FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Food Biadh

B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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A’ chèic theòclaid aig Eilidh NicChoinnich

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Eilidh] So tha sinn a’ cur a h-uile càil ann an seo. Seo ochd unnsaichean flùir, self-raising feumaidh tu a chleachdadh, agus an aon caster sugar, ochd unnsaichean cuideachd, agus marg an aite ìm. Ochd unnsaichean cuideachd.

[Màiri] Ochd unnsaichean den a h-uile sìon . Mar sin tha mi a’ smaointinn gur e sponge gu math mòr a bhios an seo.

[Eilidh] ’S e. Tha sinn ga dhèanamh ann an dà leth agus ga chur air muin a chèile. Nise seo dà table spoon còco, dà spàin teatha baking powder, ceithir uighean agus dà tablespoon bùrn blàth.

[Màiri] A h-uile sìon dìreach uile còmhla dhan bhobhla?

[Eilidh] Mm-huh.

[Màiri] Cò dh’ionnsaich seo dhut?

[Eilidh] Leabhar, ach ’s e dà reasabaidh a th’ ann is chuir sinn na dhà còmhla. Bha aona, cha robh thu a’ cur a h-uile càil ri chèile ach tha e nas fhasa mar seo is tha e gu math blasta cuideachd. Ach tha mi a’ dol a chur seo timcheall a-nis, h-uile càil còmhla gus am bi a h-uile càil mar aon.

[Eilidh] Seo a-nis. Tha mi a’ smaointinn gu bheil seo deiseil. Tha sinn a’ dol ga roinn eadar an dà thiona agus ga chur dhan àmhainn.

[Màiri] Dè seòrsa teas?

[Eilidh] Mas e fan oven a th’ agad, ceud is ceathrad airson leth-uair a thìde no ceud is seasgad airson fichead ’s a còig mionaid ma tha an àmhainn againn agad.

[Màiri] Dè tha a’ dol dhan icing ma-thà?

[Eilidh] Ìm, icing sugar agus còco is rud beag bùirn. Ann an seo tha dà unnsa ime agam is tha mi a’ dol a chur unnsa còco a-steach ann agus rud beag dhen seo. Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil sia unnsaichean icing sugar ann an seo ach cuiridh sinn rud beag ann an toiseach.

[Màiri] Tha fhios gum feum thu deagh chuid icing co-dhiù. Am bi thu a’ cur icing eadar an dà chèic ...

[Eilidh] Agus air am mhuin.

[Màiri] ... agus air a’ mhullach? So feumaidh tu deagh chuid.

[Eilidh] Agus rud beag bùirn is tha mi a’ dol a chur seo timcheall agus a’ cur seo ann cuideachd agus chì sinn mar a thèid dhuinn.

[Eilidh] Tha mi a’ dol a dhèanamh dà leth air an seo ’s a chur leth anns a’ mheadhan agus an leth eile air a’ mhullach.

[Màiri] Tha an icing a’ coimhead fìor mhilis.

[Eilidh] Tha.

[Màiri] Chan fheum e a bhith ach tana cuideachd air sgàth ’s tha thu ga chur air a’ mhullach agus anns a’ mheadhan.

[Eilidh] Chan eil feum agad air tòrr a bharrachd idir. Feumaidh tu a bhith faiceallach leis a’ mhullach oir bidh e a’ steigeadh ris an icing uaireannan. So cuir air bìdeag mar seo e.

[Màiri] ’S dòcha uisge teth no rudeigin a dh’fheumas tu.

[Eilidh] Agus spatula, bidh sin ag obrachadh cuideachd. Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gum bi sinn ceart gu leòr.

[Màiri] ’S dh’fhaodadh tu, can, sponge sam bith a dhèanamh. Sponge coffee.

[Eilildh] Dh’fhaodadh. Tha e gu math furasta.

[Màiri] Blas sam bith a dhèanamh leis dìreach anns an aon dòigh anns an do rinn thusa an teòclaid.

