FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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30 bliadhna bhon a thòisich an Guth Bharraigh

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Mairi Rodgers – Preseantair] Air a’ chòigeamh den mhìos bidh deich thar fhichead bliadhna ann bhon a thòisich Guth Bharraigh. Tha iad a’ cur a-mach nan ceudan lethbhric gach seachdain, an chuid ann an clò agus ann an cruth didseatach. ‘S ann airson fiosrachadh a chumail air muinntir an eilein a bha an Guth agus cha robh dad a dhùil gum biodh e dol fhathast. Chaidh Shona NicDhòmhnaill a dh’fhaicinn iris na seachdain seo ga chur a-mach.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Nuair a chaidh Guth Bharraigh a chur air bhonn o chionn deich thar fhichead bliadhna, cha b’ ann mar phàipear naidheachd ach mar dhuilleag fiosrachaidh.

[Betty Nic an t-Saoir] Bhathar mothachail air an dìth fiosrachaidh a bha air an eilean a bha seo. Bha daoine call a-mach gu mòr a thaobh sochairean sòisealta can, a thaobh fios mu chroitearachd, an t-adhartas a b’ urrainnear a dhèanamh, bha iomadach seirbheis bhathar a’ call a-mach air seach nach robh fios aig daoine mu dheidhinn.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] B’ ann le seann Gestetner a bhathar a clò-bhualadh Guth Bharraigh an toiseachd, ‘s e typewriter agus tippex na goireasan eile a bh’ ann airson a chur ri chèile.

[Betty Nic an t-Saoir] Chunna mi gu robh an dàrna duilleig, gu robh cuideigin a’ reic cuileanan agus mus do ràinig sinn an t-siathamh duilleag, chuir sinn ann ‘we have surpassed our own service. The dog advertised on page two has now been sold!’

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] An-diugh thathar a’ cur a-mach nan ceudan dhen Ghuth gach seachdain agus le teicneòlas an an-diugh gheibh Barraich air feadh an t-saoghail e aig an aon àm leothasan tha fuireach air an eilean.

[Annie NicNèill] Air post-dealain bidh sinn a’ ruighinn Astràilia. Bidh daoine air an eilean fhèin ga fhaighinn cuideachd air sàilleabh gheibh iad e nas luaithe na gheibh iad sa bhùth e a chuid mhòr dhen ùine. An uair a tha e deiseil bidh sinn ga chur ann an cruth PDF ‘s ga chur a-mach gu daoine cho luath ‘s a ghabhas. Ach feumaidh sinn feitheamh air an eilean gus am bi e printed gus a chur a-mach chun a’ bhùth bhùidseir.

[Fireannach] Uill mura faigh thu e bidh thu ga ionndrainn. Chan eil mòran ann idir.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] bhios sibh caran a’ coimhead air a shon ge-tà?

[Seumas MacAonghais] tha dol. Bheil sgath a’ dol. Uaireannan bidh càraichean for sale agus rudan.

[Annie NicNèill] Tha sinn air colbh Gàidhlig a thòiseachadh ann o chionn a’ bhliadhna a chaidh. Tha sinn a’ feuchainn ri toirt air daoine sgrìobhadh dhuinn cuideachd. Bidh sinn a’ feuchainn rudan ùra, cha bhi e ag obrachadh uaireannan ach uaireannan eile gheibh sinn deagh response agus bi daoine ag ràdh ‘oh bha siud math fhaicinn!’ Airson tòiseachadh, fhuair a’ phròiseact taic airgid airson bhliadhna.

[Betty Nic an t-Saoir] Cha mhòr gun gabh e creidsinn gu bheil e ruith fhathast. Cha robh dùil sam bith againn gu ruitheadh e còig bliadhna ‘s gun diach air mìle is còig cheud iris.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Shona NicDhòmhnaill, BBC An Là, Barraigh



30 years since Guth Bharraigh began

English Beurla

[Mairi Rodgers – Presenter] The 5th of this month marks 30 years since Guth Bharraigh started. They distribute hundreds of copies each week, both in print and in digital form. The ‘Guth’ was initially to provide information to the people of the island but nobody predicted it would go on so long. Shona MacDonald went to see this week’s edition being distributed.

