FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

What's the time now? (new)

Dè an Uair a tha e a-nis? (siostam ùr)

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Bhidiothan a chuidicheas thu le gnàthasan-cainnte, gràmar is briathrachas. Gaelic videos to help you develop your idioms, grammar and vocabulary.

Tha an Look@LearnGaelic ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Look@LearnGaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Subtitles: Gaelic Fo-thiotalan: Gàidhlig Subtitles: English Fo-thiotalan: Beurla Subtitles: none Às aonais fo-thiotalan Download text (Gaelic and English) Faigh an teacsa (Gàidhlig agus Beurla)

Dè an Uair a tha e a-nis? (siostam ùr)

Gaelic Gàidhlig

Dè an uair a tha e a-nis?

Presenter: Angela NicAoidh ( Angela Mackay)

[ANGELA] Siud rabhadh a' chleoc! Tha e còig mionaidean às dèidh seachd 's tha an tàm agam èirigh. Taobh a-staigh beagan mhionaidean 's tha an lite agam air goil 's tha e deiseil airson a dhòrtadh dhan bhobhla gus fuarachadh.

Tha e a-nis sia deug mionaidean às dèidh seachd. 'S fhèarr dhomh falbh 's mi fhèin a dhèanamh deiseil. Às dèidh leth-uair a thìde san t-seòmar glanaidh, bidh mi deiseil, lem aodach orm, mu sheachd mionaidean gu ochd.

A-nis gu mo choimpiutair is mo phuist-d. Leughaidh mi iadsan gu mu dheich mionaidean às dèidh ochd. Bidh mo lite fuar gu leòr airson ithe a-nis!

Fàgaidh mi an dachaigh aig còig deug mionaidean gu naoi. Is bidh mi aig m' obair aig naoi uairean! Is bidh mi mu choinneamh a' choimpiutair an uair sin gu aon uair deug - nuair a thèid mi chun a' chidsin airson cupa teatha a dhèanamh. Bidh an cupa sin falamh aig fichead 's a còig mionaidean às dèidh aon uair deug, agus bidh mise trang aig mo dheasc airson barrachd air uair a thìde eile.

Thig àm lòin aig leth-uair às dèidh meadhan latha 's thèid mi dhan àite-bìdh còmhla ris an luchd-obrach - airson cothrom còmhraidh. Is an uair sin bidh mi air ais aig mo dheasc aig leth-uair às dèidh uair, agus air ais gu: obair, obair, obair - gu trì uairean feasgar. Sin nuair a ghabhas mi an dara cuairt dhan chidsin: airson cupa cofaidh - mòr, làidir.

Fàgaidh mi m' oifis ro chòig deug mionaidean gu sia aig a' char as fhadalaiche - oir bidh mi an còmhnaidh a' gabhail mo dhìnnear aig sia uairean feasgar.

Agus an ath mhadainn, aig còig mionaidean às dèidh seachd, seirmidh an cleoc aon uair eile!

Sùil air ais

còig mionaidean às dèidh seachd
sia deug mionaidean às dèidh seachd
mu sheachd mionaidean gu ochd
mu dheich mionaidean às dèidh ochd
còig deug mionaidean gu naoi
aig naoi uairean
aon uair deug
fichead 's a còig mionaidean às dèidh aon uair deug
leth-uair às dèidh m(h)eadhan latha
leth-uair às dèidh uair
trì uairean feasgar
ro chòig deug mionaidean gu sia
còig deug mionaidean gu sia
sia uairean feasgar

What's the time now? (new)

English Beurla

What's the time now?

Presenter: Angela NicAoidh ( Angela Mackay)

[ANGELA] That's the alarm on the clock! It is five minutes past seven and it's time for me to get up. Within a few minutes my porridge is on the boil and it's ready to pour into the bowl to cool.

It is now sixteen minutes past seven. I'd better go and get myself ready. After half an hour in the bathroom, I'll be ready, fully-dressed about seven minutes to eight.

Now to my computer and my e-mails. I'll read them until about ten minutes past eight. My porridge will be cool enough to eat now!

I'll leave home at fifteen minutes to nine. And I'll be at work at nine o'clock. And I'll be in front of my computer from then until eleven o'clock - when I go to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. That cup will be empty at twenty-five minutes past eleven, and I'll be busy at my desk for over an hour after that.

Lunchtime comes at half-past twelve, noon, and I'll go to the dining room with the staff - for a chance to chat. Then, I will be back at my desk at half-past one, and it's back to: work, work, work - until three o'clock in the afternoon. That's when I make my second trip to the kitchen: for a cup of coffee - large, strong.

I'll leave my office before fifteen minutes to six at the latest - because I always eat my dinner at six o'clock in the evening.

And the next morning at five minutes past seven, the alarm clock will ring again!

Look back

five minutes past seven
sixteen minutes past seven
about seven minutes to eight
about ten minutes past eight
fifteen minutes to nine
at nine o'clock
eleven o'clock
twenty-five minutes past eleven
half-past twelve, noon
half-past one
three o'clock in the afternoon
before fifteen minutes to six
fifteen minutes to six
six o'clock in the evening

Dè an Uair a tha e a-nis? (siostam ùr)

Gaelic Gàidhlig

Dè an uair a tha e a-nis?

