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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Pròiseict gus ùidh a thogail ann an croitearachd

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Iain MacIlleathain - Preseantair] Thòisich pròiseict ann am Barraigh a tha ag amas air clann is daoine òg a bhrosnachadh gus ùidh a thogail ann an croitearachd. Mairidh a’ phròiseact bhliadhna agus bidh an obair a’ fighe a-steach do churraicealam na sgoile. Gheibh a’ chlann cothrom air bàrr agus beathaichean croit àrach mar phàirt dhen chùrsa. An aithris-sa aig Shona NicDhòmhnaill.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Tha a’ phròiseact Croitear Òg air a shnìomh a-staigh do churraicealam na sgoile mar dhòigh air ùidh na cloinne ann an croitearachd a thogail aig aois òg.

[Màiri Flòraidh NicNèill] A’ toirt a-staigh sgilean Beurla, Matamataigs, Saidheans agus cuideachd ag obair ann am buidheann ‘s ag obair còmhla ri daoine sa choimhearsnachd cuideachd. Tha e uabhasach math dhaibh.

[Aonghas Brianan MacNèill] Tha cuimhne ‘am fhèin nuair a bha mi òg mar dheugaire. ‘S ann a leugh mi rud mu chaoraich a bha sa leabharlann ùr a fhuair sinn ann an sgoil ùr Bhàgh a' Chaisteil mar a bh’ ann aig an àm a thog ùidh annam-sa airson a bhith a’ coimhead, a bharrachd air an rud a bha timcheall orm, ach thog e ùidh shònraichte ùr annam a bharrachd air an rud ris an robh mi chleachdte on a dh’ fhàs mi suas. Agus tha mi a’ smaointinn nuair a tha daoine a’ faicinn gum faod iadsan, gu bheil iad a’ tuigsinn an rud a th’ ann agus gu bheil rud a ghabhas a chur ris agus an rud a iadsan a chuireas gnothaichean air adhart, gun toir siud dhaibh spionnadh air choreigin. Tha mi a’ smaointinn gu bheil an chuid a’ ruith còmhla.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Tha machair air an taobh an iar, mòinteach air an taobh an ear, ach tha a’ phròiseact seo an dùil map a dhèanamh a sheallas nas mionaidiche gu dìreach an seòrsa ùir a th’ ann am fearann Bharraigh.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] A bharrachd air na dh’ ionnsaicheas iad san sgoil, tha e cudromach ionnsachadh mun obair chruaidh a tha ceangailte ri croitearachd.

[Clair MacAteer Logan] Secondary pupils will be given an allotment. They will have a piece of land where they will grow a crop. Now, because their group is peer-led, they are going to decide what crop they will grow. Now it may be potatoes, it may be barley, it may be wheat, it may be corn, because they are also going to be given the opportunity in actually purchasing an animal, a beast, be it a cow, a sheep, whatever. And they will obviously be responsible for the care of the animal, the husbandry. They’ll look after it, they’ll feed it and at the end of the project, they will then decide what to do with the animal, do they send it to the market? Do they send it to the abattoir? To be slaughtered and then sell the meat. This is what they are going to decide because this is what crofting is about.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Mairidh a’ phròiseact bhliadhna agus bidh ùine aig na sgoilearan na co-dhùnaidhean mòra sin a dhèanamh. Shona NicDhòmhnaill, BBC An Là, Barraigh.



A project to raise interest in crofting

English Beurla

[Iain MacLean - Presenter] A project started in Barra that aims to inspire children and young people to raise an interest in crofting. The project will last two years and the work will be woven into the school curriculum. The children will get the opportunity to work the land and rear croft animals as part of the course. This report is with Shona MacDonald

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] The project Croitear Òg (Young Crofter) is woven into the school’s curriculum as a way to raise interest of children at a young age.

[Mary Flora MacNeil] It brings in English, Mathematics, Science and also working in a group and working with people in the community too. It is really good for them.

[Angus Brendan MacNeil] I remember myself when I was a young, a teenager. That is where I read about sheep which was in the new library in the new school at in Castlebay that was there at the time that interested me in looking at, more than what was around me, it gave me a special interest, more than what I was used to when I was growing up. And I think that when people see what they can do, that they understand what it is and what they can add to it and what they do that will bring things forward, that this gives them a sort of push. I think the two things run together,

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] There is machair on the west side, moorland on the east side, but this project hopes to have a map that will show in a detailed way what sort of soil is in the land of Barra

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] In addition to what they’ll learn in school, it is important to learn about the hard work involved in crofting.

[Clair MacAteer Logan] Secondary pupils will be given an allotment. They will have a piece of land where they will grow a crop. Now, because their group is peer-led, they are going to decide what crop they will grow. Now it may be potatoes, it may be barley, it may be wheat, it may be corn, because they are also going to be given the opportunity in actually purchasing an animal, a beast, be it a cow, a sheep, whatever. And they will obviously be responsible for the care of the animal, the husbandry. They’ll look after it, they’ll feed it and at the end of the project, they will then decide what to do with the animal, do they send it to the market? Do they send it to the abattoir? To be slaughtered and then sell the meat. This is what they are going to decide because this is what crofting is about.

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] The project will run for two years and there will be time for the pupils to make those big decisions. Shona MacDonald BBC An Là, Barra.



