FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Watch Gaelic Coimhead Gàidhlig

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Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Aig a’ bhùidsear

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Sweeny] Air ais ann am baile Steòrnabhaigh. Tha am bùidsear a’ deasachadh an fheòil-mhuice agam.

[Sweeny] Gabhaidh am bùidsear seo feòil bho chroitearan an àite agus nì iad na thogras tu leis. An-diugh ’s e sausages a tha mise ag iarraidh!

[Alec Murdo] Tha barrachd iarrtais, tha, ma tha fhios aig daoine cò às a thàinig e.

[Sweeny] Tha cothrom ann dhòmhsa feòil muic a reic gu h-ionadail an àite dha daoine a bhith a’ ceannach feòil a chaidh a thoirt a-steach bho tìr-mòr. Agus anns na sausages agamsa chan eil càil ann ach feòil, aran pronn, bùrn saillte agus piobar.

[Alec Murdo] ’S e Sweeny a b’ fheàrr airson an obair seo!

[Alec Murdo] Tha thu a’ faicinn sin rud beag geal an-dràsta, gu bheil trealaich fat ann ach tha thu ag iarraidh sin anns an t- sausage airson an rud a bhith blas nas fheàrr a bhith dheth. Agus tha e a’ dol troimhe a-rithist.

[Sweeny] Tha Alec Murdo air a bhith ris an obair seo airson timcheall air deich air fhichead bliadhna agus mar sin tha fios aige cò air a tha e a-mach.

[Alec Murdo] Tha mi a-nis a’ dol ga chur suas ann an seo. Bidh Willie a’ cur na sausages troimhe.

[Sweeny] Cha bhiodh taigh-spadaidh gu mòran feum gun ghoireas mar seo a bhith ann cuideachd. Ann an seo tha an fheòil agamsa air a geàrradh agus air a deasachadh mar a tha mise ag iarraidh. Tha seo a’ sàbhaladh dhòmhsa an t-uabhas ùine agus aig deireadh an latha tha e air a dhèanamh ann an dòigh phròifeiseanta agus sgileil.

[Sweeny] Seo Willie ‘Spread’ MacLeòid. Fear eile a th’ air a bhith ag obair na bhùidsear bho dh’fhàg e an sgoil, agus tha sin follaiseach.

[Sweeny] Ged a tha bùithtean mòra a’ reic feòil ann an Steòrnabhagh chan eil seo a’ cur mòran bacaidh air na bùithtean beaga mar seo. Carson? Uill dhòmhsa tha an fheòil math agus tha rudeigin nas pearseanta mu dheidhinn.

[Sweeny] Chan eil mise a’ dol a dh’fhaighinn blas dhe na sausages seo ge-tà seach gu bheil dùil agam an reic ri taighean-bìdh ann an Nis.

[Sweeny] Tha mi a’ creidsinn a’ chiad turas a chì thu muc air a phronnadh nach bi thu a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil e cho mòr ri sin ach feumaidh tu cuimhneachadh gu bheil na cnàimhean gu lèir air an toirt às.

[Sweeny] Nam bithinn air a’ cheithir a reic bhithinn air beagan prothaid a dhèanamh ach tha mi a’ cumail a dhà airson briodadh so tha seo a’ pàigheadh nan cosgaisean a bh’ agam airson na ceithir so ’s e an ìre mhath breakeven a th’ ann.

[Sweeny] An e seo an stuth agams’?

[Alec Murdo] Sin an stuth agads’, ’s e.

[Sweeny] Seo na sausages.

[Alec Murdo] Sin e. Tha iad a’ coimhead math.

[Sweeny] An e sin bhon dà mhuc?

[Alec Murdo] Bhon dà mhuc.

[Sweeny] Bhon dà mhuc, OK.

[Alec Murdo] Tha trèidh eile ann a gheibh thu a-rithist.

[Sweeny] Leis an fheòil, anann?

[Alec Murdo] Chan ann , chan ann. Tha tuilleadh sausages ann.

[Sweeny] Tha tuilleadh sausages ann! Right, OK.

[Alec Murdo] Cha bhi thu fhèin fada.

[Sweeny] Agus a-nise airson pàigheadh airson na chaidh a dhèanamh.

[Sweeny] Ò tha mi toilichte leis a’ phrìs. Prìs mhath a tha seo. Bha dùil a’m gum biodh e na b’fhaisge air leth-cheud not am muc ach deich not fichead am muc an-dràst’ so tha mi toilichte leis an sin.

Chaidh am prògram seo, An Lot, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2015. Le taing do MacTV.



At the butcher

English Beurla

[Sweeny] Back in Stornoway. The butcher is preparing my pork.

[Sweeny] This butcher will take meat from local crofters and make whatever you like with it. Today it’s sausages that I want!