Presenter: Angela NicAoidh ( Angela Mackay)

[ANGELA] Siud rabhadh a' chleoc! Tha e còig mionaidean às dèidh seachd 's tha an tàm agam èirigh. Taobh a-staigh beagan mhionaidean 's tha an lite agam air goil 's tha e deiseil airson a dhòrtadh dhan bhobhla gus fuarachadh.

Tha e a-nis sia deug mionaidean às dèidh seachd. 'S fhèarr dhomh falbh 's mi fhèin a dhèanamh deiseil. Às dèidh leth-uair a thìde san t-seòmar glanaidh, bidh mi deiseil, lem aodach orm, mu sheachd mionaidean gu ochd.

A-nis gu mo choimpiutair is mo phuist-d. Leughaidh mi iadsan gu mu dheich mionaidean às dèidh ochd. Bidh mo lite fuar gu leòr airson ithe a-nis!

Fàgaidh mi an dachaigh aig còig deug mionaidean gu naoi. Is bidh mi aig m' obair aig naoi uairean! Is bidh mi mu choinneamh a' choimpiutair an uair sin gu aon uair deug - nuair a thèid mi chun a' chidsin airson cupa teatha a dhèanamh. Bidh an cupa sin falamh aig fichead 's a còig mionaidean às dèidh aon uair deug, agus bidh mise trang aig mo dheasc airson barrachd air uair a thìde eile.

Thig àm lòin aig leth-uair às dèidh meadhan latha 's thèid mi dhan àite-bìdh còmhla ris an luchd-obrach - airson cothrom còmhraidh. Is an uair sin bidh mi air ais aig mo dheasc aig leth-uair às dèidh uair, agus air ais gu: obair, obair, obair - gu trì uairean feasgar. Sin nuair a ghabhas mi an dara cuairt dhan chidsin: airson cupa cofaidh - mòr, làidir.

Fàgaidh mi m' oifis ro chòig deug mionaidean gu sia aig a' char as fhadalaiche - oir bidh mi an còmhnaidh a' gabhail mo dhìnnear aig sia uairean feasgar.

Agus an ath mhadainn, aig còig mionaidean às dèidh seachd, seirmidh an cleoc aon uair eile!

Sùil air ais

còig mionaidean às dèidh seachd
sia deug mionaidean às dèidh seachd
mu sheachd mionaidean gu ochd
mu dheich mionaidean às dèidh ochd
còig deug mionaidean gu naoi
aig naoi uairean
aon uair deug
fichead 's a còig mionaidean às dèidh aon uair deug
leth-uair às dèidh m(h)eadhan latha
leth-uair às dèidh uair
trì uairean feasgar
ro chòig deug mionaidean gu sia
còig deug mionaidean gu sia
sia uairean feasgar

What's the time now? (new)

English Beurla

What's the time now?

Presenter: Angela NicAoidh ( Angela Mackay)

[ANGELA] That's the alarm on the clock! It is five minutes past seven and it's time for me to get up. Within a few minutes my porridge is on the boil and it's ready to pour into the bowl to cool.

It is now sixteen minutes past seven. I'd better go and get myself ready. After half an hour in the bathroom, I'll be ready, fully-dressed about seven minutes to eight.

Now to my computer and my e-mails. I'll read them until about ten minutes past eight. My porridge will be cool enough to eat now!

I'll leave home at fifteen minutes to nine. And I'll be at work at nine o'clock. And I'll be in front of my computer from then until eleven o'clock - when I go to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. That cup will be empty at twenty-five minutes past eleven, and I'll be busy at my desk for over an hour after that.

Lunchtime comes at half-past twelve, noon, and I'll go to the dining room with the staff - for a chance to chat. Then, I will be back at my desk at half-past one, and it's back to: work, work, work - until three o'clock in the afternoon. That's when I make my second trip to the kitchen: for a cup of coffee - large, strong.

I'll leave my office before fifteen minutes to six at the latest - because I always eat my dinner at six o'clock in the evening.

And the next morning at five minutes past seven, the alarm clock will ring again!

Look back

five minutes past seven
sixteen minutes past seven
about seven minutes to eight
about ten minutes past eight
fifteen minutes to nine
at nine o'clock
eleven o'clock
twenty-five minutes past eleven
half-past twelve, noon
half-past one
three o'clock in the afternoon
before fifteen minutes to six
fifteen minutes to six
six o'clock in the evening

look@LearnGaelic is a series of videos aimed at learners of Scottish Gaelic. It features a variety of styles, including interviews with experts and Gaelic learners, monologues and conversations. Use the links above to select subtitles in English or Gaelic - or to turn them off altogether. 'S e sreath de bhidiothan gu sònraichte do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig a th' ann an look@LearnGaelic. Bidh measgachadh de mhonologan ann, agallamhan le eòlaichean is luchd-ionnsachaidh, agus còmhraidhean. Gheibhear fo-thiotalan anns a' Ghàidhlig agus ann am Beurla.