FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Food Biadh

B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Ag ullachadh maorach

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Ùisdean] So chuir mise seachad an latha an-dè a' faighinn maorach.

[Ruaraidh] Rinn thu glè mhath, a bhalaich. Abair haul a th' agad ann an sin.

[Ùisdean] Tha giomach, crùbag, muasganan-caola a' Chuain Siar, squid ...

[Ruaraidh] "Gibernach".

[Ùisdean] "Gibernach"?

[Ruaraidh] "Gibernach", aidh.

[Ùisdean] ... feusgain. 'S e fair rud beag de phlatter a nì sinn le seo.

[Ruaraidh] Aidh.

[Ruaraidh] Nì sinn rud beag Marie R ose sauce. Nì sinn rud beag vegetables agus fair ...

[Ruaraidh] Math dha-rìribh.

[Ùisdean] Bruichidh sinn na muasgan-caola 's bruichidh sinn feusgain 's nì sinn squid dìreach ann an rud beag garlic butter.

[Ruaraidh] Chan eil sin a' feumachainn cus bruich idir.

[Ùisdean] Chan eil sin a’ feumachainn dad a bhruich. Chan eil biod dheth a’ feumachainn dad a bhruich. Tha an giomach 's a' chrùbag ...

[Ruaraidh] Uill 's math sin oir tha an t-acras gam tholladh.

[Ùisdean] Ò uill glè mhath. So ma nì thu beagan prep dhomh. Tha sinn ...

[Ruaraidh] "Ullachadh".

[Ùisdean] "Ullachadh", aidh, aidh. Sin am fear.

[Ruaraidh] Nì mi beagan ullachaidh dhut.

[Ùisdean] "Ullachadh" - 's e sin a bha mi a' ciallachadh. Pìosan dhen phiobar agus dhen chelery.

[Ruaraidh] Glè mhath.

[Ùisdean] ’S tha esan an sàs ann an sin ’s tòisichidh mise a' bruich ...

[Ruaraidh] Dall ort ma-thà.

[Ùisdean] ... feusgain agus na muasgan-caola.

[Ùisdean] Tha mi fair a’ dol a dhèanamh prawns ann an rud beag bùrn goileach le am pailteas salainn.

[Ruaraidh] Ò gu dearbh fhèin e.

[Ruaraidh] Dè rud a bhruich a tha thu a' toirt dhaibh, Ùisdein?

[Ùisdean] Ò chan eil ach dìreach mionaid. Chan eil iad a’ feumachainn dad de bhruich.

[Ruaraidh] Agus dè cho, ma thèid thu taobh seach taobh, an tèid am milleadh? Dè, dè ...?

[Ùisdean] Ò ma gheibh iad cus bruich tha iad fair a' dol bog ’s tha e a’ dol gun fheum.

[Ruaraidh] À right.

[Ùisdean] Tha na feusgain, cha mhòr gu bheil iad a’ feumachainn dad de bhùrn. Dìreach rud beag so beagan salainn a' dol a-steach an sin. Gabhaidh mi an còrr de na feusgain dhan phrais agus mairidh iad f air mionaid a' tighinn air ais dhan ghoil agus mar as trice le seo an àm an aire a thighinn chun ghoil. Am pailteas salainn a-rithist. Fhad 's a tha sin a' dol tha mise a' dol a thòiseachadh air an squid.

[Ruaraidh] Math dha-rìribh.

[Ùisdean] Ciamar a tha e a' dol dhut?

[Ruaraidh] Alright. Glè mhath. Dè nì mi a-nis?

[Ùisdean] Faodaidh tu rud beag ime 's garlic a dhèanamh dhomh.

[Ruaraidh] Nì mi sin dhut, a bhalaich. Tòisichidh mi air a' gharlic.

[Ùisdean] Aidh.

[Ruaraidh] Cia mheud ... Cia mheud clòbha?

[Ùisdean] Och a dhà co-dhiù.

[Ruaraidh] A dhà co-dhiù.

[Ùisdean] Aidh. Chan eil adhbhar ... Feumaidh tu blas a' gharlic.

[Ruaraidh] Ò feumaidh, aidh, agus dè eile a chuireas mi ann? Parsley? Beagan salainn 's dòcha?

[Ùisdean] Salainn agus ìm agus garlic ...

[Ruaraidh] Glè mhath.

[Ùisdean] ... cha chreid mi.

[Ùisdean] 'S e seo an t-seòrsa èisg a chleachd daoine a bhith a' sadail air falbh.

[Ruaraidh] Dìreach, aidh.

[Ùisdean] Chan eil fair ...

[Ruaraidh] No a bhith ga chleachdadh mar bhiadh no rudeiginich.

[Ùisdean] Aidh so tha thu ag iarraidh a h-uile biod dheth ach dìreach siud am, siud beul an squid a tha siud ’s chan eil thu ag iarraidh sin a bhith ann, ach 's chan eil thu ag iarraidh an taobh a-staigh, ach nuair a tha thu a' glanadh squid tha thu dìreach a' toirt an taobh a-staigh a-mach agus tha cuideachd ite beag na bhroinn an siud 's tha thu a' toirt sin a-mach. Faodaidh tu an uair sin na rings a dhèanamh dheth. Nì sinn fair, sgol beag dha na làmhan.

[Ùisdean] Tha dath brèagha orainds a' tighinn ...

[Ruaraidh] Ò tha.

[Ùisdean] ... air so bheir sinn sin fair a-mach an-dràsta.

[Ùisdean] Agus, so siud dheth. Cuiridh sinn siud ann an siud 's tha mi a' dol a ghoid pìos no dhà de na cnapan deighe a tha seo dìreach airson an temperature a thoirt sìos rud beag, gus nach cùm iad a' dol a’ bruich.

[Ùisdean] Tha na feusgain deis' so 's e fair sùgh a thoirt dhiubh. Gu math tric cumaidh tu an sùgh a tha seo airson ma bhios tu a' dèanamh nàdar de mhoules marinière no sabhs sam bith. Tha am blas math, ach airson an rud th' againne an-diugh, chan eil feum sam bith againn air.

[Ùisdean] 'S an do rinn thu riamh dad de phrep air maorach, air ìnean crùbaig 's sin?

[Ruaraidh] Tha mi truagh air an obair sin, Ùisdein.

[Ruaraidh] Ò uill tha sin gu math grinn a' coimhead eh?

[Ùisdean] Tha, 's cuiridh sinn fair, cuiridh mi sgolb beag bùrn sallain fair airson ...

[Ùisdean] Fàgaidh mi seo mionaid bheag dìreach airson a ghlanadh a-mach.

[Ùisdean] So tha iad sin fair a h-uile càil dhen fheòil sin fhaighinn a-mach à sin. Ma chuireas mise iad seo a-null thugad 's cuiridh sinn am bobhla an seo ...

[Ùisdean] 'S e an rud as duilghe mu dheidhinn a bhith a' dèanamh crùbag deiseil airson ithe 's e gun a bhith ag ithe a h-uile càil mi fhìn.

