FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Laoich an Iomain

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Angela NicIlleathain - Preseantair] Thèid luaidh a dhèanamh air Laoich an Iomain a chaillear anns a’ Chogadh Mhòr aig cuirm san t-Sultain. Tha an cuirm mar phàirt de thachartasan na fèise, Blas. Thèid a chumail anns a’ Ghearastan an oidhche ro chuairt dheireannach Cupa na Camanachd. Chaidh an ath-chuairt den fharpais a thaghadh ann an Drochaid an Aonachain an-diugh. Bha Dòmhnall MacLaomainn ann dhuinn.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Bha luchd-turais bho iomadh dùthaich a’ coimhead air adhart le iongnadh. Chaidh an ath chuairt de Chupa na Camanachd a thaghadh air carragh-chuimhne nan Commandos aig Drochaid an Aonachain. Bha adhbhar sònraichte airson taghadh an àite seo. Tha an Dotair Ùisdean MacIllFhinnein agus Gary Innes a’ foillseachadh nam planaichean aca airson comharrachadh chluicheadairean iomain a bha a’ sabaid anns a’ Chogadh Mhòr.

[Gary Innes] The whole idea about Shinty’s Heroes is to take the sport form the very start and bring it up to modern day to exactly where it’s at today. With obviously the hundredth year of the war coming up next year as well, we thought it would be a great idea to try an incorporate that in especially because there’s so many untold stories and heroes out there as well that went to war and lost their lives and the heroes that also came back as well.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Tha an taisbeanadh a’ dol a thoirt a-steach iomadh dealbh iongantach nach fhaca duine ron seo dhe chuicheadairean iomain bhon àm ud agus pìosan ciùil, mar am pìos pìobaireachd a sgrìobh Dòmhnall MacPheadrais mun Mhanachainn a’ buannachadh Cupa na Camanachd a’ bhliadhna ron Chogadh. Chaill e fhèin ‘s a bhràthair, a bh’ anns an sgioba ud, am beatha ann am Blàr Festubert. Seo dealbh den Dotair Iain Cattanach à Bail’ Ùr an t-Slèibh a chuir ochd tadhail ann an cuairt dheireannach Cupa na Camanachd. Chaidh esan a mharbhadh ann am Blàr nan Dardanelles

[Dtr Ùisdean MacIllFhinnein] Bha leithid Phort Rìgh, mar eisimpleir, chaill iad co-dhiù sia duine fichead a-mach às an sin. Sgìrean eile mar Bhàideanach agus shìos ann an Cùil Bhòid ann an Taigh na Bruaich, chaill iad an t-uabhas dhaoine, ginealach air falbh, is ma choimheadas tu air na h-Eileanan Sìar, tha fhios againne na chaidh de dhaoine a dhìth a-mach à Uibhist a Tuath, ‘s à Leòdhas sna h-àiteachean eile, seòladairean, saighdearan, a h-uile duine. Tha mise a’ smaoineachadh gun do chuir e às de chamanachd ann sin buileach agus gur e sin a bu choireach nuair a thill na balaich às a’ Chogadh, an fheadhainn a bha fortanach gu leòr gun do thill iad, gur e ball-coise a bh’ aca nuair a thill iad agus sin dìreach dhà not trì eisimpleirean dhen bhuaidh a bha ann, anns an fharsaingeachd.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Bidh an taisbeanadh ri fhaicinn aig cuirm shònraichte anns a’ Ghearastan, an oidhche ro chuairt dheireannach Cupa na Camanachd. Thèid am pròiseact seo astair son dèanamh cinnteach nach tèid ìobairt curaidhean na camanachd a dìochuimhneachadh gu bràth. Dòmhnall MacLaomainn, BBC An Là, Drochaid an Aonachain



