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Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Paddington Bear ann an Hyndland

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Màiri Rodgers - Preseantair] Nise, chan eil cus mathain ann is urrainn a ràdh gun dh’fhuair iad cairtean-Nollaige, cairtean-siubhail, litir taing o Phròbhaist Bhaile Ghlaschu agus fiù ‘s cuireadh gu banais, ach tha sin am measg feadhainn dhe na h-urraman a chaidh a bhuileachadh air Paddington Bear, mathan beag a bhios a’ cumail faire bho uinneag ann an taobh siar Ghlaschu. Chaidh Iain MacDiarmid a choinneachadh ris, agus gu dearbh ris a’ bhoireannach a chuir ann e.

[Iain MacDiarmid – Neach-aithris] Ann an uinneag, ann an Glaschu, tha mathan. ‘S e mathan gu math ainmeil a th’ ann am Paddington. Tha e air a bhith a coimhead sìos air a’ cheàrn seo den bhaile son còrr agus deich air fhichead bliadhna, ach ‘s ann ann am mearachd a chaidh a chur dhan uinneig sa chiad àite.

[Nan Shearer] When we came to move in May 1981, to Hyndland Road, a friend came up to see how the removal was going and put him up in the window and he was there for three weeks and then I came into the room and realised he was still there and took him down. And the following Sunday at the church, the minister’s wife said to me “I brought my grandson all the way up Clarence Drive to see Paddington and he wasn’t there. Just you put him back in the window.” And he’s been there ever since.

[Iain MacDiarmid – Neach-aithris] Tha bliadhnaichean mòra san uinneig air buaidh a thoirt air Paddington bochd ‘s tha e a-nis a’ sealltainn aois. An-diugh tha èideadh blàth na Nollaige air, tha aodach aige son gach sìde agus ‘s e sin a thug air daoine cairtean-siubhail a chur air ais thuige bho air feadh an t-saoghail, fiù ‘s à Leòdhas. A bharrachd air cairtean, tha e cuideachd air cuireadh fhaighinn do bhanais a-nis ann an Sasainn, ach a dh’aindeoin gur ann à “Darkest Peru” a thàinig e, roghnaich Nan gun robh Surrey sa phost beagan ro fhada air falbh.

[Nan Shearer] He wanted me to post the bear down, so I thought “No, thank you”, not doing that.

[Iain MacDiarmid – Neach-aithris] ’S dòcha nach dh’fhuair e chun na bainnse, ach fhuair e urram eile, taing bho Phròbhaist Ghlaschu son na bliadhnachain mòra de sheirbheisjavascript:; a tha e air a dhèanamh às leth a’ bhaile

[Nan Shearer] “On behalf of the people of Glasgow, in particular those from the west end thank you for the enjoyment you have given all those of us with the display of Paddington Bear in your window.

[Iain MacDiarmid – Neach-aithris] Cha robh dùil aig Nan gum biodh am mathan a fhuair an duine aic’ mar thiodhlac o chionn cha mhòr dà-fhichead bliadhna fhathast a’ faighinn cairtean-siubhail, cairtean-Nollaige, cuiridhean agus litrichean taing bho dhaoine nach b’ aithne dhi idir.

[Nan Shearer] Last year, which made me quite emotional, it was from a lady and it was a card actually, a sunflower, and she said would I mind putting this in the window as her mother was coming to the Beatson for treatment and when they came up Clarence Drive, it would be encouraging to see it. And I did so. It was up for a couple of months and then I got a lovely card that just said thank you on the front of it and it said that her mother was finished her treatment and was well again, so that was lovely to be involved like that

[Iain MacDiarmid – Neach-aithris] Tha am mathan ainmeil son iomadh adhbhar, ach mur a b’ e coibhneas na leis a bheil e, cha bhiodh e ainmeil ann. Tha sin a’ fàgail gu bheil daoine air an dòigh Mrs Paddington a choinneachadh.

[Nan Shearer] “You live in the house where the bear is?” so I said “Yes. Actually, you’ve met Mrs Paddington Bear.”

[Iain MacDiarmid – Neach-aithris] Iain MacDiarmaid, BBC An Là, Glaschu.



Paddington Bear in Hyndland

English Beurla

[Mairi Rodgers - Presenter] There are not many bears who can say that they have received Christmas cards, a thank you letter from the Provost of Glasgow, and even an invitation to a wedding, but that is amongst some of the honours that have been bestowed on Paddington Bear, a wee bear that keeps watch from a window in the west end of Glasgow. Iain MacDiarmid went to meet him and the woman who put him there.

[Iain MacDiarmid – Reporter] In a window, in Glasgow, is a bear. Paddington is a very famous bear. He has been looking down at this corner of the city for more than thirty years, but it was a mistake that he was put there in the first place.