{Shona MacDonald – Reporter] When Guth Bharraigh was set up 30 years ago, it wasn’t as a newspaper but as an information booklet.

[Betty McAteer] People were aware of the lack of information on the island. Many were missing out on social benefits, information about crofting, how things could progress, there were many services they were missing out on because they did not know about them.

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] A Gestetner was used to publish Guth Bharraigh initially, a typewriter and tippex were the other resources used to produce it.

[Betty McAteer] I saw on the second page that someone was selling puppies but before we reached the 6th page, we added ‘we have surpassed our own service. The dog advertised on page two has now been sold!’

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] Today they distribute hundreds of the ‘Guth’ each week and thanks for modern technology Barra people all over the world can receive it at the same time as those who live on the island.

[Annie MacNeil] Via email we reach Australia. People on the island itself get it this way too as it’s quicker than getting in the shop most of the time. When it’s ready we put it in PDF format and distribute it to people as fast as we can. But we, on the island, need to wait until it’s printed to get it in the butcher’s shop.

[Seumas MacInnes] Well if you don’t get it you miss it. There’s not that much in it.

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] What do you look for though?

[Seumas MacInnes] What’s going on. Is there anything happening. Sometimes there’s cars for sale and things like that.

[Annie MacNeil] Last year we started a Gaelic column. We try and encourage people to write for us too. We try new things, sometimes they don’t work but sometimes we get a good response and people say ‘oh it was good to see this or that!’

[Betty McAteer] To begin with, the project received funding for two years. It’s difficult to believe it’s still going. We didn’t expect it to run for five years, never mind for 1500 issues.

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] Shona MacDonald, BBC An Là, Barra.



30 bliadhna bhon a thòisich an Guth Bharraigh

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Mairi Rodgers – Preseantair] Air a’ chòigeamh den mhìos bidh deich thar fhichead bliadhna ann bhon a thòisich Guth Bharraigh. Tha iad a’ cur a-mach nan ceudan lethbhric gach seachdain, an chuid ann an clò agus ann an cruth didseatach. ‘S ann airson fiosrachadh a chumail air muinntir an eilein a bha an Guth agus cha robh dad a dhùil gum biodh e dol fhathast. Chaidh Shona NicDhòmhnaill a dh’fhaicinn iris na seachdain seo ga chur a-mach.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Nuair a chaidh Guth Bharraigh a chur air bhonn o chionn deich thar fhichead bliadhna, cha b’ ann mar phàipear naidheachd ach mar dhuilleag fiosrachaidh.

[Betty Nic an t-Saoir] Bhathar mothachail air an dìth fiosrachaidh a bha air an eilean a bha seo. Bha daoine call a-mach gu mòr a thaobh sochairean sòisealta can, a thaobh fios mu chroitearachd, an t-adhartas a b’ urrainnear a dhèanamh, bha iomadach seirbheis bhathar a’ call a-mach air seach nach robh fios aig daoine mu dheidhinn.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] B’ ann le seann Gestetner a bhathar a clò-bhualadh Guth Bharraigh an toiseachd, ‘s e typewriter agus tippex na goireasan eile a bh’ ann airson a chur ri chèile.

[Betty Nic an t-Saoir] Chunna mi gu robh an dàrna duilleig, gu robh cuideigin a’ reic cuileanan agus mus do ràinig sinn an t-siathamh duilleag, chuir sinn ann ‘we have surpassed our own service. The dog advertised on page two has now been sold!’

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] An-diugh thathar a’ cur a-mach nan ceudan dhen Ghuth gach seachdain agus le teicneòlas an an-diugh gheibh Barraich air feadh an t-saoghail e aig an aon àm leothasan tha fuireach air an eilean.

