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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Spiorad na Nollaige ann an Steòrnabhagh

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Angela NicIlleathain – Preseantair] Tha muinntir Steòrnabhaigh ann an Leòdhas air tighinn còmhla airson tachartas Nollaige a chur air dòigh dhaibh fhèin. Tha seo an dèidh do Chomhairle nan Eilean Siar air innse nach robh airgead gu leòr aca am-bliadhna airson solais Nollaig a chur an-aìrde. Fhuairear beagan ionmhais airson craobh agus ghluais spiorad na Nollaige aon bhoireannach òg cuirm a chur air dòigh an aghaidh thèid na solais air a’ chraoibh a chur air agus mar a fhuair Dòmhnall MacLaomainn a-mach, chan eil dìth cuideachaidh air a bhith na dhuilgheadas dhith.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Àm na Nollaige, àm airson teaghlach, clann a’ cluiche, craobhan Nollaige agus solais Nollaige air na sràidean. Ach, cha bhi am-bliadhna ann am meadhan baile Steòrnabhaigh. Tha a’ Chomhairle a’ gearradh an airgid a tha Urras Ghoireasan Steòrnabhaigh a’ faighinn airson solais a chur suas.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Bha draghan ann air sgàth nan gearraidhean nach biodh solais sam bith ann am meadhan Bhaile Steòrnabhaigh am-bliadhna. Ach, le buidhnean a’ tighinn còmhla, thèid a’ chraobh seo air mo chùlaibh a sgeadachadh agus bidh solais air a chur oirre, Diardaoin sa tighinn.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Ged a tha solais gu bhith air a’ chraoibh, bha daoine gu math tàmailteach nach bi rudeigin air a chur air dòigh airson na h-oidhche a thèid na solais a chur air. Ghlac sin aire boireannaich òig a smaoinich gum bu chòir rudeigin a bhith air a dhèanamh.

[Jane Hepburn] Bha mi a’ smaoineachadh gun robh e duilich nach robh càil a’ tachairt airson na lights a dhol air anns a’ bhaile agus dìreach chuir mi rudeigin air facebook, sgrìobh mi gun robh mi a’ dol sìos le m’fhidheall agus bha a h-uile duine a’ sgrìobhadh rudeigin às dèidh sin ag iarraidh orm sin a dhèanamh. Agus, uill, sin na tachair.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Tha còrr air seachd ceud neach air an ainm aca a chur ris an iomairt le mòran luchd-ciùil, dannsairean, agus còmhlain air aontachadh cuideachadh.

[Jane Hepburn] Tha tòrr dhaoine a’ cantainn rium “Dè mi airson cuideachadh?”, fhios agad? Heb Hostel agus tha an Fhèis agus tha Harris Tweed Hebrides. Tha iad airson ceud not a thoirt dhuinn airson càil sam bith, fhios agad? Tha a h-uile duine dìreach, tha e glè mhath. Tha real community spirit againne, nach robh ann, fhios agad, ron seo.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Ged a tha a' Chomhairle ag aithneachadh gu bheil e tàmailteach nach bi na solais àbhaisteach ann am-bliadhna, tha iad dòchasach gu bheil oidhirpean na coimhearsnachd a' dol a dhèanamh diofar mhòr.

[Teàrlach MacNeacail] Though we would like to do more and have more lights and that. There’s a great community spirit there, and I’m sure next Thursday it’ll be a nice night for those that go to the shops and are involved and those that come to see the lights that we do have within the civic area.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Mar sin, ged nach bi spiorad na Nollaige cho mothachail am-bliadhna ‘s a b’ àbhaist, tha spioraid na coimhearsnachd a’ dol a dhèanamh cinnteach gum bi co-dhiù aon oidhche ann far an tig a h-uile duine còmhla airson sùil a chumail a-mach airson Bodach na Nollaige. Dòmhnall MacLaomainn, BBC An Là, Steòrnabhagh



