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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Fèin-riaghlaidh sa Ghàidhealtachd

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] Tron eachdraidh, tha smachd air a bhith aig muinntir na Gàidhealtachd is nan Eilean air an cuisean fhèin aig amannan a’ dol air ais gu leithid ‘Tighearnas nan Eilean’ is aig amannan eile a’ chaochladh fìor.

[An t-Oll Seumas Mac An t-Sealgair] The times when the Highlands and Islands were doing relatively well in comparison with the rest of Western Europe was when the region had most autonomy and the times when the Highlands and Islands were doing not so well was when we had least autonomy and we had least autonomy arguably in the later 18th and early 19th century which coincides with the period of clearance and eviction and all of that.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] Tha na làithean sin seachad, ach cha deach an dìochuimhneachadh buileach. Tha eagal air daoine gun tèid cus smachd a chur air na coimhearsnachdan aca bhon taobh a-muigh is chan eil mar a tha rudan leithid poileis is luchd-smàlaidh a-nise gan ruith gu nàiseanta a’ toirt misneachd dhaibh is ceist, an e tuilleadh dheth a thachras?

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] ‘S dòcha gur e a’ cheist a tha seo mu sheirbheisean, leithid seirbheis smàlaidh, poileis, foghlaim is eile an rud as motha a tha a’ dèanamh dragh do dhaoine air feadh na Gàidhealtachd is nan Eilean. A bheil iad dha-rìribh gu bhith air an ruith barrachd is barrachd à Dùn Èideann.

[An Comh John A MacÌomhair] Amasan a’ Phàrtaidh Nàiseantachd barrachd cumhachd a thoirt a-mach dhan Tuath, thar an iomaill. A thaobh an ‘administration’ a tha ga dhèanamh a thoirt sìos gu Dhùn Èideann, ach tha sin a’ ciallachadh gu bheil iad a’ faighinn barrachd ionmhasachadh dha na ‘front line services’ mar a chanas iad agus canaidh tòrr dhe na daoine a tha an lùib nan gnìomhachasan sin, na poileis agus an luchd-smàlaidh, canaidh iad sin.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] Tha Partaidh Nàiseanta na h-Alba a tha a’ riaghladh an dràsta a’ dol às àicheadh gu bheil iadsan air a bhith buileach dona a thaobh cumhachd a tharraing dhan mheadhan, ach do fheadhainn eile tha fianais ann air a’ chaochladh

[An Comh Tormod MacLeòid] Tha sinn a’ faicinn cuideachd le na ‘planning decisions’ gu bheil an riaghaltas, mar gum biodh, a’ gabhail cus gnothaich ri rudan dhen t-seòrsa sin. Bu chòir sin a bhith air fhàgail anns na coimhearsnachdan is anns na bailtean far a bheil sin a’ dol air adhart.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] “’S ann a tha sinne a’ dèanamh rudan susbainteach”, tha an riaghaltas ag ràdh leithid faraidhean saora ‘RET’ a thoirt a-steach air na h-aiseagan. Rud nach d’ fhuair èisteachd ron seo, ach thug iad an uair sin pàirt nan làraidhean dheth air falbh a-rithist.

[An Comh Coinneach MacLeoid] Uill, thug iad air falbh e gu ìre, ach tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil RET air diofar mòr a dhèanamh dha na h-Eileanan mar seo bhon a thàinig e a-steach sia bliadhna air ais agus tha sinn a’ faicinn na h-àireamhan de luchd-turais a tha a’ tighinn chun nan Eilean a’ dol an-aìrde, bliadhna an dèidh bliadhna agus tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil sin gu math cudromach agus ‘s e rud cho math ‘s a th’ anns an eilean seo a-riamh ‘RET’ a thighinn a-steach.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] Tha taic fharsaing ann de dh’iomairt nan trì comhairlean eileanach, Arcaibh, Sealltainn is na h-Eileanan Siar, airson tuilleadh cumhachd fhaighinn dhaibh fhèin bhon iomairt “Ar n-Eileanan ri Teachd”. Ach mu sgìrean iomallach eile air an taobh siar?