[Ruaraidh] Dìreach.

[Ruaraidh] Tha gu leòr feòil anns na ...

[Ùisdean] Tha tòrr feòla ann an crùbag 's tha feòil anns a' chorp cuideachd ...

[Ruaraidh] Tha.

[Ùisdean] ... ach 's e fear nan ìnean a tha sinn a' dèanamh an-dràsta.

[Ruaraidh] Nuair a tha thu a' faighinn rud mar seo a tha ùr bho do stairsnich fhèin tha e cho blasta, chan eil thu ag iarraidh toirt air falbh bho na blasan a th' ann gu nàdarra.

[Ùisdean] Chan eil. Chan eil adhbhar a bhith a' dèanamh càil ... càil nach eil e a' feumachainn.

[Ruaraidh] Tha sin blasta.

[Ùisdean] Tha an fheòil fair ...

[Ruaraidh] Ò tha, tha e dìreach ...

[Ùisdean] Tha giomach math ach a' chrùbag ann a tha blas uabhasach math air.

[Ruaraidh] Ò no, tha sin math dha-rìribh. Bha dìreach gu leòr bruich ann an sin.

[Ùisdean] Aidh 's cuiridh sinn fair ... Dìreach ...

[Ùisdean] Tha a' chrùbag deis’. Tha mi air an squid a sgoladh. Tha na prawns dèanta. Tha na feusgain an siud. Tha mayonnaise an siud ...

[Ruaraidh] Tha.

[Ùisdean] ... agus tha ...

[Ruaraidh] An stuth a rinn thu fhèin.

[Ùisdean] 'S e seo am mayonaise. Ò ’s e. Tha e cho sgiobalta mayonnaise a dhèanamh.

[Ruaraidh] Tha.

[Ùisdean] Tha tomato puree math an sin. Tha hot pepper sauce, Worcester sauce ...

[Ruaraidh] Worcester sauce.

[Ùisdean] ... rud beag paprika ...

[Ruaraidh] Rud beag paprika.

[Ùisdean] ... agus so tha sinn ag iarraidh ann an soitheach, cuir mayonnaise. Am measg sin cuir 's dòcha spàin, so tha thu ag iarraidh 's dòcha tablespoon, can, de mhayonnaise agus 's dòcha leth-uimhir de thomato puree. Tha thu ag iarraidh rud beag dhen hot pepper sauce, rud beag dhen Worcester sauce , sùgh bho lime ...

[Ruaraidh] Sùgh bho lime.

[Ùisdean] ... rud beag paprika agus tha tiolaidh an sin 's ma ghearras tu an àrd an tiolaidh.

[Ruaraidh] Ok.

[Ùisdean] Dìreach chop an àrd ...

[Ruaraidh] Uill nì mi sin an toiseach.

[Ùisdean] Aidh agus gun na seeds.

[Ruaraidh] Gun na seeds.

[Ùisdean] Agus so thig an tiolaidh fair air a' mhullach fair sprinkled air a' mhullach 's bidh sin math.

[Ùisdean] Tha sinn a' dol a dhèanamh dà rud leis a' ghiomach. Bidh ... Thig aon aca bhon ghrill le fair rud beag ime 's sin 's ithidh sinn fear às an t-slig.

[Ruaraidh] Bidh sin math.

[Ùisdean]Mar sin dheth ach an teile thig i air an truinnsear, fair fuar so nì sinn an tè a tha a' dol bhon ghrill an toiseach. Ann an dà phìos.

[Ruaraidh] An dèan thu na tiolaidhs gu lèir no dìreach an dàrna leth dheth?

[Ùisdean] Och an dàrna leth, cha chreid mi.

[Ruaraidh] An dàrna leth.

[Ùisdean] An dàrna leth. Chan eil ... Ma tha sinn a' smaoineachainn gum feum e tuilleadh, faodaidh sinn tuilleadh a chur air.

[Ruaraidh] Ok.

[Ùisdean] Agus siud a-nise. Seall thusa air a' ghiomach a tha sin 's tha pìos no dhà ri thoirt a-mach às an ... Bheir sinn siud air falbh.

[Ruaraidh] Tha mi air an reasabaidh agad a leantainn gu mionaideach. Tha mi an dòchas gun do dh'obraich e. Tha e a' coimhead glè mhath.

[Ùisdean] Tha mi a' coimhead ri sin a-nis, a' coimhead math.

[Ruaraidh] Tha, tha.

[Ùisdean] An do chùimhnich thu tha lime ... ?

[Ruaraidh] Chaidh lime ann. An dàrna leth dheth ann.

[Ùisdean] Glè mhath.

[Ruaraidh] A bheil càil a dhìth air?

[Ùisdean] 'S dòcha rud beag sùgh lìm?

[Ruaraidh] Rud beag a bharrachd.

[Ùisdean] "Lìm"? Carson as e "lìm" a th' ann?

[Ruaraidh] Chan eil fhios a'm. Cha b' e ruith ach "lìm".

[Ruaraidh] Ged nach eil e a' feumachainn tòrr bruich tha obair anns a' mhaorach eh?

[Ùisdean] Tha obair ... Tha obair ga dhèanamh deis'. Aidh. Tha tòrr ullachaidh a' dol leis. Air aon dha na soithichean sin tha sinn ag iarraidh rud beag leatais.

[Ruaraidh] A bheil thu ga iarraidh slàn no air a ghearradh no ...?

[Ùisdean] Ma chumas tu fair, ma striopadh tu rud beag.

[Ùisdean] Tha pìos no dhà an siud. Sadaidh sinn siud fair bhon ghrill. Togaidh sinn siud a-mach dìreach gus an tog e às furasta. Dh'fhaodadh tu rud mar chàise no càil a chur mullach seo.

[Ruaraidh] Dh’fhaodaidh.

[Ùisdean] Ach chan eil mise a' smaoineachainn gu bheil sin a' dol a dhèanamh càil air a shon. Nam biodh tu Michelin starred an sin bhiodh tu a’ dèanamh tòrr a bharrachd trimming a dhèanamh air seo na tha mise.

[Ruaraidh] Aidh.

[Ruaraidh] Dè cho fad 's a bhios sin, Ùisdein?

[Ùisdean] Ò fair, a dhà no trì mionaidean. Cumaidh sinn sùil air.

[Ùisdean] Ò right, seall nuair a thuirt mi "striop an leatas".

[Ruaraidh] 'S e sin a rinn mi.

[Ruaraidh] Aidh, aidh, 's e.

[Ruaraidh] Bha dùil agamsa gun robh thu ag iarraidh nàdar de, fhios agad, a' cumail leis an ...

[Ùisdean] Aidh, aidh.

[Ruaraidh]... theme na mara. Gur e nàdar de bhàta a bha thu ag iarraidh.

[Ùisdean] Aidh, aidh. Nuair a thuirt mi "leabaidh" bha mi a' smaoineachainn rud cofhurtachd.

