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Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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An rud as cudromaiche bhon bhò

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Aileig Caimbeul] Bha visitor agam an seo trup agus chuir e sìos cupan tì agus bha mi ag innse dha nach e really fàileadh ceart a tha seo ann. Gum biodh an crodh againne air an àirigh agus robh mi a' miannachadh bò bheag jersey fhaighinn. Mar sin, bhiodh am banne againne, 's e am bainne am main thing a tha e ag ràdh rithe. Am main thing a’ faighinn a h-uile càil às a' bhoin sin. A' faighinn ìm 's bainne, bàrr, sailleadh airson an teasachadh, bainne gort, bainne binid, blàthach.

[Murdag Chaimbeul] A' bruidhinn mu ìm na bà, ìm ùr, Ò 's e a bha math.

[Aileig Caimbeul] Agus a' chiad dhà no trì bhleoghainnean a bhiodh tu a' faighinn bhon bhoin air a bheireadh i, bha thu a' faighinn unns

[Murdag Chaimbeul] Ò, bha

[Aileig Caimbeul] Nise, bha sin iongantach, bhon an aon, from the one item, bainne. Cha leigeadh tu leas siùcar, bha iad a' deasachadh am b' urrainn agad bha sinn a' breacadh. Duine bhon àirigh a chaidh a thogail air an àirigh, cha dìochuimhneachadh iad gu bhràth iad.

[Preseantair] B' e an crodh an rud a bu chudromaiche air fad ann am beatha an t-sluaigh mus robh airgead aig daoine. 'S e rud mòr a bh' ann nuair a bheireadh bò air croit gun stuth bainne an dèidh mhìosan gun stuth bhainne. 'S ann mar as trice as t -Earrach a bhiodh crodh a’ breith agus bha seo a' ciallachadh bainne 's a h-uile càil a bha na cois an còrr den bhliadhna sin.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Annlan, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2000.



The most important thing from the cow

English Beurla

[Alec Campbell] I had a visitor here on time and he put down a cup of tea and I was telling him that it does not have a proper smell. If our cattle will be on the field and I was wishing to get a wee jersey cow. As such, we will have our milk, it’s the main thing, I said to her. The main thing that we would get from this cow. Getting butter and milk, curing it for heating, sour milk, rennet, warming.

[Murdag Campbell]: Talking about the butter of the cow, oh, it was good.

[Alec Campbell] And the first two or three bursts that you would get from which it gives, you would get an ounce.

[Murdag Campbell] Oh, yes.

[Alec Campbell] Now that was amazing, from the one, from the one item. You didn’t need sugar, they would prepare what they could spot. Someone from the field who was brought up on the croft, they will never forget that.

[James MacDonald] The cattle was the most important thing in the life of the people before people had money. It’s a big thing when a cow gave birth on the croft after months without milk products. It was mostly in the spring that the cattle would give birth and this meant milk and everything that was involved in it for the rest of the year.

This programme, Annlan, was first broadcast in 2000.



An rud as cudromaiche bhon bhò

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Aileig Caimbeul] Bha visitor agam an seo trup agus chuir e sìos cupan tì agus bha mi ag innse dha nach e really fàileadh ceart a tha seo ann. Gum biodh an crodh againne air an àirigh agus robh mi a' miannachadh bò bheag jersey fhaighinn. Mar sin, bhiodh am banne againne, 's e am bainne am main thing a tha e ag ràdh rithe. Am main thing a’ faighinn a h-uile càil às a' bhoin sin. A' faighinn ìm 's bainne, bàrr, sailleadh airson an teasachadh, bainne gort, bainne binid, blàthach.

[Murdag Chaimbeul] A' bruidhinn mu ìm na bà, ìm ùr, Ò 's e a bha math.

[Aileig Caimbeul] Agus a' chiad dhà no trì bhleoghainnean a bhiodh tu a' faighinn bhon bhoin air a bheireadh i, bha thu a' faighinn unns

[Murdag Chaimbeul] Ò, bha

[Aileig Caimbeul] Nise, bha sin iongantach, bhon an aon, from the one item, bainne. Cha leigeadh tu leas siùcar, bha iad a' deasachadh am b' urrainn agad bha sinn a' breacadh. Duine bhon àirigh a chaidh a thogail air an àirigh, cha dìochuimhneachadh iad gu bhràth iad.

[Preseantair] B' e an crodh an rud a bu chudromaiche air fad ann am beatha an t-sluaigh mus robh airgead aig daoine. 'S e rud mòr a bh' ann nuair a bheireadh bò air croit gun stuth bainne an dèidh mhìosan gun stuth bhainne. 'S ann mar as trice as t -Earrach a bhiodh crodh a’ breith agus bha seo a' ciallachadh bainne 's a h-uile càil a bha na cois an còrr den bhliadhna sin.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Annlan, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2000.



The most important thing from the cow

English Beurla

[Alec Campbell] I had a visitor here on time and he put down a cup of tea and I was telling him that it does not have a proper smell. If our cattle will be on the field and I was wishing to get a wee jersey cow. As such, we will have our milk, it’s the main thing, I said to her. The main thing that we would get from this cow. Getting butter and milk, curing it for heating, sour milk, rennet, warming.

[Murdag Campbell]: Talking about the butter of the cow, oh, it was good.

[Alec Campbell] And the first two or three bursts that you would get from which it gives, you would get an ounce.

[Murdag Campbell] Oh, yes.

[Alec Campbell] Now that was amazing, from the one, from the one item. You didn’t need sugar, they would prepare what they could spot. Someone from the field who was brought up on the croft, they will never forget that.

[James MacDonald] The cattle was the most important thing in the life of the people before people had money. It’s a big thing when a cow gave birth on the croft after months without milk products. It was mostly in the spring that the cattle would give birth and this meant milk and everything that was involved in it for the rest of the year.

This programme, Annlan, was first broadcast in 2000.