to prove that there were trading routes between the Faroe Island and Scotland and the west coast of Scotland. She’s been in many different circumstances, taken a lot of school children out to let them live a little bit of the maritime heritage and row and sail.

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] The “Aileach” was designed from images on gravestones from the Middle Ages in the islands and on the west of Scotland. The best information came from a stone at Rodel Church. The galley can now be seen all summer in garden of Kildonan Museum.

[Ronald MacKinnon] She’ll be there for the season and when the season is over, there’s nobody at the museum with the skills to look after her, but they have a shed ready to put her in over the winter if work needs done so she’ll be ready for next year and I hope we get her again the year after next and that we will have a better place, a proper stand for her. At the moment she’s on the periphery but we’ll find a place for her and we hope she’ll be here for many years yet.

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] Information about the “Aileach”, the history of the galley and their importance to the islands in the past, can be found in the museum. It is hoped the “Aileach” will attract many people into the museum and that this will be beneficial to the facilities already available.

[Ronald MacKinnon] When people go past, as soon as they see her, they need to stop. The road is narrow down there as you know so they have to pull in to the museum to see so I hope it’ll work well for us all round. She’s a nice boat and we’re very thankful that we got her and were given the opportunity to place her at our museum. As I was saying when people see her at the side of the road they’ll stop and come in which will work out well for the café and the other shop. It’s a win-win situation. [Shona MacDonald – Reporter] Shona MacDonald, BBC An Là, South Uist.





used in this context to mean replica





Taigh-tasgaidh Chill Donnain

Kildonan Museum

na Meadhan-Aoisean

the Middle Ages

Eaglais Ròghadail

Rodel Church