[Ruaraidh] Cha robh fhios a'm gun robh thu a' dol fair abstract mar sin idir.

[Ùisdean] Aidh dìreach rudeigin, rudeigin mar siud.

[Ùisdean] Tha sinn ag iarraidh dìreach, cuiridh sinn dìreach dollop bheag den mhayo fodha dìreach. Chan eil thu ag iarraidh cus blas a' mhayo air a' chrùbaig ach ...

[Ruaraidh] Sin, a mhate.

[Ùisdean] Ò sin thu fhèin.

[Ruaraidh] Sin agad e.

[Ruaraidh] Tha seo a' coimhead math.

[Ùisdean] Tha seo a' dol uabhasach math le ...

[Ruaraidh] Tha mi a' creidsinn, aidh.

[Ùisdean] Feòil geal crùbaige.

[Ùisdean] Car no dhà piobair air sin. Ma chuireas tusa na wedges timcheall air sin.

[Ruaraidh] Nì mi sin. Fhios agad, ma nì thusa an donkey work 's urrainn dhòmhsa rud a dhèanamh gu math sgiobalta.

[Ùisdean] Aidh, aidh, ’s e, ’s e.

[Ùisdean] Abair slaps matha a rinn thu an sin.

[Ùisdean] Cuiridh sinn a h-uile càil air an truinnsear nuair a thig e a-mach.

[Ruaraidh] Glè mhath, glè mhath.

[Ùisdean] So tha sin ... Cuiridh mi dìreach rud beag eile den ìm air seo.

[Ruaraidh] Dè cho deatamach, Ùisdein, 's a tha e gun toir thu dìreach an ùine a tha a dhìth dhan ghibernach?

[Ùisdean] Chan eil thu ag iarraidh iad a bhith air ro fhada idir air sgàth 's ...

[Ruaraidh] Aidh. Thig iad mar rubair.

[Ùisdean] Thig, thig iad fair mar rubair agus ... Cha toir e ach mionaid bheag.

[Ruaraidh] Chan iarr e an còrr.

[Ùisdean] Chan iarr e an còrr.

[Ruaraidh] Chan iarr e an còrr. Tha sin cha mhòr a' tòisichinn a bhruich mar-thà eh?

[Ùisdean] Ò aidh. Cha toir e fad sam bith. Thig e geal 's 's e sin e deis’.

[Ruaraidh] Tha mi a' faicinn an daith ag atharrachadh ann an siud 's an seo.

[Ùisdean] Tha so 's e fair ... Ga chumail a’ tionndadh gus am fàs e fair rud beag nas gile. Chan eil thu ag iarraidh càil air seo ach fair rud beag lemon juice.

[Ùisdean] Tha siud ... Tha na giomaich an siud so faodaidh sinn, tha mi a' creidsinn

[Ruaraidh] Tubhailt cheart a chur sìos ...

[Ùisdean] Tubhailt cheart. Siud an tubhailt.

[Ruaraidh] Chan e, ach siud an searbhadair.

[Ùisdean] Chan e ach tubhailt.

[Ruaraidh] Searadair.

[Ùisdean] 'S e th' ann ann searbhadair ach cuideigin à Siadair.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Seòid a’ Chidsin, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2017.



Preparing shellfish

English Beurla

[Uisdean] So I spent yesterday gathering shellfish.

[Roddy] You did very well, man. What a haul you have there.

[Uisdean] There is lobster, crab, Atlantic prawns, squid ...

[Roddy] "Gibernach". [Gaelic for "squid"]

[Uisdean] "Gibernach"?

[Roddy] "Gibernach", aye.

[Uisdean] ... mussels. We will make a little bit of a platter with this.

[Roddy] Aye.

[Roddy] We will make a little bit of Marie Rose sauce. We will make a wee bit of vegetables and like ...

[Roddy] Excellent.

[Uisdean] We will cook the prawns and we will cook the mussels and we will do squid just in a little bit of garlic butter.

[Roddy] That doesn't need too much cooking at all.

[Uisdean] That doesn't need any cooking. None of it needs any cooking. The lobster and the crab are ...

[Roddy] Well that is good since I am starving.

[Uisdean] Oh well very good. So if you do a little prep for me. We are ...

[Roddy] "Ullachadh". [Gaelic for "preparation"]

[Uisdean] "Ullachadh", aye, aye. That is the one.

[Roddy] I will do a little prep for you.

[Uisdean] "Ullachadh" - that is what I meant. Pieces of the pepper and of the celery.

[Roddy] Very good.

[Uisdean] And he is doing that and I will start cooking ...

[Roddy] You crack on then.

[Uisdean] ... mussels and the prawns.

[Uisdean] I am going to do prawns in a little bit of boiling water with plenty of salt.

[Roddy] Oh indeed.

[Roddy] How long are you going to cook them, Uisdean?

[Uisdean] Oh just a minute. They barely need any cooking.

[Roddy] And how much, if they go either way, will they be ruined? What, what ...?

[Uisdean] Oh if they get too much cooking they go fairly soft and they become useless.

[Roddy] Ah right.

[Uisdean] The mussels are, they barely need any water. Just a little bit so a little salt going in there. I will take the rest of the mussels to the pan and they will take about a minute coming back to the boil and usually with this pay attention as to when it comes the boil. Plenty salt again. Whilst that is going I am going to start on the squid.

[Roddy] Excellent.

[Uisdean] How are you getting on?

[Roddy] Alright. Very good. What will I do now?

[Uisdean] You can do a little bit of butter and garlic for me.

[Roddy] I will do that for you, man. I will start on the garlic.

[Uisdean] Aye.

[Roddy] How many ... How many cloves?

[Uisdean] Och at least two.

[Roddy] At least two.

[Uisdean] Aye. There is no reason ... You need the taste of the garlic.

[Roddy] Oh you do, aye, and what else will I add? Parsley? A little salt perhaps?

[Uisdean] Salt and butter and garlic ...

[Roddy] Very good.

[Uisdean] ... I think.

[Uisdean] This is the sort of fish that people used to throw away.

[Roddy] Exactly, aye.

[Uisdean] There isn't ...

[Roddy] Or used as bait or something.

[Uisdean] Aye so you want every bit of it apart from just that, that is the squid's mouth there and you don't want to leave that on, but and you don't want the insides, but when you gut a squid you just take the insides out and also there is a little feather inside it there and you take that out. You can then make the rings of it. We will do, like, a little rinse of the hands.

[Uisdean] A beautiful orange colour is appearing...

[Roddy] It is.

[Uisdean] ... on it so we will take that out just now.

[Uisdean] And, so that is off. We will put that there and I am going to steal a couple of blocks of this ice just to bring the temperature down a little bit, so that they don't keep cooking.

[Uisdean] The mussels are ready so justtake a little bit of liquid off them. Quite often you keep these juices for making a kind of moules marinière or any sauce. The flavour is good, but for what we have today, we have no need for it.

[Uisdean] And did you ever do any prep of shellfish, of crab claws and such?