[Nan Shearer] When we came to move in May 1981, to Hyndland Road, a friend came up to see how the removal was going and put him up in the window and he was there for three weeks and then I came into the room and realised he was still there and took him down. And the following Sunday at the church, the minister’s wife said to me “I brought my grandson all the way up Clarence Drive to see Paddington and he wasn’t there. Just you put him back in the window.” And he’s been there ever since.

[Iain MacDiarmid – Reporter] Many years in the window have had an effect on poor Paddington and he is now showing his age. Today he has a warm Christmas outfit on; he has clothes for each season and that is what inspired people to send him postcards from all over the world, even from Lewis. In addition to cards, he has also received an invite to go to England, but although he is from “Darkest Peru”, Nan decided that Surrey in the post was too far away.

[Nan Shearer] He wanted me to post the bear down, so I thought “No, thank you”, not doing that.

[Iain MacDiarmid – Reporter] Maybe he didn’t get to go to the wedding, but he got another honour, thanks from the Provost of Glasgow for years of service he has done on behalf of the city.

[Nan Shearer] “On behalf of the people in Glasgow, in particular those from the west end thank you for the enjoyment you have given all those of us with the display of Paddington Bear in your window.

[Iain MacDiarmid – Reporter] Nan did not expect that the bear that her husband received as a present almost forty years ago would still be getting postcards, Christmas cards, invitations and thank you letters from people that she did not know.

[Nan Shearer] Last year, which made me quite emotional, it was from a lady and it was a card actually, a sunflower, and she said would I mind putting this in the window as her mother was coming to the Beatson for treatment and when they came up Clarence Drive, it would be encouraging to see it. And I did so. It was up for a couple of months and then I got a lovely card that just said thank you on the front of it and it said that her mother was finished her treatment and was well again, so that was lovely to be involved like that

[Iain MacDiarmid – Reporter] The bear is famous for many reasons, but if it was not for the kindness of the woman who owns his, he would not have any fame. That means that people are pleased to meet Mrs Paddington.

[Nan Shearer] “You live in the house where the bear is?” so I said “Yes. Actually, you’ve met Mrs Paddington Bear.”

[Iain MacDiarmid – Reporter] Iain MacDiarmid, BBC An Là, Glasgow.



Paddington Bear ann an Hyndland

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Màiri Rodgers - Preseantair] Nise, chan eil cus mathain ann is urrainn a ràdh gun dh’fhuair iad cairtean-Nollaige, cairtean-siubhail, litir taing o Phròbhaist Bhaile Ghlaschu agus fiù ‘s cuireadh gu banais, ach tha sin am measg feadhainn dhe na h-urraman a chaidh a bhuileachadh air Paddington Bear, mathan beag a bhios a’ cumail faire bho uinneag ann an taobh siar Ghlaschu. Chaidh Iain MacDiarmid a choinneachadh ris, agus gu dearbh ris a’ bhoireannach a chuir ann e.

[Iain MacDiarmid – Neach-aithris] Ann an uinneag, ann an Glaschu, tha mathan. ‘S e mathan gu math ainmeil a th’ ann am Paddington. Tha e air a bhith a coimhead sìos air a’ cheàrn seo den bhaile son còrr agus deich air fhichead bliadhna, ach ‘s ann ann am mearachd a chaidh a chur dhan uinneig sa chiad àite.

[Nan Shearer] When we came to move in May 1981, to Hyndland Road, a friend came up to see how the removal was going and put him up in the window and he was there for three weeks and then I came into the room and realised he was still there and took him down. And the following Sunday at the church, the minister’s wife said to me “I brought my grandson all the way up Clarence Drive to see Paddington and he wasn’t there. Just you put him back in the window.” And he’s been there ever since.

[Iain MacDiarmid – Neach-aithris] Tha bliadhnaichean mòra san uinneig air buaidh a thoirt air Paddington bochd ‘s tha e a-nis a’ sealltainn aois. An-diugh tha èideadh blàth na Nollaige air, tha aodach aige son gach sìde agus ‘s e sin a thug air daoine cairtean-siubhail a chur air ais thuige bho air feadh an t-saoghail, fiù ‘s à Leòdhas. A bharrachd air cairtean, tha e cuideachd air cuireadh fhaighinn do bhanais a-nis ann an Sasainn, ach a dh’aindeoin gur ann à “Darkest Peru” a thàinig e, roghnaich Nan gun robh Surrey sa phost beagan ro fhada air falbh.

[Nan Shearer] He wanted me to post the bear down, so I thought “No, thank you”, not doing that.