[Eilidh] Dh’fhaodadh. Bidh sinne a’ dèanamh ... ’s e an aon rud a tha sinne a’ cleachdadh - ochd unnsaichean flùir, siùcar, marg, ceithir uighean agus an uair sin cofaidh an àite còco, ach dìreach cuir mu dhà tablespoon instant coffee a tha thu air a dhèanamh an àird agus rud beag a bharrachd flùir agus obraichidh sin. Seo nis, faodaidh sinn seo fheuchainn.

[Màiri] Seall cho snog ’s a tha sin a’ coimhead.

[Eilidh] Seo a-nis.

[Eilidh] A bheil e ceart gu leòr?

[Màiri] Chan eil e ro mhilis. Sin mar as toigh leamsa e. Fìor mhath.

[Eilidh] Nì sin a’ chùis.

[Màiri] Saoil an gabh a reic?

Chaidh am prògram seo, Fuine, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2013. Le taing do Caledonia TV.



Eilidh MacKenzie’s chocolate cake

English Beurla

[Eilidh] So we put everything in here. Here is eight ounces of self-raising flour that you have to use, and the same of caster sugar, eight ounces as well, and marg instead of butter, eight ounces as well.

[Màiri] Eight ounces of everything. So I think this will be a very big sponge.

[Eilidh] Yes. We make it in two halves and put them on top of each other. Now here is two tablespoons of cocoa, two teaspoons of baking powder, four eggs and two tablespoons of warm water.

[Màiri] Everything just all together in the bowl?

[Eilidh] Mm-huh.

[Màiri] Who taught you this?

[Eilidh] A book, but it’s two recipes and we put the two together. There was one, you didn’t put everything together but it’s easier like this way it’s very tasty as well. But I’m going to mix this now, everything together so that everything becomes one.

[Eilidh] Here then. I think that this is ready. We are going to divide it between the two tins and put it in the oven.

[Màiri] What sort of heat?

[Eilidh] If you have got a fan oven, one hundred and forty for half an hour or one hundred and sixty for twenty five minutes if you have our oven.

[Màiri] What goes in the icing then?

[Eilidh] Butter, icing sugar, cocoa and a wee bit of water. Here I have two ounces of butter and I’m going to put an ounce of cocoa in and a wee bit of this. I think that there’s six ounces of icing sugar here but we’ll put a wee bit in first.

[Màiri] You must surely need fair amount of icing anyway. Do you put icing between the two cakes ...

[Eilidh] And on the top.

[Màiri] ... and on the top? So you’ll need a fair amount.

[Eilidh] And a wee bit of water and I’m going to mix this and put this in as well and we’ll see how it goes for us.

[Eilidh] I’m going to make two halves here and put half in the middle and the other half on the top.

[Màiri] The icing looks very sweet.

[Eilidh] Yes.

[Eilidh] It need only be thin as well since you’re putting it on the top and in the middle.

[Eilidh] You don’t need a lot extra at all. You need to be careful with the top because it sticks to the icing sometimes. So put a wee bit like this on.

[Màiri] Maybe you need hot water or something.

[Eilidh] And a spatula, that works as well. I think that we’ll be alright.

[Màiri] And you could, say, make any sponge. A coffee sponge.

[Eilidh] Yes. It’s very simple.

[Màiri] Make any flavour with it just in the same way in which you made the chocolate.

[Eilidh] You could. We make ... it’s the same thing that we use -eight ounces of flour, sugar, marg, four eggs and and then coffee instead of cocoa, but just add about two tablespoons of instant coffee that you have made up and a wee bit more flour and that will work. Now then, we can try this.

[Màiri] Look how nice that looks.

[Eilidh] There now.

[Eilidh] Is it alright?

[Màiri] It’s not too sweet. That’s how I like it. Really good.

[Eilidh] That will do.

[Màiri] I wonder if it can be sold?