[An Comh Tormod Dòmhnallach] ‘S e comhairlean eileanach a th’ annainn fhèin airson Arcaibh agus Sealtainn is chan eil sin fìor dha comhairlean eile far a bheil eilean a tha na h-aon rudan a’ bualadh orrasan cuideachd agus bhiodh sinn an dòchas rud sam bith a gheibh sinn a-mach às an iomairt a tha sinn a’ dèanamh, sìolaidh sin sìos gu eileanan eile cuideachd.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] Tha gun teagamh na trì comhairlean eileanach ga faicinn fhèin eadar-dhealaichte. Tha aon chomhairliche air iarraidh orra ‘Cosla’ fhàgail is buidheann tagraidh dhaibh fhèin a’ stèidheachadh eatorra.

[An Comh Dòmhnall Crichton] ‘S e mo bheachd pearsanta a tha seo, chan e beachd na comhairle, ach ‘s mathaid gum bu chòir dhuinn ceum air adhart eile a ghabhail is bristeadh air falbh bho ‘Cosla’ is tighinn mar bhuidheann eileanach airson bruidhinn ris an riaghaltas airson a ràdh riutha, seo an staid is an suidheachadh a th’againn. Tha sinn ag iarraidh ionmhas freagarrach airson dèiligeadh ris.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] Tha feadhainn a’ tagradh nach eil math dha na h-eileanan sgìrean dùthchail taobh siar tìr mòr a dìochuimhneachadh is iarraidh sgaradh bho sgìrean beairteach an taobh sear. ’S dòcha fiù ‘s comhairle na Gàidhealtachd a chur na leth.

[Ruairidh Moireach ] Aig an targaid a’ dèanamh loidhne tro Gharbh is tron na Luirg suas gu ‘s mathaide Inbhir Theòrsa no Bettyhill no mar sin, gum biodh taobh siar Roinn na Gàidhealtachd mar sgìre air leth còmhla ri na h-Eilean Siar is ‘s mathaid còmhla ri eileanan Earra-Ghàidheil agus gum biodh iad air an riaghladh a thaobh cho feumach ‘s a tha iad air tuilleadh taic agus cuideachaidh.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] Diofar smuaintean air tha dhìth is nach eil. An ath-oidhch thig sinn gu cridhe ar ceist. An e Alba neo-eisimeileach no fuireach san Rìoghachd Aonaichte is dòcha barrachd guth a thoirt dhan Ghàidhealtachd is dha na h-eileanan? Dòmhnall Moireasdan, BBC An Là.



Homerule in the Highlands

English Beurla

[Donald Morrison –Reporter] Through history, the people of the Highlands and Islands have had control of their own matters going back to times of the Kingdom of the Isles and other times of great change.

[Prof James Hunter] The times when the Highlands and Islands were doing relatively well in comparison with the rest of Western Europe was when the region had most autonomy and the times when the Highlands and Islands were doing not so well was when he lad least autonomy and we had least autonomy arguably in the later 18th and early 19th century which coincides with the period of clearance and eviction and all of that.

[Donald Morrison – Reporter] Those days are long gone, but they have not been totally forgotten. People are scared that too much control will be exerted on their communities from outside and things which have happened with the police and fire service now run nationally do not give them confidence and there is a question, is more to come?

[Donald Morrison – Reporter] Maybe the question is about services, like the fire service, the police, education and others are the biggest thing that concerns people all over the Highlands and Islands. Are they more and more, going to be run in Edinburgh?

[Councillor John A MacIver] The aims of the SNP to give more power to the north, over the regions. From the administration that has been taken down to Edinburgh, but that means that there is more finance for the front line services as they call it and many of those people who are involved in that business, the police and the fire service, they would say that.

[Donald Morrison – Reporter] The Scottish National Party are in charge just now and they deny that they have just as bad in centralising power, but to some it’s finance that is responsible.

[Councillor Norman MacLeod] We see also with the planning decisions that the government, as it were, take to much to do with those types of things. We should leave them in communities and towns where these things go ahead.

