FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Watch Gaelic Coimhead Gàidhlig

B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Ball-coise na ministrealachd

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Preseantair] Nad mhinistear no nad oileanach tha e gu math cudromach ùine dhut fhèin fhaighinn agus chan eil càil nas fheàrr le Innes na a bhith a’ ruith mun cuairt a’ cluich ball-coise le caraidean.

[Innes] Uill tha sinn a’ cluich a-nochd ball-cois’. Bidh mise a’ cluich airson Dowanvale Free Church agus bidh sinn a’ cluichfriendlies an aghaidh sgiobaidhean eile agus tha sinn a’ cluich Heartsbridge Evangelical a-nochd, eaglais eile.

[Innes] Right, let’s pray before we start.. Heavenly Father, we thank you for this evening, Lord, we pray that you’ll help us as we all enjoy ourselves tonight. Thank you for this gift of sport, as always in Christ’s name, Amen.

[Innes] ’S e rud math a th’ ann an rest. ’S e rud math a th’ ann an spòrs. ’S e rud math a th’ ann an exercise cuideachd.So tha e a’ còrdadh rium a’ faighinn break. Chan e break a th’ ann bho Dhia. ’S e dìreach break a th’ ann bho leughadh, bho obair.

[Preseantair] ’S cinnteach gum bu chòir oileanach na ministrealachd a bhith modhail air an raon-cluiche. Mar sin tha fios nach d’ fhuair Innes cairt bhuidhe no idir cairt dhearg riamh!

[Innes] Cha d’ fhuair mi càil riamh. Tha mise den bheachd nuair a tha Criosdaidhean a’ cluich football cha bu chòir dhaibh cheating sam bith a dhèanamh idir.

[Innes] Tric gu leòr bidh defenders, bidh iad a’ bìdeadh nan strikers no a’ seasamh air na casan aca. Cha chaomh leams’ càil mar sin a dhèanamh. Cha bhi mi fhìn a’ tarraing càil mar sin idir aig corners. Tha mi a’ feuchainn ri cluich cho mòr ’s a ’s urrainn dhomh, everything above board.

[Innes] Nuair a tha thu nad Chriosdaidh, tha Criosd còmhla riut nuair a tha thu a’ cluich football no anns a’ chùbainn.

[Innes] Three, two. Tha mi sgìth! Fhuair sinn dà ghoal gu math tràth anns an dàrna half agus … ach an uair sin rinn sinn tòrr substitutions agus thàinig iad air ais. Fhuair iad a dhà. Bha e rudeigin faisg aig an deireadh ach uill co-dhiù bhuannaich sinn. Geama math a bh’ ann. Ò tha mi toilichte, ò tha.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Balaich a' Bhìobaill, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2015.



The ministry's football game

English Beurla

[Presenter] As a minister or as a student it is very important to get time for yourself and Innes likes nothing better than running around playing football with friends.

[Innes] Well we are playing football tonight. I play for Dowanvale Free Church and we play friendlies against other teams and we are playing Heartsbridge Evangelical tonight, another church.

[Innes] Right, let’s pray before we start... Heavenly Father, we thank you for this evening, Lord, we pray that you’ll help us as we all enjoy ourselves tonight.Thank you for this gift of sport, as always in Christ’s name, Amen.

[Innes] Rest is a good thing. Sport is a good thing. Exercise is a good thing too. So I enjoy getting a break. It isn’t a break from God. It is just a break from reading, from work.

[Presenter] Surely ministry students are well behaved on the pitch. So Innes has certainly not received a yellow card and definitely not a red card ever!

[Innes] I’ve never received anything. I’m of the opinion that when Christians are playing football there should be no cheating happening at all.

[Innes] Often enough defenders, they bite the strikers or stand on their feet. I don’t like to do anything like that. I don’t pull anything like that at all atcorners. I am trying to play as much as I can, everything above board.

[Innes] When you are a Christian, Christ is with you when you’re playing football or in the pulpit.

[Innes] Three, two. I’m tired! We got two goals very early in the second half and … but then we made lots of substitutions and they came back. They got two. It was somewhat close at the end but well anyway we won. It was a good game. Oh I’m happy, oh yes.

This programme, Balaich a' Bhìobaill, was first broadcast in 2015.