Christmas Spirit in Stornoway

English Beurla

[Angela MacLean – Presenter] The people of Stornoway in Lewis are coming together to put on a Christmas event for themselves. This is because Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (Western Isles Council) have said that they don’t have enough money to hang Christmas lights. There was a small budget for a tree and the Christmas spirit moved one young woman to put on a concert to put on the lights on the tree and as Donald Lamont found out, she was not short of help.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] Christmas time, a time for family, children playing, Christmas trees, Christmas lights on the streets. But, this won’t happen in the middle of Stornoway town. The Council cut the money that the Stornoway Trust get to put up lights.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] There were concerns as the cuts would not have any lights in the middle of Stornoway this year. But, with groups coming together, this tree behind me will be decorated and it will have lights on it this Thursday.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] Although there will be lights on the tree, people were disappointed that something won’t be organised for the night when the lights are put on. This caught the attention of a young woman who thought something had to be done.

[Jane Hepburn] I thought it was sad that nothing was happening for the lights going on in the town and I just put something on Facebook, I wrote that I was going down with my fiddle and everyone was writing something afterwards asking me to do that. And that is what happened.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] More than 700 people have put their names to the campaign with many musicians, dancers and bands agreeing to help.

[Jane Hepburn] Lots of people have said to me “What will I do to help?”, you know? Heb Hostel and the Feis and Harris Tweed Hebrides. They want to give us £100 to do anything, you know? Everyone is just, they are very good. We have a real community spirit that wasn’t there, you know, before now.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] Although the Council admit that it is disappointing that there won’t be the normal lights this year, they hope that the community’s efforts are going to make a big difference.

[Charles Nicolson] Though we would like to do more and have more lights and that. There’s a great community spirit there, and I’m sure next Thursday it’ll be a nice night for those that go to the shops and are involved and those that come to see the lights that we do have within the civic area.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] As such, although the Christmas spirit will not be so noticeable as it normally is, the community spirit will make sure that there will be one night where everyone will come together to keep an eye out for Santa Claus. Donald Lamont, BBC An Là, Stornoway.



Spiorad na Nollaige ann an Steòrnabhagh

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Angela NicIlleathain – Preseantair] Tha muinntir Steòrnabhaigh ann an Leòdhas air tighinn còmhla airson tachartas Nollaige a chur air dòigh dhaibh fhèin. Tha seo an dèidh do Chomhairle nan Eilean Siar air innse nach robh airgead gu leòr aca am-bliadhna airson solais Nollaig a chur an-aìrde. Fhuairear beagan ionmhais airson craobh agus ghluais spiorad na Nollaige aon bhoireannach òg cuirm a chur air dòigh an aghaidh thèid na solais air a’ chraoibh a chur air agus mar a fhuair Dòmhnall MacLaomainn a-mach, chan eil dìth cuideachaidh air a bhith na dhuilgheadas dhith.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Àm na Nollaige, àm airson teaghlach, clann a’ cluiche, craobhan Nollaige agus solais Nollaige air na sràidean. Ach, cha bhi am-bliadhna ann am meadhan baile Steòrnabhaigh. Tha a’ Chomhairle a’ gearradh an airgid a tha Urras Ghoireasan Steòrnabhaigh a’ faighinn airson solais a chur suas.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Bha draghan ann air sgàth nan gearraidhean nach biodh solais sam bith ann am meadhan Bhaile Steòrnabhaigh am-bliadhna. Ach, le buidhnean a’ tighinn còmhla, thèid a’ chraobh seo air mo chùlaibh a sgeadachadh agus bidh solais air a chur oirre, Diardaoin sa tighinn.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Ged a tha solais gu bhith air a’ chraoibh, bha daoine gu math tàmailteach nach bi rudeigin air a chur air dòigh airson na h-oidhche a thèid na solais a chur air. Ghlac sin aire boireannaich òig a smaoinich gum bu chòir rudeigin a bhith air a dhèanamh.