[Alec Murdo] There’s more demand, yes, if people know where it’s come from.

[Sweeny] I’ve got an opportunity to sell the pork locally instead of people buying meat that has been brought in from the mainland. And in my sausages there’s only meat, breadcrumbs, salt water and pepper.

[Alec Murdo] Sweeny is the best [person] for this job!

[Alec Murdo] You see that is a little white just now, that there’s bits and pieces of fat but you want that in the sausage so that the thing has a better flavour. And it’s going through again.

[Sweeny] Alec Murdo has been doing this job for around thirty years and so he knows his stuff.

[Alec Murdo] I’m going to put it up here. Willie will put the sausages through.

[Sweeny] An abattoir wouldn’t be much use without having a facility like this too. Here my meat is cut and prepared as I want. This save me a lot of time and at the end of the day it is done in a professional and skilful manner.

[Sweeny] This is Willie ‘Spread’ MacLeod. Another man who has been working as a butcher since he left school, and that’s obvious.

[Sweeny] Although the large shops sell meat in Stornoway this doesn’t really hinder the wee shops like this. Why? Well for me the meat is good and there’s something more personal about it.

[Sweeny] I’m not going to get a taste of these sausages though since I’m hoping to sell them to restaurants in Ness.

[Sweeny] I think the first time that you see a butchered pig you think that it’s not that big but you must remember that all the bones have been taken out.

[Sweeny] If I’d sold the four I’d have made a little profit but I’m keeping two for breeding so this pays my costs for the four so it’s pretty much breakeven.

[Sweeny] Is this my stuff?

[Alec Murdo] That’s your stuff, yes.

[Sweeny] Here’s the sausages.

[Alec Murdo] That’s it. They look good.

[Sweeny] Is that from the two pigs?

[Alec Murdo] From the two pigs.

[Sweeny] From the two pigs, ok.

[Alec Murdo] You’ll get another tray again.

[Sweeny] With the meat, is it?

[Alec Murdo] No, no. There’s more sausages.

[Sweeny] There’s more sausages! Right, OK.

[Alec Murdo] You won’t be long.

[Sweeny] And now to pay for what’s been done.

[Sweeny] Oh I’m pleased with the price. This is a good price. I expected that it would be closer to fifty pounds per pig but it’s thirty pounds per pig just now so I’m pleased with that.

This programme, An Lot, was first broadcast in 2015. Courtesy of MacTV



Aig a’ bhùidsear

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Sweeny] Air ais ann am baile Steòrnabhaigh. Tha am bùidsear a’ deasachadh an fheòil-mhuice agam.

[Sweeny] Gabhaidh am bùidsear seo feòil bho chroitearan an àite agus nì iad na thogras tu leis. An-diugh ’s e sausages a tha mise ag iarraidh!

[Alec Murdo] Tha barrachd iarrtais, tha, ma tha fhios aig daoine cò às a thàinig e.

[Sweeny] Tha cothrom ann dhòmhsa feòil muic a reic gu h-ionadail an àite dha daoine a bhith a’ ceannach feòil a chaidh a thoirt a-steach bho tìr-mòr. Agus anns na sausages agamsa chan eil càil ann ach feòil, aran pronn, bùrn saillte agus piobar.

[Alec Murdo] ’S e Sweeny a b’ fheàrr airson an obair seo!

[Alec Murdo] Tha thu a’ faicinn sin rud beag geal an-dràsta, gu bheil trealaich fat ann ach tha thu ag iarraidh sin anns an t- sausage airson an rud a bhith blas nas fheàrr a bhith dheth. Agus tha e a’ dol troimhe a-rithist.

[Sweeny] Tha Alec Murdo air a bhith ris an obair seo airson timcheall air deich air fhichead bliadhna agus mar sin tha fios aige cò air a tha e a-mach.

[Alec Murdo] Tha mi a-nis a’ dol ga chur suas ann an seo. Bidh Willie a’ cur na sausages troimhe.

[Sweeny] Cha bhiodh taigh-spadaidh gu mòran feum gun ghoireas mar seo a bhith ann cuideachd. Ann an seo tha an fheòil agamsa air a geàrradh agus air a deasachadh mar a tha mise ag iarraidh. Tha seo a’ sàbhaladh dhòmhsa an t-uabhas ùine agus aig deireadh an latha tha e air a dhèanamh ann an dòigh phròifeiseanta agus sgileil.

[Sweeny] Seo Willie ‘Spread’ MacLeòid. Fear eile a th’ air a bhith ag obair na bhùidsear bho dh’fhàg e an sgoil, agus tha sin follaiseach.

