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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Fèill nan laogh

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Angela NicIlleathain - Preseantair] Fhuair tuathanaich Sgitheanach togail an-diugh an dèidh dhaibh prìsean mòran na b’ fheàrr fhaighinn na bha cuid aca a’ sùileachadh aig fèill nan laogh ann am Port Rìgh. Bha dragh air cuid leis nach robh feur a’ fàs san t-sìde thioram agus as dèidh droch fhèill dhan luchd-reic anns a’ Ghearastan aig deireadh na seachdaine. An aithris-sa aig Eilidh NicLeòid.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Tha còrr is mìle beathach gan reic an seo aig Fèill nan laogh ann am Port Rìgh is còrr air ceud croitear Sgitheanach an dòchas gum faigh iad deagh phrìs air an son. Agus cuid air a bhith a’ nochdadh draghan gu bheil an samhradh fìor thioram a th’air a bhith air a’ chost an iar air droch bhuaidh a thoirt air cho mòr agus fallain ‘s a tha stoc.

Ach cha b’e sin beachd an luchd-ceannachd, phàigh iad prìs mhath, mu thrì fichead ‘s a deich not a bharrachd anns a’ chumantas airson gach beathach na phàigh iad an-uiridh. Deagh naidheachd do luchd-àraich an Eilein as dèidh droch phrìsean aig a’ chiad fhèill dhen t-seusan anns a’ Ghearastan Disathairne. Le prìsean sìos mu dhà fhichead not anns an fharsaingeachd.

[Jonathan Dòmhnallach - Croitear] Tha na prìsean nas fheàrr na bha daoine a’ smaoineachadh, ach feumaidh sinn aideachadh gu bheil cosgaidhean a’ dol suas glè mhòr cuideachd.

[Jimmy Lamont - Croitear] Tha daoine a’ faighinn beagan a bharrachd air laoigh, a-nise. Tha na feed companies a’ dol suas mar-thà. So, tha e a‘ tighinn a-staigh air aon làimh, tha a’ dol a-mach air an làimh eile.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Mar sin ‘s e adhbhar misneachd na prìsean a fhuaireadh. Anns a’ chumantas, bha na beathaichean a’ dol airson còig ceud gu leth not an urra. B’ e a’ phris a b’ fheàrr, naoi ceud, trì fichead not son damh Charolais, bliadhna a dh’aois. Uile gu lèir, chosg an luchd-ceannachd, a’ chuid as motha aca bho thaobh sear na dùthcha, sia ceud mìle not. Bha draghan ann mu cho èasgaidh ‘s a bhiodh iad agus an samhradh fliuch acasan air droch bhuaidh a thoirt air bàrr.

[Jonathan Dòmhnallach - Croitear] Tha geamhraidhean a-nise a’ tòiseachadh cho tràth, feumaidh tu tòiseachadh gu math tràth anns a’ gheamhradh air biadhadh na sprèidh agus mur a dèan thu sin, cha bhi iad fada a’ dol sìos.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Tha na beathaichean a-nis a’ tòiseachadh air an turas dhan ear, far an tèid an reamhrachadh tro mhìosan a’ gheamhraidh. Bidh iomadh fèill stuic eile ann air a’ Ghàidhealtachd agus a-rithist ann am Port Rìgh mus bi a’ bhliadhna seachad. Agus dùil gur e deagh clach-tomhais a th’ anns an seo.

[Jimmy Lamont - Croitear] Tha tòrr a’ tighinn special airson an sale a tha seo, tha còrr is mìle laogh ann, tha tòrr a’ tighinn an sin leotha fhèin na laoigh. Chan eil fhios 'am ciamar a tha an ath sale. Cha bhi uiread de laoigh ann, ‘s dòcha. ‘S dòcha nach tig uiread dhachaigh. Chì sinn co-dhiù, ciamar a thèid gnothaichean.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Chan e buileach poit òir a fhuair na Sgitheanaich, ach ma dh’fhaodte boillsgeadh dòchais airson a’ ghnìomhachais. Eilidh NicLeòid, BBC An Là, Port Rìgh



Calf sale

English Beurla

[Angela MacLean - Presenter] Skye Crofters got a lift today after they got better prices than many of them expected at a calf sale in Portree. Many were concerned that the grass did not grow in the dry weather, and as a result of the poor sale in Fort William at the end of last week. Eilidh MacLeod has this report.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] More than one thousand animals were sold here at the calf sale in Portree and there were over one hundred crofters who were in hope of getting a good price for them. And many of them were concerned that as the summer has been so dry on the west coast, this would have a negative effect on the strength and health of the stock.