Pròiseict gus ùidh a thogail ann an croitearachd

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Iain MacIlleathain - Preseantair] Thòisich pròiseict ann am Barraigh a tha ag amas air clann is daoine òg a bhrosnachadh gus ùidh a thogail ann an croitearachd. Mairidh a’ phròiseact bhliadhna agus bidh an obair a’ fighe a-steach do churraicealam na sgoile. Gheibh a’ chlann cothrom air bàrr agus beathaichean croit àrach mar phàirt dhen chùrsa. An aithris-sa aig Shona NicDhòmhnaill.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Tha a’ phròiseact Croitear Òg air a shnìomh a-staigh do churraicealam na sgoile mar dhòigh air ùidh na cloinne ann an croitearachd a thogail aig aois òg.

[Màiri Flòraidh NicNèill] A’ toirt a-staigh sgilean Beurla, Matamataigs, Saidheans agus cuideachd ag obair ann am buidheann ‘s ag obair còmhla ri daoine sa choimhearsnachd cuideachd. Tha e uabhasach math dhaibh.

[Aonghas Brianan MacNèill] Tha cuimhne ‘am fhèin nuair a bha mi òg mar dheugaire. ‘S ann a leugh mi rud mu chaoraich a bha sa leabharlann ùr a fhuair sinn ann an sgoil ùr Bhàgh a' Chaisteil mar a bh’ ann aig an àm a thog ùidh annam-sa airson a bhith a’ coimhead, a bharrachd air an rud a bha timcheall orm, ach thog e ùidh shònraichte ùr annam a bharrachd air an rud ris an robh mi chleachdte on a dh’ fhàs mi suas. Agus tha mi a’ smaointinn nuair a tha daoine a’ faicinn gum faod iadsan, gu bheil iad a’ tuigsinn an rud a th’ ann agus gu bheil rud a ghabhas a chur ris agus an rud a iadsan a chuireas gnothaichean air adhart, gun toir siud dhaibh spionnadh air choreigin. Tha mi a’ smaointinn gu bheil an chuid a’ ruith còmhla.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Tha machair air an taobh an iar, mòinteach air an taobh an ear, ach tha a’ phròiseact seo an dùil map a dhèanamh a sheallas nas mionaidiche gu dìreach an seòrsa ùir a th’ ann am fearann Bharraigh.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] A bharrachd air na dh’ ionnsaicheas iad san sgoil, tha e cudromach ionnsachadh mun obair chruaidh a tha ceangailte ri croitearachd.

[Clair MacAteer Logan] Secondary pupils will be given an allotment. They will have a piece of land where they will grow a crop. Now, because their group is peer-led, they are going to decide what crop they will grow. Now it may be potatoes, it may be barley, it may be wheat, it may be corn, because they are also going to be given the opportunity in actually purchasing an animal, a beast, be it a cow, a sheep, whatever. And they will obviously be responsible for the care of the animal, the husbandry. They’ll look after it, they’ll feed it and at the end of the project, they will then decide what to do with the animal, do they send it to the market? Do they send it to the abattoir? To be slaughtered and then sell the meat. This is what they are going to decide because this is what crofting is about.

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Mairidh a’ phròiseact bhliadhna agus bidh ùine aig na sgoilearan na co-dhùnaidhean mòra sin a dhèanamh. Shona NicDhòmhnaill, BBC An Là, Barraigh.



A project to raise interest in crofting

English Beurla

[Iain MacLean - Presenter] A project started in Barra that aims to inspire children and young people to raise an interest in crofting. The project will last two years and the work will be woven into the school curriculum. The children will get the opportunity to work the land and rear croft animals as part of the course. This report is with Shona MacDonald

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] The project Croitear Òg (Young Crofter) is woven into the school’s curriculum as a way to raise interest of children at a young age.

[Mary Flora MacNeil] It brings in English, Mathematics, Science and also working in a group and working with people in the community too. It is really good for them.

[Angus Brendan MacNeil] I remember myself when I was a young, a teenager. That is where I read about sheep which was in the new library in the new school at in Castlebay that was there at the time that interested me in looking at, more than what was around me, it gave me a special interest, more than what I was used to when I was growing up. And I think that when people see what they can do, that they understand what it is and what they can add to it and what they do that will bring things forward, that this gives them a sort of push. I think the two things run together,

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] There is machair on the west side, moorland on the east side, but this project hopes to have a map that will show in a detailed way what sort of soil is in the land of Barra

[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] In addition to what they’ll learn in school, it is important to learn about the hard work involved in crofting.

[Clair MacAteer Logan] Secondary pupils will be given an allotment. They will have a piece of land where they will grow a crop. Now, because their group is peer-led, they are going to decide what crop they will grow. Now it may be potatoes, it may be barley, it may be wheat, it may be corn, because they are also going to be given the opportunity in actually purchasing an animal, a beast, be it a cow, a sheep, whatever. And they will obviously be responsible for the care of the animal, the husbandry. They’ll look after it, they’ll feed it and at the end of the project, they will then decide what to do with the animal, do they send it to the market? Do they send it to the abattoir? To be slaughtered and then sell the meat. This is what they are going to decide because this is what crofting is about.

[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] The project will run for two years and there will be time for the pupils to make those big decisions. Shona MacDonald BBC An Là, Barra.











Bàgh a' Chaisteil