[Donald Morrison – Reporter] “We are doing worthwhile things”, the government say like bringing in cheaper RET fares. Something that was not even listened to before now, but they then took some of the lorries away.

[Councillor Kenneth MacLeod] Well, they took it away to a degree, but I think that the RET has made a big difference to the islands like this since it came in six years ago and we see the numbers of tourists that come to the islands rising, year after year and I think that is very important and it’s one of the best things to happen to the islands is RET coming in.

[Donald Morrison – Reporter] There is wide support for the campaign of the three island councils, Orkney, Shetland and the Western isles for more power from the support “Our Future Islands”, but what about other remote communities on the west coast?

[Councillor Norman Macdonald] We are island councils ourselves for Orkney and Shetland and that is not true for other councils where there is an island, the same thing affects them too and we would hope to get something out of the campaign that we make, that it will filter sown to other islands too.

[Donald Morrison – Reporter] The three island councils see themselves as different. One councillor says that they should leave COSLA and set up their own advocacy group between them.

[Councillor Donald Crichton] This is my personal opinion, it is not the council’s view, but we would be better to take another step forward and break away from COSLA and come together as an island group to speak to the government and say to them, this is the state and situation that we have. We want suitable financing to deal with this.

[Donald Morrison – Reporter] Some state that it is not good for the islands of the west coast to be forgotten and want a split from the rich areas of the east coast. Even splitting Highland Council in two halves.

[Roddy Murray ] At the target make a line through Galloway, through Lairg to Thurso or Bettyhill. As such the west of the Highlands will be in a half with the western isles and together with the islands of Argyll they will be governed together and need more help and support.

[Donald Morrison – Reporter] Different views on what is needed and what isn’t. tomorrow night we will come to the heart of our question. Is it an independent Scotland or staying in a union which gives a greater voice to the Highlands and Islands? Donald Morrison, BBC An Là.



Fèin-riaghlaidh sa Ghàidhealtachd

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] Tron eachdraidh, tha smachd air a bhith aig muinntir na Gàidhealtachd is nan Eilean air an cuisean fhèin aig amannan a’ dol air ais gu leithid ‘Tighearnas nan Eilean’ is aig amannan eile a’ chaochladh fìor.

[An t-Oll Seumas Mac An t-Sealgair] The times when the Highlands and Islands were doing relatively well in comparison with the rest of Western Europe was when the region had most autonomy and the times when the Highlands and Islands were doing not so well was when we had least autonomy and we had least autonomy arguably in the later 18th and early 19th century which coincides with the period of clearance and eviction and all of that.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] Tha na làithean sin seachad, ach cha deach an dìochuimhneachadh buileach. Tha eagal air daoine gun tèid cus smachd a chur air na coimhearsnachdan aca bhon taobh a-muigh is chan eil mar a tha rudan leithid poileis is luchd-smàlaidh a-nise gan ruith gu nàiseanta a’ toirt misneachd dhaibh is ceist, an e tuilleadh dheth a thachras?

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] ‘S dòcha gur e a’ cheist a tha seo mu sheirbheisean, leithid seirbheis smàlaidh, poileis, foghlaim is eile an rud as motha a tha a’ dèanamh dragh do dhaoine air feadh na Gàidhealtachd is nan Eilean. A bheil iad dha-rìribh gu bhith air an ruith barrachd is barrachd à Dùn Èideann.