[Roddy] I am woeful at that job, Uisdean.

[Roddy] Oh well that looks very neat eh?

[Uisdean] It does, and we will put, like, I will put a small scoop of salt water to ...

[Uisdean] I will leave this a little minute just to clean it out.

[Uisdean] So they are, like, getting all that meat out of there. If I put these over to you and we will put the bowl here ...

[Uisdean] The most difficult thing about preparing a crab for eating is not eating it all myself.

[Roddy] Exactly.

[Roddy] There is plenty meat in the ...

[Uisdean] There is lots of meat in a crab and there is meat in the body too ...

[Roddy] There is.

[Uisdean] ... but it is the claws that we are doing just now.

[Roddy] When you get something fresh like this on your own doorstep it is so tasty, you don't want to detract from the natural flavours.

[Uisdean] You don't. There is no reason to do anything ... anything that it doesn't need.

[Roddy] That is tasty.

[Uisdean] The meat is fair ...

[Roddy] Oh it is, it is just ...

[Uisdean] Lobster is good but the crab has a terribly good flavour.

[Roddy] Oh no, that is excellent. That has been cooked just enough.

[Uisdean] Aye and we will put a fair ... Just ...

[Uisdean] The crab is ready. I have rinsed the squid. The prawns are done. The mussels are there. There is mayonnaise there ...

[Roddy] There is.

[Uisdean] ... and there is ...

[Roddy] The stuff that you made yourself.

[Uisdean] This is the mayonnaise. Oh it is. It is so quick to make mayonnaise.

[Roddy] It is.

[Uisdean] There is good tomato puree there. There is hot pepper sauce, Worcester sauce ...

[Roddy] Worcester sauce.

[Uisdean] ... a little bit of paprika ...

[Roddy] A little bit of paprika.

[Uisdean] ... and so in a dish we want, put mayonnaise. With that put maybe a spoon, so you want maybe a tablespoon, say, of mayonnaise and maybe half as much tomato puree. You want a little bit of the hot pepper sauce, a little bit of the Worcester sauce, juice from a lime ...

[Roddy] Juice from a lime.

[Uisdean] ... a little bit of paprika and there is a chilli there and if you cut up the chilli.

[Roddy] Ok.

[Uisdean] Just chop up ...

[Roddy] Well I will do that first.

[Uisdean] Aye and without the seeds.

[Roddy] Without the seeds.

[Uisdean] So the chilli will, like, go on the top, like, sprinkled on the top and that will be good.

[Uisdean] We are going to do two things with the lobster. There will be ... One of them will go under the grill with, like, a little bit of butter and that and we will eat one from the shell.

[Roddy] That will be good.

[Uisdean] Like so offbut the other one it will go on the plate, like? cold so we will do the one that is going under the grill first. In two pieces.

[Roddy] Do you do the whole chillies or just half of it?

[Uisdean] Och half, I think.

[Roddy] Half.

[Uisdean] Half. There isn't ... If we think that it needs more, we can add more.

[Roddy] Ok.

[Uisdean] And that now. Look at that lobster and there are a couple of pieces to remove from the ... We will remove that.

[Roddy] I have followed your recipe precisely. I hope that it worked. It looks very good.

[Uisdean] I am looking at that now, looks good.

[Roddy] It does, yes.

[Uisdean] Did you remember there is lime ...

[Roddy] Lime went in. Half of it in.

[Uisdean] Very good.

[Roddy] Does it need anything?

[Uisdean] Maybe a little bit of lime juice?

[Roddy] A little bit more.

[Uisdean] "Lìm"? Why is it "lìm"?

[Roddy] I don't know. Cha b' e ruith ach "lìm".

[Roddy] Although it doesn't need a lot of cooking there is work to be done with shellfish eh?

[Uisdean] There is work ... There is work preparing it. There is lots of preparation involved. On one of those plates we want a little bit of lettuce.

[Roddy] Do you want it whole or cut or ...?

[Uisdean] If you keep, like, if you shred a little bit.

[Uisdean] A couple of pieces there. We will throw that, like, under the grill. We will lift that out just so that it lifts away easily. You could put something like cheese on top of this.

[Roddy] You could.

[Uisdean] But I don't think that that is going to do anything for it. If you were Michelin starred you would do lots more trimming of this than I am.

[Roddy] Aye.

[Roddy] How long will that be, Uisdean?

[Uisdean] Oh, like, two or three minutes. We will keep an eye on it.

[Uisdean] Oh right, see when I said "shred the lettuce".

[Roddy] That is what I did.

[Roddy] Aye, aye, it is.

[Roddy] I thought that you wanted a kind of, you know, keeping with the ...

[Uisdean] Aye, aye.

[Roddy] ... sea theme. That it was a kind of boat that you wanted.

[Uisdean] Aye, aye. When I said "bed" I was thinking something comfy.

[Roddy] I didn't know that you were going, like, abstract like that at all.

[Uisdean] Aye just something, something like that.

[Uisdean] We just want, we will put just a little dollop of the mayonnaise just under it. You don't want too much taste of the mayonnaise on the crab but ...

[Roddy] There, mate.

[Uisdean] Oh there we go.

[Roddy] There we go.

[Roddy] This looks good.

[Uisdean] This goes terribly well with ...

[Roddy] I imagine, aye.

[Uisdean] ... white crab meat.

[Uisdean] A couple of twists of pepper on that. If you put the wedges around that.

[Roddy] I will do that. You know, if you do the donkey work I can make things very tidy.

[Uisdean] Aye, aye, it is, it is.

[Uisdean] What good slaps you did there.

[Uisdean] We will put everything on the plate when it comes out.

[Roddy] Very good, very good.

[Uisdean] So that is ... I will put just a little bit of extra butter on this.

[Roddy] How vital, Uisdean, is it that you give the squid just the time that it needs?

[Uisdean] You don't want them to be on too long at all because ...

[Roddy] Aye. There will go like rubber.

[Uisdean] They will, they will fair go rubber and ... It will only take a little minute.

[Roddy] It doesn't require any longer.

[Uisdean] It doesn't require any longer.

[Roddy] It doesn't require any longer. That is almost starting to cook already eh?

[Uisdean] Oh aye. It won't take long at all. It will go white and that is it ready.

[Roddy] I can see the colour changing here and there.

[Uisdean] Yes so it is fair .. Keep turning it until it gets, like, a little bit whiter. You don't want anything on this apart from, like, a little bit of lemon juice.

[Uisdean] That is ... The lobsters are there so we can, I think ...

[Roddy] Lay a proper towel …

[Uisdean] A proper towel That is the "tubhailt".

[Roddy] It isn't, but that is the "searadair".

[Uisdean] No, "tubhailt".

[Roddy] "Searbhadair".

[Uisdean] A "searbhadair" is someone from Shader.

This programme, Seòid a’ Chidsin, was first broadcast in 2017.



Ag ullachadh maorach

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Ùisdean] So chuir mise seachad an latha an-dè a' faighinn maorach.