But that was not the view of the buyers, they paid a good price, about seventy pounds more on average, for each beast than they paid last year. Good news for breeders of the island after poor prices at the first sale of the season inn Fort William on Saturday, with prices down about twenty pounds, in general.

[Jonathan Macdonald – Crofter] The prices are better than people were thinking, but we must admit that prices are rising a lot, too.

[Jimmy Lamont - Crofter] People are getting a bit more for their calves, now. The feed companies are going up too. So, it is coming in on one hand, it’s going out on the other hand.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] In that case, it’s a reason for hope that they got those prices. In general, the animals were going for five hundred and fifty pounds each. The best price was nine hundred and sixty pounds for a male Charolais, one year old. In total, the buyers paid, most from the east of the country, six hundred thousand pounds. There were concerns about how keen they would be after the their wet summer and the effect it would have on cream.

[Jonathan Macdonald - Crofter] The winters are now starting so early, you have to start early in the winter in feeding the cattle, and if you don’t do that, it won’t be long before things go downhill.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] The animals are now starting their journey east, where they will be fattened up through the winter. There will be many other calf sales in the Highlands, and again in Portree, before the year ends. And the hope is that this is an indicator.

[Jimmy Lamont - Crofter] Many come especially for this sale, there are over one thousand calves, many come just for that- the calves. I don’t know how the next sale will go. There won’t be as many calves, maybe. Maybe as many won’t go home. We’ll see anyway, how things go.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] It’s not a pot of gold that the Skye folk received, but maybe a ray of hope for the business. Eilidh MacLeod, BBC An Là, Portree



Fèill nan laogh

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Angela NicIlleathain - Preseantair] Fhuair tuathanaich Sgitheanach togail an-diugh an dèidh dhaibh prìsean mòran na b’ fheàrr fhaighinn na bha cuid aca a’ sùileachadh aig fèill nan laogh ann am Port Rìgh. Bha dragh air cuid leis nach robh feur a’ fàs san t-sìde thioram agus as dèidh droch fhèill dhan luchd-reic anns a’ Ghearastan aig deireadh na seachdaine. An aithris-sa aig Eilidh NicLeòid.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Tha còrr is mìle beathach gan reic an seo aig Fèill nan laogh ann am Port Rìgh is còrr air ceud croitear Sgitheanach an dòchas gum faigh iad deagh phrìs air an son. Agus cuid air a bhith a’ nochdadh draghan gu bheil an samhradh fìor thioram a th’air a bhith air a’ chost an iar air droch bhuaidh a thoirt air cho mòr agus fallain ‘s a tha stoc.

Ach cha b’e sin beachd an luchd-ceannachd, phàigh iad prìs mhath, mu thrì fichead ‘s a deich not a bharrachd anns a’ chumantas airson gach beathach na phàigh iad an-uiridh. Deagh naidheachd do luchd-àraich an Eilein as dèidh droch phrìsean aig a’ chiad fhèill dhen t-seusan anns a’ Ghearastan Disathairne. Le prìsean sìos mu dhà fhichead not anns an fharsaingeachd.

[Jonathan Dòmhnallach - Croitear] Tha na prìsean nas fheàrr na bha daoine a’ smaoineachadh, ach feumaidh sinn aideachadh gu bheil cosgaidhean a’ dol suas glè mhòr cuideachd.

[Jimmy Lamont - Croitear] Tha daoine a’ faighinn beagan a bharrachd air laoigh, a-nise. Tha na feed companies a’ dol suas mar-thà. So, tha e a‘ tighinn a-staigh air aon làimh, tha a’ dol a-mach air an làimh eile.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Mar sin ‘s e adhbhar misneachd na prìsean a fhuaireadh. Anns a’ chumantas, bha na beathaichean a’ dol airson còig ceud gu leth not an urra. B’ e a’ phris a b’ fheàrr, naoi ceud, trì fichead not son damh Charolais, bliadhna a dh’aois. Uile gu lèir, chosg an luchd-ceannachd, a’ chuid as motha aca bho thaobh sear na dùthcha, sia ceud mìle not. Bha draghan ann mu cho èasgaidh ‘s a bhiodh iad agus an samhradh fliuch acasan air droch bhuaidh a thoirt air bàrr.

