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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Na ‘bonnaich creige’ aig Peigi Hill

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Màiri] Tha iad sgoinneil le cupa tì, na rock cakes, nach eil?

[Peigi] Ò tha iad math. B’ àbhaist dha mo mhàthair a bhith gan dèanamh nuair a bha sinn beag bìodach mar siud, bha. Feuchaidh sinn an-diugh iad.

[Màiri] Right so dè tha sibh a’ dol a chur ann ma-thà?

[Peigi] Tha mi a’ dol a chur ann leth-phunnd flùir.

[Màiri] Flùr self-raising?

[Peigi] ’S e.

[Peigi] Ochd unnsaichean flùir agus tha mi a’ cur trì unnsaichean ime ann agus ga shuathadh a-staigh mar gum biodh tu a’ dèanamh aran.

[Màiri] Mar sin ’s e seo rud a chunnaic sibh ur màthair fhèin a’ dèanamh.

[Peigi] Ò ’s e. Bhiodh i ga dhèanamh gu math tric, bhitheadh.

[Màiri] So tha an t-ìm ’s am flùr a-nis a’ tighinn còmhla.

[Peigi] An t-ìm ’s am flùr a’ tighinn còmhla a-nis. Bheir seo greiseag bheag, fhios agad, gus am faigh thu breadcrumbs. Nis, cuiridh mi siùcar ann.

[Màiri] Dè na tha sin de shiùcar?

[Peigi] Dà unnsa agus trì unnsaichean rèiseidean. Dìreach beagan mar siud. An uair sin a’ cur ugh ann. Drùthag bhainne.

[Màiri] Dè tha sin? ’S dòcha cairteal a phint bainne agus aon ugh?

[Peigi] Aon ugh ’s e. Chan eil e math dha a bhith uabhasach tana. Cuiridh mi dìreach rud beag eile ann ’s dòcha.

[Màiri] Tha cuimhne a’m air mo sheanmhair fhèin an-còmhnaidh a’ dèanamh rock cakes.

[Peigi] Am biodh?

[Màiri] Batch rock cakes, cha mhaireadh iad fada.

[Peigi] Cha mhair iad tiotan.

[Màiri] Tha thu a’ cur làn spàine den taois air clàr bèicearachd air an deach suathachadh ime. Chan fhiach feuchainn ri bhith grinn ach dìreach na cnapan a ghlacadh air a’ chlàr. Tha bonnaich creige a’ toirt an ainm bho an coltas, chan ann bho am blas.

[Peigi] Nis, cuiridh mi dhan àmhainn iad airson deich mionaidean.

[Màiri] Deich mionaidean.

[Peigi] Aig one ninety fan.

[Màiri] Coimhead air sin.

[Peigi] Tha iad a’ coimhead glè mhath, nach eil?

[Màiri] Sgoinneil. Tha am fàileadh math cuideachd. Feuchaidh sinn pìos ma-thà.

[Peigi] Siuthad thusa, a Mhàiri. Geàrr thusa sin a-nis. A bheil thu a’ dol ga fheuchainn le jam. ’S dòcha nach còrd e riutsa leis an jam.

[Màiri] Feuchaidh sinn co-dhiù e.

[Peigi] Feuch e co-dhiù.

[Màiri] Cha do dh’fheuch mi a-riamh le jam e.

[Peigi] Nach do dh’fheuch?

[Màiri] Sin sibh.

[Peigi] An toigh leat sin?

[Màiri] Math leis an jam.

[Peigi] Tha!

[Màiri] Deagh idea.

[Peigi] Tha fhios a’m. Tha e math le jam agus ìm. Tha e even nas fheàrr, ach tha e math gun teagamh le jam.

[Màiri] Tha iad math fhèin.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Fuine, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2013. Le taing do Caledonia TV.



Peggy Hill’s rock buns

English Beurla

[Mairi] They are brilliant with a cup of tea, the rock cakes, aren’t they?

[Peggy] Oh they are good. My mother used to make them when we were tiny like that, yes. We will try to do them today.

[Mairi] Right so what are you going to put in then?

[Peggy] I am going to put in half a pound of flour.

[Mairi] Self-raising flour?

