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Watch Gaelic Coimhead Gàidhlig

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Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Obair nam bian

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Dòmhnall] Gu deas bha na Stàitean Ùra Aonaichte air sgìre Ohio, fìor chudromach do dh'obair nam bian, a dhùnadh air ceannaichean cèin. Dh’fheumadh ceannaichean Montreal, 's iad a-nis air an casg anns na sgìrean a bu dlùth dhaibh , aghaidh a chur air ceàrnaidhean fada shuas anns an iar-thuath. Ach bha iad sin mìle mìle à Montreal. Cha deigheadh ceannaiche sam bith ann ‘s air ais ann an aon sèisean samhraidh. Mar sin stèidhich an North West Company Fort William mar cheum air an t-slighe.

[Dòmhnall] Bha Fort William na b’ fhaide à Montreal na tha Inbhir Nis air Mosgo aig cridhe obair nam bian.

[Dòmhnall] Bhiodh am bian a' tighinn an seo à stèiseanan beaga air an taobh siar, cuid aca cho fada à Fort William 's a bha Fort William fhèin à Montreal.

[Dòmhnall] Bhiodh na ceannaichean a' cur seachad a' gheamhraidh anns na stèiseanan iomallach thall 's a' tilleadh a-nuas na h-aibhnichean uair anns a' bhliadhna leis na bèin agus a’ togail tuilleadh bathair leis am pàigheadh iad na tùsanaich.

[Dòmhnall] Bha aon rud aig an North West Company a bharrachd air muinntir Hudson's Bay - bàtaichean na b' fheàrr. Seo rud ris an can iad "York boat", am bàta a bhiodh aig ceannaichean Hudson's Bay aig York Factory agus air na h-aibhnichean a-steach air feadh na dùthcha. Tha e gu math coltach ris an sgoth air a bheil sinn eòlach. 'S ann à Arcaibh a thàinig dealbh a' bhàta còmhla ris na ceudan de dh'fhir Arcaibh a bhiodh an Hudson's Bay Company a' toirt a-mach a dh'obair dhaibh gach bliadhna. Ach eadhan ged a tha i math , cha robh York boat uabhasach freagarrach airson aibhnichean Chanada. Tha i trom, tha i doirbh a làimhseachadh, agus gu math doirbh a giùlain eadar na h-aibhnichean.

[Dòmhnall] 'S e curach fiodha a bhiodh aig an North West Company. 'S e na tùsanaich a rinn an toiseach i le measgachadh de rùsg, sùgh agus freumhaichean na craoibhe. Tha i làidir agus cho aotrom ri ite, 's thug i cothrom dhan North West Company nach robh aig an tè eile.

[Dòmhnall] Tha curach an North West Company cuideachd na samhla air diofar chultaran ag obrachadh còmhla, gach pàirt den cho-bhanntachd an urra gu ìre bheag no mhòr air choreigin ris an fhear eile. Na tùsanaich, an luchd-iùil, agus sealgair a' bhiobhair. Nuair a bha An seann Fhrangach anns na curachan le Gàidheil os an cionn 's os an cionn-san Gàidheil a-rithist anns a' mhòr-chuid am measg nan urrachan mòra.

[Fionnlagh MacLeòid] Tha an North West Company mar eisimpleir air mar a tha sgiobaidhean Gàidheil air a bhith a' tighinn còmhla 's cuiridh e annas oirnn uaireannan a' smaoineachadh gun robh uimhir de Ghàidheil ann. Agus ’s e tè a bh’ innte a bha, ’s e companaidh a bh’ innte a bha Gàidhealach. Bha daoine uaireannan ann an càirdeas dha chèile, bha iad eòlach air a chèile agus ma bha thu òg, ma bha thu comasach bha thu a’ dol a dh’fhaighinn obair , bha daoine a’ dol a dh’aithneachadh sin.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Na h-Eilthirich, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 1999.