[An Comh John A MacÌomhair] Amasan a’ Phàrtaidh Nàiseantachd barrachd cumhachd a thoirt a-mach dhan Tuath, thar an iomaill. A thaobh an ‘administration’ a tha ga dhèanamh a thoirt sìos gu Dhùn Èideann, ach tha sin a’ ciallachadh gu bheil iad a’ faighinn barrachd ionmhasachadh dha na ‘front line services’ mar a chanas iad agus canaidh tòrr dhe na daoine a tha an lùib nan gnìomhachasan sin, na poileis agus an luchd-smàlaidh, canaidh iad sin.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] Tha Partaidh Nàiseanta na h-Alba a tha a’ riaghladh an dràsta a’ dol às àicheadh gu bheil iadsan air a bhith buileach dona a thaobh cumhachd a tharraing dhan mheadhan, ach do fheadhainn eile tha fianais ann air a’ chaochladh

[An Comh Tormod MacLeòid] Tha sinn a’ faicinn cuideachd le na ‘planning decisions’ gu bheil an riaghaltas, mar gum biodh, a’ gabhail cus gnothaich ri rudan dhen t-seòrsa sin. Bu chòir sin a bhith air fhàgail anns na coimhearsnachdan is anns na bailtean far a bheil sin a’ dol air adhart.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] “’S ann a tha sinne a’ dèanamh rudan susbainteach”, tha an riaghaltas ag ràdh leithid faraidhean saora ‘RET’ a thoirt a-steach air na h-aiseagan. Rud nach d’ fhuair èisteachd ron seo, ach thug iad an uair sin pàirt nan làraidhean dheth air falbh a-rithist.

[An Comh Coinneach MacLeoid] Uill, thug iad air falbh e gu ìre, ach tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil RET air diofar mòr a dhèanamh dha na h-Eileanan mar seo bhon a thàinig e a-steach sia bliadhna air ais agus tha sinn a’ faicinn na h-àireamhan de luchd-turais a tha a’ tighinn chun nan Eilean a’ dol an-aìrde, bliadhna an dèidh bliadhna agus tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil sin gu math cudromach agus ‘s e rud cho math ‘s a th’ anns an eilean seo a-riamh ‘RET’ a thighinn a-steach.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] Tha taic fharsaing ann de dh’iomairt nan trì comhairlean eileanach, Arcaibh, Sealltainn is na h-Eileanan Siar, airson tuilleadh cumhachd fhaighinn dhaibh fhèin bhon iomairt “Ar n-Eileanan ri Teachd”. Ach mu sgìrean iomallach eile air an taobh siar?

[An Comh Tormod Dòmhnallach] ‘S e comhairlean eileanach a th’ annainn fhèin airson Arcaibh agus Sealtainn is chan eil sin fìor dha comhairlean eile far a bheil eilean a tha na h-aon rudan a’ bualadh orrasan cuideachd agus bhiodh sinn an dòchas rud sam bith a gheibh sinn a-mach às an iomairt a tha sinn a’ dèanamh, sìolaidh sin sìos gu eileanan eile cuideachd.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] Tha gun teagamh na trì comhairlean eileanach ga faicinn fhèin eadar-dhealaichte. Tha aon chomhairliche air iarraidh orra ‘Cosla’ fhàgail is buidheann tagraidh dhaibh fhèin a’ stèidheachadh eatorra.

[An Comh Dòmhnall Crichton] ‘S e mo bheachd pearsanta a tha seo, chan e beachd na comhairle, ach ‘s mathaid gum bu chòir dhuinn ceum air adhart eile a ghabhail is bristeadh air falbh bho ‘Cosla’ is tighinn mar bhuidheann eileanach airson bruidhinn ris an riaghaltas airson a ràdh riutha, seo an staid is an suidheachadh a th’againn. Tha sinn ag iarraidh ionmhas freagarrach airson dèiligeadh ris.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] Tha feadhainn a’ tagradh nach eil math dha na h-eileanan sgìrean dùthchail taobh siar tìr mòr a dìochuimhneachadh is iarraidh sgaradh bho sgìrean beairteach an taobh sear. ’S dòcha fiù ‘s comhairle na Gàidhealtachd a chur na leth.