[Peggy] Yes.

[Peggy] Eight ounces of flour and I am adding three ounces of butter and rubbing it in as though you were making bread.

[Mairi] So this is something that you saw your own mother doing.

[Peggy] Oh it is. She would make them very often, yes.

[Mairi] So the butter and the flour is now coming together.

[Peggy] The butter and the flour is coming together now. This will take a wee while, you know, before you get breadcrumbs. Now, I will add sugar.

[Mairi] How much sugar is that?

[Peggy] Two ounces and three ounces of raisins. Just a little like that. Then adding an egg. A glug of milk.

[Mairi] What’s that? Maybe a quarter pint of milk and one egg?

[Peggy] One egg yes. It is not good for it to be terribly thin. I will add just a little bit more maybe.

[Mairi] I remember my own grandmother always making rock cakes.

[Peggy] Would she?

[Mairi] A batch of rock cakes, they wouldn’t last long.

[Peggy] They wouldn’t last a jiffy.

[Mairi] You put a spoonful of the dough onto a greased baking sheet. It isn’t worth trying to be ornate so just dump the lumps onto the sheet. Rock cakes take their name from their appearance, not from their taste.

[Peggy] Now, I will put them into the oven for ten minutes.

[Mairi] Ten minutes.

[Peggy] At one ninety fan.

[Mairi] Look at that.

[Peggy] They look very good, don’t they?

[Mairi] Brilliant. The smell is good too. We will try a piece then.

[Peggy] You go for it, Mairi. You cut that now. Are you going to try it with jam? Maybe you won’t enjoy it with the jam.

[Mairi] We will try it anyway.

[Peggy] Try it anyway.

[Mairi] I have never tried it with jam.

[Peggy] Haven’t you?

[Mairi] There you go.

[Peggy] Do you like that?

[Mairi] Good with the jam.

[Peggy] It is!

[Mairi] Good idea.

[Peggy] I know. It is good with jam and butter. It is even better, but it is certainly good with jam.

[Mairi] They are really good.

This programme, Fuine, was first broadcast in 2013. Courtesy of Caledonia TV



Na ‘bonnaich creige’ aig Peigi Hill

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Màiri] Tha iad sgoinneil le cupa tì, na rock cakes, nach eil?

[Peigi] Ò tha iad math. B’ àbhaist dha mo mhàthair a bhith gan dèanamh nuair a bha sinn beag bìodach mar siud, bha. Feuchaidh sinn an-diugh iad.

[Màiri] Right so dè tha sibh a’ dol a chur ann ma-thà?

[Peigi] Tha mi a’ dol a chur ann leth-phunnd flùir.

[Màiri] Flùr self-raising?

[Peigi] ’S e.

[Peigi] Ochd unnsaichean flùir agus tha mi a’ cur trì unnsaichean ime ann agus ga shuathadh a-staigh mar gum biodh tu a’ dèanamh aran.

[Màiri] Mar sin ’s e seo rud a chunnaic sibh ur màthair fhèin a’ dèanamh.

[Peigi] Ò ’s e. Bhiodh i ga dhèanamh gu math tric, bhitheadh.

[Màiri] So tha an t-ìm ’s am flùr a-nis a’ tighinn còmhla.

[Peigi] An t-ìm ’s am flùr a’ tighinn còmhla a-nis. Bheir seo greiseag bheag, fhios agad, gus am faigh thu breadcrumbs. Nis, cuiridh mi siùcar ann.

[Màiri] Dè na tha sin de shiùcar?

[Peigi] Dà unnsa agus trì unnsaichean rèiseidean. Dìreach beagan mar siud. An uair sin a’ cur ugh ann. Drùthag bhainne.

[Màiri] Dè tha sin? ’S dòcha cairteal a phint bainne agus aon ugh?

[Peigi] Aon ugh ’s e. Chan eil e math dha a bhith uabhasach tana. Cuiridh mi dìreach rud beag eile ann ’s dòcha.

[Màiri] Tha cuimhne a’m air mo sheanmhair fhèin an-còmhnaidh a’ dèanamh rock cakes.

[Peigi] Am biodh?

[Màiri] Batch rock cakes, cha mhaireadh iad fada.

