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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Gàrradh-ola Kishorn

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Màiri Rodgers - Preseantair] Feasgar math dhuibh. Chaidh planaichean fhoillseachadh an-diugh gum faodadh seann ghàrradh-ola Kishorn fosgladh a-rithist a’ cruthachadh mhìle gu leth chosnadh. Bhiodh seo na phàirt de ghnìomhachas a’ chumhachd-ath-nuadhachail. Mar a chuala muinntir na sgìre aig fosgailte ann an Loch Carrann. Bha am fear-naidheachd againne, Pàdraig MacAmhlaigh nam-measg.

[Pàdraig MacAmhlaigh – Neach-aithris] Gàrradh Khishorn, shaoileadh an-diugh gun robh còig mìle neach ag obair an seo anns na seachadan? Ach ‘s fhada on uair sin agus tha an fheadhainn a bha riochdachadh na sgìre air an ùghdarras ionadail aig an àm sin dòchasach gu bheil eile air fàire.

[An t-Urr Ailean MacArtair] Uill tha sinn gu math dòchasach. Tha iomadach troip/uair, tha rudan air a bhith a’ tachairt agus dòchas againne gun tachraidh rudeigin, ach cha do thachair e. Ach, tha mi a’ smaoineachadh an troip/turas-sagum bi, cho fad ‘s ‘s aithne dhomh co-dhiù gu bheil rudeigin a’ dol a thachairt an seo.

[Pàdraig MacAmhlaigh – Neach-aithris] Tha Ina NicCoinnich am measg a’ chiad fheadhainn a fhuair cosnadh ann an Gàrradh Khishorn. ‘S math a cuimhne air an togail a thug sin dhan sgìre.

[Ina NicCoinnich] Rinn e tòrr feum dhan sgìre. Rinn e feum dhan àite. Fhuair sinn taighean, fhuair sinn airgead. Fhuair sinn buannachd mhòr às. An fheadhainn a bha gòrach, bha iad gòrach. ‘S an fheadhainn a bha glic leis, bha iad glic leis, ach gheibh sin ann an job sam bith. Chan eil e gu diofar cà’ bheil thu, ach tha rudan mar sin a’ dol air adhart, ach chan urrainn mise… chuir e mise air mo chasan co-dhiù

[Pàdraig MacAmhlaigh – Neach-aithris] ‘S iomadh uair ron seo, a nochd planaichean airson Gàrradh Khishorn fhosgladh as ùr agus cha tàinig a-riamh càil asta. Ach an turas seo, tha luchd-leasachaidh cinnteach gur e plana seasmhach a tha iad air fhoillseachadh.

[Pàdraig MacAmhlaigh – Neach-aithris] Tha iad ag ràdh gu bheil an gnìomhachas seo air leth freagarrach ann an sgìre dhùthchail.

[Simon Russell] I think the difference this time is that there is a right at national level, there is a commitment to entering into the renewable sector. Kishorn lends itself very much towards the manufacture of concrete gravity bases for offshore wind and right from the First Minister all the way down, through if you like the Scottish government and the local politicians, tremendous support for engagement in the renewable sector.

[Pàdraig MacAmhlaigh – Neach-aithris] Tha gun teagamh an sgìre seo air atharrachadh thairis air fhichead bliadhna, agus bhiodh e iongantach gum biodh ceistean leithid obair na Sàbaid cho connspaideach ‘s a bha iad uaireigin. Ach tha fhathast ceist ann mu mhìle gu leth luchd-obrach a’ tighinn a-steach gu sgìre far a bheil dualchas sònraichte.

[An t-Urr Ailean MacArtair] Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh nach robh dùil againne gun tigeadh sin dhan chùis ach ma tha an obair gu bhith a’ dol air adhart son iomadach bliadhna, tha mi a’ creidsinn gum feum iad sin a dhèanamh, cha bhi gu leòr dhaoine anns a’ choimhearsnachd co-dhiù airson an obair a tha iad a’ bruidhinn mu dheidhinn ann an seo agus dh’feumadh iad daoine a thoirt a-staigh o àiteachan eile.

[Pàdraig MacAmhlaigh – Neach-aithris] Ach mus tachair càil idir, bidh muinntir an àite a’ toirt am beachd air na tha anns an amharc. Pàdraig MacAmhlaigh, BBC An Là, Kishorn



Kishorn oilyard

English Beurla

[Màiri Rodgers - Presenter] Good evening. A publication was made today that the old Kishorn Oil Yard could again create two thousand jobs. This would be part of a renewable power business. As people of the area heard today at an open day in Loch Carron. Our reporter, Peter MacAulay, was in their midst.