[Ruaraidh] Rinn thu glè mhath, a bhalaich. Abair haul a th' agad ann an sin.

[Ùisdean] Tha giomach, crùbag, muasganan-caola a' Chuain Siar, squid ...

[Ruaraidh] "Gibernach".

[Ùisdean] "Gibernach"?

[Ruaraidh] "Gibernach", aidh.

[Ùisdean] ... feusgain. 'S e fair rud beag de phlatter a nì sinn le seo.

[Ruaraidh] Aidh.

[Ruaraidh] Nì sinn rud beag Marie R ose sauce. Nì sinn rud beag vegetables agus fair ...

[Ruaraidh] Math dha-rìribh.

[Ùisdean] Bruichidh sinn na muasgan-caola 's bruichidh sinn feusgain 's nì sinn squid dìreach ann an rud beag garlic butter.

[Ruaraidh] Chan eil sin a' feumachainn cus bruich idir.

[Ùisdean] Chan eil sin a’ feumachainn dad a bhruich. Chan eil biod dheth a’ feumachainn dad a bhruich. Tha an giomach 's a' chrùbag ...

[Ruaraidh] Uill 's math sin oir tha an t-acras gam tholladh.

[Ùisdean] Ò uill glè mhath. So ma nì thu beagan prep dhomh. Tha sinn ...

[Ruaraidh] "Ullachadh".

[Ùisdean] "Ullachadh", aidh, aidh. Sin am fear.

[Ruaraidh] Nì mi beagan ullachaidh dhut.

[Ùisdean] "Ullachadh" - 's e sin a bha mi a' ciallachadh. Pìosan dhen phiobar agus dhen chelery.

[Ruaraidh] Glè mhath.

[Ùisdean] ’S tha esan an sàs ann an sin ’s tòisichidh mise a' bruich ...

[Ruaraidh] Dall ort ma-thà.

[Ùisdean] ... feusgain agus na muasgan-caola.

[Ùisdean] Tha mi fair a’ dol a dhèanamh prawns ann an rud beag bùrn goileach le am pailteas salainn.

[Ruaraidh] Ò gu dearbh fhèin e.

[Ruaraidh] Dè rud a bhruich a tha thu a' toirt dhaibh, Ùisdein?

[Ùisdean] Ò chan eil ach dìreach mionaid. Chan eil iad a’ feumachainn dad de bhruich.

[Ruaraidh] Agus dè cho, ma thèid thu taobh seach taobh, an tèid am milleadh? Dè, dè ...?

[Ùisdean] Ò ma gheibh iad cus bruich tha iad fair a' dol bog ’s tha e a’ dol gun fheum.

[Ruaraidh] À right.

[Ùisdean] Tha na feusgain, cha mhòr gu bheil iad a’ feumachainn dad de bhùrn. Dìreach rud beag so beagan salainn a' dol a-steach an sin. Gabhaidh mi an còrr de na feusgain dhan phrais agus mairidh iad f air mionaid a' tighinn air ais dhan ghoil agus mar as trice le seo an àm an aire a thighinn chun ghoil. Am pailteas salainn a-rithist. Fhad 's a tha sin a' dol tha mise a' dol a thòiseachadh air an squid.

[Ruaraidh] Math dha-rìribh.

[Ùisdean] Ciamar a tha e a' dol dhut?

[Ruaraidh] Alright. Glè mhath. Dè nì mi a-nis?

[Ùisdean] Faodaidh tu rud beag ime 's garlic a dhèanamh dhomh.

[Ruaraidh] Nì mi sin dhut, a bhalaich. Tòisichidh mi air a' gharlic.

[Ùisdean] Aidh.

[Ruaraidh] Cia mheud ... Cia mheud clòbha?

[Ùisdean] Och a dhà co-dhiù.

[Ruaraidh] A dhà co-dhiù.

[Ùisdean] Aidh. Chan eil adhbhar ... Feumaidh tu blas a' gharlic.

[Ruaraidh] Ò feumaidh, aidh, agus dè eile a chuireas mi ann? Parsley? Beagan salainn 's dòcha?

[Ùisdean] Salainn agus ìm agus garlic ...

[Ruaraidh] Glè mhath.

[Ùisdean] ... cha chreid mi.

[Ùisdean] 'S e seo an t-seòrsa èisg a chleachd daoine a bhith a' sadail air falbh.

[Ruaraidh] Dìreach, aidh.

[Ùisdean] Chan eil fair ...

[Ruaraidh] No a bhith ga chleachdadh mar bhiadh no rudeiginich.

[Ùisdean] Aidh so tha thu ag iarraidh a h-uile biod dheth ach dìreach siud am, siud beul an squid a tha siud ’s chan eil thu ag iarraidh sin a bhith ann, ach 's chan eil thu ag iarraidh an taobh a-staigh, ach nuair a tha thu a' glanadh squid tha thu dìreach a' toirt an taobh a-staigh a-mach agus tha cuideachd ite beag na bhroinn an siud 's tha thu a' toirt sin a-mach. Faodaidh tu an uair sin na rings a dhèanamh dheth. Nì sinn fair, sgol beag dha na làmhan.

[Ùisdean] Tha dath brèagha orainds a' tighinn ...

[Ruaraidh] Ò tha.

[Ùisdean] ... air so bheir sinn sin fair a-mach an-dràsta.

[Ùisdean] Agus, so siud dheth. Cuiridh sinn siud ann an siud 's tha mi a' dol a ghoid pìos no dhà de na cnapan deighe a tha seo dìreach airson an temperature a thoirt sìos rud beag, gus nach cùm iad a' dol a’ bruich.

[Ùisdean] Tha na feusgain deis' so 's e fair sùgh a thoirt dhiubh. Gu math tric cumaidh tu an sùgh a tha seo airson ma bhios tu a' dèanamh nàdar de mhoules marinière no sabhs sam bith. Tha am blas math, ach airson an rud th' againne an-diugh, chan eil feum sam bith againn air.

[Ùisdean] 'S an do rinn thu riamh dad de phrep air maorach, air ìnean crùbaig 's sin?

[Ruaraidh] Tha mi truagh air an obair sin, Ùisdein.

[Ruaraidh] Ò uill tha sin gu math grinn a' coimhead eh?

[Ùisdean] Tha, 's cuiridh sinn fair, cuiridh mi sgolb beag bùrn sallain fair airson ...

[Ùisdean] Fàgaidh mi seo mionaid bheag dìreach airson a ghlanadh a-mach.

[Ùisdean] So tha iad sin fair a h-uile càil dhen fheòil sin fhaighinn a-mach à sin. Ma chuireas mise iad seo a-null thugad 's cuiridh sinn am bobhla an seo ...

[Ùisdean] 'S e an rud as duilghe mu dheidhinn a bhith a' dèanamh crùbag deiseil airson ithe 's e gun a bhith ag ithe a h-uile càil mi fhìn.

[Ruaraidh] Dìreach.