[Peigi] Cha mhair iad tiotan.

[Màiri] Tha thu a’ cur làn spàine den taois air clàr bèicearachd air an deach suathachadh ime. Chan fhiach feuchainn ri bhith grinn ach dìreach na cnapan a ghlacadh air a’ chlàr. Tha bonnaich creige a’ toirt an ainm bho an coltas, chan ann bho am blas.

[Peigi] Nis, cuiridh mi dhan àmhainn iad airson deich mionaidean.

[Màiri] Deich mionaidean.

[Peigi] Aig one ninety fan.

[Màiri] Coimhead air sin.

[Peigi] Tha iad a’ coimhead glè mhath, nach eil?

[Màiri] Sgoinneil. Tha am fàileadh math cuideachd. Feuchaidh sinn pìos ma-thà.

[Peigi] Siuthad thusa, a Mhàiri. Geàrr thusa sin a-nis. A bheil thu a’ dol ga fheuchainn le jam. ’S dòcha nach còrd e riutsa leis an jam.

[Màiri] Feuchaidh sinn co-dhiù e.

[Peigi] Feuch e co-dhiù.

[Màiri] Cha do dh’fheuch mi a-riamh le jam e.

[Peigi] Nach do dh’fheuch?

[Màiri] Sin sibh.

[Peigi] An toigh leat sin?

[Màiri] Math leis an jam.

[Peigi] Tha!

[Màiri] Deagh idea.

[Peigi] Tha fhios a’m. Tha e math le jam agus ìm. Tha e even nas fheàrr, ach tha e math gun teagamh le jam.

[Màiri] Tha iad math fhèin.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Fuine, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2013. Le taing do Caledonia TV.



Peggy Hill’s rock buns

English Beurla

[Mairi] They are brilliant with a cup of tea, the rock cakes, aren’t they?

[Peggy] Oh they are good. My mother used to make them when we were tiny like that, yes. We will try to do them today.

[Mairi] Right so what are you going to put in then?

[Peggy] I am going to put in half a pound of flour.

[Mairi] Self-raising flour?

[Peggy] Yes.

[Peggy] Eight ounces of flour and I am adding three ounces of butter and rubbing it in as though you were making bread.

[Mairi] So this is something that you saw your own mother doing.

[Peggy] Oh it is. She would make them very often, yes.

[Mairi] So the butter and the flour is now coming together.

[Peggy] The butter and the flour is coming together now. This will take a wee while, you know, before you get breadcrumbs. Now, I will add sugar.

[Mairi] How much sugar is that?

[Peggy] Two ounces and three ounces of raisins. Just a little like that. Then adding an egg. A glug of milk.

[Mairi] What’s that? Maybe a quarter pint of milk and one egg?

[Peggy] One egg yes. It is not good for it to be terribly thin. I will add just a little bit more maybe.

[Mairi] I remember my own grandmother always making rock cakes.

[Peggy] Would she?

[Mairi] A batch of rock cakes, they wouldn’t last long.

[Peggy] They wouldn’t last a jiffy.

[Mairi] You put a spoonful of the dough onto a greased baking sheet. It isn’t worth trying to be ornate so just dump the lumps onto the sheet. Rock cakes take their name from their appearance, not from their taste.

[Peggy] Now, I will put them into the oven for ten minutes.

[Mairi] Ten minutes.

[Peggy] At one ninety fan.

[Mairi] Look at that.

[Peggy] They look very good, don’t they?

[Mairi] Brilliant. The smell is good too. We will try a piece then.

[Peggy] You go for it, Mairi. You cut that now. Are you going to try it with jam? Maybe you won’t enjoy it with the jam.

[Mairi] We will try it anyway.

[Peggy] Try it anyway.

[Mairi] I have never tried it with jam.

[Peggy] Haven’t you?

[Mairi] There you go.

[Peggy] Do you like that?

[Mairi] Good with the jam.

[Peggy] It is!

[Mairi] Good idea.

[Peggy] I know. It is good with jam and butter. It is even better, but it is certainly good with jam.

[Mairi] They are really good.

This programme, Fuine, was first broadcast in 2013. Courtesy of Caledonia TV