[Jane Hepburn] Bha mi a’ smaoineachadh gun robh e duilich nach robh càil a’ tachairt airson na lights a dhol air anns a’ bhaile agus dìreach chuir mi rudeigin air facebook, sgrìobh mi gun robh mi a’ dol sìos le m’fhidheall agus bha a h-uile duine a’ sgrìobhadh rudeigin às dèidh sin ag iarraidh orm sin a dhèanamh. Agus, uill, sin na tachair.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Tha còrr air seachd ceud neach air an ainm aca a chur ris an iomairt le mòran luchd-ciùil, dannsairean, agus còmhlain air aontachadh cuideachadh.

[Jane Hepburn] Tha tòrr dhaoine a’ cantainn rium “Dè mi airson cuideachadh?”, fhios agad? Heb Hostel agus tha an Fhèis agus tha Harris Tweed Hebrides. Tha iad airson ceud not a thoirt dhuinn airson càil sam bith, fhios agad? Tha a h-uile duine dìreach, tha e glè mhath. Tha real community spirit againne, nach robh ann, fhios agad, ron seo.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Ged a tha a' Chomhairle ag aithneachadh gu bheil e tàmailteach nach bi na solais àbhaisteach ann am-bliadhna, tha iad dòchasach gu bheil oidhirpean na coimhearsnachd a' dol a dhèanamh diofar mhòr.

[Teàrlach MacNeacail] Though we would like to do more and have more lights and that. There’s a great community spirit there, and I’m sure next Thursday it’ll be a nice night for those that go to the shops and are involved and those that come to see the lights that we do have within the civic area.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Mar sin, ged nach bi spiorad na Nollaige cho mothachail am-bliadhna ‘s a b’ àbhaist, tha spioraid na coimhearsnachd a’ dol a dhèanamh cinnteach gum bi co-dhiù aon oidhche ann far an tig a h-uile duine còmhla airson sùil a chumail a-mach airson Bodach na Nollaige. Dòmhnall MacLaomainn, BBC An Là, Steòrnabhagh



Christmas Spirit in Stornoway

English Beurla

[Angela MacLean – Presenter] The people of Stornoway in Lewis are coming together to put on a Christmas event for themselves. This is because Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (Western Isles Council) have said that they don’t have enough money to hang Christmas lights. There was a small budget for a tree and the Christmas spirit moved one young woman to put on a concert to put on the lights on the tree and as Donald Lamont found out, she was not short of help.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] Christmas time, a time for family, children playing, Christmas trees, Christmas lights on the streets. But, this won’t happen in the middle of Stornoway town. The Council cut the money that the Stornoway Trust get to put up lights.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] There were concerns as the cuts would not have any lights in the middle of Stornoway this year. But, with groups coming together, this tree behind me will be decorated and it will have lights on it this Thursday.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] Although there will be lights on the tree, people were disappointed that something won’t be organised for the night when the lights are put on. This caught the attention of a young woman who thought something had to be done.

[Jane Hepburn] I thought it was sad that nothing was happening for the lights going on in the town and I just put something on Facebook, I wrote that I was going down with my fiddle and everyone was writing something afterwards asking me to do that. And that is what happened.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] More than 700 people have put their names to the campaign with many musicians, dancers and bands agreeing to help.

[Jane Hepburn] Lots of people have said to me “What will I do to help?”, you know? Heb Hostel and the Feis and Harris Tweed Hebrides. They want to give us £100 to do anything, you know? Everyone is just, they are very good. We have a real community spirit that wasn’t there, you know, before now.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] Although the Council admit that it is disappointing that there won’t be the normal lights this year, they hope that the community’s efforts are going to make a big difference.

[Charles Nicolson] Though we would like to do more and have more lights and that. There’s a great community spirit there, and I’m sure next Thursday it’ll be a nice night for those that go to the shops and are involved and those that come to see the lights that we do have within the civic area.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] As such, although the Christmas spirit will not be so noticeable as it normally is, the community spirit will make sure that there will be one night where everyone will come together to keep an eye out for Santa Claus. Donald Lamont, BBC An Là, Stornoway.



tachartas Nollaige

Christmas event

spiorad na Nollaige

Christmas spirit