[Ruaraidh] Tha gu leòr feòil anns na ...

[Ùisdean] Tha tòrr feòla ann an crùbag 's tha feòil anns a' chorp cuideachd ...

[Ruaraidh] Tha.

[Ùisdean] ... ach 's e fear nan ìnean a tha sinn a' dèanamh an-dràsta.

[Ruaraidh] Nuair a tha thu a' faighinn rud mar seo a tha ùr bho do stairsnich fhèin tha e cho blasta, chan eil thu ag iarraidh toirt air falbh bho na blasan a th' ann gu nàdarra.

[Ùisdean] Chan eil. Chan eil adhbhar a bhith a' dèanamh càil ... càil nach eil e a' feumachainn.

[Ruaraidh] Tha sin blasta.

[Ùisdean] Tha an fheòil fair ...

[Ruaraidh] Ò tha, tha e dìreach ...

[Ùisdean] Tha giomach math ach a' chrùbag ann a tha blas uabhasach math air.

[Ruaraidh] Ò no, tha sin math dha-rìribh. Bha dìreach gu leòr bruich ann an sin.

[Ùisdean] Aidh 's cuiridh sinn fair ... Dìreach ...

[Ùisdean] Tha a' chrùbag deis’. Tha mi air an squid a sgoladh. Tha na prawns dèanta. Tha na feusgain an siud. Tha mayonnaise an siud ...

[Ruaraidh] Tha.

[Ùisdean] ... agus tha ...

[Ruaraidh] An stuth a rinn thu fhèin.

[Ùisdean] 'S e seo am mayonaise. Ò ’s e. Tha e cho sgiobalta mayonnaise a dhèanamh.

[Ruaraidh] Tha.

[Ùisdean] Tha tomato puree math an sin. Tha hot pepper sauce, Worcester sauce ...

[Ruaraidh] Worcester sauce.

[Ùisdean] ... rud beag paprika ...

[Ruaraidh] Rud beag paprika.

[Ùisdean] ... agus so tha sinn ag iarraidh ann an soitheach, cuir mayonnaise. Am measg sin cuir 's dòcha spàin, so tha thu ag iarraidh 's dòcha tablespoon, can, de mhayonnaise agus 's dòcha leth-uimhir de thomato puree. Tha thu ag iarraidh rud beag dhen hot pepper sauce, rud beag dhen Worcester sauce , sùgh bho lime ...

[Ruaraidh] Sùgh bho lime.

[Ùisdean] ... rud beag paprika agus tha tiolaidh an sin 's ma ghearras tu an àrd an tiolaidh.

[Ruaraidh] Ok.

[Ùisdean] Dìreach chop an àrd ...

[Ruaraidh] Uill nì mi sin an toiseach.

[Ùisdean] Aidh agus gun na seeds.

[Ruaraidh] Gun na seeds.

[Ùisdean] Agus so thig an tiolaidh fair air a' mhullach fair sprinkled air a' mhullach 's bidh sin math.

[Ùisdean] Tha sinn a' dol a dhèanamh dà rud leis a' ghiomach. Bidh ... Thig aon aca bhon ghrill le fair rud beag ime 's sin 's ithidh sinn fear às an t-slig.

[Ruaraidh] Bidh sin math.

[Ùisdean]Mar sin dheth ach an teile thig i air an truinnsear, fair fuar so nì sinn an tè a tha a' dol bhon ghrill an toiseach. Ann an dà phìos.

[Ruaraidh] An dèan thu na tiolaidhs gu lèir no dìreach an dàrna leth dheth?

[Ùisdean] Och an dàrna leth, cha chreid mi.

[Ruaraidh] An dàrna leth.

[Ùisdean] An dàrna leth. Chan eil ... Ma tha sinn a' smaoineachainn gum feum e tuilleadh, faodaidh sinn tuilleadh a chur air.

[Ruaraidh] Ok.

[Ùisdean] Agus siud a-nise. Seall thusa air a' ghiomach a tha sin 's tha pìos no dhà ri thoirt a-mach às an ... Bheir sinn siud air falbh.

[Ruaraidh] Tha mi air an reasabaidh agad a leantainn gu mionaideach. Tha mi an dòchas gun do dh'obraich e. Tha e a' coimhead glè mhath.

[Ùisdean] Tha mi a' coimhead ri sin a-nis, a' coimhead math.

[Ruaraidh] Tha, tha.

[Ùisdean] An do chùimhnich thu tha lime ... ?

[Ruaraidh] Chaidh lime ann. An dàrna leth dheth ann.

[Ùisdean] Glè mhath.

[Ruaraidh] A bheil càil a dhìth air?

[Ùisdean] 'S dòcha rud beag sùgh lìm?

[Ruaraidh] Rud beag a bharrachd.

[Ùisdean] "Lìm"? Carson as e "lìm" a th' ann?

[Ruaraidh] Chan eil fhios a'm. Cha b' e ruith ach "lìm".

[Ruaraidh] Ged nach eil e a' feumachainn tòrr bruich tha obair anns a' mhaorach eh?

[Ùisdean] Tha obair ... Tha obair ga dhèanamh deis'. Aidh. Tha tòrr ullachaidh a' dol leis. Air aon dha na soithichean sin tha sinn ag iarraidh rud beag leatais.

[Ruaraidh] A bheil thu ga iarraidh slàn no air a ghearradh no ...?

[Ùisdean] Ma chumas tu fair, ma striopadh tu rud beag.

[Ùisdean] Tha pìos no dhà an siud. Sadaidh sinn siud fair bhon ghrill. Togaidh sinn siud a-mach dìreach gus an tog e às furasta. Dh'fhaodadh tu rud mar chàise no càil a chur mullach seo.

[Ruaraidh] Dh’fhaodaidh.

[Ùisdean] Ach chan eil mise a' smaoineachainn gu bheil sin a' dol a dhèanamh càil air a shon. Nam biodh tu Michelin starred an sin bhiodh tu a’ dèanamh tòrr a bharrachd trimming a dhèanamh air seo na tha mise.

[Ruaraidh] Aidh.

[Ruaraidh] Dè cho fad 's a bhios sin, Ùisdein?

[Ùisdean] Ò fair, a dhà no trì mionaidean. Cumaidh sinn sùil air.

[Ùisdean] Ò right, seall nuair a thuirt mi "striop an leatas".

[Ruaraidh] 'S e sin a rinn mi.

[Ruaraidh] Aidh, aidh, 's e.

[Ruaraidh] Bha dùil agamsa gun robh thu ag iarraidh nàdar de, fhios agad, a' cumail leis an ...

[Ùisdean] Aidh, aidh.

[Ruaraidh]... theme na mara. Gur e nàdar de bhàta a bha thu ag iarraidh.

[Ùisdean] Aidh, aidh. Nuair a thuirt mi "leabaidh" bha mi a' smaoineachainn rud cofhurtachd.

[Ruaraidh] Cha robh fhios a'm gun robh thu a' dol fair abstract mar sin idir.