This programme, Fuine, was first broadcast in 2013. Courtesy of Caledonia TV



A’ chèic theòclaid aig Eilidh NicChoinnich

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Eilidh] So tha sinn a’ cur a h-uile càil ann an seo. Seo ochd unnsaichean flùir, self-raising feumaidh tu a chleachdadh, agus an aon caster sugar, ochd unnsaichean cuideachd, agus marg an aite ìm. Ochd unnsaichean cuideachd.

[Màiri] Ochd unnsaichean den a h-uile sìon . Mar sin tha mi a’ smaointinn gur e sponge gu math mòr a bhios an seo.

[Eilidh] ’S e. Tha sinn ga dhèanamh ann an dà leth agus ga chur air muin a chèile. Nise seo dà table spoon còco, dà spàin teatha baking powder, ceithir uighean agus dà tablespoon bùrn blàth.

[Màiri] A h-uile sìon dìreach uile còmhla dhan bhobhla?

[Eilidh] Mm-huh.

[Màiri] Cò dh’ionnsaich seo dhut?

[Eilidh] Leabhar, ach ’s e dà reasabaidh a th’ ann is chuir sinn na dhà còmhla. Bha aona, cha robh thu a’ cur a h-uile càil ri chèile ach tha e nas fhasa mar seo is tha e gu math blasta cuideachd. Ach tha mi a’ dol a chur seo timcheall a-nis, h-uile càil còmhla gus am bi a h-uile càil mar aon.

[Eilidh] Seo a-nis. Tha mi a’ smaointinn gu bheil seo deiseil. Tha sinn a’ dol ga roinn eadar an dà thiona agus ga chur dhan àmhainn.

[Màiri] Dè seòrsa teas?

[Eilidh] Mas e fan oven a th’ agad, ceud is ceathrad airson leth-uair a thìde no ceud is seasgad airson fichead ’s a còig mionaid ma tha an àmhainn againn agad.

[Màiri] Dè tha a’ dol dhan icing ma-thà?

[Eilidh] Ìm, icing sugar agus còco is rud beag bùirn. Ann an seo tha dà unnsa ime agam is tha mi a’ dol a chur unnsa còco a-steach ann agus rud beag dhen seo. Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil sia unnsaichean icing sugar ann an seo ach cuiridh sinn rud beag ann an toiseach.

[Màiri] Tha fhios gum feum thu deagh chuid icing co-dhiù. Am bi thu a’ cur icing eadar an dà chèic ...

[Eilidh] Agus air am mhuin.

[Màiri] ... agus air a’ mhullach? So feumaidh tu deagh chuid.

[Eilidh] Agus rud beag bùirn is tha mi a’ dol a chur seo timcheall agus a’ cur seo ann cuideachd agus chì sinn mar a thèid dhuinn.

[Eilidh] Tha mi a’ dol a dhèanamh dà leth air an seo ’s a chur leth anns a’ mheadhan agus an leth eile air a’ mhullach.

[Màiri] Tha an icing a’ coimhead fìor mhilis.

[Eilidh] Tha.

[Màiri] Chan fheum e a bhith ach tana cuideachd air sgàth ’s tha thu ga chur air a’ mhullach agus anns a’ mheadhan.

[Eilidh] Chan eil feum agad air tòrr a bharrachd idir. Feumaidh tu a bhith faiceallach leis a’ mhullach oir bidh e a’ steigeadh ris an icing uaireannan. So cuir air bìdeag mar seo e.

[Màiri] ’S dòcha uisge teth no rudeigin a dh’fheumas tu.

[Eilidh] Agus spatula, bidh sin ag obrachadh cuideachd. Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gum bi sinn ceart gu leòr.

[Màiri] ’S dh’fhaodadh tu, can, sponge sam bith a dhèanamh. Sponge coffee.

[Eilildh] Dh’fhaodadh. Tha e gu math furasta.

[Màiri] Blas sam bith a dhèanamh leis dìreach anns an aon dòigh anns an do rinn thusa an teòclaid.

