FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Country pursuits Cur-seachadan dùthchail

Going to the moorlandA' dol chun na mòintich

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

tha iad a’ dol a-mach chun na mòintich they are going out to the moor

chun na mòintich to the moor

bog fliuch soaking wet

faisg air an tràigh near the beach

ri taobh na coille beside the wood

ri taobh an locha beside the loch

Video is playing in pop-over.

Man 1 Feasgar math. Good afternoon.
Man 2 Tha Gàidhlig agaibh! You speak Gaelic!
Woman Tha gu leòr. Yes, plenty.
Man 2 Càit a bheil sibh a’ dol? Where are you going?
Woman Tha sinn a’ dol a-mach chun na mòintich. We are going out onto the moor.
Man 2 Tha i gu math fliuch fhathast. It’s still quite wet.
Woman Tha ach tha teanta mhath againn. Yes, but we have a good tent.
Man 2 Uill, tha mi an dòchas gum bi turadh ann. Well, I hope that it stays dry.
Man 1 Tìoraidh. Cheerio.
Man 2 Tìoraidh. Cheerio.
Father Càit an tèid sinn an-diugh? Where will we go today?
Son Am faod sinn a dhol a-mach chun na mòintich? Can we go out onto the moor?
Father Faodaidh.
Dè tha thu airson a dhèanamh?
What do you want to do?
Son Bu toigh leam a dhol a dh’ iasgach. I’d like to go fishing.
Father Bhiodh sin math.
Fuirich dà dhiog.
Tha sinn a’ dol a-mach chun na mòintich.
A bheil thu airson tighinn?
That would be good.
Wait two seconds.
We’re going out onto the moor.
Do you want to come?
Mother Chan eil, a ghràidh.
Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil an t-uisge a’ dol a thighinn.
Saoil am bi iasg againn airson dìnnear a-nochd?
No, dear.
I think that it’s going to rain.
Will we have fish for dinner tonight?
Father Cia mheud a tha thu ag iarraidh? How many do you want?
Son Tha mi an dòchas gu bheil iasg anns an loch seo. I hope that there are fish in this loch.
Father Tha gu dearbh.
Tha breac ann co-dhiù.
’S dòcha gu bheil bradan ann cuideachd.
There are indeed.
There are trout in it anyway.
There are probably salmon in it too.
Hotelier Agus dè cho fada ’s a bhios sibh a’ fuireach? And how long will you be staying?
Guest Trì làithean ma tha sin ceart gu leòr. Three days if that’s alright?
Hotelier Ò tha.
’S toigh leibh iasgach?
Oh yes.
Do you like fishing?
Guest ’S toigh l'.
A bheil fhios agaibh dè an t-àite as fheàrr airson iasgach an seo?
Do you know where the best place for fishing is here?
Hotelier Feumaidh sibh dhol a-mach chun na mòintich.
Tha lochain gu leòr an-siud.
Agus, càit an robh sibhse ma-thà?
You need to go out onto the moor.
There are plenty small lochs there.
And, where were you then?
Guest 2 Chaidh sinn a-mach chun na mòintich an-dè. We went out onto the moor yesterday.
Hotelier A’ campadh?
Tha i gu math fliuch a-muigh an sin.
It’s very wet out there.
Guest 2 Abair e.
Tha a h-uile rud againn bog fliuch.
Tell me about it!
Everything we have is soaking wet.
Hotelier Trobhadaibh a-steach ma-thà. Come in then.
Guest 2 Tapadh leibhs’. Thank you.