FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Rèisean ùra Thròndairnis

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Màiri Rodgers - Preseantair] Tha cuireadh ga thoirt gun luchd-ruith as fheàrr ann am Breatainn tighinn dhan Eilean Sgitheanach anns an t-samhradh airson dùbhlain ùra. Airson a’ chiad turas cuiridh bhuidheann rèisean air dòigh air druim Thròndairnis. Agus tha iad dòchasach gun gabh an spòrs an uair sin a leudachadh san àm ri teachd. The Eilidh NicLeòid ag aithris.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Tròndairnis air brèagha samhraidh, na tharraing agus na dhùbhlan do choisichean, ach an samhradh seo, tha dùil ri mòran a bharrachd a dhol an-àirde, tha cluba Rotary an Eilein a’ cur air dòigh rèisean-ruith ‘s coiseachd, cho fada ri fichead mìle san Ògmhios. Ach, mìos ron sin, bidh a’ chiad dùbhlan dhe leithid air a’ chnoc.

[Neil Turner] People have been talking about this race for a long time, people have wanted to race along the route for a long time. And the Skye and Lochalsh Running Club are really pleased to be the people to do the first race along the route.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] ‘S ann aig a’ cheum-choise ann am Flòdaigearraidh a bhios an rèis a’ tòiseachadh. Agus tha sreap mhìle meatair ro na lùth-chleasaichean dhan phàirt as àirde dhen t-slighe agus tha mise a’ dol a dh’fhaicinn ciamar a thèid leam.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Tha sia mìle deug uile gu lèir anns an rèis agus tha mi an dòchas gum bi sìde an t-samhraidh beagan nas fheàrr dhan fheadhainn a bhios a’ gabhail pàirt ann an uair sin. Nise, ‘s ann aig mullach a’ bhealaich a tha seo air a’ Chuith-Raing a bhios a’ chiad chothrom aig na farpaisich balgam uisge a ghabhail, ach tha pìos math ri dhol fhathast.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Chan eil ceum-coise fad na slighe agus leis gur e sgìre ghlèidhte SSI a th’ann, cha ruith ach leth-cheud anns a’ chiad rèis. Feumaidh misneachd a bhith aig Dualchas Nàdair na h-Alba nach toir i droch bhuaidh air an àrainneachd. Tha an fheadhainn air a chùlaibh misneachail gun dearbh iad sin agus gum bi barrachd rèisean aca fhathast.

[Neil Turner] We’ve only got one hill race at the moment, that’s the Glamick Hill race, which is organised by Carnethy running club, down in Edinburgh, but hill running and off-road running is a real growing sport in Scotland just now and people love it! There’s absolutely no reason at all why we couldn’t be organising more races.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Agus ‘s ann an seo aig an Stòrr a bhios an rèis a’ crìochnachadh, ach chan eil mi airson ur mealladh idir, bidh fios agaibh, tha mi cinnteach, nach do rinn mise an t-slighe sin air fad. Fàgaidh mi sin aig na lùth-chleasaichean as fheàrr anns an dùthaich.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Gu dearbh, nochd grunn dhiubh ùidh ann mar-thà, ‘s amharas ann gum bi briseadh dùil aig cuid fhathast. Ach tha dùil nach i seo a’ chiad rèis a bhios ann agus gun tèid an spòrs bho neart gu neart a’ doimhneachadh cliù an Eilein mar cheann-uidhe spòrsachd. Eilidh NicLeòid. BBC An Là, Tròndairnis.



New Trotternish races

English Beurla

[Mairi Rodgers - Presenter] An invite has been given to the best runners in Britain to come to the Isle of Skye in the summer for new challenges. For the first time, two groups will set up races on the Trotternish Ridge. And they are hopeful that sports will expand in the future. Eilidh MacLeod reports.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] Trotternish on a bright summer’s day, an attraction and a challenge to walkers. But this summer, many hope to go a bit higher. The Island’s Rotary Club are organised running races too, as much as twenty miles in June. But, a month before them, the first challenge for many on the hill.

[Neil Turner] People have been talking ab out this race for a long time, people have wanted to race along the route for a long time. And the Skye and Lochalsh Running Club are really pleased to be the people to do the first race along the route.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] It’s on this footpath in Flodigarry that the race will start. And a climb of two thousand metres is before the athletes in the highest part of the path and I am going to see how I get on.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] There is sixteen miles in total in the race and I hope the summer weather is a bit better for those taking part at that time. Now, it’s at this peak of this pass on the Quirang that the competitors will get the first chance to get a drink of water, but there is a good bit to go yet.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] There is not a footpath on all of the track as it is an SSI preservation area, only fifty will run in the first race. Scottish Natural Heritage must be confident that is will not have a bad effect on the environment. The organisers are confident that they will prove that to them and they will have more races.

[Neil Turner] We’ve only got one hill race at the moment, that’s the Glamick Hill race, which is organised by Carnethy running club, down in Edinburgh, but hill running and off-road running is a real growing sport in Scotland just now and people love it! There’s absolutely no reason at all why we couldn’t be organising more races.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] And it is here at the Stòrr that th race will end, and I don’t want to deceive you, you’ll know, I’m sure, that I didn’t do the whole course. I’ll leave that to the best athletes in the country.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] Certainly, there has been plenty of interest already and there is concern that many will be disappointed. But it’s expected that this will not be the first race and the sport will go from strength to strength to establish the reputation of the Island as a sporting destination. Eilidh MacLeod. BBC AN Là, Trotternish.