[Eilidh] Dh’fhaodadh. Bidh sinne a’ dèanamh ... ’s e an aon rud a tha sinne a’ cleachdadh - ochd unnsaichean flùir, siùcar, marg, ceithir uighean agus an uair sin cofaidh an àite còco, ach dìreach cuir mu dhà tablespoon instant coffee a tha thu air a dhèanamh an àird agus rud beag a bharrachd flùir agus obraichidh sin. Seo nis, faodaidh sinn seo fheuchainn.

[Màiri] Seall cho snog ’s a tha sin a’ coimhead.

[Eilidh] Seo a-nis.

[Eilidh] A bheil e ceart gu leòr?

[Màiri] Chan eil e ro mhilis. Sin mar as toigh leamsa e. Fìor mhath.

[Eilidh] Nì sin a’ chùis.

[Màiri] Saoil an gabh a reic?

Chaidh am prògram seo, Fuine, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2013. Le taing do Caledonia TV.



Eilidh MacKenzie’s chocolate cake

English Beurla

[Eilidh] So we put everything in here. Here is eight ounces of self-raising flour that you have to use, and the same of caster sugar, eight ounces as well, and marg instead of butter, eight ounces as well.

[Màiri] Eight ounces of everything. So I think this will be a very big sponge.

[Eilidh] Yes. We make it in two halves and put them on top of each other. Now here is two tablespoons of cocoa, two teaspoons of baking powder, four eggs and two tablespoons of warm water.

[Màiri] Everything just all together in the bowl?

[Eilidh] Mm-huh.

[Màiri] Who taught you this?

[Eilidh] A book, but it’s two recipes and we put the two together. There was one, you didn’t put everything together but it’s easier like this way it’s very tasty as well. But I’m going to mix this now, everything together so that everything becomes one.

[Eilidh] Here then. I think that this is ready. We are going to divide it between the two tins and put it in the oven.

[Màiri] What sort of heat?

[Eilidh] If you have got a fan oven, one hundred and forty for half an hour or one hundred and sixty for twenty five minutes if you have our oven.

[Màiri] What goes in the icing then?

[Eilidh] Butter, icing sugar, cocoa and a wee bit of water. Here I have two ounces of butter and I’m going to put an ounce of cocoa in and a wee bit of this. I think that there’s six ounces of icing sugar here but we’ll put a wee bit in first.

[Màiri] You must surely need fair amount of icing anyway. Do you put icing between the two cakes ...

[Eilidh] And on the top.

[Màiri] ... and on the top? So you’ll need a fair amount.

[Eilidh] And a wee bit of water and I’m going to mix this and put this in as well and we’ll see how it goes for us.

[Eilidh] I’m going to make two halves here and put half in the middle and the other half on the top.

[Màiri] The icing looks very sweet.

[Eilidh] Yes.

[Eilidh] It need only be thin as well since you’re putting it on the top and in the middle.

[Eilidh] You don’t need a lot extra at all. You need to be careful with the top because it sticks to the icing sometimes. So put a wee bit like this on.

[Màiri] Maybe you need hot water or something.

[Eilidh] And a spatula, that works as well. I think that we’ll be alright.

[Màiri] And you could, say, make any sponge. A coffee sponge.

[Eilidh] Yes. It’s very simple.

[Màiri] Make any flavour with it just in the same way in which you made the chocolate.

[Eilidh] You could. We make ... it’s the same thing that we use -eight ounces of flour, sugar, marg, four eggs and and then coffee instead of cocoa, but just add about two tablespoons of instant coffee that you have made up and a wee bit more flour and that will work. Now then, we can try this.

[Màiri] Look how nice that looks.

[Eilidh] There now.

[Eilidh] Is it alright?

[Màiri] It’s not too sweet. That’s how I like it. Really good.

[Eilidh] That will do.

[Màiri] I wonder if it can be sold?

This programme, Fuine, was first broadcast in 2013. Courtesy of Caledonia TV