The fur trade

English Beurla

[Donald] In the south the New United States had closed the area of Ohio, which was very important to the fur trade, to foreign merchants. Montreal’s merchants, who were now banned from the areas which were closest to them, needed to head for high up regions in the north-west. But they were a thousand miles from Montreal. No merchant could get there and back in one summer session. Therefore the North West Company established Fort William as a step on the way.

[Donald] Fort William was further from Montreal than Inverness is from Moscow and was at the heart of the fur industry.

[Donald] The furs came here from small stations on the west side, some of them as far from Fort William as Fort William itself was from Montreal.

[Donald] The merchants spent winter in the remote stations over there and came down the rivers once a year with the furs and to uplift more wares that they would pay the natives with.

[Donald] The North West Company had one thing over the Hudson’s Bay folk – better boats. Here is what they call a “York boat”, the boat that the Hudson’s Bay’s merchants had at York Factory and on the rivers in throughout the country. It is very similar to the skiff that we know. The picture of the boat came from Orkney along with the hundreds of Orcadian men that the Hudson’s Bay Company brought out to work for them each year. Even as good as it was the York boat wasn’t terribly suitable for Canada’s rivers. It is heavy, it is difficult to manoeuvre, and very difficult to carry between the rivers.

[Donald] It was a wooden coracle that the North West Company had. It was the natives who made it initially with a mix of tree bark, sap and roots. It is strong and as light as a feather, and it gave the North West Company an advantage.

[Donald] The North West Company’s coracle is also a symbol of different cultures working together, each part of the partnership dependent to some extent on the other. The natives, as guides, and the beaver hunters. When the old French were in the coracles with Gaels above them and above them were mostly Gaels again amongst the bigwigs.

[Finlay MacLeod] The North West Company is an example of how teams of Gaels have been coming together and it surprises us sometimes thinking of it that there were so many Gaels involved. And it was, it was a company that was culturally Gaelic. Sometimes people were related to each other, they knew each other and if you were young, if you were capable you were going to get, people were going to recognise that.

This programme, Na h-Eilthirich, was first broadcast in 1999.



Obair nam bian

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Dòmhnall] Gu deas bha na Stàitean Ùra Aonaichte air sgìre Ohio, fìor chudromach do dh'obair nam bian, a dhùnadh air ceannaichean cèin. Dh’fheumadh ceannaichean Montreal, 's iad a-nis air an casg anns na sgìrean a bu dlùth dhaibh , aghaidh a chur air ceàrnaidhean fada shuas anns an iar-thuath. Ach bha iad sin mìle mìle à Montreal. Cha deigheadh ceannaiche sam bith ann ‘s air ais ann an aon sèisean samhraidh. Mar sin stèidhich an North West Company Fort William mar cheum air an t-slighe.

[Dòmhnall] Bha Fort William na b’ fhaide à Montreal na tha Inbhir Nis air Mosgo aig cridhe obair nam bian.

[Dòmhnall] Bhiodh am bian a' tighinn an seo à stèiseanan beaga air an taobh siar, cuid aca cho fada à Fort William 's a bha Fort William fhèin à Montreal.

[Dòmhnall] Bhiodh na ceannaichean a' cur seachad a' gheamhraidh anns na stèiseanan iomallach thall 's a' tilleadh a-nuas na h-aibhnichean uair anns a' bhliadhna leis na bèin agus a’ togail tuilleadh bathair leis am pàigheadh iad na tùsanaich.

[Dòmhnall] Bha aon rud aig an North West Company a bharrachd air muinntir Hudson's Bay - bàtaichean na b' fheàrr. Seo rud ris an can iad "York boat", am bàta a bhiodh aig ceannaichean Hudson's Bay aig York Factory agus air na h-aibhnichean a-steach air feadh na dùthcha. Tha e gu math coltach ris an sgoth air a bheil sinn eòlach. 'S ann à Arcaibh a thàinig dealbh a' bhàta còmhla ris na ceudan de dh'fhir Arcaibh a bhiodh an Hudson's Bay Company a' toirt a-mach a dh'obair dhaibh gach bliadhna. Ach eadhan ged a tha i math , cha robh York boat uabhasach freagarrach airson aibhnichean Chanada. Tha i trom, tha i doirbh a làimhseachadh, agus gu math doirbh a giùlain eadar na h-aibhnichean.