[Ùisdean] Aidh dìreach rudeigin, rudeigin mar siud.

[Ùisdean] Tha sinn ag iarraidh dìreach, cuiridh sinn dìreach dollop bheag den mhayo fodha dìreach. Chan eil thu ag iarraidh cus blas a' mhayo air a' chrùbaig ach ...

[Ruaraidh] Sin, a mhate.

[Ùisdean] Ò sin thu fhèin.

[Ruaraidh] Sin agad e.

[Ruaraidh] Tha seo a' coimhead math.

[Ùisdean] Tha seo a' dol uabhasach math le ...

[Ruaraidh] Tha mi a' creidsinn, aidh.

[Ùisdean] Feòil geal crùbaige.

[Ùisdean] Car no dhà piobair air sin. Ma chuireas tusa na wedges timcheall air sin.

[Ruaraidh] Nì mi sin. Fhios agad, ma nì thusa an donkey work 's urrainn dhòmhsa rud a dhèanamh gu math sgiobalta.

[Ùisdean] Aidh, aidh, ’s e, ’s e.

[Ùisdean] Abair slaps matha a rinn thu an sin.

[Ùisdean] Cuiridh sinn a h-uile càil air an truinnsear nuair a thig e a-mach.

[Ruaraidh] Glè mhath, glè mhath.

[Ùisdean] So tha sin ... Cuiridh mi dìreach rud beag eile den ìm air seo.

[Ruaraidh] Dè cho deatamach, Ùisdein, 's a tha e gun toir thu dìreach an ùine a tha a dhìth dhan ghibernach?

[Ùisdean] Chan eil thu ag iarraidh iad a bhith air ro fhada idir air sgàth 's ...

[Ruaraidh] Aidh. Thig iad mar rubair.

[Ùisdean] Thig, thig iad fair mar rubair agus ... Cha toir e ach mionaid bheag.

[Ruaraidh] Chan iarr e an còrr.

[Ùisdean] Chan iarr e an còrr.

[Ruaraidh] Chan iarr e an còrr. Tha sin cha mhòr a' tòisichinn a bhruich mar-thà eh?

[Ùisdean] Ò aidh. Cha toir e fad sam bith. Thig e geal 's 's e sin e deis’.

[Ruaraidh] Tha mi a' faicinn an daith ag atharrachadh ann an siud 's an seo.

[Ùisdean] Tha so 's e fair ... Ga chumail a’ tionndadh gus am fàs e fair rud beag nas gile. Chan eil thu ag iarraidh càil air seo ach fair rud beag lemon juice.

[Ùisdean] Tha siud ... Tha na giomaich an siud so faodaidh sinn, tha mi a' creidsinn

[Ruaraidh] Tubhailt cheart a chur sìos ...

[Ùisdean] Tubhailt cheart. Siud an tubhailt.

[Ruaraidh] Chan e, ach siud an searbhadair.

[Ùisdean] Chan e ach tubhailt.

[Ruaraidh] Searadair.

[Ùisdean] 'S e th' ann ann searbhadair ach cuideigin à Siadair.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Seòid a’ Chidsin, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2017.



Preparing shellfish

English Beurla

[Uisdean] So I spent yesterday gathering shellfish.

[Roddy] You did very well, man. What a haul you have there.

[Uisdean] There is lobster, crab, Atlantic prawns, squid ...

[Roddy] "Gibernach". [Gaelic for "squid"]

[Uisdean] "Gibernach"?

[Roddy] "Gibernach", aye.

[Uisdean] ... mussels. We will make a little bit of a platter with this.

[Roddy] Aye.

[Roddy] We will make a little bit of Marie Rose sauce. We will make a wee bit of vegetables and like ...

[Roddy] Excellent.

[Uisdean] We will cook the prawns and we will cook the mussels and we will do squid just in a little bit of garlic butter.

[Roddy] That doesn't need too much cooking at all.

[Uisdean] That doesn't need any cooking. None of it needs any cooking. The lobster and the crab are ...

[Roddy] Well that is good since I am starving.

[Uisdean] Oh well very good. So if you do a little prep for me. We are ...

[Roddy] "Ullachadh". [Gaelic for "preparation"]

[Uisdean] "Ullachadh", aye, aye. That is the one.

[Roddy] I will do a little prep for you.

[Uisdean] "Ullachadh" - that is what I meant. Pieces of the pepper and of the celery.

[Roddy] Very good.

[Uisdean] And he is doing that and I will start cooking ...

[Roddy] You crack on then.

[Uisdean] ... mussels and the prawns.

[Uisdean] I am going to do prawns in a little bit of boiling water with plenty of salt.

[Roddy] Oh indeed.

[Roddy] How long are you going to cook them, Uisdean?

[Uisdean] Oh just a minute. They barely need any cooking.

[Roddy] And how much, if they go either way, will they be ruined? What, what ...?

[Uisdean] Oh if they get too much cooking they go fairly soft and they become useless.

[Roddy] Ah right.

[Uisdean] The mussels are, they barely need any water. Just a little bit so a little salt going in there. I will take the rest of the mussels to the pan and they will take about a minute coming back to the boil and usually with this pay attention as to when it comes the boil. Plenty salt again. Whilst that is going I am going to start on the squid.

[Roddy] Excellent.

[Uisdean] How are you getting on?

[Roddy] Alright. Very good. What will I do now?

[Uisdean] You can do a little bit of butter and garlic for me.

[Roddy] I will do that for you, man. I will start on the garlic.

[Uisdean] Aye.

[Roddy] How many ... How many cloves?

[Uisdean] Och at least two.

[Roddy] At least two.

[Uisdean] Aye. There is no reason ... You need the taste of the garlic.

[Roddy] Oh you do, aye, and what else will I add? Parsley? A little salt perhaps?

[Uisdean] Salt and butter and garlic ...

[Roddy] Very good.

[Uisdean] ... I think.

[Uisdean] This is the sort of fish that people used to throw away.

[Roddy] Exactly, aye.

[Uisdean] There isn't ...

[Roddy] Or used as bait or something.

[Uisdean] Aye so you want every bit of it apart from just that, that is the squid's mouth there and you don't want to leave that on, but and you don't want the insides, but when you gut a squid you just take the insides out and also there is a little feather inside it there and you take that out. You can then make the rings of it. We will do, like, a little rinse of the hands.

[Uisdean] A beautiful orange colour is appearing...

[Roddy] It is.

[Uisdean] ... on it so we will take that out just now.

[Uisdean] And, so that is off. We will put that there and I am going to steal a couple of blocks of this ice just to bring the temperature down a little bit, so that they don't keep cooking.

[Uisdean] The mussels are ready so justtake a little bit of liquid off them. Quite often you keep these juices for making a kind of moules marinière or any sauce. The flavour is good, but for what we have today, we have no need for it.

[Uisdean] And did you ever do any prep of shellfish, of crab claws and such?

[Roddy] I am woeful at that job, Uisdean.

[Roddy] Oh well that looks very neat eh?