[Ruairidh Moireach ] Aig an targaid a’ dèanamh loidhne tro Gharbh is tron na Luirg suas gu ‘s mathaide Inbhir Theòrsa no Bettyhill no mar sin, gum biodh taobh siar Roinn na Gàidhealtachd mar sgìre air leth còmhla ri na h-Eilean Siar is ‘s mathaid còmhla ri eileanan Earra-Ghàidheil agus gum biodh iad air an riaghladh a thaobh cho feumach ‘s a tha iad air tuilleadh taic agus cuideachaidh.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] Diofar smuaintean air tha dhìth is nach eil. An ath-oidhch thig sinn gu cridhe ar ceist. An e Alba neo-eisimeileach no fuireach san Rìoghachd Aonaichte is dòcha barrachd guth a thoirt dhan Ghàidhealtachd is dha na h-eileanan? Dòmhnall Moireasdan, BBC An Là.



Homerule in the Highlands

English Beurla

[Donald Morrison –Reporter] Through history, the people of the Highlands and Islands have had control of their own matters going back to times of the Kingdom of the Isles and other times of great change.

[Prof James Hunter] The times when the Highlands and Islands were doing relatively well in comparison with the rest of Western Europe was when the region had most autonomy and the times when the Highlands and Islands were doing not so well was when he lad least autonomy and we had least autonomy arguably in the later 18th and early 19th century which coincides with the period of clearance and eviction and all of that.

[Donald Morrison – Reporter] Those days are long gone, but they have not been totally forgotten. People are scared that too much control will be exerted on their communities from outside and things which have happened with the police and fire service now run nationally do not give them confidence and there is a question, is more to come?

[Donald Morrison – Reporter] Maybe the question is about services, like the fire service, the police, education and others are the biggest thing that concerns people all over the Highlands and Islands. Are they more and more, going to be run in Edinburgh?

[Councillor John A MacIver] The aims of the SNP to give more power to the north, over the regions. From the administration that has been taken down to Edinburgh, but that means that there is more finance for the front line services as they call it and many of those people who are involved in that business, the police and the fire service, they would say that.

[Donald Morrison – Reporter] The Scottish National Party are in charge just now and they deny that they have just as bad in centralising power, but to some it’s finance that is responsible.

[Councillor Norman MacLeod] We see also with the planning decisions that the government, as it were, take to much to do with those types of things. We should leave them in communities and towns where these things go ahead.

[Donald Morrison – Reporter] “We are doing worthwhile things”, the government say like bringing in cheaper RET fares. Something that was not even listened to before now, but they then took some of the lorries away.

[Councillor Kenneth MacLeod] Well, they took it away to a degree, but I think that the RET has made a big difference to the islands like this since it came in six years ago and we see the numbers of tourists that come to the islands rising, year after year and I think that is very important and it’s one of the best things to happen to the islands is RET coming in.

[Donald Morrison – Reporter] There is wide support for the campaign of the three island councils, Orkney, Shetland and the Western isles for more power from the support “Our Future Islands”, but what about other remote communities on the west coast?

[Councillor Norman Macdonald] We are island councils ourselves for Orkney and Shetland and that is not true for other councils where there is an island, the same thing affects them too and we would hope to get something out of the campaign that we make, that it will filter sown to other islands too.

[Donald Morrison – Reporter] The three island councils see themselves as different. One councillor says that they should leave COSLA and set up their own advocacy group between them.

[Councillor Donald Crichton] This is my personal opinion, it is not the council’s view, but we would be better to take another step forward and break away from COSLA and come together as an island group to speak to the government and say to them, this is the state and situation that we have. We want suitable financing to deal with this.

[Donald Morrison – Reporter] Some state that it is not good for the islands of the west coast to be forgotten and want a split from the rich areas of the east coast. Even splitting Highland Council in two halves.

[Roddy Murray ] At the target make a line through Galloway, through Lairg to Thurso or Bettyhill. As such the west of the Highlands will be in a half with the western isles and together with the islands of Argyll they will be governed together and need more help and support.

[Donald Morrison – Reporter] Different views on what is needed and what isn’t. tomorrow night we will come to the heart of our question. Is it an independent Scotland or staying in a union which gives a greater voice to the Highlands and Islands? Donald Morrison, BBC An Là.



Tighearnas nan Eilean

The Kingdom of the Isles


fire service

Partaidh Nàiseanta na h-Alba

Scottish National Party

a’ tagradh