Rèisean ùra Thròndairnis

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Màiri Rodgers - Preseantair] Tha cuireadh ga thoirt gun luchd-ruith as fheàrr ann am Breatainn tighinn dhan Eilean Sgitheanach anns an t-samhradh airson dùbhlain ùra. Airson a’ chiad turas cuiridh bhuidheann rèisean air dòigh air druim Thròndairnis. Agus tha iad dòchasach gun gabh an spòrs an uair sin a leudachadh san àm ri teachd. The Eilidh NicLeòid ag aithris.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Tròndairnis air brèagha samhraidh, na tharraing agus na dhùbhlan do choisichean, ach an samhradh seo, tha dùil ri mòran a bharrachd a dhol an-àirde, tha cluba Rotary an Eilein a’ cur air dòigh rèisean-ruith ‘s coiseachd, cho fada ri fichead mìle san Ògmhios. Ach, mìos ron sin, bidh a’ chiad dùbhlan dhe leithid air a’ chnoc.

[Neil Turner] People have been talking about this race for a long time, people have wanted to race along the route for a long time. And the Skye and Lochalsh Running Club are really pleased to be the people to do the first race along the route.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] ‘S ann aig a’ cheum-choise ann am Flòdaigearraidh a bhios an rèis a’ tòiseachadh. Agus tha sreap mhìle meatair ro na lùth-chleasaichean dhan phàirt as àirde dhen t-slighe agus tha mise a’ dol a dh’fhaicinn ciamar a thèid leam.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Tha sia mìle deug uile gu lèir anns an rèis agus tha mi an dòchas gum bi sìde an t-samhraidh beagan nas fheàrr dhan fheadhainn a bhios a’ gabhail pàirt ann an uair sin. Nise, ‘s ann aig mullach a’ bhealaich a tha seo air a’ Chuith-Raing a bhios a’ chiad chothrom aig na farpaisich balgam uisge a ghabhail, ach tha pìos math ri dhol fhathast.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Chan eil ceum-coise fad na slighe agus leis gur e sgìre ghlèidhte SSI a th’ann, cha ruith ach leth-cheud anns a’ chiad rèis. Feumaidh misneachd a bhith aig Dualchas Nàdair na h-Alba nach toir i droch bhuaidh air an àrainneachd. Tha an fheadhainn air a chùlaibh misneachail gun dearbh iad sin agus gum bi barrachd rèisean aca fhathast.

[Neil Turner] We’ve only got one hill race at the moment, that’s the Glamick Hill race, which is organised by Carnethy running club, down in Edinburgh, but hill running and off-road running is a real growing sport in Scotland just now and people love it! There’s absolutely no reason at all why we couldn’t be organising more races.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Agus ‘s ann an seo aig an Stòrr a bhios an rèis a’ crìochnachadh, ach chan eil mi airson ur mealladh idir, bidh fios agaibh, tha mi cinnteach, nach do rinn mise an t-slighe sin air fad. Fàgaidh mi sin aig na lùth-chleasaichean as fheàrr anns an dùthaich.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Gu dearbh, nochd grunn dhiubh ùidh ann mar-thà, ‘s amharas ann gum bi briseadh dùil aig cuid fhathast. Ach tha dùil nach i seo a’ chiad rèis a bhios ann agus gun tèid an spòrs bho neart gu neart a’ doimhneachadh cliù an Eilein mar cheann-uidhe spòrsachd. Eilidh NicLeòid. BBC An Là, Tròndairnis.



New Trotternish races

English Beurla

[Mairi Rodgers - Presenter] An invite has been given to the best runners in Britain to come to the Isle of Skye in the summer for new challenges. For the first time, two groups will set up races on the Trotternish Ridge. And they are hopeful that sports will expand in the future. Eilidh MacLeod reports.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] Trotternish on a bright summer’s day, an attraction and a challenge to walkers. But this summer, many hope to go a bit higher. The Island’s Rotary Club are organised running races too, as much as twenty miles in June. But, a month before them, the first challenge for many on the hill.

[Neil Turner] People have been talking ab out this race for a long time, people have wanted to race along the route for a long time. And the Skye and Lochalsh Running Club are really pleased to be the people to do the first race along the route.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] It’s on this footpath in Flodigarry that the race will start. And a climb of two thousand metres is before the athletes in the highest part of the path and I am going to see how I get on.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] There is sixteen miles in total in the race and I hope the summer weather is a bit better for those taking part at that time. Now, it’s at this peak of this pass on the Quirang that the competitors will get the first chance to get a drink of water, but there is a good bit to go yet.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] There is not a footpath on all of the track as it is an SSI preservation area, only fifty will run in the first race. Scottish Natural Heritage must be confident that is will not have a bad effect on the environment. The organisers are confident that they will prove that to them and they will have more races.

[Neil Turner] We’ve only got one hill race at the moment, that’s the Glamick Hill race, which is organised by Carnethy running club, down in Edinburgh, but hill running and off-road running is a real growing sport in Scotland just now and people love it! There’s absolutely no reason at all why we couldn’t be organising more races.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] And it is here at the Stòrr that th race will end, and I don’t want to deceive you, you’ll know, I’m sure, that I didn’t do the whole course. I’ll leave that to the best athletes in the country.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] Certainly, there has been plenty of interest already and there is concern that many will be disappointed. But it’s expected that this will not be the first race and the sport will go from strength to strength to establish the reputation of the Island as a sporting destination. Eilidh MacLeod. BBC AN Là, Trotternish.







Dualchas Nàdair na h-Alba

Scottish Natural Heritage



