FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

The weather Aimsir – faclan farsaing

Absolute Beginners (A1) - Useful Words (20 words)

The weather is an important talking point in Scotland, especially because of how changeable the day can often be! Here’s some general weather words to get you started.
People use these words when they talk about the weather.
Tha an aimsir na cuspair còmhraidh glè chudromach ann an Alba, gu h-araid leis cho caochladach ’s a dh’fhaodas an latha a bhith gu tric! Mar toiseach-tòiseachaidh seo faclan farsaing mun aimsir.
Bidh daoine a’ cleachdadh na faclan seo nuair a tha iad a’ bruidhinn mun t-sìde.

Tha Fichead Facal ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh facal sam bith san colbh Gàidhlig agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh gnè an fhacail ann.Twenty Words is integrated with the dictionary. Choose any word in the Gaelic column and the dictionary will open and you will see the gender of the Gaelic word.

English Gàidhlig  
weather sìde <))
weather aimsir <))
weather forecast tuairmse sìde <))
rain an t-uisge <))
cloud sgòth <))
mist ceò <))
the sun a’ ghrian <))
high pressure bruthadh àrd <))
low pressure bruthadh ìosal <))

The sun is important for different times of the day. Tha a’ ghrian cudromach airson diofar amannan den latha.

English Gàidhlig  
sunrise èirigh na grèine <))
sunset dol fodha na grèine <))

Say this if you want to talk about the weather. Can seo nuair a tha thu fhèin a’ bruidhinn mun aimsir.

English Gàidhlig  
It is dry. Tha i tioram <))
It is … Tha i … <))
dry tioram <))
wet fliuch <))
nice snog <))
sunny grianach <))
warm blàth <))
hot teth <))
cold fuar <))
windy gaothach <))
calm ciùin <))

Remember the dictionary with audio files and more! In addition to this we have plenty of free online resources to begin your own Gaelic-learning adventure and we have our course finder too. Cuimhnich gu bheil am faclair ann le faidhlichean fuaim is eile! A bharrachd air an sin, tha goireasan gu leòr ann airson Gàidhlig ionnsachadh air-loidhne aig gach ìre agus tha liosta de chùrsaichean ann cuideachd.