Ball-coise na ministrealachd

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Preseantair] Nad mhinistear no nad oileanach tha e gu math cudromach ùine dhut fhèin fhaighinn agus chan eil càil nas fheàrr le Innes na a bhith a’ ruith mun cuairt a’ cluich ball-coise le caraidean.

[Innes] Uill tha sinn a’ cluich a-nochd ball-cois’. Bidh mise a’ cluich airson Dowanvale Free Church agus bidh sinn a’ cluichfriendlies an aghaidh sgiobaidhean eile agus tha sinn a’ cluich Heartsbridge Evangelical a-nochd, eaglais eile.

[Innes] Right, let’s pray before we start.. Heavenly Father, we thank you for this evening, Lord, we pray that you’ll help us as we all enjoy ourselves tonight. Thank you for this gift of sport, as always in Christ’s name, Amen.

[Innes] ’S e rud math a th’ ann an rest. ’S e rud math a th’ ann an spòrs. ’S e rud math a th’ ann an exercise cuideachd.So tha e a’ còrdadh rium a’ faighinn break. Chan e break a th’ ann bho Dhia. ’S e dìreach break a th’ ann bho leughadh, bho obair.

[Preseantair] ’S cinnteach gum bu chòir oileanach na ministrealachd a bhith modhail air an raon-cluiche. Mar sin tha fios nach d’ fhuair Innes cairt bhuidhe no idir cairt dhearg riamh!

[Innes] Cha d’ fhuair mi càil riamh. Tha mise den bheachd nuair a tha Criosdaidhean a’ cluich football cha bu chòir dhaibh cheating sam bith a dhèanamh idir.

[Innes] Tric gu leòr bidh defenders, bidh iad a’ bìdeadh nan strikers no a’ seasamh air na casan aca. Cha chaomh leams’ càil mar sin a dhèanamh. Cha bhi mi fhìn a’ tarraing càil mar sin idir aig corners. Tha mi a’ feuchainn ri cluich cho mòr ’s a ’s urrainn dhomh, everything above board.

[Innes] Nuair a tha thu nad Chriosdaidh, tha Criosd còmhla riut nuair a tha thu a’ cluich football no anns a’ chùbainn.

[Innes] Three, two. Tha mi sgìth! Fhuair sinn dà ghoal gu math tràth anns an dàrna half agus … ach an uair sin rinn sinn tòrr substitutions agus thàinig iad air ais. Fhuair iad a dhà. Bha e rudeigin faisg aig an deireadh ach uill co-dhiù bhuannaich sinn. Geama math a bh’ ann. Ò tha mi toilichte, ò tha.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Balaich a' Bhìobaill, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2015.



The ministry's football game

English Beurla

[Presenter] As a minister or as a student it is very important to get time for yourself and Innes likes nothing better than running around playing football with friends.

[Innes] Well we are playing football tonight. I play for Dowanvale Free Church and we play friendlies against other teams and we are playing Heartsbridge Evangelical tonight, another church.

[Innes] Right, let’s pray before we start... Heavenly Father, we thank you for this evening, Lord, we pray that you’ll help us as we all enjoy ourselves tonight.Thank you for this gift of sport, as always in Christ’s name, Amen.

[Innes] Rest is a good thing. Sport is a good thing. Exercise is a good thing too. So I enjoy getting a break. It isn’t a break from God. It is just a break from reading, from work.

[Presenter] Surely ministry students are well behaved on the pitch. So Innes has certainly not received a yellow card and definitely not a red card ever!

[Innes] I’ve never received anything. I’m of the opinion that when Christians are playing football there should be no cheating happening at all.

[Innes] Often enough defenders, they bite the strikers or stand on their feet. I don’t like to do anything like that. I don’t pull anything like that at all atcorners. I am trying to play as much as I can, everything above board.

[Innes] When you are a Christian, Christ is with you when you’re playing football or in the pulpit.

[Innes] Three, two. I’m tired! We got two goals very early in the second half and … but then we made lots of substitutions and they came back. They got two. It was somewhat close at the end but well anyway we won. It was a good game. Oh I’m happy, oh yes.

This programme, Balaich a' Bhìobaill, was first broadcast in 2015.