[Jonathan Dòmhnallach - Croitear] Tha geamhraidhean a-nise a’ tòiseachadh cho tràth, feumaidh tu tòiseachadh gu math tràth anns a’ gheamhradh air biadhadh na sprèidh agus mur a dèan thu sin, cha bhi iad fada a’ dol sìos.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Tha na beathaichean a-nis a’ tòiseachadh air an turas dhan ear, far an tèid an reamhrachadh tro mhìosan a’ gheamhraidh. Bidh iomadh fèill stuic eile ann air a’ Ghàidhealtachd agus a-rithist ann am Port Rìgh mus bi a’ bhliadhna seachad. Agus dùil gur e deagh clach-tomhais a th’ anns an seo.

[Jimmy Lamont - Croitear] Tha tòrr a’ tighinn special airson an sale a tha seo, tha còrr is mìle laogh ann, tha tòrr a’ tighinn an sin leotha fhèin na laoigh. Chan eil fhios 'am ciamar a tha an ath sale. Cha bhi uiread de laoigh ann, ‘s dòcha. ‘S dòcha nach tig uiread dhachaigh. Chì sinn co-dhiù, ciamar a thèid gnothaichean.

[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Chan e buileach poit òir a fhuair na Sgitheanaich, ach ma dh’fhaodte boillsgeadh dòchais airson a’ ghnìomhachais. Eilidh NicLeòid, BBC An Là, Port Rìgh



Calf sale

English Beurla

[Angela MacLean - Presenter] Skye Crofters got a lift today after they got better prices than many of them expected at a calf sale in Portree. Many were concerned that the grass did not grow in the dry weather, and as a result of the poor sale in Fort William at the end of last week. Eilidh MacLeod has this report.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] More than one thousand animals were sold here at the calf sale in Portree and there were over one hundred crofters who were in hope of getting a good price for them. And many of them were concerned that as the summer has been so dry on the west coast, this would have a negative effect on the strength and health of the stock.

But that was not the view of the buyers, they paid a good price, about seventy pounds more on average, for each beast than they paid last year. Good news for breeders of the island after poor prices at the first sale of the season inn Fort William on Saturday, with prices down about twenty pounds, in general.

[Jonathan Macdonald – Crofter] The prices are better than people were thinking, but we must admit that prices are rising a lot, too.

[Jimmy Lamont - Crofter] People are getting a bit more for their calves, now. The feed companies are going up too. So, it is coming in on one hand, it’s going out on the other hand.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] In that case, it’s a reason for hope that they got those prices. In general, the animals were going for five hundred and fifty pounds each. The best price was nine hundred and sixty pounds for a male Charolais, one year old. In total, the buyers paid, most from the east of the country, six hundred thousand pounds. There were concerns about how keen they would be after the their wet summer and the effect it would have on cream.

[Jonathan Macdonald - Crofter] The winters are now starting so early, you have to start early in the winter in feeding the cattle, and if you don’t do that, it won’t be long before things go downhill.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] The animals are now starting their journey east, where they will be fattened up through the winter. There will be many other calf sales in the Highlands, and again in Portree, before the year ends. And the hope is that this is an indicator.

[Jimmy Lamont - Crofter] Many come especially for this sale, there are over one thousand calves, many come just for that- the calves. I don’t know how the next sale will go. There won’t be as many calves, maybe. Maybe as many won’t go home. We’ll see anyway, how things go.

[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] It’s not a pot of gold that the Skye folk received, but maybe a ray of hope for the business. Eilidh MacLeod, BBC An Là, Portree



Fèill nan laogh

Calf sale

An Gearastan

Fort William

The name An Gearastan (in Gaelic) refers to the fort that the town, Fort William, was built on.

an urra


boillsgeadh dòchais

ray of hope



In this story the word is used as a measure, or indicator, of something.