[Iain MacDiarmid – Neach-aithris] ’S dòcha nach dh’fhuair e chun na bainnse, ach fhuair e urram eile, taing bho Phròbhaist Ghlaschu son na bliadhnachain mòra de sheirbheisjavascript:; a tha e air a dhèanamh às leth a’ bhaile

[Nan Shearer] “On behalf of the people of Glasgow, in particular those from the west end thank you for the enjoyment you have given all those of us with the display of Paddington Bear in your window.

[Iain MacDiarmid – Neach-aithris] Cha robh dùil aig Nan gum biodh am mathan a fhuair an duine aic’ mar thiodhlac o chionn cha mhòr dà-fhichead bliadhna fhathast a’ faighinn cairtean-siubhail, cairtean-Nollaige, cuiridhean agus litrichean taing bho dhaoine nach b’ aithne dhi idir.

[Nan Shearer] Last year, which made me quite emotional, it was from a lady and it was a card actually, a sunflower, and she said would I mind putting this in the window as her mother was coming to the Beatson for treatment and when they came up Clarence Drive, it would be encouraging to see it. And I did so. It was up for a couple of months and then I got a lovely card that just said thank you on the front of it and it said that her mother was finished her treatment and was well again, so that was lovely to be involved like that

[Iain MacDiarmid – Neach-aithris] Tha am mathan ainmeil son iomadh adhbhar, ach mur a b’ e coibhneas na leis a bheil e, cha bhiodh e ainmeil ann. Tha sin a’ fàgail gu bheil daoine air an dòigh Mrs Paddington a choinneachadh.

[Nan Shearer] “You live in the house where the bear is?” so I said “Yes. Actually, you’ve met Mrs Paddington Bear.”

[Iain MacDiarmid – Neach-aithris] Iain MacDiarmaid, BBC An Là, Glaschu.



Paddington Bear in Hyndland

English Beurla

[Mairi Rodgers - Presenter] There are not many bears who can say that they have received Christmas cards, a thank you letter from the Provost of Glasgow, and even an invitation to a wedding, but that is amongst some of the honours that have been bestowed on Paddington Bear, a wee bear that keeps watch from a window in the west end of Glasgow. Iain MacDiarmid went to meet him and the woman who put him there.

[Iain MacDiarmid – Reporter] In a window, in Glasgow, is a bear. Paddington is a very famous bear. He has been looking down at this corner of the city for more than thirty years, but it was a mistake that he was put there in the first place.

[Nan Shearer] When we came to move in May 1981, to Hyndland Road, a friend came up to see how the removal was going and put him up in the window and he was there for three weeks and then I came into the room and realised he was still there and took him down. And the following Sunday at the church, the minister’s wife said to me “I brought my grandson all the way up Clarence Drive to see Paddington and he wasn’t there. Just you put him back in the window.” And he’s been there ever since.

[Iain MacDiarmid – Reporter] Many years in the window have had an effect on poor Paddington and he is now showing his age. Today he has a warm Christmas outfit on; he has clothes for each season and that is what inspired people to send him postcards from all over the world, even from Lewis. In addition to cards, he has also received an invite to go to England, but although he is from “Darkest Peru”, Nan decided that Surrey in the post was too far away.

[Nan Shearer] He wanted me to post the bear down, so I thought “No, thank you”, not doing that.

[Iain MacDiarmid – Reporter] Maybe he didn’t get to go to the wedding, but he got another honour, thanks from the Provost of Glasgow for years of service he has done on behalf of the city.

[Nan Shearer] “On behalf of the people in Glasgow, in particular those from the west end thank you for the enjoyment you have given all those of us with the display of Paddington Bear in your window.

[Iain MacDiarmid – Reporter] Nan did not expect that the bear that her husband received as a present almost forty years ago would still be getting postcards, Christmas cards, invitations and thank you letters from people that she did not know.

[Nan Shearer] Last year, which made me quite emotional, it was from a lady and it was a card actually, a sunflower, and she said would I mind putting this in the window as her mother was coming to the Beatson for treatment and when they came up Clarence Drive, it would be encouraging to see it. And I did so. It was up for a couple of months and then I got a lovely card that just said thank you on the front of it and it said that her mother was finished her treatment and was well again, so that was lovely to be involved like that

[Iain MacDiarmid – Reporter] The bear is famous for many reasons, but if it was not for the kindness of the woman who owns his, he would not have any fame. That means that people are pleased to meet Mrs Paddington.

[Nan Shearer] “You live in the house where the bear is?” so I said “Yes. Actually, you’ve met Mrs Paddington Bear.”

[Iain MacDiarmid – Reporter] Iain MacDiarmid, BBC An Là, Glasgow.



Pròbhaist Bhaile Ghlaschu

The Provost of the City of Glasgow


Christmas cards