[Sweeny] Ged a tha bùithtean mòra a’ reic feòil ann an Steòrnabhagh chan eil seo a’ cur mòran bacaidh air na bùithtean beaga mar seo. Carson? Uill dhòmhsa tha an fheòil math agus tha rudeigin nas pearseanta mu dheidhinn.

[Sweeny] Chan eil mise a’ dol a dh’fhaighinn blas dhe na sausages seo ge-tà seach gu bheil dùil agam an reic ri taighean-bìdh ann an Nis.

[Sweeny] Tha mi a’ creidsinn a’ chiad turas a chì thu muc air a phronnadh nach bi thu a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil e cho mòr ri sin ach feumaidh tu cuimhneachadh gu bheil na cnàimhean gu lèir air an toirt às.

[Sweeny] Nam bithinn air a’ cheithir a reic bhithinn air beagan prothaid a dhèanamh ach tha mi a’ cumail a dhà airson briodadh so tha seo a’ pàigheadh nan cosgaisean a bh’ agam airson na ceithir so ’s e an ìre mhath breakeven a th’ ann.

[Sweeny] An e seo an stuth agams’?

[Alec Murdo] Sin an stuth agads’, ’s e.

[Sweeny] Seo na sausages.

[Alec Murdo] Sin e. Tha iad a’ coimhead math.

[Sweeny] An e sin bhon dà mhuc?

[Alec Murdo] Bhon dà mhuc.

[Sweeny] Bhon dà mhuc, OK.

[Alec Murdo] Tha trèidh eile ann a gheibh thu a-rithist.

[Sweeny] Leis an fheòil, anann?

[Alec Murdo] Chan ann , chan ann. Tha tuilleadh sausages ann.

[Sweeny] Tha tuilleadh sausages ann! Right, OK.

[Alec Murdo] Cha bhi thu fhèin fada.

[Sweeny] Agus a-nise airson pàigheadh airson na chaidh a dhèanamh.

[Sweeny] Ò tha mi toilichte leis a’ phrìs. Prìs mhath a tha seo. Bha dùil a’m gum biodh e na b’fhaisge air leth-cheud not am muc ach deich not fichead am muc an-dràst’ so tha mi toilichte leis an sin.

Chaidh am prògram seo, An Lot, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2015. Le taing do MacTV.



At the butcher

English Beurla

[Sweeny] Back in Stornoway. The butcher is preparing my pork.

[Sweeny] This butcher will take meat from local crofters and make whatever you like with it. Today it’s sausages that I want!

[Alec Murdo] There’s more demand, yes, if people know where it’s come from.

[Sweeny] I’ve got an opportunity to sell the pork locally instead of people buying meat that has been brought in from the mainland. And in my sausages there’s only meat, breadcrumbs, salt water and pepper.

[Alec Murdo] Sweeny is the best [person] for this job!

[Alec Murdo] You see that is a little white just now, that there’s bits and pieces of fat but you want that in the sausage so that the thing has a better flavour. And it’s going through again.

[Sweeny] Alec Murdo has been doing this job for around thirty years and so he knows his stuff.

[Alec Murdo] I’m going to put it up here. Willie will put the sausages through.

[Sweeny] An abattoir wouldn’t be much use without having a facility like this too. Here my meat is cut and prepared as I want. This save me a lot of time and at the end of the day it is done in a professional and skilful manner.

[Sweeny] This is Willie ‘Spread’ MacLeod. Another man who has been working as a butcher since he left school, and that’s obvious.

[Sweeny] Although the large shops sell meat in Stornoway this doesn’t really hinder the wee shops like this. Why? Well for me the meat is good and there’s something more personal about it.

[Sweeny] I’m not going to get a taste of these sausages though since I’m hoping to sell them to restaurants in Ness.

[Sweeny] I think the first time that you see a butchered pig you think that it’s not that big but you must remember that all the bones have been taken out.

[Sweeny] If I’d sold the four I’d have made a little profit but I’m keeping two for breeding so this pays my costs for the four so it’s pretty much breakeven.

[Sweeny] Is this my stuff?

[Alec Murdo] That’s your stuff, yes.

[Sweeny] Here’s the sausages.

[Alec Murdo] That’s it. They look good.

[Sweeny] Is that from the two pigs?

[Alec Murdo] From the two pigs.

[Sweeny] From the two pigs, ok.

[Alec Murdo] You’ll get another tray again.

[Sweeny] With the meat, is it?

[Alec Murdo] No, no. There’s more sausages.

[Sweeny] There’s more sausages! Right, OK.

[Alec Murdo] You won’t be long.

[Sweeny] And now to pay for what’s been done.

[Sweeny] Oh I’m pleased with the price. This is a good price. I expected that it would be closer to fifty pounds per pig but it’s thirty pounds per pig just now so I’m pleased with that.

This programme, An Lot, was first broadcast in 2015. Courtesy of MacTV