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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Angela NicIlleathain - Preseantair] Uill, an aimsir againne a-nis, seo Caitriana.

[Caitriana Deeprose – Neach-aimsir] Feasgar math dhuibh. Uill, abair sìde gheamhradail a th’ air a bhith againne o chionn ghoirid is ann mar sin a leanas cùisean. Mar a chì sibh, tha Oifis na Sìde air rabhadh orainds a sgaoileadh – sin airson sneachd, gu h-àraidh ann an ceann iar-dheas na dùthcha. A-nochd is tron latha a-màireach, ach tha rabhaidhean eile ann – rabhaidhean buidhe mun ear is cuideachd ann an Cinn Tìre. Dealbh gu math geamhradail a bhios ann tron dùthaich, frasan geamhradail a’ leantainn ann an Dùn Phrìs is Gall-Ghàidhealaibh, cuideachd ann an Cinn Tìre is san ear-thuath, a’ ghaoith làidir gu ruige neart-gèile is reothadh tro mòran sgìrean.

[Caitriana Deeprose – Neach-aimsir] Tha e gu bhith fo ìre reothaidh anns a’ chumantas, mun ear, rud beag nas ciùine mun chost an iar. An dealbh geamhradail gu bhith leantainn madainn a-màireach, a’ ghaoth fhathast làidir gu ruige neart gèile, frasan geamhradail a’ leantainn san iar-dheas, ach sileadh iad sin às mar a thèid an air adhart. Corra fhras ma dh’ fhaodte san ear-thuath.

[Caitriana Deeprose – Neach-aimsir] Bheir sinn sùil air mar a bhios cùisean a’ coimhead feasgar ma-thà ann am barrachd doimhneachd. Bho thig piseach air an là, ann an ceann iar-dheas na dùthcha, ‘s ann nas tiorama a bhios i feasgar. Thathas gu math fuar dhà no trì Celsius, is a’ ghaoth làidir, bidh i a’ faireachdainn nas fhuaire gu math nas ìsle na an àbhaist aig an àm seo dhen bhliadhna. A’ chuid as fhearr dhen t-sìde a-rithist ann an ceann iar-thuath na Gàidhealtachd is corra-fhras ma dh’ fhaodte a’ leantainn san ear-thuath.

[Caitriana Deeprose – Neach-aimsir] Gu ruige ciaradh an fheasgair ma-thà. ‘S ann mar sin a leanas cuisean. Tha i gu bhith tioram tro mhòran sgìrean is reothadh fad is farsaing a’ ghaoth gu bhith socrachadh cuideachd.

[Caitriana Deeprose – Neach-aimsir] A’ coimhead air adhart gu na Sàbaid, bidh sibh toilichte cluinntinn gur e gu math nas fheàrr a bhios ann tron dùthaich. ‘S ann tioram soilleir a bhios i gu h-àraidh mun chost an iar far am bi greisean-grèine, frasan geamhradail, frasan sneachda gu dearbh a’ leantainn mun ear, ach ‘s ann caran mìn is sgapte a bhios iad mar a thèid an air adhart. A’ ghaoth gu bhith air socrachadh. Leis an sin, cha bhi i a’ faireachdainn buileach cho fuar ‘s a tha i air a bhith bho chionn ghoirid – ceithir no còig Celsius anns a’ chumantas. Sin na th’ againn dhuibh a-nochd, tha mi an dòchas gum bi deagh dheireadh-sheachdain agaibh.



The weather

English Beurla

[Angela MacLean - Presenter] Well, we have the weather now, here’s Caitriana.

[Caitriana Deeprose – Weather Presenter] Good afternoon all. Well, we’ve had some really wintry weather for a wee while and that’s how things will continue. As you will see, the Met Office have issued an amber warning, that is for snow and is especially in the south-east of the country, tonight and through the day tomorrow, but there are other warnings – yellow warnings around the west and in Kintyre. We have a very wintry picture in the country, wintry showers will continue in Dumfries and Galloway, also in Kintyre and in the north-west, a strong wind, reaching gale force and freezing in many areas.

[Caitriana Deeprose – Weather Presenter] It will be below freezing point, in general, a wee bit calmer about the west coast. The wintry picture will continue tomorrow, the wind will still be strong, reaching gale force, wintry showers will continue in the north-west.

[Caitriana Deeprose – Weather Presenter] We’ll look at how things will look tomorrow afternoon, the, in more depth. Things will improve in the south-west of the country, and the afternoon will be drier in the afternoon. It will be very cold, about two or three Celsius there will be strong wind, it will feel colder and lower than is usual at this time of year. The best of the weather will again be in the north-west of the Highlands with occasional showers, possibly continuing into the north-east.

[Caitriana Deeprose – Weather Presenter] To the evening then, that’s how it will continue. It will be dry through many areas and freezing far and wide, the wind will calm too.

[Caitriana Deeprose – Weather Presenter] Looking ahead to Sunday, you will be happy to hear that it will be a much better day throughout the country. It will be dry and sunny about the west coast where there will be sunny spells, wintry showers, snow showers will continue in the west, but they will be quite fine and scattered as the day continues. The wind will calm. With that, it won’t feel as cold – four, or five Celsius in general. That’s what we have for you tonight, I hope you have a great weekend.




Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Angela NicIlleathain - Preseantair] Uill, an aimsir againne a-nis, seo Caitriana.