[Annie NicNèill] Air post-dealain bidh sinn a’ ruighinn Astràilia. Bidh daoine air an eilean fhèin ga fhaighinn cuideachd air sàilleabh gheibh iad e nas luaithe na gheibh iad sa bhùth e a chuid mhòr dhen ùine. An uair a tha e deiseil bidh sinn ga chur ann an cruth PDF ‘s ga chur a-mach gu daoine cho luath ‘s a ghabhas. Ach feumaidh sinn feitheamh air an eilean gus am bi e printed gus a chur a-mach chun a’ bhùth bhùidseir.

[Fireannach] Uill mura faigh thu e bidh thu ga ionndrainn. Chan eil mòran ann idir.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] bhios sibh caran a’ coimhead air a shon ge-tà?

[Seumas MacAonghais] tha dol. Bheil sgath a’ dol. Uaireannan bidh càraichean for sale agus rudan.

[Annie NicNèill] Tha sinn air colbh Gàidhlig a thòiseachadh ann o chionn a’ bhliadhna a chaidh. Tha sinn a’ feuchainn ri toirt air daoine sgrìobhadh dhuinn cuideachd. Bidh sinn a’ feuchainn rudan ùra, cha bhi e ag obrachadh uaireannan ach uaireannan eile gheibh sinn deagh response agus bi daoine ag ràdh ‘oh bha siud math fhaicinn!’ Airson tòiseachadh, fhuair a’ phròiseact taic airgid airson bhliadhna.

[Betty Nic an t-Saoir] Cha mhòr gun gabh e creidsinn gu bheil e ruith fhathast. Cha robh dùil sam bith againn gu ruitheadh e còig bliadhna ‘s gun diach air mìle is còig cheud iris.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Shona NicDhòmhnaill, BBC An Là, Barraigh



30 years since Guth Bharraigh began

English Beurla

[Mairi Rodgers – Presenter] The 5th of this month marks 30 years since Guth Bharraigh started. They distribute hundreds of copies each week, both in print and in digital form. The ‘Guth’ was initially to provide information to the people of the island but nobody predicted it would go on so long. Shona MacDonald went to see this week’s edition being distributed.

{Shona MacDonald – Reporter] When Guth Bharraigh was set up 30 years ago, it wasn’t as a newspaper but as an information booklet.

[Betty McAteer] People were aware of the lack of information on the island. Many were missing out on social benefits, information about crofting, how things could progress, there were many services they were missing out on because they did not know about them.

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] A Gestetner was used to publish Guth Bharraigh initially, a typewriter and tippex were the other resources used to produce it.

[Betty McAteer] I saw on the second page that someone was selling puppies but before we reached the 6th page, we added ‘we have surpassed our own service. The dog advertised on page two has now been sold!’

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] Today they distribute hundreds of the ‘Guth’ each week and thanks for modern technology Barra people all over the world can receive it at the same time as those who live on the island.

[Annie MacNeil] Via email we reach Australia. People on the island itself get it this way too as it’s quicker than getting in the shop most of the time. When it’s ready we put it in PDF format and distribute it to people as fast as we can. But we, on the island, need to wait until it’s printed to get it in the butcher’s shop.

[Seumas MacInnes] Well if you don’t get it you miss it. There’s not that much in it.

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] What do you look for though?

[Seumas MacInnes] What’s going on. Is there anything happening. Sometimes there’s cars for sale and things like that.

[Annie MacNeil] Last year we started a Gaelic column. We try and encourage people to write for us too. We try new things, sometimes they don’t work but sometimes we get a good response and people say ‘oh it was good to see this or that!’

[Betty McAteer] To begin with, the project received funding for two years. It’s difficult to believe it’s still going. We didn’t expect it to run for five years, never mind for 1500 issues.

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] Shona MacDonald, BBC An Là, Barra.





ann an clò

in print







duilleag fiosrachaidh

information booklet

