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Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

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Cò tha gu bhith air an àrd-ùrlar aig Belladrum?

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Innes Rothach - Preseantair] Bidh an seinneadair ainmeil Tom Jones aig bàrr a’ chlàir aig fèis chiùil Bhelladrum faisg air Inbhir Nis as t-samhradh. Chaidh fhoillseachadh an-diugh gum bi Sir Tom air an àrd-ùrlar Oidhche Haoine leis a’ chòmhlan-ciùil, Razorlight a’ toirt na fèise gu crìch Oidhche Shathairne. Tha tuilleadh aig Doneil MacLeòid.

[Doneil MacLeòid – Neach-aithris] Tha na h-achaighean mun chuairt Fèis Chiùil Bhelladrum an-dràsta làn chaorach, ach anns an Lùnastal, bidh na mìltean dhaoine a’ taomadh sìos ann an seo airson cuid de na h-ainmean mòra ann an ceòl fhaicinn. Agus chaidh fhoillseachadh an-diugh feadhainn a bhios a’ tilleadh leithid Frightened Rabbit agus còmhlain eile, leithid The Dangleberries agus cuideachd na h-ainmean mòra a bhios a’ toirt nan cuirmean air Dihaoine agus Disathairne gu crìoch. ‘S e sin Tom Jones, an seinneadair fìor chliùiteach a th’ air còrr air ceud millean clàr a reic na dhreuchd fhada, agus cuideachd an còmhlan Razorlight.

[Doneil MacLeòid – Neach-aithris] Bidh mòran dhaoine nas òige a’ dèanamh toileachas gu bheil Razorlight a’ tighinn còmhla agus tha iad air foillseachadh an-uiridh gun robh iad gus ùine a ghabhail bho chèile fhad ‘s a bha an seinneadair Johnny Borrell ag obair air clàr dha fhèin.

[Joe Gibb] Yes, well we’re delighted they’ve decided to reform and come back. Yeah in 2008, they headlined Rockness and here they are headlining Bella and, I mean, they’ve got some great songs, some great hits and I think that’ll be quite a party that night.

[Doneil MacLeòid – Neach-aithris] Bidh mòran eòlach air Tom Jones. Tha dreuchd fìor shoirbheachail air a bhith aige thar bhliadhnaichean fada, fada. O chionn ghoirid, tha an cliù aige air a dhol an àirde a-rithist agus tha e na bhritheamh air a’ phrògram ciùil farpaiseach, The Voice.

[Joe Gibb] I think particularly Tom Jones is interesting because he’s so cross-generational, you know, because of his television exposure. He has got an appeal across the generations because people of my vintage remember him when he was a young man singing The Green, Green Grass of Home. But now he’s got a whole new audience from the voice.

[Doneil MacLeòid – Neach-aithris] Nochd an naidheachd anmoch a-raoir agus a rèir choltais tràth madainn an-diugh, thòisich daoine a’ dèanamh sreath taobh a-muigh oifis Ironworks ann an Inbhir Nis airson tiocaidean a cheannach. Ach, a rèir an luchd-obrach, thog malairt na bu thràithe air an t-seachdain sa. An dràsta, tha rabhadh air an làraich-lìn aca ag ràdh gu bheil tiocaidean a’ falbh luath agus tha seo na mhisneachd don fheadhainn air cùl Belladrum gun reic iad a-mach a-rithist, ma dh’fhaodhte an turas seo nas luaithe na àm sam bith eile. Doneil MacLeòid, BBC An Là, Belladrum.



Who is going to be on the stage at Belladrum?

English Beurla

[Innes Munro - Presenter] The famous singer Tom Jones is at top of the bill at the music festival Belladrum near Inverness in Summer. It was announced today that Tom Jones will be on the stage on Friday night with the band Razorlight bringing the festival to a close of Saturday night. Doneil MacLeod has more.

[Doneil MacLeod – Reporter] The fields around Belladrum Music Festival just now are full of sheep, but in August, thousands of people will be pouring down here to see many of the big names in music. And it was announced today some of the ones who will returning like Frightened Rabbit and other bands, like The Dangleberries and also the big names who will be bringing the festival to a close on Friday and Saturday nights. That’s Tom Jones, the wee-respected singer who has sold more than 100 million records in his long career, and also the band Razonlight.

[Doneil MacLeod – Reporter] Many younger people are happy that Razorlight are coming together and it was announced last year that they were going to spend time apart as long as the singer, Johnny Borrell, was working on his solo album.

[Joe Gibb] Yes, well we’re delighted they’ve decided to reform and come back. Yeah in 2008, they headlined Rockness and here they are headlining Bella and, I mean, they’ve got some great songs, some great hits and I think that’ll be quite a party that night.

[Doneil MacLeod – Reporter] Many know Tom Jones. He has had a very successful career over many years. Recently, his reputation has grown again as he is a judge on the music competition programme, The Voice.

[Joe Gibb] I think particularly Tom Jones is interesting because he’s so cross-generational, you know, because of his television exposure. He has got an appeal across the generations because people of my vintage remember him when he was a young man singing The Green, Green Grass of Home. But now he’s got a whole new audience from of the voice.

[Doneil MacLeod – Reporter] The news came late last night and seemingly early this morning, people started to make a queue outside the Ironworks office in Inverness to buy tickets. But, according to the workers, the sale started earlier this week. Just now, there is a warning on their website saying that the tickets are selling fast and this is a sign to those behind Belladrum that they will sell out again, maybe this time quicker than any other time. Doneil MacLeod, BBC An Là, Belladrum.