[Caitriana Deeprose – Neach-aimsir] Feasgar math dhuibh. Uill, abair sìde gheamhradail a th’ air a bhith againne o chionn ghoirid is ann mar sin a leanas cùisean. Mar a chì sibh, tha Oifis na Sìde air rabhadh orainds a sgaoileadh – sin airson sneachd, gu h-àraidh ann an ceann iar-dheas na dùthcha. A-nochd is tron latha a-màireach, ach tha rabhaidhean eile ann – rabhaidhean buidhe mun ear is cuideachd ann an Cinn Tìre. Dealbh gu math geamhradail a bhios ann tron dùthaich, frasan geamhradail a’ leantainn ann an Dùn Phrìs is Gall-Ghàidhealaibh, cuideachd ann an Cinn Tìre is san ear-thuath, a’ ghaoith làidir gu ruige neart-gèile is reothadh tro mòran sgìrean.

[Caitriana Deeprose – Neach-aimsir] Tha e gu bhith fo ìre reothaidh anns a’ chumantas, mun ear, rud beag nas ciùine mun chost an iar. An dealbh geamhradail gu bhith leantainn madainn a-màireach, a’ ghaoth fhathast làidir gu ruige neart gèile, frasan geamhradail a’ leantainn san iar-dheas, ach sileadh iad sin às mar a thèid an air adhart. Corra fhras ma dh’ fhaodte san ear-thuath.

[Caitriana Deeprose – Neach-aimsir] Bheir sinn sùil air mar a bhios cùisean a’ coimhead feasgar ma-thà ann am barrachd doimhneachd. Bho thig piseach air an là, ann an ceann iar-dheas na dùthcha, ‘s ann nas tiorama a bhios i feasgar. Thathas gu math fuar dhà no trì Celsius, is a’ ghaoth làidir, bidh i a’ faireachdainn nas fhuaire gu math nas ìsle na an àbhaist aig an àm seo dhen bhliadhna. A’ chuid as fhearr dhen t-sìde a-rithist ann an ceann iar-thuath na Gàidhealtachd is corra-fhras ma dh’ fhaodte a’ leantainn san ear-thuath.

[Caitriana Deeprose – Neach-aimsir] Gu ruige ciaradh an fheasgair ma-thà. ‘S ann mar sin a leanas cuisean. Tha i gu bhith tioram tro mhòran sgìrean is reothadh fad is farsaing a’ ghaoth gu bhith socrachadh cuideachd.

[Caitriana Deeprose – Neach-aimsir] A’ coimhead air adhart gu na Sàbaid, bidh sibh toilichte cluinntinn gur e gu math nas fheàrr a bhios ann tron dùthaich. ‘S ann tioram soilleir a bhios i gu h-àraidh mun chost an iar far am bi greisean-grèine, frasan geamhradail, frasan sneachda gu dearbh a’ leantainn mun ear, ach ‘s ann caran mìn is sgapte a bhios iad mar a thèid an air adhart. A’ ghaoth gu bhith air socrachadh. Leis an sin, cha bhi i a’ faireachdainn buileach cho fuar ‘s a tha i air a bhith bho chionn ghoirid – ceithir no còig Celsius anns a’ chumantas. Sin na th’ againn dhuibh a-nochd, tha mi an dòchas gum bi deagh dheireadh-sheachdain agaibh.



The weather

English Beurla

[Angela MacLean - Presenter] Well, we have the weather now, here’s Caitriana.

[Caitriana Deeprose – Weather Presenter] Good afternoon all. Well, we’ve had some really wintry weather for a wee while and that’s how things will continue. As you will see, the Met Office have issued an amber warning, that is for snow and is especially in the south-east of the country, tonight and through the day tomorrow, but there are other warnings – yellow warnings around the west and in Kintyre. We have a very wintry picture in the country, wintry showers will continue in Dumfries and Galloway, also in Kintyre and in the north-west, a strong wind, reaching gale force and freezing in many areas.

[Caitriana Deeprose – Weather Presenter] It will be below freezing point, in general, a wee bit calmer about the west coast. The wintry picture will continue tomorrow, the wind will still be strong, reaching gale force, wintry showers will continue in the north-west.

[Caitriana Deeprose – Weather Presenter] We’ll look at how things will look tomorrow afternoon, the, in more depth. Things will improve in the south-west of the country, and the afternoon will be drier in the afternoon. It will be very cold, about two or three Celsius there will be strong wind, it will feel colder and lower than is usual at this time of year. The best of the weather will again be in the north-west of the Highlands with occasional showers, possibly continuing into the north-east.

[Caitriana Deeprose – Weather Presenter] To the evening then, that’s how it will continue. It will be dry through many areas and freezing far and wide, the wind will calm too.

[Caitriana Deeprose – Weather Presenter] Looking ahead to Sunday, you will be happy to hear that it will be a much better day throughout the country. It will be dry and sunny about the west coast where there will be sunny spells, wintry showers, snow showers will continue in the west, but they will be quite fine and scattered as the day continues. The wind will calm. With that, it won’t feel as cold – four, or five Celsius in general. That’s what we have for you tonight, I hope you have a great weekend.




sunny spells

frasan geamhradail

wintry showers

frasan sneachda

snow showers

ciaradh an fheasgair

evening, lit. in the twilight of the evening