[Peter MacAulay – Neach-aithris] Kishorn Yard, who would have thought today that five thousand people worked here in the seventies? But it’s a long time since then and the ones who were representing the area for the local trust at that time are hopeful that another day is on the horizon.

[Rev Allan MacArthur] Well, we are quite hopeful. There’s many a time, that things have been happening and had hope that something would happen, and it didn’t happen. But, I think this time, as far as I know, that something will happen here, anyway.

[Peter MacAulay – Neach-aithris] Ina MacKenzie was amongst the first ones who got a job in Kishorn Yard. She remembers the lift it gave to the area.

[Ina MacKenzie] It did a lot of good for the dristrict. It was good for the area. We got houses, we got money. We got a big profit from it. The ones who were foolish, they were foolish. And the ones who were wise with it, they were wise with it, but you’ll get that with any job. It doesn’t matter where you are, but things like that go on, but I can’t … it made me stand on my two feet, anyway.

[Peter MacAulay – Neach-aithris] Many times before this, plans have appeared for Kishord Yard to open as new and nothing has come out of them. But, this time, developers are sure that this is a stable plan that they are publishing.

[Peter MacAulay – Neach-aithris] They say that this business would be fit for a rural area.

[Simon Russell]I think the difference this time is that there is a right at national level, there is a commitment to entering into the renewable sector. Kishorn lends itself very much towards the manufacture of concrete gravity bases for offshore wind and right from the First Minister all the way down, all through if you like the Scottish government and the local politicians, tremendous support for engagement in the renewable sector.

[Peter MacAulay – Neach-aithris] There is no doubt that this district has changed over the forty years, and it would be surprising that there would be questions like work on the Sabbath as controversial as it was sometime. But, there is still a question about 1500 workers coming in to an area where there is an unique heritage.

[Rev Allan MacArthur] I think that we didn’t have hope that we would come to the matter. But if work is going to come for many years, I believe that we’ll have to do it, there will not be enough people in the community anyway for the scale of work that we are talking about here and we will have to bring people in from other areas

[Peter MacAulay – Neach-aithris] But before anything happens, the people of the area will give their view on what is ahead. Peter MacAulay, BBC An Là, Kishorn



Gàrradh-ola Kishorn

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Màiri Rodgers - Preseantair] Feasgar math dhuibh. Chaidh planaichean fhoillseachadh an-diugh gum faodadh seann ghàrradh-ola Kishorn fosgladh a-rithist a’ cruthachadh mhìle gu leth chosnadh. Bhiodh seo na phàirt de ghnìomhachas a’ chumhachd-ath-nuadhachail. Mar a chuala muinntir na sgìre aig fosgailte ann an Loch Carrann. Bha am fear-naidheachd againne, Pàdraig MacAmhlaigh nam-measg.

[Pàdraig MacAmhlaigh – Neach-aithris] Gàrradh Khishorn, shaoileadh an-diugh gun robh còig mìle neach ag obair an seo anns na seachadan? Ach ‘s fhada on uair sin agus tha an fheadhainn a bha riochdachadh na sgìre air an ùghdarras ionadail aig an àm sin dòchasach gu bheil eile air fàire.

[An t-Urr Ailean MacArtair] Uill tha sinn gu math dòchasach. Tha iomadach troip/uair, tha rudan air a bhith a’ tachairt agus dòchas againne gun tachraidh rudeigin, ach cha do thachair e. Ach, tha mi a’ smaoineachadh an troip/turas-sagum bi, cho fad ‘s ‘s aithne dhomh co-dhiù gu bheil rudeigin a’ dol a thachairt an seo.

[Pàdraig MacAmhlaigh – Neach-aithris] Tha Ina NicCoinnich am measg a’ chiad fheadhainn a fhuair cosnadh ann an Gàrradh Khishorn. ‘S math a cuimhne air an togail a thug sin dhan sgìre.

[Ina NicCoinnich] Rinn e tòrr feum dhan sgìre. Rinn e feum dhan àite. Fhuair sinn taighean, fhuair sinn airgead. Fhuair sinn buannachd mhòr às. An fheadhainn a bha gòrach, bha iad gòrach. ‘S an fheadhainn a bha glic leis, bha iad glic leis, ach gheibh sin ann an job sam bith. Chan eil e gu diofar cà’ bheil thu, ach tha rudan mar sin a’ dol air adhart, ach chan urrainn mise… chuir e mise air mo chasan co-dhiù

[Pàdraig MacAmhlaigh – Neach-aithris] ‘S iomadh uair ron seo, a nochd planaichean airson Gàrradh Khishorn fhosgladh as ùr agus cha tàinig a-riamh càil asta. Ach an turas seo, tha luchd-leasachaidh cinnteach gur e plana seasmhach a tha iad air fhoillseachadh.