The Heroes of Shinty

English Beurla

[Angela MacLean - Presenter] Praise will be given to the Heroes of Shinty who lost their lives in the Great War at a concert in September. It is being put on as part of the festival, Blas. It will be held in Fort William the night before the final round of the Camanachd Cup. The next round of the competition was selected at Spean Bridge today. Donald Lamont was there for us.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] Tourists from many different countries looked on with wonder. The next round of the Camanachd Cup was chosen at the Commando Memorial in Spean Bridge. There was a special reason for the selection to be made here. Dr Hugh-Dan MacLennan and Gary Innes launched their plans to commemorate the shinty players who fought in the Great War

[Gary Innes] The whole idea about Shinty’s Heroes is to take the sport form the very start and bring it up to modern day to exactly where it’s at today. With obviously the hundredth year of the war coming up next year as well, we thought it would be a great idea to try an incorporate that in especially because there’s so many untold stories and heroes out there as well that went to war and lost their lives and the heroes that also came back as well.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] The show is going to take in many interesting images that people have never seen before of shinty players from that time and pieces of music like the piece of pipe music written by Donald Paterson about Beauly who won the Camanachd Cup in the year before the war. He and his brother, who was in the team, lost their lives in the Battle of Festubert. Here is a picture of the Dr Iain Cattanach from Newtonmore who scored eight goals in the cup final of the Camanachd Cup. He was killed in the Battle of Dardanelles.

[Dr Hugh-Dan MacLennan] Even Portree, for example, they lost 26 people from there. Other areas, like Badenoch and down in Bute in Tighnabruaich, they lost a lot of people, a generation and if you look at the Western Isles we know who was lost in North Uist, Lewis and other places, sailors, soldiers, everyone. I think that it killed off shinty there and that is why when the boys returned from the War that they played football and that is just two or three examples of the effect that was felt, in general.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] The show can be seen at a special concert in Fort William, the night before the cup final of the Camanachd Cup. This project will go some way to make sure that the sacrifice of the champions of shinty will not be forgotten. Donald Lamont, BBC An Là, Spean Bridge.



Laoich an Iomain

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Angela NicIlleathain - Preseantair] Thèid luaidh a dhèanamh air Laoich an Iomain a chaillear anns a’ Chogadh Mhòr aig cuirm san t-Sultain. Tha an cuirm mar phàirt de thachartasan na fèise, Blas. Thèid a chumail anns a’ Ghearastan an oidhche ro chuairt dheireannach Cupa na Camanachd. Chaidh an ath-chuairt den fharpais a thaghadh ann an Drochaid an Aonachain an-diugh. Bha Dòmhnall MacLaomainn ann dhuinn.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Bha luchd-turais bho iomadh dùthaich a’ coimhead air adhart le iongnadh. Chaidh an ath chuairt de Chupa na Camanachd a thaghadh air carragh-chuimhne nan Commandos aig Drochaid an Aonachain. Bha adhbhar sònraichte airson taghadh an àite seo. Tha an Dotair Ùisdean MacIllFhinnein agus Gary Innes a’ foillseachadh nam planaichean aca airson comharrachadh chluicheadairean iomain a bha a’ sabaid anns a’ Chogadh Mhòr.

[Gary Innes] The whole idea about Shinty’s Heroes is to take the sport form the very start and bring it up to modern day to exactly where it’s at today. With obviously the hundredth year of the war coming up next year as well, we thought it would be a great idea to try an incorporate that in especially because there’s so many untold stories and heroes out there as well that went to war and lost their lives and the heroes that also came back as well.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Tha an taisbeanadh a’ dol a thoirt a-steach iomadh dealbh iongantach nach fhaca duine ron seo dhe chuicheadairean iomain bhon àm ud agus pìosan ciùil, mar am pìos pìobaireachd a sgrìobh Dòmhnall MacPheadrais mun Mhanachainn a’ buannachadh Cupa na Camanachd a’ bhliadhna ron Chogadh. Chaill e fhèin ‘s a bhràthair, a bh’ anns an sgioba ud, am beatha ann am Blàr Festubert. Seo dealbh den Dotair Iain Cattanach à Bail’ Ùr an t-Slèibh a chuir ochd tadhail ann an cuairt dheireannach Cupa na Camanachd. Chaidh esan a mharbhadh ann am Blàr nan Dardanelles