[Uisdean] It does, and we will put, like, I will put a small scoop of salt water to ...

[Uisdean] I will leave this a little minute just to clean it out.

[Uisdean] So they are, like, getting all that meat out of there. If I put these over to you and we will put the bowl here ...

[Uisdean] The most difficult thing about preparing a crab for eating is not eating it all myself.

[Roddy] Exactly.

[Roddy] There is plenty meat in the ...

[Uisdean] There is lots of meat in a crab and there is meat in the body too ...

[Roddy] There is.

[Uisdean] ... but it is the claws that we are doing just now.

[Roddy] When you get something fresh like this on your own doorstep it is so tasty, you don't want to detract from the natural flavours.

[Uisdean] You don't. There is no reason to do anything ... anything that it doesn't need.

[Roddy] That is tasty.

[Uisdean] The meat is fair ...

[Roddy] Oh it is, it is just ...

[Uisdean] Lobster is good but the crab has a terribly good flavour.

[Roddy] Oh no, that is excellent. That has been cooked just enough.

[Uisdean] Aye and we will put a fair ... Just ...

[Uisdean] The crab is ready. I have rinsed the squid. The prawns are done. The mussels are there. There is mayonnaise there ...

[Roddy] There is.

[Uisdean] ... and there is ...

[Roddy] The stuff that you made yourself.

[Uisdean] This is the mayonnaise. Oh it is. It is so quick to make mayonnaise.

[Roddy] It is.

[Uisdean] There is good tomato puree there. There is hot pepper sauce, Worcester sauce ...

[Roddy] Worcester sauce.

[Uisdean] ... a little bit of paprika ...

[Roddy] A little bit of paprika.

[Uisdean] ... and so in a dish we want, put mayonnaise. With that put maybe a spoon, so you want maybe a tablespoon, say, of mayonnaise and maybe half as much tomato puree. You want a little bit of the hot pepper sauce, a little bit of the Worcester sauce, juice from a lime ...

[Roddy] Juice from a lime.

[Uisdean] ... a little bit of paprika and there is a chilli there and if you cut up the chilli.

[Roddy] Ok.

[Uisdean] Just chop up ...

[Roddy] Well I will do that first.

[Uisdean] Aye and without the seeds.

[Roddy] Without the seeds.

[Uisdean] So the chilli will, like, go on the top, like, sprinkled on the top and that will be good.

[Uisdean] We are going to do two things with the lobster. There will be ... One of them will go under the grill with, like, a little bit of butter and that and we will eat one from the shell.

[Roddy] That will be good.

[Uisdean] Like so offbut the other one it will go on the plate, like? cold so we will do the one that is going under the grill first. In two pieces.

[Roddy] Do you do the whole chillies or just half of it?

[Uisdean] Och half, I think.

[Roddy] Half.

[Uisdean] Half. There isn't ... If we think that it needs more, we can add more.

[Roddy] Ok.

[Uisdean] And that now. Look at that lobster and there are a couple of pieces to remove from the ... We will remove that.

[Roddy] I have followed your recipe precisely. I hope that it worked. It looks very good.

[Uisdean] I am looking at that now, looks good.

[Roddy] It does, yes.

[Uisdean] Did you remember there is lime ...

[Roddy] Lime went in. Half of it in.

[Uisdean] Very good.

[Roddy] Does it need anything?

[Uisdean] Maybe a little bit of lime juice?

[Roddy] A little bit more.

[Uisdean] "Lìm"? Why is it "lìm"?

[Roddy] I don't know. Cha b' e ruith ach "lìm".

[Roddy] Although it doesn't need a lot of cooking there is work to be done with shellfish eh?

[Uisdean] There is work ... There is work preparing it. There is lots of preparation involved. On one of those plates we want a little bit of lettuce.

[Roddy] Do you want it whole or cut or ...?

[Uisdean] If you keep, like, if you shred a little bit.

[Uisdean] A couple of pieces there. We will throw that, like, under the grill. We will lift that out just so that it lifts away easily. You could put something like cheese on top of this.

[Roddy] You could.

[Uisdean] But I don't think that that is going to do anything for it. If you were Michelin starred you would do lots more trimming of this than I am.

[Roddy] Aye.

[Roddy] How long will that be, Uisdean?

[Uisdean] Oh, like, two or three minutes. We will keep an eye on it.

[Uisdean] Oh right, see when I said "shred the lettuce".

[Roddy] That is what I did.

[Roddy] Aye, aye, it is.

[Roddy] I thought that you wanted a kind of, you know, keeping with the ...

[Uisdean] Aye, aye.

[Roddy] ... sea theme. That it was a kind of boat that you wanted.

[Uisdean] Aye, aye. When I said "bed" I was thinking something comfy.

[Roddy] I didn't know that you were going, like, abstract like that at all.

[Uisdean] Aye just something, something like that.

[Uisdean] We just want, we will put just a little dollop of the mayonnaise just under it. You don't want too much taste of the mayonnaise on the crab but ...

[Roddy] There, mate.

[Uisdean] Oh there we go.

[Roddy] There we go.

[Roddy] This looks good.

[Uisdean] This goes terribly well with ...

[Roddy] I imagine, aye.

[Uisdean] ... white crab meat.

[Uisdean] A couple of twists of pepper on that. If you put the wedges around that.

[Roddy] I will do that. You know, if you do the donkey work I can make things very tidy.

[Uisdean] Aye, aye, it is, it is.

[Uisdean] What good slaps you did there.

[Uisdean] We will put everything on the plate when it comes out.

[Roddy] Very good, very good.

[Uisdean] So that is ... I will put just a little bit of extra butter on this.

[Roddy] How vital, Uisdean, is it that you give the squid just the time that it needs?

[Uisdean] You don't want them to be on too long at all because ...

[Roddy] Aye. There will go like rubber.

[Uisdean] They will, they will fair go rubber and ... It will only take a little minute.

[Roddy] It doesn't require any longer.

[Uisdean] It doesn't require any longer.

[Roddy] It doesn't require any longer. That is almost starting to cook already eh?

[Uisdean] Oh aye. It won't take long at all. It will go white and that is it ready.

[Roddy] I can see the colour changing here and there.

[Uisdean] Yes so it is fair .. Keep turning it until it gets, like, a little bit whiter. You don't want anything on this apart from, like, a little bit of lemon juice.

[Uisdean] That is ... The lobsters are there so we can, I think ...

[Roddy] Lay a proper towel …

[Uisdean] A proper towel That is the "tubhailt".

[Roddy] It isn't, but that is the "searadair".

[Uisdean] No, "tubhailt".

[Roddy] "Searbhadair".

[Uisdean] A "searbhadair" is someone from Shader.

This programme, Seòid a’ Chidsin, was first broadcast in 2017.
















big pot






nail, claw

Cha b' e ruith ach leum

He did not run but jumped

Cha b' e ruith ach "lìm"

He did not run but lime


towel (This is used in Lewis)


towel (This is used everywhere apart from Lewis)