Cò tha gu bhith air an àrd-ùrlar aig Belladrum?

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Innes Rothach - Preseantair] Bidh an seinneadair ainmeil Tom Jones aig bàrr a’ chlàir aig fèis chiùil Bhelladrum faisg air Inbhir Nis as t-samhradh. Chaidh fhoillseachadh an-diugh gum bi Sir Tom air an àrd-ùrlar Oidhche Haoine leis a’ chòmhlan-ciùil, Razorlight a’ toirt na fèise gu crìch Oidhche Shathairne. Tha tuilleadh aig Doneil MacLeòid.

[Doneil MacLeòid – Neach-aithris] Tha na h-achaighean mun chuairt Fèis Chiùil Bhelladrum an-dràsta làn chaorach, ach anns an Lùnastal, bidh na mìltean dhaoine a’ taomadh sìos ann an seo airson cuid de na h-ainmean mòra ann an ceòl fhaicinn. Agus chaidh fhoillseachadh an-diugh feadhainn a bhios a’ tilleadh leithid Frightened Rabbit agus còmhlain eile, leithid The Dangleberries agus cuideachd na h-ainmean mòra a bhios a’ toirt nan cuirmean air Dihaoine agus Disathairne gu crìoch. ‘S e sin Tom Jones, an seinneadair fìor chliùiteach a th’ air còrr air ceud millean clàr a reic na dhreuchd fhada, agus cuideachd an còmhlan Razorlight.

[Doneil MacLeòid – Neach-aithris] Bidh mòran dhaoine nas òige a’ dèanamh toileachas gu bheil Razorlight a’ tighinn còmhla agus tha iad air foillseachadh an-uiridh gun robh iad gus ùine a ghabhail bho chèile fhad ‘s a bha an seinneadair Johnny Borrell ag obair air clàr dha fhèin.

[Joe Gibb] Yes, well we’re delighted they’ve decided to reform and come back. Yeah in 2008, they headlined Rockness and here they are headlining Bella and, I mean, they’ve got some great songs, some great hits and I think that’ll be quite a party that night.

[Doneil MacLeòid – Neach-aithris] Bidh mòran eòlach air Tom Jones. Tha dreuchd fìor shoirbheachail air a bhith aige thar bhliadhnaichean fada, fada. O chionn ghoirid, tha an cliù aige air a dhol an àirde a-rithist agus tha e na bhritheamh air a’ phrògram ciùil farpaiseach, The Voice.

[Joe Gibb] I think particularly Tom Jones is interesting because he’s so cross-generational, you know, because of his television exposure. He has got an appeal across the generations because people of my vintage remember him when he was a young man singing The Green, Green Grass of Home. But now he’s got a whole new audience from the voice.

[Doneil MacLeòid – Neach-aithris] Nochd an naidheachd anmoch a-raoir agus a rèir choltais tràth madainn an-diugh, thòisich daoine a’ dèanamh sreath taobh a-muigh oifis Ironworks ann an Inbhir Nis airson tiocaidean a cheannach. Ach, a rèir an luchd-obrach, thog malairt na bu thràithe air an t-seachdain sa. An dràsta, tha rabhadh air an làraich-lìn aca ag ràdh gu bheil tiocaidean a’ falbh luath agus tha seo na mhisneachd don fheadhainn air cùl Belladrum gun reic iad a-mach a-rithist, ma dh’fhaodhte an turas seo nas luaithe na àm sam bith eile. Doneil MacLeòid, BBC An Là, Belladrum.



Who is going to be on the stage at Belladrum?

English Beurla

[Innes Munro - Presenter] The famous singer Tom Jones is at top of the bill at the music festival Belladrum near Inverness in Summer. It was announced today that Tom Jones will be on the stage on Friday night with the band Razorlight bringing the festival to a close of Saturday night. Doneil MacLeod has more.

[Doneil MacLeod – Reporter] The fields around Belladrum Music Festival just now are full of sheep, but in August, thousands of people will be pouring down here to see many of the big names in music. And it was announced today some of the ones who will returning like Frightened Rabbit and other bands, like The Dangleberries and also the big names who will be bringing the festival to a close on Friday and Saturday nights. That’s Tom Jones, the wee-respected singer who has sold more than 100 million records in his long career, and also the band Razonlight.

[Doneil MacLeod – Reporter] Many younger people are happy that Razorlight are coming together and it was announced last year that they were going to spend time apart as long as the singer, Johnny Borrell, was working on his solo album.

[Joe Gibb] Yes, well we’re delighted they’ve decided to reform and come back. Yeah in 2008, they headlined Rockness and here they are headlining Bella and, I mean, they’ve got some great songs, some great hits and I think that’ll be quite a party that night.

[Doneil MacLeod – Reporter] Many know Tom Jones. He has had a very successful career over many years. Recently, his reputation has grown again as he is a judge on the music competition programme, The Voice.

[Joe Gibb] I think particularly Tom Jones is interesting because he’s so cross-generational, you know, because of his television exposure. He has got an appeal across the generations because people of my vintage remember him when he was a young man singing The Green, Green Grass of Home. But now he’s got a whole new audience from of the voice.

[Doneil MacLeod – Reporter] The news came late last night and seemingly early this morning, people started to make a queue outside the Ironworks office in Inverness to buy tickets. But, according to the workers, the sale started earlier this week. Just now, there is a warning on their website saying that the tickets are selling fast and this is a sign to those behind Belladrum that they will sell out again, maybe this time quicker than any other time. Doneil MacLeod, BBC An Là, Belladrum.