[Dtr Ùisdean MacIllFhinnein] Bha leithid Phort Rìgh, mar eisimpleir, chaill iad co-dhiù sia duine fichead a-mach às an sin. Sgìrean eile mar Bhàideanach agus shìos ann an Cùil Bhòid ann an Taigh na Bruaich, chaill iad an t-uabhas dhaoine, ginealach air falbh, is ma choimheadas tu air na h-Eileanan Sìar, tha fhios againne na chaidh de dhaoine a dhìth a-mach à Uibhist a Tuath, ‘s à Leòdhas sna h-àiteachean eile, seòladairean, saighdearan, a h-uile duine. Tha mise a’ smaoineachadh gun do chuir e às de chamanachd ann sin buileach agus gur e sin a bu choireach nuair a thill na balaich às a’ Chogadh, an fheadhainn a bha fortanach gu leòr gun do thill iad, gur e ball-coise a bh’ aca nuair a thill iad agus sin dìreach dhà not trì eisimpleirean dhen bhuaidh a bha ann, anns an fharsaingeachd.

[Dòmhnall MacLaomainn – Neach-aithris] Bidh an taisbeanadh ri fhaicinn aig cuirm shònraichte anns a’ Ghearastan, an oidhche ro chuairt dheireannach Cupa na Camanachd. Thèid am pròiseact seo astair son dèanamh cinnteach nach tèid ìobairt curaidhean na camanachd a dìochuimhneachadh gu bràth. Dòmhnall MacLaomainn, BBC An Là, Drochaid an Aonachain



The Heroes of Shinty

English Beurla

[Angela MacLean - Presenter] Praise will be given to the Heroes of Shinty who lost their lives in the Great War at a concert in September. It is being put on as part of the festival, Blas. It will be held in Fort William the night before the final round of the Camanachd Cup. The next round of the competition was selected at Spean Bridge today. Donald Lamont was there for us.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] Tourists from many different countries looked on with wonder. The next round of the Camanachd Cup was chosen at the Commando Memorial in Spean Bridge. There was a special reason for the selection to be made here. Dr Hugh-Dan MacLennan and Gary Innes launched their plans to commemorate the shinty players who fought in the Great War

[Gary Innes] The whole idea about Shinty’s Heroes is to take the sport form the very start and bring it up to modern day to exactly where it’s at today. With obviously the hundredth year of the war coming up next year as well, we thought it would be a great idea to try an incorporate that in especially because there’s so many untold stories and heroes out there as well that went to war and lost their lives and the heroes that also came back as well.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] The show is going to take in many interesting images that people have never seen before of shinty players from that time and pieces of music like the piece of pipe music written by Donald Paterson about Beauly who won the Camanachd Cup in the year before the war. He and his brother, who was in the team, lost their lives in the Battle of Festubert. Here is a picture of the Dr Iain Cattanach from Newtonmore who scored eight goals in the cup final of the Camanachd Cup. He was killed in the Battle of Dardanelles.

[Dr Hugh-Dan MacLennan] Even Portree, for example, they lost 26 people from there. Other areas, like Badenoch and down in Bute in Tighnabruaich, they lost a lot of people, a generation and if you look at the Western Isles we know who was lost in North Uist, Lewis and other places, sailors, soldiers, everyone. I think that it killed off shinty there and that is why when the boys returned from the War that they played football and that is just two or three examples of the effect that was felt, in general.

[Donald Lamont – Reporter] The show can be seen at a special concert in Fort William, the night before the cup final of the Camanachd Cup. This project will go some way to make sure that the sacrifice of the champions of shinty will not be forgotten. Donald Lamont, BBC An Là, Spean Bridge.



An Cogadh Mhòr

The Great War (World War One)

An Gearastan

Fort William

Cupa na Camanachd

The Camanachd Cup

Drochaid an Aonachain

Spean Bridge