[Pàdraig MacAmhlaigh – Neach-aithris] Tha iad ag ràdh gu bheil an gnìomhachas seo air leth freagarrach ann an sgìre dhùthchail.

[Simon Russell] I think the difference this time is that there is a right at national level, there is a commitment to entering into the renewable sector. Kishorn lends itself very much towards the manufacture of concrete gravity bases for offshore wind and right from the First Minister all the way down, through if you like the Scottish government and the local politicians, tremendous support for engagement in the renewable sector.

[Pàdraig MacAmhlaigh – Neach-aithris] Tha gun teagamh an sgìre seo air atharrachadh thairis air fhichead bliadhna, agus bhiodh e iongantach gum biodh ceistean leithid obair na Sàbaid cho connspaideach ‘s a bha iad uaireigin. Ach tha fhathast ceist ann mu mhìle gu leth luchd-obrach a’ tighinn a-steach gu sgìre far a bheil dualchas sònraichte.

[An t-Urr Ailean MacArtair] Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh nach robh dùil againne gun tigeadh sin dhan chùis ach ma tha an obair gu bhith a’ dol air adhart son iomadach bliadhna, tha mi a’ creidsinn gum feum iad sin a dhèanamh, cha bhi gu leòr dhaoine anns a’ choimhearsnachd co-dhiù airson an obair a tha iad a’ bruidhinn mu dheidhinn ann an seo agus dh’feumadh iad daoine a thoirt a-staigh o àiteachan eile.

[Pàdraig MacAmhlaigh – Neach-aithris] Ach mus tachair càil idir, bidh muinntir an àite a’ toirt am beachd air na tha anns an amharc. Pàdraig MacAmhlaigh, BBC An Là, Kishorn



Kishorn oilyard

English Beurla

[Màiri Rodgers - Presenter] Good evening. A publication was made today that the old Kishorn Oil Yard could again create two thousand jobs. This would be part of a renewable power business. As people of the area heard today at an open day in Loch Carron. Our reporter, Peter MacAulay, was in their midst.

[Peter MacAulay – Neach-aithris] Kishorn Yard, who would have thought today that five thousand people worked here in the seventies? But it’s a long time since then and the ones who were representing the area for the local trust at that time are hopeful that another day is on the horizon.

[Rev Allan MacArthur] Well, we are quite hopeful. There’s many a time, that things have been happening and had hope that something would happen, and it didn’t happen. But, I think this time, as far as I know, that something will happen here, anyway.

[Peter MacAulay – Neach-aithris] Ina MacKenzie was amongst the first ones who got a job in Kishorn Yard. She remembers the lift it gave to the area.

[Ina MacKenzie] It did a lot of good for the dristrict. It was good for the area. We got houses, we got money. We got a big profit from it. The ones who were foolish, they were foolish. And the ones who were wise with it, they were wise with it, but you’ll get that with any job. It doesn’t matter where you are, but things like that go on, but I can’t … it made me stand on my two feet, anyway.

[Peter MacAulay – Neach-aithris] Many times before this, plans have appeared for Kishord Yard to open as new and nothing has come out of them. But, this time, developers are sure that this is a stable plan that they are publishing.

[Peter MacAulay – Neach-aithris] They say that this business would be fit for a rural area.

[Simon Russell]I think the difference this time is that there is a right at national level, there is a commitment to entering into the renewable sector. Kishorn lends itself very much towards the manufacture of concrete gravity bases for offshore wind and right from the First Minister all the way down, all through if you like the Scottish government and the local politicians, tremendous support for engagement in the renewable sector.

[Peter MacAulay – Neach-aithris] There is no doubt that this district has changed over the forty years, and it would be surprising that there would be questions like work on the Sabbath as controversial as it was sometime. But, there is still a question about 1500 workers coming in to an area where there is an unique heritage.

[Rev Allan MacArthur] I think that we didn’t have hope that we would come to the matter. But if work is going to come for many years, I believe that we’ll have to do it, there will not be enough people in the community anyway for the scale of work that we are talking about here and we will have to bring people in from other areas

[Peter MacAulay – Neach-aithris] But before anything happens, the people of the area will give their view on what is ahead. Peter MacAulay, BBC An Là, Kishorn



Gàrradh-ola Kishorn

Kishorn oil Yard


renewable energy







This literally means "in view".