[Dòmhnall] 'S e curach fiodha a bhiodh aig an North West Company. 'S e na tùsanaich a rinn an toiseach i le measgachadh de rùsg, sùgh agus freumhaichean na craoibhe. Tha i làidir agus cho aotrom ri ite, 's thug i cothrom dhan North West Company nach robh aig an tè eile.

[Dòmhnall] Tha curach an North West Company cuideachd na samhla air diofar chultaran ag obrachadh còmhla, gach pàirt den cho-bhanntachd an urra gu ìre bheag no mhòr air choreigin ris an fhear eile. Na tùsanaich, an luchd-iùil, agus sealgair a' bhiobhair. Nuair a bha An seann Fhrangach anns na curachan le Gàidheil os an cionn 's os an cionn-san Gàidheil a-rithist anns a' mhòr-chuid am measg nan urrachan mòra.

[Fionnlagh MacLeòid] Tha an North West Company mar eisimpleir air mar a tha sgiobaidhean Gàidheil air a bhith a' tighinn còmhla 's cuiridh e annas oirnn uaireannan a' smaoineachadh gun robh uimhir de Ghàidheil ann. Agus ’s e tè a bh’ innte a bha, ’s e companaidh a bh’ innte a bha Gàidhealach. Bha daoine uaireannan ann an càirdeas dha chèile, bha iad eòlach air a chèile agus ma bha thu òg, ma bha thu comasach bha thu a’ dol a dh’fhaighinn obair , bha daoine a’ dol a dh’aithneachadh sin.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Na h-Eilthirich, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 1999.



The fur trade

English Beurla

[Donald] In the south the New United States had closed the area of Ohio, which was very important to the fur trade, to foreign merchants. Montreal’s merchants, who were now banned from the areas which were closest to them, needed to head for high up regions in the north-west. But they were a thousand miles from Montreal. No merchant could get there and back in one summer session. Therefore the North West Company established Fort William as a step on the way.

[Donald] Fort William was further from Montreal than Inverness is from Moscow and was at the heart of the fur industry.

[Donald] The furs came here from small stations on the west side, some of them as far from Fort William as Fort William itself was from Montreal.

[Donald] The merchants spent winter in the remote stations over there and came down the rivers once a year with the furs and to uplift more wares that they would pay the natives with.

[Donald] The North West Company had one thing over the Hudson’s Bay folk – better boats. Here is what they call a “York boat”, the boat that the Hudson’s Bay’s merchants had at York Factory and on the rivers in throughout the country. It is very similar to the skiff that we know. The picture of the boat came from Orkney along with the hundreds of Orcadian men that the Hudson’s Bay Company brought out to work for them each year. Even as good as it was the York boat wasn’t terribly suitable for Canada’s rivers. It is heavy, it is difficult to manoeuvre, and very difficult to carry between the rivers.

[Donald] It was a wooden coracle that the North West Company had. It was the natives who made it initially with a mix of tree bark, sap and roots. It is strong and as light as a feather, and it gave the North West Company an advantage.

[Donald] The North West Company’s coracle is also a symbol of different cultures working together, each part of the partnership dependent to some extent on the other. The natives, as guides, and the beaver hunters. When the old French were in the coracles with Gaels above them and above them were mostly Gaels again amongst the bigwigs.

[Finlay MacLeod] The North West Company is an example of how teams of Gaels have been coming together and it surprises us sometimes thinking of it that there were so many Gaels involved. And it was, it was a company that was culturally Gaelic. Sometimes people were related to each other, they knew each other and if you were young, if you were capable you were going to get, people were going to recognise that.

This programme, Na h-Eilthirich, was first broadcast in 1999.